The Game Warrior

Vol 2 Chapter 4: Learn from the teacher

The tenth battle in the fourth chapter of the Ivory Tower forced the teacher to learn art. I fell again.

"What are you doing?" Du Guhong stood up from the ground and stood up, covering his nose and looking at Lin Ling's eyes with tears and **** tears.

It's a pity that the expression and expression didn't take the Oscars.

It ’s just like seeing the picture on the big screen and knowing that it ’s fake. But the truth has made people know that any acting is useless. After all, it ’s called acting is not reality.

Lin Ling looked at Du Guhong's performance with a stern expression: "Don't pretend to do it, I know you have a good skill!" While talking about her another punch, the result was strong and hit Du Guhong's chest again. Made a call.

"You have never finished?" Du Guhong's gray head didn't even get up, so he sat down on the ground. "Are you reading a lot of Yaya novels? Good skills? Are you a master of martial arts?"

"I don't know if I am but I know that you are ..." Lin Lingjiao clenched his fists with a loud cry. "Can I really hit it if I don't do it again?" Then she bent down and attacked Du Guhong.

Although it was the thick muscle part of the shoulder, Du Guhong knew that if the punch was caught without any means, his arm would not be lifted within a few weeks.

She was so sure that Du Guhong looked at Lin Ling's eyes in doubt and he had to move.

The anger and inner strength of those eyes are full of Nijun's smile, which is the proud laugh, the smile of the prank, the meaning is mostly: Are you pretending? Then continue to pretend to just let me have a full blow!

The anger on the surface is just what she pretends to be. Even the vague words are intentionally said to make Du Guhong feel lucky. As long as he still feels lucky, he will not easily show his feet and can only let Lin Ling beat and not fight back. ...

Woman is vicious!

For a moment, I wondered where these Du Guhong dared to hide their clumsy shoulders and flicked Lin Ling's fist, and then jumped high with his hands on the ground. Yi Hao stepped on the foot kicked by Lin Ling and the whole person fluttered. Exited Lin Ling's attack.

"Is there really such a kung fu?" Although Du Guhong's movements are simple and ordinary kung fu masters can also make it, but the full of the understatement, the ease of the taste is anxious and slow, but it is a realistic combat skill. Not coming out.

Lin Ling, of course, was able to see from one glance that he could see at a glance that his eyes lit up an arrow step and rushed over his long legs to sweep Du Guhong's waist.

Where does Du Guhong give her the opportunity to walk around and swipe across her entire body as soon as she pokes her fingers in between her chest and abdomen, and then stands a mile away and settles herself to turn around.

"Acupoint ?!" Lin Ling's eyes widened, his eyes groaned in his eyes, but he shook his head without raising his hand, and the whole person could only stand still, holding a leg in a sweeping motion.

But after all, acupuncture is only a fantasy of writers. In fact, a person usually keeps standing by his own center of gravity to adjust the body to swing slightly in a slight way. If this swing stops two legs, it may not be able to stand still, let alone Lin. Ling is now the golden rooster's independent posture.

So two seconds later ...

I do n’t know if it ’s Du Guhong ’s time for acupuncture, or if she ’s blessed by misfortune, her veins fell down, she rubbed her knees, she would stand up, and mutter to herself: “It ’s hard to point acupuncture points. I can't believe it ... "

As a result, she was just halfway up and still staying forward. There was another slap in the vest ...

This time it was a sturdy felling of a dog to eat shit. Although he did not have nosebleeds like Du Guhong, his forehead swelled.

"What are you doing ?!" She also learned Du Guhong's strokes and simply rubbed her forehead to sit on the ground.

Du Guhong's expressionless expression: "Do you have any doubts about my fall when I fell?"

"..." Since Du Guhong said this, Lin Ling gritted her teeth and stood still, but when she got up, her expression changed completely, as if the little girl who loves gems and jewels saw the world's largest diamond. It's all little stars blinking brightly.

