The Gamer And Friends

Chapter 5 - The Training

The after a long day, Duddy and Kris is doing some real training. "Duddy ready for training?" "Yea, you?" Then they trained on Mindcrift on a survival world both of them survival together teamed up. "Firstly we need some wood so Duddy you get the wood and make tools same as a house and I get sand for the glass." Duddy went to get some wood while Kris went to get some wood. "Next we need to get some cobblestones for a furnace, Duddy you get some cobblestones while I get some coals." They did exactly that. Then they went back to the house. "Duddy lets see what you got and what I got as well." Duddy showed all the things he had gotten and Kris did the exactly same thing. "Perfect you got 9 cobblestones and I got 9 sands and 64 coals which is perfect." They got a furnace and got glass from the sands and coals they made windows from the glass. "Duddy get some foods, I will find some iron, gold, or anything in a cave, maybe some mobs." Duddy went and attacked the closest animals, and Kris went to the cave under their house. All day they trained and trained. "KRIS!!!! GO TO BED!!!! YOU HAVE A BIG SPECIAL DAY TOMORROW!!!" Katie screamed for Kris to go to bed. "I have to go to bed Duddy, see you tomorrow at the Tournament." "See you there too." Kris went to sleep and did Duddy too. Till then.

when I did this in last chapter I messed up when I said part of this chapter I meant was not a part of the story but if it had air quotes. Sorry, and just wanted to make sure that you readers know. See you in the next chapter.

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