The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 10 - 10 – Dissecting Genjutsu

Chapter 10 – Dissecting Genjutsu

Sarutobi Hiruzen was sitting at his chair humming a tune and reading a small orange book, sometimes giggling, while his shadow clones were furiously doing his work. The paperwork which used to cover his desk all day was no more; instead, there were two scrolls on the table.


A fair-skinned woman of slender build with unique red eyes entered the Hokage office.

"Hokage-sama, Jounin Kurenai Yuhi reporting for duty." Announced Kurenai with a slight bow.

"Rest easy Kurenai, have you recovered? I heard that you were quite hurt." Asked Hiruzen his face showing a little concern.

"Yes, Hokage-sama I have perfectly recovered. A week in hospital and anyone will do their best to recover faster." Smiled Kurenai.

"Today I have a few missions for you." Said Hiruzen as he handed the scroll.

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Replied Kurenai softly.

"First you will be having an afternoon, only girls classes to the graduating class, where you will tell them about the horrors of being a Kunoichi, which may or may not help them free themselves of fangirlism, you are to also allowed to use Genjutsu and I mean…use it." Said Hiruzen pointing on the first scroll.

"That now will be too cruel." Replied Kurenai softly.

"It is now or later which I suppose you don't want to happen?" Questioned Hiruzen.

Kurenai didn't say anything but went through the scroll and kept it on her pouch.

Hiruzen sighed, "Second you are to observe the students for the Genin team you want at the end of the year exception made Yoshizawa Raito, Uzumaki Naruto, and Hyuga Hinata. Try to find students which you have an easier time developing."

A flash of excitement and as soon as it appeared it disappeared, gathering her courage Kurenai spoke up, "I was thinking about making a scouting/ tracking with the clan students, especially I was looking for Hyuga Hinata to be on my team, Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen looked at Kurenai then sighed and answered, "Her team placement was already decided this morning and the recommendation for her grouping was personally sent by Hyuga Hiashi and because of other events, the team was formed and their sensei was decided."

Kurenai sighed in defeat however high her rank was she was not able to contend against a clan leader.

"Before I leave I would like to know who the team leader is, Hokage-sama?" asked Kurenai.

At the academy

Shikamaru, Chōji, Hinata, Naruto, and Raito were walking towards the ground.

"Bah, how would I know how it starts raining? Or how salt is made." W.h.i.n.ed Naruto.

"These teachers don't know how to teach anything and why do we need to learn this math and all? We should be learning some cool Ninjutsu, like an awesome fire technique...." Naruto continued talking whereas the others just ignored him.

Raito slowed down and came next to Shikamaru and asked, "Oi Shikamaru do you know anything about yang chakra?"

"Eh not much but only Akimichi clan in Konoha uses yang chakra in their jutsu like body expansion jutsu but I don't know much about it." Said Shikamaru.

"Well, Naruto did say about Uzumaki clan having yang chakra which got me interested." Replied Raito as he pointed at Naruto.

"Shika, Raito. Walk faster I am hungry." Said Chōji as his stomach made a rumbling noise

"Chōji you were eating those ch.i.p.s right now, how can you be so hungry?" asked Raito.

"I can eat anytime, looking at the bento boxes Hinata is carrying is making me really hungry, all I can think is how good they are." Replied Chōji.

"You should think more about how to defeat me this Saturday than those bento boxes." Provoked Raito.

Chōji paled for a second then replied.

"This time I will definitely win." Said Chōji seriously.

"Haha, everything will be decided this Saturday." Laughed Raito.

"Oi, you guys how can you be so slow? Walk faster." Shouted Naruto.

Everyone reached the clearing and sat under the tree. Hinata was sitting beside Naruto with faint redness on her face. Chōji and Raito also took out their food.

"How did you learn this Ninjutsu?" asked Shikamaru.

"What?" confused by the question Raito looked at Shikamaru.