The high level of rapid change of face may only be able to compete with Qingxia and Manyu.

She looked at the question in Du Guhong's mouth and came out like a machine gun: "How is this possible? How did you do it? It's not that there is no such thing as internal power. Even the word is just a guy named Pingjiang Buxiaosheng. Is it born? Even if Taijiquan is only called Neijiaquan, it does n’t run with any internal force at all? What about point acupuncture? It ’s so vague that there is no way to confirm the point meridian. You ... "

Her question, Du Guhong also wanted to know why God knew that his ability would bring martial arts out of the game and not only seemed to work for herself and others ...

There is a saying called Du Guhong kicking his nose on the face and pulling his head on his head. Of course, he will not give Lin Ling the opportunity to ask her questions, but she just snorted and asked her: "You don't know my abilities." Why is it so sure that I know this? If I made a wrong judgment, would n’t I want to be beaten by you in vain? '!

"How could it be wrong?" Lin Ling's hippie smiled. "When the meteorite fell in the sky, I was watching on the side! Who kept you hiding from me?"

"Meteorites in the sky? Falling down?" Even Du Guhong took quite a few seconds to understand which story Lin Lin was talking about. At that time, she knew that no wonder she would ignore Tata's strange power and occasionally reveal herself and Mo Ye. The horse's feet are just missing.

"What trick did you use at the time to make a hole in the wall with one palm? Is it possible to drop the dragon's palm?"

Lin Ling asked the random Du Guhong but was speechless. Lin Ling certainly didn't know that she really guessed it right. That is the real first move of Qianlong.

"No matter what that teaches me." Lin Ling held her fist and prayed to restore her starry appearance. "Since that day, I have always wanted to ask you, but I didn't have time. I thought this holiday would be a good opportunity. I'm going to school so soon. "

"Deidu University is very strict. If you want to find you again after school, it will be difficult ..." No wonder she seems to be very worried today.

But she wasn't a person who could hide her thoughts, and now she's dismissed and some excitement is at least normal.

It can be seen from her skill that she is very keen on the confrontation and has no long-term hard training. She has no considerable interest. It is difficult for her to be an ordinary person to practice this step.

This makes Du Guhong very doubtful that the military position she will inherit will not be in the special forces?

Lin Ling's pleading continued to understand these causes and consequences, but Du Guhong left without a word.

It ’s not that he ca n’t bring this ability from the game to be able to teach people. He has tested it on Tatasno. Although the effect is better than the average person ’s ability, it is calculated as a percentage. The promotion ratio of ordinary people is actually greater.

But in any case, teaching this precedent cannot be a joke. Lin Ling will be a military person in the future. What if the people of the army show her abnormal roots?

Was it taken to the laboratory as a textbook for research? Or was it imprisoned to write down all the secrets of martial arts? The best case is that it will become the military's coolie from now on responsible for giving the soldiers one by one through the meridians ...

"If you don't teach me, I will let your secrets be known to everyone!" Seeing Du Guhong ignored Lin Lin's voice and said his killer Run ~ ~ Du Guhong's recruitment stopped Footsteps gloomy turned back: "Let everyone know?"

Seeing Du Gu Hongyin's cold expression Lin Ling swallowed involuntarily: "When ... Of course, if you teach me I won't ... you ... you don't think about killing people before you come ... I have been before If you ca n’t go back in time by writing everything in an email ... that letter will automatically go to the hottest web forum ... "

Unexpectedly, when Lin Ling heard these words, Du Guhong laughed: "That's the case! Since then, you can't blame me for taking measures ..."

His eyes suddenly fixed Lin Ling's whispered whisper in his mouth: "Look at my eyes!"

"Looking at ..." Lin Ling doubted and Du Guhong came to each other's eyes and instantly felt a vortex exploded in front of her. The vortex was getting bigger and bigger as if with infinite attraction. not open!

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