The Game Warrior

Vol 2 Chapter 33: Yellow croaker

The tenth battle in the ivory tower Chapter 33 of the yellow croaker trafficking "wow ......" A ton of water poured down from the beginning, not the dead should wake up, not aroused, but awake by the water.

"Ah ~~~ Ghost ~~~ Ghost Ship ~~~" It seemed that there were half words before fainting, and I woke up in my stomach and didn't look at what environment I was in. Du Guhong screamed loudly and deafly. The singing that overshadowed Siren made people wonder whether his power was also strengthening his voice.

"How many people are on your ship? What goods are loaded? How many are there? Where?" Poseidon, who apparently was the water-controlling person who woke up Du Guhong, picked up each other like a chicken and then asked coldly.

The other party's courage is too small. Jingran was scared away, so he didn't feel the need to punish the confession.

The same question came from the watch in his hand, but every time it repeated, it changed a language. It seems that Du Guhong is the Huazhou people. The first language is Chinese and then English ...

"What are they talking about?" The room in the cabin was connected to the closed circuit of the deck monitor. All the history of the ship on the opposite side of the deck monitor was just under the eyes, but it was a picture of the captain of the iron hook asking Du Guhong.

The illusionist on the Black Pearl seems to be more than just a psychic illusionist. The illusion is also useful for high-tech monitors.

"The sound collector has just been connected and you can hear it!" As such, Kan Buping pressed a button, and Du Guhong's answer clearly passed into everyone's ears.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm under Master Fuaiwu!" Du Guhong seemed to be amazed by the amulet, and he reported a name in Chinese. So the people in the cabin could understand it.

The name seemed to have played a role. Poseidon's complexion changed slightly and put Du Guhong back on the ground: "Even if you are the subordinate who passes the toll from here, you can't save it. What is on the ship?"

Just then Hou heard the knocking sound of Ding Ding Dong Dong: "Not fun! Not fun! Papeet didn't play again!"

It was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old white boy who was talking about his disapproval of kicking the boat and waving his sword and chopping, but it seemed that he was just a one-year-old child who was angry because he didn't want to eat candy. child.

"No more fights against Papitt will rust!" The teenager said while stroking the weird robot standing beside him. It turned out that Papitt was not his name but a robot belonging to him.

The boy said the same in French. With the function of the monitor screen network, it has been translated into synchronized subtitles and displayed below the screen.

At the same time, the data collection work is also underway. One type of flamethrower, 7.62mm 'dense array revolver machine gun, electromagnetic impact gun, type Xia projectile gun, high-power spoiler, grenade launcher, a national standard smoke bomb, flash Bombs, magnetic bullets, sonic bombs ... "

Although the cruise ship is just a cruise ship without a large war weapon, its intelligence collection system is the most advanced in the world. Even the deck Shenzi eye also has a multi-layer scanning perspective function. So ... the three-meter-tall and cumbersome robot next to the teenager is covered in a The data under the ragged cloak was stripped piece by piece.

About the other party did not expect that there would be such advanced reconnaissance equipment on an ordinary cruise ship. Electronic interference was not established at all. Otherwise, the spoiler alone would be enough for the electronic eye on the cruise ship.

But at the moment, everyone in the cabin ca n’t feel any luck, because all the most advanced offensive weapons scanned just now are n’t honestly staying in the other ’s Black Pearl ’s weapon cabin, but ... completely installed in that respect. On the robot.

This is totally unreasonable. Not to mention the use of these big guys to form a robot. Just put it there. The robot ’s huge volume can absolutely not be tolerated. Not to mention the supply of various types of bullets, energy, patrol ...

The only explanation is that the white boy next to the robot is a power control or modernized power and the robot around him is his operating object. The combat ability must not be compared with ordinary robots. Ammunition Storage also has its own set of rules.

Not to mention that the equipment on the robot alone is enough for others to plow the White Pearl a few times from top to bottom without leaving a living person. How can those people in the cabin not sweat coldly.

Fortunately, the name mentioned by Du Guhong seems to have played a role. It seems that the other party gave up the plan to use this war robot.

And at this time, the white teenager also opened the machine puppet's cloak in surprise. It seems that there are some mechanical reasons for this puppet action to be a bit delayed. It takes some time to adjust ...

Of course, it was mainly because of the fact that it finally relieved a group of people in the cabin ...

After scanning the teaching data, another clue was also traced to some content. One of the five elders, Evu Durand is the de facto controller of the joint meeting of Ivir and the only Madagascar local among them. The mine gold, diamonds and raw minerals needed by various industries in the Yanzhou hinterland are related to jewelry processors in almost all countries.

He has a high reputation among the locals in Madagascar. It is said that in the Karst cave on the back of the island, it is definitely stronger and more secret than the base of the other four.

Although his reputation is only one of the five old joint, but basically no one is willing to fight with him, so his name in the waters of Iver is second only to the five old joint certification pass.

The cabin always pays attention to everything outside the ship and Du Guhong on the Black Pearl has also answered Poseidon ’s question: "Hey, hey, hey ..." He smiled and rubbed his hands and said, "I do n’t hide them ... We sell yellow croaker ... "

"Yellow croaker?" Not only Poseidon glanced at the watch, but even the people in the cabin didn't understand how Du Guhong used such a funny reason to hang around. Please open a luxury cruise ship worth 500 million yuan, OK? Smuggling yellow croaker with a cruise ship? Who believes this reason? "Yellow croaker, also known as yellow croaker, is produced in the Yellow Sea of ​​China ... The meat is delicious ..." I suspected that I had misheard Poseidon and deliberately manipulated the wrist to inquire about the result and got such an introduction.

"(Are you asking for me?)" Poseidon screamed at Du Guhong.

! (I speak English) "I heard Poseidon's words and Du Guhong shouted in glances in English!" "

At the same time, it is doubtful whether Du Guhong is using a whisper to imply that Kan Buping used the cruise ship master brain to perform a whisper to decrypt the result ... Only one slang word for yellow croakers was found, which means that the illegal activities of selling women correspond to the sale of young men called Pig traders.

For a while, everyone in the cabin was speechless ...

At this time, Du Guhong has started to use crappy English to induce everyone on the pirate ship: "!!! Tender !!!-One (all are good yellow croakers! Beautiful! Beautiful! Pure! Soft!)"

;? ah? "(The yellow croaker you are talking about is a prostitute?) What else did Poseidon say? The guy on the side of the avatar continued to scream and could not help yelling ~ ~ Yeah, the prostitute is a good prostitute Du Guhong gave a thumbs-up to the White Pearl, and the words of the beauty of Yunshan fog covered the field team in the cabin.

! "(I want prostitutes too!)

On the side even the white boy understood that he didn't fix the puppet and beat the ship's side.

After shouting for a while, he turned his head to the machine puppet and said: "Papitt doesn't need you here, go back to the bilge, stay there and don't move or shoot ..." Obviously he also wanted to understand how to let this guy rush to the opposite live chicken It's all turned into a dead chicken ...

It turns out so! After removing the biggest worry, the people in the cabin suddenly understood Du Guhong's meaning.

"Hey buddy, since we are prostitutes, can we enjoy it sooner or later?" Hei Zhenshu warmed up before the sky, and all the people around Du Guhong frowned, including the only woman Siren "Let them come out."

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