The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 2 - 2 – Ghost Prankster

Chapter 2 – Ghost Prankster

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or The Gamer (Manhwa). Do I really have to do this every single time?

And if anyone wants to complete the song then do so I will edit that for you.




Painful, I know it's going to be painful

Ah! You see I failed the quest and very badly. Do you really want to know how I knew? I know this sensei, Mari Ayoma, is standing in front of me with her devilish smile.

"So Raito-kun why are you late today?" asked Mari-sensei while cracking her knuckles.

"Ah y-you see M-Mari-sensei a black cat crossed my path and if I had crossed it, I would have bad luck all day, so I waited for someone to walk first, so....."


Lie failed

Before I could say anything I was punched and thrown inside the class. I could hear my bones cracking inside my body.


-100 HP

A skill has been created through a special action.

[Physical Endurance Lv 1 (Passive)] has been created.

[Physical Endurance (Passive) Lv 1 Exp 0.0%]

The power of your body to endure pain and damage. The higher the level the less damage you take from physical attack.

-0.5% physical damage taken.

'Damn it, although sensei is only using a bit of her power it still hurts bad.' Raito cursed feeling his ribs and wiping his spit that he vomited.

"Raito-kun, this is me telling you nicely once again…but if you came late once more than I will use my full force to help you understand. Do you understand Raito-kun~?"

"Yes ma'am." I quickly stood up and made my way to my desk."

There I heard many comforting words of my dear friends.

"Raito, nice save there, I thought you would die."

"Raito, you sure love to get beaten by sensei."

"Mari-sensei you rock."

"Mari-sensei-50 and Raito-0."

'Stupid bastards.'

This happens every day in our class and someone even named it as 'morning ritual'.

"All of you shut up." Mari-sensei shouted slamming down the register.

"Today we are going to learn more about 4th Hokage, then we move to shuriken and kunai throwing and lastly we will end the day with the obstacle course."

I stopped listening from then and started learning about my new abilities.

'This ability of mine is very similar to those of games, specifically saying, it is more similar to RPG and simulation type games."

Raito felt strange, he felt a word kept repeating in his mind. So without thinking, he voiced out, "Status."

Name: Yoshizawa Raito Lv 7 Exp 30/5000

Title: Ninja Academy Student (+25% Exp till level 10)

Age: 12

HP: 775/875

CP: 500/500

STR: 19

VIT: 21

DEX: 21

INT: 20

LUK: 27(+20)

Yoshizawa household member: Additional +50 HP per level +2 INT & +3 VIT per level.

Holder of lucky star: additional +1 LUK per level.

Yoshizawa Raito is above average student in the Ninja Academy, aspiring to become the strongest ninja ever and take revenge for his parent's murder.

'Way too average or so I guess the only thing that stands out is luck which has +20.'

I clicked on the +20

[Equipment bonus: Necklace of lucky star, +20 to LUCK stat. Additional +1to luck per level.]

'Hmm….removing 20 Luck from the equipment bonus and from my level means I have zero luck.' Raito was totally surprised from the information.

Then a distant memory reappeared before him. His mom patting his head and his father putting the necklace on him. Raito struggled to take off the necklace and every time he did, his mother would appear from nowhere and would scold him to wear it.

"You have to promise mommy to never take off this necklace." The black haired women kissed Raito on the forehead while being held by a muscular man.

'Dad Mom.'

My face was hot and I was remembering the time when my parents gave me this necklace.


-50 HP

I fell down and rolled down a couple of steps.

Mari-sensei threw a book at me and it was painful. I say it's all because of this gamer ability.

Mari-sensei stood there shocked and everyone was looking at me with an odd expression.

"Sorry Raito-kun my hand slipped." She said as she slowly approached me. Her hands were placed slightly behind she normally used to and before I knew it three shuriken were thrown at me.

I quickly dodged the shuriken and ducked under my desk.

"What gives Mari-sensei?" I yelled as I slowly crawled to my seat.

"Raito-kun, I will not have my student day dream in my class especially you." Said Mari-sensei as she walked back to podium.

'These are the time I miss Iruka- sensei.'

"Raito-kun, are you ok?"

"Raito, you have stomach problems today?"

"Raito-kun-45 and Mari-sensei-5."

"Mari-sensei got a hit after a long, long time."

This is also one of the things that happen in a regular basis in this class. At first I used to get hit a lot of time. No I can exactly say the number of time and it was four because of that damned counter, after that I developed a strange habit of always being on alert but that easily tired me out. So I tried to find ways to not get hit and the easiest method was a skill called 'area sensing', it is a branch of 'chakra sensing' where I release a bit of chakra at a regular pace at a specific interval of time. The area is small right now but the note said that it is good for chakra control and after sometime the range will get bigger and bigger. The highest range was 5 km and that was my dad's score.

