The Game Warrior

Vol 2 Chapter 24: Special honor guard

The tenth battle in the ivory tower. Chapter 24. The special honor guard "I ×!" Hit the steel ball with the finger and dragged the invisible and tangible silk spiderman. He climbed the ship's side and followed closely behind Du Guhong. Mo Ye leaked himself with dirty words. Excited "What is this trick? Why have you never taught me?"

Twenty meters diagonally, that's not two meters ...

In terms of the extreme qualities of the ability person, if there is a smooth runway run, a long jump of 30 to 50 meters may be able to jump to 20 meters. If it is a place to take off, it may be a jump of five or six meters. If it is a straight jump, then it can jump. After three meters, it is considered a gift.

However, Du Guhong just seemed to get rid of the gravity restraint. The straight line distance of 20 meters in general jumped seven to eight meters and sixteen to seven meters away. Not to mention there were three obvious pedaling movements in the air.

Compared with him, the so-called grasshopper in the squad is simply ... just a broken leg.

Although after some time running in Lin Hu thought that he had a certain understanding of Du Guhong's ability, facing this Xudu was only dumbfounded.

It doesn't take much to rely on this hand's already very practical ability. I am afraid that I can protect myself from the attacks of most abilities.

In the dream, Lin Hu manipulated the float to the upper deck and heard Du Guhong's answer from the open hood: "Don't you know that we all believe in an old saying, the church apprentices starve to death?"

"You can rest assured." Although knowing that Du Guhong is just a joke, Lin Hu said righteously, "As long as you can train your men to such a degree, as long as we can do everything we can promise you."

"As for Chen Xue seeing that we are actively working. Because her identity is unlikely to succeed, we are doing some other preparations. Because it involves modifying the government archives and some personnel information to keep the whole process as confidential as possible. The duration of the process will be longer. Maybe ... it takes about half a year, of course, to be much higher. "

"Regardless of success or failure, will there be results after half a year?"

Answered by Lin Hu, Du Guhong nodded, so let ’s wait half a year and wait for a result. I still have this heart. After all, I have gone through two and a half years ...

And early in the game he also contacted Huang Rong himself. With his own explanation, I believe that Huang Rong can continue to endure.

"Report that General 9527 special field platoons should be assembled until ten people are present and no one is missing. Please give instructions after the report is completed!"

The kung fu of a few people had already come to the cruise ship. The field platoon members had heard the movements, and now a line of squadrons came to the four people and turned around. They were standing and reporting the clean and neat movements from the beginning to the end. The guard of honor is absolutely so well-trained.

"Quiet!" Hui Hu returned to a military ceremony. Lin Hu introduced Du Guhong to a group of people. The name used is naturally already compiled. Du Guhong will serve as the chief instructor and sports instructor of the special field platoon to lead the field platoon to perform special training overseas. Kan Buping served as an instructor and technical instructor to assist Du Guhong.

Next, all activities of the field platoon will be directed by Du Guhong directly. Before the training is completed, the field platoon can ignore all orders from the military department.

As for what is the so-called special training, what is the completion of Lin Hu, but did not say that confidentiality in this endless sea is obviously not the only scrupulous thing that is necessary ... I am afraid that this group of people will be scared?

Silently listening to Lin Hu ’s instructions to the field platoon, a row of ten people staying in motion, not slanting, without blinking their eyes ...

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Du Guhong read them through the comparison data. Among the ten people, the camouflage was calm, calm and quite able to take into account the overall situation. The best position is that the sniper is the captain of the ten people.

Then there are three of the ten people who are women who take pictures, look fake and cook who looks very long. Zhou Zheng, because of his special forces, naturally has no difference.

The military ’s intention is probably that the work of men and women is not tiring. In fact, it has at least a little bit of effect compared with the other eight abilities. Compared with the team ’s substitute, the ability to take pictures and cook is basically the same ...