"Space-time Ninjutsu, how did you learn it? I don't think I have seen any ninja do it and the only Ninjutsu which are known as space-time Ninjutsu is fourth Hokage's flying thunder god technique." Asked Shikamaru as he watched Raito.

"Well…….umm." (Why the f.u.c.k does he have to ask questions about this? Space-time Ninjutsu my a.s.s. The f.u.c.k.) Raito inwardly cursed a million times but his expression remained the same outside and then he sighed, "Well if you like to know about it then all I can say is that it was an accident. Let's not talk about it anymore and also this Saturday I want to take you all to somewhere so be prepared."

"Where?" questioned Hinata and Shikamaru.

"That creepy place …..." Said Naruto but as soon as he said a kunai was lodged by his side

"Naruto what did I tell you?" Raito looked at Naruto annoyed.

Chōji came between them and said, "Don't fight but if you want to fight do it after eating."

Shikamaru grabbed Raito and whispered, "Secret?"

Raito just nodded.

"Someone?" asked Shikamaru as his eyes scanned the place.

"Women Jounin level, using Genjutsu I think, northwest at the forest." Whispered Raito as his neck shrank down to his collar.

"Thank you for the food." Shouted Chōji and Naruto.

"Oi you two leave me some." Said Raito as he reached for the food.

"Here Raito-san for you." Said Hinata as she handed Raito a box.

"Ah thank you Hy…Hinata-san." Said Raito as he opened the box.

Hinata just smiled sweetly..

"Oh Chicken. I love it." As Raito ate the chicken he praised the chicken to the high heavens and at that time a shadow successfully snatched the box and began eating from it.

Dumfounded Raito, "Eh….The hell….y-you...Ino?" Raito pointed at the now sitting Ino patting her stomach.

"Oi! That was my chicken." Shouted Raito.

"Huh, so what? You should feel honored that this lady is eating your food." Said Ino proudly.

"Honored? Honored my a.s.s. Do you know how good those chickens were? So juicy, so tender and now I can't have it anymore." Then suddenly realizing he looked at the three boys behind him.

Shikamaru was eating when he felt someone staring his food, "No way I am gonna give you mine."

Chōji made a face saying: 'If you touch it, I am going to kill you.'

And Naruto was patting his bulged stomach, "Ah soo good."

"It's just food how can you be so petty? Here, you can have this." Said Ino as she handed him a bento box.

"This smell, oh shit! Chōji get ready to take him to the infirmary, Naruto Raito is going to faint help me inform Mari-sensei." Whispered Shikamaru.

[Bento box of hundred herbs

Contains fried egg, fried sausage, pickled carrots, and rice

Status effect: +Poison, Faint

Recommended not to eat

A bento made by Yamanaka Ino waking four in the morning practiced with her mother getting several cuts on the finger.

If you don't eat it you make the girl cry and if you eat it you are going to cry.]

'What the f.u.c.k!? I don't have a choice.' Then Raito glance at Ino then her finger which had cuts bandaged.

"If you don't want to, you should give it back." Said Ino.

Gritting his teeth Raito ate everything in 30 seconds.

[Status: Fainting in 3…2…1]

[Self-recovery in 1 hour]

Then everything blacked out for Raito.

"Chōji go!" shouted Shikamaru.

Chōji carried Raito to the infirmary.

"W-What ha-ha-happened?" Ino fell to her knees tears dropping from her eyes.

A hand touched her shoulders and Ino face and tried to explain, "I-I didn't m-mean to do…."

Hinata hugged Ino and said, "Ino-san did you use standard hundred herbs and mixed them with food and fried at the beginning."

Ino weakly nodded to that.

Hinata smiled brightly and said, "Nothing will happen to Raito-san, he will just faint for one hour and when he wakes up he will feel much stronger than before and will also gain immunity to most of the Konoha poisons."

Ino looked at Hinata studied her expression and asked, "Really?"

Hinata nodded, "You have made him even stronger so you should feel happy and when Raito-san learns of it he will also be happy. I am sure of it."

"We should also go to infirmary then." Said Ino as she stood up.