Sensing is also extremely useful in combat if your physical parameters are good, at my level I can already sense Genin and Chūnin level but Jōnin is impossible. The most amazing person who was a guy wearing a green spandex body suit. It was both creepy and awesome.

Mari-sensei has been training me daily by throwing shuriken and kunai and book, slowly increasing the speed little by little.

"Now, Raito tell my why was Minato Namikaze chosen as the 4th Hokage?"

"Huh, isn't it because Orichimaru was a power hungry snake, Tsunade-sama was a drinker and gambler, and Jiraya-sama, he blatantly refused the seat? So the only person powerful and capable enough was Namikaze Minato-sama." I said as I shrugged my shoulder and shook my head.


After detecting overwhelming amount of bloodthirst, you unlocked the skill "Detect Bloodthirst"

[Detect Bloodthirst (Passive) Lv 1 Exp 0.0%]

A skill that detects any bloodl.u.s.t directed at the user

It is an instinctive skill.

Detects bloodl.u.s.t within 30 meters from user's location.

It also alerts the user of its origin.

Skill "Detect Bloodthirst" leveled up.

Skill "Detect Bloodthirst" leveled up.

Skill "Detect Bloodthirst" leveled up.

Everyone around me took steps back as I dodged all of the shuriken thrown at me.

"Raito, tell me the answer written in the book?" Asked Mari-sensei as she glared at me.

"Namikaze Minato-sama was one of the strongest ninja in the village. From small, he was smart and clever. He was fast in his brain and his feet. In the third great war, Minato-sama made great contribution to the village, keeping the villagers safe and protecting the village. With the thunder god technique, Minato-sama, he..uh he was feared by the enemies and brought hope to friends. So, being the best candidate among the other candidates, he was chosen as the fourth Hokage." I answered reluctantly.

"Now that is the answer I am looking you all to write in the exams." Said Mari-sensei sweetly.

"Hai sensei!!" everyone roared

"Now everyone move towards the grounds, Iruka-sensei is going to be there with you.

I sighed at my luck and moved towards the grounds. While walking I commanded 'skills' softly.

'Ever since this morning, so many new things are in my brain.'

The only thing I didn't know was 'Gamer's mind' and 'Gamer's body'. So I tapped at them.

Gamer's Mind Lv Max (Passive)

Allows peaceful state of mind. Allows the user to think calmly and logically. Grants user immunity to psychological status. Protects the user against mind attacks.

Gamer's Body Lv Max (Passive)

Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. HP & CP are fully recovered after sleeping. All negative aliments are cured after sleeping.

'Oh, if this is true than isn't it like using cheats in a game but it's not like I am using cheat I am just playing a role like I am in a game. Yes I am not cheating.'

'Hmm there are some gray icons on the list




Kawarimi (Replacement)

Henge (Transformation)

Bunshin (Clone)

Shurikenjutsu and Kunaijutsu (Basic Shuriken Techniques and Kunai Techniques)

Kenjutsu (Sword Techniques)

Chakra Control Exercise

'I just have to do these again to activate them.'

First Stealth.

I started walking slowly and canceling my sounds and walking near the walls.


A skill has been created through special action.

[Stealth Lv 1 (active/passive) CP Cost 50 per minute]

An essential skill for all shinobi. This skill allows the user the ability to move around undetected. Remain undetected, not to be heard or seen.

Due to your understanding in the skill

Skill "Stealth" leveled up.

Skill "Stealth" leveled up.

Skill "Stealth" leveled up.

Skill "Stealth" leveled up.

[Stealth Lv 5 (active/passive) CP Cost 40 per minute]

An essential skill for all shinobi. This skill allows the user the ability to move around undetected. Remain undetected, not to be heard or seen.

I stood at the corridor with smile on my face. I tried stealth again and I felt myself making less noise than earlier.

If the gamer's ability can really assess my skill in numbers and I can train according to them, then I would be strong in not time.

Standing on the empty corridor I transformed into Iruka-sansei and shouted, "Why are all of you moving so slow, if everyone is not on the grounds in next five minutes then everyone has to run around the academy."

Everyone started running fast, I couldn't help but smile. I could never get bored doing this every now and then.


A skill has been created through special action.

[Henge Lv 1 Exp 0.0% CP Cost 50]

-A basic technique that allows one to transform them into other objects or people; however, because of current level it will not fool everyone.

-Increases chance of being undetected 2%

Due to your understanding on skill

Skill 'Henge' leveled up

Skill 'Henge' leveled up

Skill 'Henge' leveled up

Skill 'Henge' leveled up

Skill 'Henge' leveled up

Skill 'Henge' leveled up

[Henge Lv 7 Exp 0.0% CP Cost 37]

-A basic technique that allows one to transform them into other objects or people; however, because of current level it will not fool everyone.

-Increases chance of being undetected 14%

Other skills I will try them late

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