The Game Warrior

Vol 2 Chapter 2: Moving house

The tenth battle in the second chapter of the ivory tower. The moving storm door tens of meters long in the air armored transport vehicle roared to the ground. The extreme changes were extremely dynamic and very quiet. This gave birth to the braking sound that today ’s vehicles simply cannot See how unrestrained the driver is.

The car door lifted up, and the woman in an uncharacteristic appearance didn't reach the escalator, and jumped directly from the height of three or four meters, and her legs did not bend, and her reluctance was obviously quite impressive.

Almost as she fell, she smiled loudly and said, "Do you need my help?"

Although it was a questioning tone to see that she even drove this kind of car, obviously there was no plan to be rejected. The legendary standard armored transport vehicle equipped with the army would have to be used for moving.

"Aunt Lin!" Ting yelled cleverly as Lin Ling passed by.

The stack of books she held was almost higher than her head. It looked very weird, but even more weird, Lin Ling didn't even notice anything abnormal in it.

I have said before that Lin Ling ’s good parents are senior officials, and the senior officials here refer to rankings in the military system.

Therefore, although Lin Ling has not yet carried out the corresponding vocational training, she has not been aware of Tata ’s strange power since she was young and the family heritage of the military family has allowed her to urinate and start to exercise a strong body.

Of course, this conclusion is only a unilateral inference from Du Guhong. He did not know that people were simply ignoring this scene because he had seen the power of the Eighteen Palms with his own eyes and then divided them into groups based on people.

Hearing this, Lin Ling looked depressed and stretched his hand to crumple Tata's head into a bird house: "I'm so old? Tata told you how many times since I've called you, my sister, and my sister, if you're calling me, Auntie, you will call your sister's mother. "

"Good Aunt Lin!" After listening to Lin Ling's tongue twister, he complained that Tata blinked, B blinked, and his big eyes cleverly responded to the sentence and then killed Lin Ling halfway.

Rolling his eyes helplessly Lin Ling shrugged to Snow: "Nuo Nuo, what good girl did you teach?"

This kind of teasing, Lin Ling said too much, Snow didn't think it was just an apologetic smile.

Lin Ling sighed and shook his head: "When Nono graduated, everyone is busy on a friendship trip to relax and vent. You are so impatient to talk to him." Lin Ling glanced at Du Guhong here, "Go build your little Love Nest? Even if you did n’t come to the party last night, would n’t you give me a face? "

Although it was a long time for such a stimulus, Snow smashed over with a big red face. It was easy to calm down and shook his head: "There is no need to have no friends."

Snow said the fact that she is an orphan, destined to have no future, when no one is ugly, she will be jealous of the same sex, or be unkind by the opposite sex. Do n’t look at her as a good wife and mother at home. It has always been known as Frost Beauty.

"Am I not your friend?" Lin Ling shouted.

"Of course, so you will come even if I don't go?" Snow smiled right.

"" Lin Ling was speechless for a while. "I really can't help you! Just forget what else to move and put it on the car address?"

"Sorry, we called the freight company five minutes before the empty container and arrived in five minutes."

"Then call back again." In some ways, Lin Ling is indeed a soldier's potential neat and clean.

Today, it seems that the visitor day of Du Guhong ’s villa just called back and reserved a group of people who put things together into Lin Ling ’s armored car. A small car came from a distance and then squeaked at the door of the villa.

The man in the suit pen had a briefcase in his eyes, and the man got out of the car with a serious look and walked towards Du Guhong seriously.

Seeing that this man Du Guhong put down something in his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted. This is the expression that he is about to soar. It is hard to see.

This uninvited guy is naturally known by Du Guhong. His name is really not worthy of the author ’s deliberate use of his brain to think of him as a lawyer.

Naturally, he was also the lawyer appointed by the government as the consultant for the preservation of Du Guhong ’s minors after the death story of Du Guhong ’s parents.

That is to say, he sent most of the savings left by Du Guhong's parents to make accident compensation, which only left Du Guhong a symbolic living expenses and training savings to make Du Guhong live a very limited period of time.