"Ino-san there is a compulsory afternoon class for girls only, which would be starting soon, we should go there boys will have some free time they are going to be there." Said Hinata.

Ino nodded then looked at Hinata and gave her thumbs up, "Hinata you didn't shutter, not even once. Good job."

"T-Thanks, I am t-trying my best." Hinata smiled shyly.

Gamer's world – Earth

"How can this happen!? How? How? How? Damn it"


Aura released out visible to the n.a.k.e.d eyes, covering him and expanding, destroying everything it touched then he pulled his arm and hit the land beneath him destroying it from existence and a light creating a space crack on the sky.



A soft sigh changing heaven and earth mending it to its original form.

"You shouldn't watch TV if it makes you this emotional."

"All died but one, it is but just a week barely, how the hell one dies so easily?" argued Han-Jee Han.

"You did say one survived." Said Sang-ah.

"Even if I get a recipe I cannot do anything with it." replied Han-Jee Han.

"So he has been chosen?" asked Sang-ah.

"Comparing he really is the weakest and that world have the lowest energy concentration. He is just too lucky."

"Lucky?" Sang-ah waved her hand a blue screen appeared then she covered her small mouth holding back her giggles.

"Ah." Dumfounded Han-Jee Han scratched his head in shame.

"How is he even alive?" asked Han-Jee Han.

"It is because of that artifact, I guess." Answered Sang-ah.


"But how long will he last?" sorrow appeared in Han-Jee Han's eye.

"Why not add this?" with a wave of hand a blue screen appeared.

After 1 hour

At the infirmary


[Skill Obtained: Poison Resistance Lv 5 (Passive)]

[Due to medicinal cleansing gain STR+2]

"Kid, if you are awake than get up, we don't have all day to waste. Heard from the Nara boy that you ate a hundred herb mixture, you were knocked out for a whole hour." Said Mari-sensei.

"What hundred herb, it's more like a hundred poison. I thought I was gonna die there, seriously." Said Raito as he patted several places on his body.

"Excuse me but I would like to check my patient." Said a boy with the onyx eye with ash-gray hair wearing purple clothes and bandages on his arms.

"No need I have run a diagnostic jutsu and everything is fine." Said Mari.

"Ah….Em…Senpai I feel fine, so I will be going and hopefully, I will bring someone to fill this bed for you sometime later." Said Raito giving his fake smile as he stood up and used observe on the medic ninja.

Yakushi Kabuto Lv??



"It's Kabuto and as a medic ninja I will not allow my patient to leave from my view until I clarify that he is perfectly well and also I ask you not to harm someone outside of the practice field." Said Kabuto as he took a stance.

Raito knitted his eyebrow in annoyance.

"Stand down Genin Kabuto, student Raito falls under my responsibility and Raito you too will do no such thing." Ordered Mari-sensei.

"Hai Mari-sensei." Relaxed Kabuto giving his smile looking at Raito.

As soon as Raito exited the infirmary he was tackled by Naruto.

"Now you wanna try killing me by hugging?" said Raito as he pushed Naruto.

"You and your damn mouth. Because of it you nearly died today? And you Shikamaru you knew about it, didn't you? That poison bento?" asked Naruto angrily.

"Shut up all of you! You boys were supposed to be at your class, studying. So go to your class and waste some time now" Said Mari-sensei as she glared at the boys which remained at Raito at the end.

Four boys g.r.o.a.n.e.d and went towards the classroom.

"So anyone gonna tell me what this hundred thing is?" asked Naruto.

"Naruto, hundred herb mixture was a mixture of poison and antidote made up of hundred different herbs made by my clan used to strengthen our body and gain immunity from most of the poisons found in our village." Said Chōji with a rare look of seriousness.

"It is a kind of tradition in the clans when they become Chunin; they have to drink this mixture." Said Shikamaru.

"That's some weird tradition where you have to get knocked out." Said Naruto.

