The Game Warrior

Chapter 298: Unpredictable Peach Blossom Forest

The sixth fireworks in March, Yangzhou, Chapter 298. The Unpredictable Peach Blossom Forest was inspired by Du Guhong's big wind song.

Just after entering the forest, there was an involuntary sound of "reliance".

It turned out that although the fog in the peach blossom forest was not as wide as the reach of the five fingers, the five-step vision was true. Even if Du Guhong Gongning's eyes opened the explosive vision with his innate skills, the scope of the vision could only be seen in twenty or thirty steps.

In this dense fog, it ’s not so easy to find the trap and kill the ambush alone. It ’s not so easy to find the right direction. The direction is to need the sun, but here the shining sun is just a ball above the head. Hazy white and looming.

It was not like this a day ago. Du Guhong used the Qimen Dunjia feedback to get such a message: "The 6 ruins of the 6 Jiazhuang ruins are at level 15."

In other words, the players of Qimen Dunjia who walked in Qimen Dunjia cloth are like two people playing Go. The level of Qimen Dunjia means that the two people see through the steps of subsequent changes.Although people who see more changes will mostly win. But the possibility of overturning in the gutter is not ruled out.

The fifteen to nineteen gap is not that big.

Du Guhong clearly remembered that the level of the maze here was only eight a day ago.

In addition to representing the complexity of its changes, the maze level is another very intuitive indicator. That is, the amplification value of the unit length in the eighth-level maze will be stretched to eight steps, so in the fifteenth-level maze. The long multiple is fifteen.

That means that the distance between the two concentric rings on the island of two or three miles in the inner lake is ten or six miles, and the distance between the two concentric rings has now been expanded to seven or eighty miles.

Seventy or eighty miles is not a long distance for the players in the game, but do n’t forget that the fog is here, but the five or six steps must eliminate the trap and kill the ambush on the premise of ensuring their own safety. It's so easy.

Moreover, a fifteen-fold increase in the straight-line distance means that the area of ​​the square is expanded by 225 times and then multiplied by fifteen times the height of the terrain. At this moment, the complexity of this small island is at least equivalent to five or six thousand square kilometers of dangerous mountain forest.

What's more, the complexity of the formation rises squarely as the level increases.

Because the Qimen Dunjia Matrix designed by the system has the difference between so-called fixed point, overlapping point and reflecting point.

The so-called fixed point is that the one-to-one correspondence rule that maintains the space in the maze is where it will not disappear and will not move. It takes a long time to refresh the place that is not controlled by the maze rules.

This kind of place is the pointer in the maze and the rudimentary map provided by the imperial court is several ghost symbols drawn in series.

The meaning of the so-called overlap point is basically the same as the transmission point, that is, the space of folding and twisting. The position of entering the overlap point and the direction of exiting the overlap point will jointly determine the position where you are transmitted.

Good luck. Maybe you will be sent to the destination by a single click. If you are unlucky, you may be surrounded by the single point in your life.

If you want to come and go in the maze, you can only do it if you thoroughly understand the working principle of the overlap, and each maze has its own set of rules. Qimen Dunjia can only help you understand these rules more quickly but not directly. Instill rules into your mind so everything depends on the player's own analytical skills.

As for the so-called reflection point, just as its name is a point where there is no illusion at all, it is generated by real points projected by some rules.

Fixed point is also called real point overlap or imaginary point is also called imaginary point.

Adding the area of ​​the space occupied by the fixed point is exactly equal to the area of ​​the field occupied by the large array. That is to say, because the space expanded by the matrix method is completely filled with the projection of the projection point and the overlap of the distribution of the array method.

The distance of the second-level array is doubled, the area becomes four times, and the area of ​​the real point is only one quarter. That means that each real point is projected at least three times on average. The third-level array is eight times. The fourth level is fifteen times. ...... This also caused the phenomenon of why the marking in the maze maze cannot go out, because these pixels of the real point are copied. Although the marking of the real point itself will not be copied, there is one between these points. When marked, all the pixels of the same projection will be affected to show the same change.

In the low-level maze, there is no change in the number of dots. As long as it is not affected by the marks you made, it is only a matter of time to identify the direction and get out of the maze.

But in the large array with a sufficiently high level, it is said that the pixels are reprojected every once in a while. For example, four eight-array images ... The Taolin maze in front of you should not have reached that level, but it can be guaranteed that the maze There must be a considerable number of overlapping points in it.

And as the level increases, the difficulty increases. In addition to the change of the virtual point, there is another important thing. That is, the real point is evacuated. The fixed point like a street lamp will become as inconspicuous as a water drop in the sea with the expansion of the square level. thing. UU reading

In places where the external conditions are extremely bad and it is difficult to rely on the sun or stars to identify the direction, this undoubtedly greatly increases the difficulty of breaking through the barrier.

The ghost symbols provided by the imperial court are marked by only some real points connected in series. The real points are connected by lines. Almost ten unrelated things that can be called circular involutes follow this road to the heart of the island. There are at least four or five hundred miles and each team faces nearly the same distance.

After all, this is a fair and natural starting point for a game.

However, under such harsh external conditions, it is possible to move along such a track to resist the finish line for three to five days or even more than ten days.

The opposite of the distance is that there will be no overlaps on this road, as long as you can honestly follow the map instructions and finally reach the heart of the island.

What is it to use your own ability to directly cross the maze obstacles and insert into the heart of the island?

Or do you follow the map of the game honestly and don't follow those evil ways?

Ten teams are facing the first choice ...

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