Inevitably, he received at least half of the rebates.

What he did as Du Guhong knew that it was only because he realized that the accident itself was unusual and even had direct instruction from government departments that Du Guhong did not dare to show his savvy fear of being cleared by the master behind the scenes.

After all, although he was clever at the time, he was just an ordinary person and had no ability to protect himself at all.

So until more than half a year after the incident, the turmoil gradually calmed down, coupled with a certain stimulus, this is what he now looks like.

Originally, if the lawyer did not come to this incident, Du Guhong would have forgotten that he was nothing more than a doll controlled by nature at all, but he didn't know anything at all, but how could he let go of Du Guhong today.

"I originally planned to come here today. When I now consign this house to the real estate company, I have to come even more." The push glasses lawyer stood firm in front of Du Guhong. "Maybe you have I forgot that you signed a license agreement. "

"This house hasn't belonged to you for a long time. It was the mortgage in the bank that paid off the compensation for your parents' accident. The reason why you live is because you have not yet been protected by law as a minor."

"Now that you have participated in the high school graduation cr ceremony and have fully participated in the independent legal responsibility, the house has nothing to do with you according to the regulations and we have no relationship since the moment of your cr."

"So things are serious," the lawyer continued with a somber voice. "Do you know what your behavior is by consigning a house that does not belong to you? That is called a crime. This house is worth more than 100,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan." The fraud case is enough for you to stay in prison for more than ten years, do you know? "

The lawyer's alarmist and intimidating threatened Du Guhong's seemingly hateless steel-like pain in his stomach. In fact, he had a lot of flowers: this silly kid originally thought he had lost the value of his use. Only when he reached a blast in his adult life He was a lot of money into the account, but he didn't expect that after checking the information after the house was consigned, this kid had already entered the Imperial University.

That's how the future cash cow can't hold it firmly!

Say he's stupid. He's really stupid. He has admitted to the IQ of the Imperial University, but after letting such a big handle fall into his own hands, is it not a word to ask him to round him up?

The lawyer Zheng Meimei was daydreaming and didn't pay attention. Whether Snow, Mo Ye, or Lin Ling were looking at him with sympathy, it was no different than watching a dead person.

Unsurprisingly, listening to the lawyer ’s words, Du Guhong did n’t look at him, but just said coldly: "Did that contract bring it?"

I did n’t see the scene where I was crying and begging for mercy. I was very dissatisfied with the lawyer ’s heart. The greedy gaze stayed on Snow ’s face was not disturbed and said: "Of course it was brought. Thought I lied to you? "

"Of course, you don't know if you take it out." Du Guhong's expression was mysterious.

Leng Heng whispered that the lawyer took out a mobile terminal from his briefcase and handed it to Du Guhong while whispering: yell, don't provoke me to be honest and soft, you will be better. Otherwise, do n’t want to go to the Imperial College to spend your second half of your life in prison. "

With a fully active lawyer, I feel that I should be tougher. Otherwise, this kid does not know how to be high and thick ~ ~ The contracts of the twenty-second century have not used paper and are unified. They are all electronic versions and there are no duplicates. The national database can only be read but not modified.

Manipulating the terminal to read the contract. In the dazed eyes of the lawyer, Du Guhong chose the option of identity verification. The electronic version of verification is quite tedious. There are five methods: fingerprint, DNA, pupil, brain wave, and signature.

When Du Guhong pressed his finger on the touch screen terminal and showed that the identity did not match, the lawyer's complexion finally changed. From then on, of course, Du Guhong's performance alone was no surprise. There was no match between DNA, pupils, and brain waves.

Waiting for Du Guhong to hold a pen and dashingly use the five different fonts on the touch screen to prove the illegality of the contract. The lawyer finally collapsed: "This is impossible. How can fingerprints, DNA, pupils can forge brain waves and signatures?"

"What's not possible?" Du Guhong smiled relative to "Mr. Attorney forged the contract, which seems to be a crime of fraud. It seems that the real estate involving more than 100,000 yuan is going to be jailed for more than ten years?"

The original words were then returned ...

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