All of them reached the class and found the ever noisy class to be pin-drop silence, all the boys were quietly doing their own things and the girls were looking pale and some had tears.

"Oi did someone die or something?" said Raito

All the attention were drawn to the four new arrivals and most of them had anger and sorrow on their faces.

"What?" questioned Raito.

Chōji and Shikamaru forcefully made Raito bow then Shikamaru said, "Sorry he is just out of infirmary so the drugs must be screwing with his brain?" Then Shikamaru also made Naruto bow

"Kurenai?" came a voice.

"Mari." Replied Kurenai as she saw her friend.

"You were supposed to be-." Said Kurenai her face showing confusion.

"Don't say anything right now but it is all because of this brat." Said Mari as she punched Raito on the head.

"So he is Raito?" asked Kurenai as she pointed finger at Raito.

Mari frowned and questioned, "Wasn't this supposed to be girls-only class?"

"Iruka-sensei, we will be in the next class, let this get absorbed in their head and I will be taking these brats." Said Mari.

Iruka nodded at the statement and watched them going helplessly.

The next room was the same as class 1-A bit emptier.

"Well, brats take a sit and let Kurenai-sensei do her job." Said Mari-sensei.

Shikamaru and Raito frowned but followed the instruction. Chōji and Naruto did the same.

"I have got a bad feeling about this." Said Naruto as he sat.

Kurenai made hand signs.

Snake → Rat

Chakra flared.

"Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique"

At the same time, Raito chakra sense activated itself and made an invisible sphere of chakra. Then he saw himself sitting on the seat then a small seed of chakra entered inside the brain.

[Foreign Chakra detected]

[Motor pathway disabled]

[Sensory pathway altered]

[Foreign Chakra sending information to the brain]

[Creating video from the information]

[Saving video...ERROR]

[Creating a new feature called "Files" for saving important doc.u.ments, videos and picture]

[Saving Video…. Video named "Kunoichi's dangerous life"]

[Foreign Chakra trapped...…Dissecting Foreign Chakra...Gathering useful information]

[Organizing information...…Jutsus categorized.....Jutsus stored in the library]

[Use Merit points for exchange]

[Transcendental will disabled]

Dumfounded Raito looked at the notification he was getting then small tendrils of white light escaped from the lucky star and got absorbed into Raito's body.

Then he blinked facing Mari and Kurenai. Face expressionless he yawned then his head hit the desk.

Mari came forward and lightly tapped Raito. Not getting any response she shook him violently, then lightly patted his face.

"His breathing is long but the pulse is weak, pupil not responding to light, no pain sensation, Kurenai use diagnosis jutsu you have more control than me." Said Mari.

"Diagnosis jutsu." Chakra flared.

"Nothing. He is fine, nothing is wrong with is a body. His mind is just resting?" Said Kurenai a little bit of confusion and shock clearly seen on her face.

"Will he be fine?" asked Mari traces of worry could be seen on her face.

Kurenai silently nodded.

"Wake up Raito, wake up." Tears were gathered on her eyes.

"Perhaps we should take him to the infirmary."

"No, I don't like it there and the boy gives me an odd feeling. He will be fine, just fine here." Said Mari.

Raito Mindscape

Four black blurry figures, two pairs were standing opposite Raito made up of black, gray and white dots repeating some words like a broken record.

"LAST ...….HOPE...….LAST…





"Uhhh….. I just want to leave." Clutching his head Raito wished for his leave.

Snapping open his eyes Raito jumped back pulled his kunai and shuriken on each of his hand then threw all of them at Kurenai.

Dodging the shuriken on her left then at right by swaying then she jumped only to face a kunai near her face.


"Calm down Raito everything is fine that was all false, nothing was real, it was just a Genjutsu." Said Mari as she stood in front of Kurenai with a Dwarf Battle Blade.

"If you do that again, I am going to make you experience the same pain." Said Raito as he pocketed his weapons and clutched his head.

"That was a simple Genjutsu, does not do any kind of pain." Explained Kurenai.