This year, you can put a camera in the place where the tip of the needle is large. As for the cooks, the last thing in the special forces team seems to be that this profession will not have any hard training or survive in the wild.

I have just compared Lin Hu ’s words but have finished his last sentence: “The following will ask Du Guhong instructor to say two words to everyone.” Typical scene words.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Neat applause ...

Du Guhong stepped forward and looked at a row of people from left to right and then from right to left. He sighed involuntarily.

These youngest people are almost as old as themselves, and I am afraid that they can be their fathers, but when they are the youngest, they are not curious, let alone a little bit dissatisfied.

With a dry cough, Du Guhong finally spoke the scene of the giant classic: "Good comrades!"

"Good instructor!" The voice was uniform as if the ruler had been measured.

"Comrades have worked hard!"

"Serve the people!"

It is really a team of qualified soldiers. The military discipline is strict and obedient. The commander should not say what he should not say, but he should not ask, but he is not the "warrior" that Du Guhong expects to see.

The so-called Wen Wu first Wu Wu second originally Du Guhong thought that these people as abilities, even soldiers in the army should at least be a little bit of a small self-qualified new officer who came here with no qualifications and no foundation. These people at least It should be questioned or even united to give yourself a look at Mawei?

Du Guhong has already figured out how to use that Ma Wei to give this group a lesson to make a name and set up his own sign. But whoever thinks that these people don't have any dignity as a power person. They think about their long-term plans. Punching in the empty place made me uncomfortable enough.

After a few more glances, Du Guhong moved them. If they didn't come, they would have passed.

Just like Teleport, a flashing Du Guhong came to the front of the camouflage. From the perspective of the camouflage, Du Guhong's movements were caught, but the soldier's instinct in front of the officer stopped his reaction, and a feeling of cloud and fog came. He understood that there were already waves of waves under him.

"Poo!" "Poo!" "Poo!" ... Nine people, like dumplings, joined in the air in a wonderful arc and then fell into the sea 30 to 40 meters away.

There is only one person who has n’t been thrown away is a permanent repairman. He has been a non-combatant for almost thirty years. When the people were still in the air, Du Guhong had a good time to stop his hand and pulled out the power radar radar from the pocket. The data in a line made him feel helpless. The highest one was the camouflage value 198. The lowest one was permanent. 196 The data was neat as if they were Discharged queue.

My task is not easy! Du Guhong shook his head and smiled, bursting into his voice, echoing over the sea: "Everyone went back to the room and changed their military uniforms. From today on, don't treat yourself as a soldier. Meet on the deck after five minutes of behavior. "

Five minutes later, the field platoons were reassembled, and besides their heads were a little wet, they could not see that these people had just gone to the sea for a turn.

Thousands of people were obedient and changed into more casual attire. The stark contrast to their attire was their standing posture. Although they also obeyed the order, they were not arranged in a neat team. ...... Practice the formation on the deck like the eight-door golden lock formation and the Beidou seven-star formation.

The frozen three-footed fruit is not a cold day. In the face of this situation, Du Guhong can only helplessly give up and wait for the next day.

Seeing Du Guhong as a relatively smooth takeover, Lin Hu satisfied and left in a flying car and told Du Guhong that he had contacted the headquarters and the reserve team of ten people would be able to report tomorrow and they would be out.

When he left, the people of the special team failed to go farewell because they were given a strange order by Du Guhong-meditating and refining gas ~ ~ special field team member 2 information

Light bulb: You can make the light bulb without electricity turn on.

Huahua (female): You can fold napkins into flowers in an instant.

Lele (1ese female of junk sound): You can automatically classify garbage.

Haha mirror: You can control the images and shadows of others in the mirror without affecting the body.

Darts: You can turn leaves into darts.

Shaman: You can walk on the water.

Fishing King: You can catch fish from the water.

Glass glass (this glass girl): You can turn glass into sugar.

Primary Six: As long as you have the benefit to gain random double choice, there is a 60% chance of winning.

Tenth person: ???

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