The Game Warrior

Chapter 328: Evil Sword

The sixth fireworks, March, Yangzhou, Chapter 328, the evil spirits of the sword, silently for a while, the crowd immediately heard a stronger voice

"Damn shamelessly so many hit one and still play sneak attack! Hungry poke a stick ten stick !? This is abusive.

"Okay! Have fun again and again!" This is loud.

For a while, the fast sword had already received the attacking force among the noise of the gongs and drums, and a backhand quickly and extremely strangely stabs back to Duguhong behind him.

His degree is indeed worth seeing. Du Guhong just stretched out his hand and pushed down the six-vein sword, and he had no time to avoid the other party. This thorn can only be instantaneously emptied by the arm. .

It seems that this sword technique is not only quick damage but also considerable.

A sword soaring blood draws out the sword, and fast sword is about to chase the key point. At this time, Du Guhong laughs abnormally.

"What are you laughing at?" Du Guhong's abominable fast sword attacked and asked about this sword because he was distracted by Du Guhong.

Du Guhong is currently compressed to a ratio of 2.6 compared with some people in the Secret Service group a. It is not too low. With his deep internal force, even if the internal force is hard, no one can be his opponent. So a hard sword and a fast sword are instantly floating. fly.

Swallowing a medicine to get rid of the crisis, Du Guhong said the answer: "I laughed, but I didn't expect anyone in this game to practice something like evil swordsmanship !?

Evil Swordsmanship? Want to practice magical skills and wield a sword from the palace? The crowd first stunned, then suddenly suddenly upset

Yeah, besides the evil spirits, what other swordsmanship would be so fast that Du Guhong even escaped the crowd of people, and there was a burst of laughter from the sea, and tens of thousands of eyes came to look at the evil spirits, even if he really still has jj. I am afraid that so many eyes will be cooked in the first place.

As the crowd laughed, the momentary redness on the face of the evil sword sword, even in the virtual world, even if it was just a game face, this kind of thing would still stay!

"You ... you ... nonsense" The wicked swordsmanship shivered and just said these words and then could say nothing

At the moment when he distracted himself to defend himself, Du Guhong's long shot raised him quickly and shot him a cold heart.

Seeing that the evil spirits could not even struggle, Du Guhong nodded: "Yes, I'm talking nonsense. Since you even used such tricks as sneak attacks, I just verbally blamed you for not being excessive?"

"You ... you ..." After all, the twitching body of the evil sword-sword twitching body irreversibly faded.

Finally, before he completely acted, Du Guhong sighed and helped him to get his name right: "I know you are practicing a knightly swordsmanship to kill one person in ten steps"

There is no detailed description of the martial arts in the book of Mr. Jin Lao , Save Zhao with a golden hammer.

Among them, killing one person in ten steps is the fastest. Although the chic elegance of the sword and the fierceness of the evil sword are very different, they are inseparable, otherwise Du Guhong will not be framed by him for no reason.

In fact, this assassination was doomed to failure before they shot

Dayan Jue didn't enter the battle before it started to function, but he revolved around Du Guhong at any time and any place to analyze all the changes around him and deal with the data submission anomalies.

For players in the range covered by Dayan Jue, as long as they make a little action, Dayan Jue can judge many things according to the degree of action, such as agility, strength attributes and synchronization rate, etc. If a special function is used The data obtained by law or martial arts is more detailed.

The Six Veins Excalibur and the Ten-Step Kill One were hidden in the surrounding houses from the beginning. They did not find out until the parade passed them in front of the house. They mixed in the team and waited for the opportunity to assassinate. This method was originally very concealed. An ordinary word.

However, Du Guhong is a higher level of Da Yan tactics. The basic data may be wrong. It may require constant correction of deviations. But one thing is never wrong. That is whether the other party is in heaven.

Reaching the heavens, compressing the internal force, all the attributes of the donkey rolling, like turning up and using the reborn to change the bones, it is not excessive. It is also because a lot of ordinary people mix two heavens, as if a bunch of flashlights suddenly caught two incandescent lamps.

At the level of heaven, every move, one hand and one shot are actually different from ordinary people. This is to hide everything. They ca n’t hide it from the time they step into the five-foot guard range. It is less than a millisecond before Da Yan Jue judges. And there is a threat alert

Raise two heavenly positions among a large group of ordinary people. Do they still need to think about what they want to do?

One-on-two, with their own mentality and unintentionalness, can they escape the solitary hand of Du Guhong?

"I didn't expect Flying Shadow with the highest synchronization rate to kill him." At the same time, the Secret Service Group A camp fifty feet away was silent.

The failure of the Vajra Diamond Circle was due to the failure of Du Guhong to be too cunning and flying shadow, which shows that Du Guhong is alert enough that an opponent who has these two qualities is by no means a small means.

"Don't we have so many people who can't deal with him alone?" A crowd in the crowd shouted in disbelief, which should have encouraged morale. The result should be very few ~ ~ At this time, I have been clinging to my head. The password that fell asleep on the flagpole woke up and attracted everyone's attention: "The latest analysis results!"

"What results?" The eyes of the group of people suddenly light up. The special service group A is famous. In addition to their own abilities, the analysis room with a strong planning ability is the biggest hero behind the scenes.

It's just that the result predicted by the look of the password of the eyes of a thousand people is obviously not very good:

"According to the data from the previous few battles, the other party already has the ability to kill us with a one-click and a very high synchronization rate. With Lingbo ’s microstep, plus the reaction and strain he just showed, the conclusion is that Our numbers have no effect on the battle situation. "

"What do you mean?" Half of the listeners were shocked. It was natural for them to get used to the analysis room.

The password smiled bitterly: "It means that if you let him rush into us, even if we have more people, we will only be killed by him one by one"

"Hiss ..." A puff of breath.

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