"No pain? I have a splitting headache. For god's sake can I get any kind of treatment?" asked Raito.

"Come here."

"Mystic palm technique."

"This jutsu is the most common medical jutsu which allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by sending chakra from their hands into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the..." lectured Mari-sensei.

"I know about it already, at least theory." Raito cut Mari-sensei.

"That's good then, and what the hell brat I wanted to boast about how Genjutsu will not affect you and some more but you went blank, it looked like you were affected by the Genjutsu. Sigh, I feel like the parent feeding and raising a child who cannot do a thing properly." Mocked Mari-sensei.

"Hmph, I was not affected by that Genjutsu, I was analyzing it, you know I have not been affected by any kind of Genjutsu since I learned father's jutsu." Said Raito proudly puffing his c.h.e.s.t.

"Oh analyzing my jutsu eh? Then tell me how it works?" questioned Kurenai.

"Come on Kurenai you know the boy doesn't mean it. No one can dissect your Genjutsu that fast, even though this brat is good he is not that good." Said Mari.

"Isn't it just some Genjutsu, you are making it-"

Raito was cut off by the three crying boys' tears coming out and dropping on the table making it wet.

Kurenai walked up to the three and slammed her hand on the table, "Attention students.

Akimichi, Nara and Uzumaki, what you saw just now....." Kurenai continued counseling them.

"Mari sensei I...….. saw mom and… dad and they....they told me that I….. I was their last hope and I must…. survive and asked me if I liked…. my gift and...." Said Raito tears covering his face.

Mari hugged Raito and said, "They loved you, they loved you so much." Her hug becoming even tighter.

After a while

[Gamers mind activated]

Raito pushed Mari and stretched his body which made popping sounds then faced her and asked, "Mari-nee…..Ahem I mean Mari-sensei, why don't you give me your Dwarf Battle blade and I will forgive Kurenai-sensei."

"Forget it, NO, what does you hating Kurenai have anything to do with me?" harrumphed Mari

"What!? But she is your friend?" questioned Raito as he looked Mari with shock.

"So, what!? This here is my baby." Said Mari as she pulled the sword and embracing and rubbing her face on the sheath.

"No way, it means that, this sword came from there?" asked Raito showing confused face

"YOU BRAT!!" Mari punched Raito which flew him to the wall.

"Oh party time eh? But I haven't brought anything but this peeping tom will do, I guess." Said voice appears to be fairly tall woman with a slender frame. She has light brown, pupil-less eyes with short, spiky purple hair.

""Anko!!"" shouted Mari and Kurenai as they saw Anko throwing a body.

"Anko-nee." Waved Raito as he saw Anko.

"Iruka-sensei!!" shouted Naruto as he realized who was on the ground.

Naruto jumped towards Iruka and pointed at Anko, "You...why….A-Anko m-ma'am."

"Oh! So Blondie you remember me huh? How long has it been? Umm…half a year and you didn't come to visit me." Anko hugged Naruto and drew her kunai and made a small cut on Naruto's cheek.

"Such rich blood, I have missed it? Why don't you come with me tonight and enjoy several new poison concoctions I have made in these past few months." Said Anko as seductively made a gulping sound.

"No!NO!!NOO!!!" roared Naruto as he took steps back and tried jumping through the window.

A shadow came between Naruto and window and hold him by his jacket then smiled and said, "Now Naruto don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you, you know I am stronger than Anko, I will never let anything happen to you until you are in this room."

The words were fully domineering but as the last part came by chuckles and laughter were heard.

"Let me go, let me go, LET ME GO! roared Naruto "I don't want to be near that crazy snake lady." Struggled Naruto.

"What the hell is going on?" asked Shikamaru and Chōji nodded.

"Haha than listen to me, sometime back Anko-nee used to come visit me and like a fated encounter, those two met and argued about the which food is the best one said ramen and the other said dango, Anko-nee got irritated so she used her snakes to bite Naruto and when she didn't see any reaction from him, she used even more lethal poison. Thing is Naruto doesn't die from poison and Anko-nee likes to try new kinds of poison using Naruto, so whenever Naruto sees Anko he just does this….even though he knows there is no escape." Explained Raito.

"Completely immune to all poison?" asked Shikamaru.

"Till now." Answered Raito.

"Oi, Oi isn't it too dangerous?" asked Shikamaru.

"Yeah" Shrugged Raito "If you wanna tell her then do so."

Then with a wave Raito pulled potato ch.i.p.s and started eating it, watching the bickering of his seniors. "Want some?" He asked to Shikamaru and Chōji. Both nodded and started eating.

Kurenai rolled her eyes and coughed to get attention, "Iruka-sensei you came here at the right time…if you would explain today's topic to them please."

"I already learned about it at the clan." Said Shikamaru.

Chōji nodded, "Me too."

Raito pointed at Anko and said, "Anko-nee's version was much more detailed than this one." To which Naruto also nodded.

Iruka's eyebrow twitched then he shouted, "What the hell are you teaching my students?"

Anko replied in a blank face, "What they needed to know."

"Chunin Iruka, Special Jōnin Anko stand down." Ordered Mari.

"If I have to pull outranks, to stop quarrels and baby fights then I should start punching." Mumbled Mari.

Anko, Kurenai, and Raito immediately went next to Mari trying to calm her.

Seeing all the strange things today made Shikamaru sigh endlessly, and then he faced towards Naruto, pointed towards the four and said, "Do I even need to ask?"

"Well let's just say that Mari-sensei gets a bit violent when she is angry, drunk and emotional." Said Naruto with a smile on his face.

At Hokage office

Evening 5 pm, the sun is going down painting the horizon red and darkness descends, wind blowing taking leaves with it.

Hiruzen signed the scroll, tied it and locked it in the drawer, then taking a puff he spoke, "Kakashi, come in. The wind is a bit chilly now."

A figure materialized in front of the desk where Hiruzen is sitting closing the small orange book he replied, "Hokage-sama." His lazy eye focusing on his leader.

"Kakashi this time you have a team." Said Hiruzen again releasing a puff then the silence continued.

"Uchiha, Uzumaki and someone?" asked the one-eyed man opening his orange little p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e

"Uzumaki, Yoshizawa and Hyuga." Replied Hiruzen slowly.

"Well that came as a shock, what happened to the senior council and civilian council and him?" asked Kakashi interest appearing in his eye.

"Something happened and we found that the civilian council was making trouble for a ninja family hence they are facing some charges and the senior council have found news of their grandsons and were not quite happy to hear the news and him…Danzo is being Danzo in the shadows waiting for the storm to calm down." Replied Hiruzen neither fast nor slow enjoying his smoke.

"What will happen to Uchiha?" asked Kakashi.

"You can take him as an apprentice, if he awakens his Sharingan, if not then it is your choice." Said Hiruzen turning around looking out the window.

"Years passed and the two founding clans are reduced to the state they are now, what will happen in the future? What will happen to shinobi? This village, I cannot help but worry." Said Hiruzen mixture of sorrow and worry in his face.

Taking a puff he continued, "Daimyo of the fire country need us and we need him, we should balance this frail status quo."

"Hokage-sama." Voiced Kakashi

"Ah, Kakashi please take that scroll, it contains information about your future students. Have a look at it," said Hiruzen sitting on his chair looking at the silver-haired Jōnin.

"So I have to make sure that Yoshizawa doesn't kill the Hyuga?" asked Kakashi.

"I don't think you will have to, he seems to be accepting Hyuga very well." Replied Hiruzen

"If something like that had happened to me then I wouldn't know if I could forgive them. He seems to be a nice person." Smiled Kakashi.

Hiruzen sighed, "You are a nicer person Kakashi. Now you should leave and if you see Gai then do tell him to stop training on the street, I don't want to see paperwork regarding him anymore."

"Yes Hokage-sama," said Kakashi and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

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