The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 22 - 22 - Meeting Gai and Lee

Chapter 22 - Meeting Gai and Lee

Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was in a big room, training with his clone. One punch would come blocked, followed by another a kick from below, jumping and attacking with a Bō.

Outside the room, in the office, one clone was going through a scroll, his brows deeply furrowed.


"Mariko, come in." The m.a.t.u.r.e women entered the room, with her, a small stack of files.

"More papers to sign?" Hiruzen asked calmly as he closed the scroll, his face having a bitter smile.

"It isn't, Hokage-sama, these are from the Intel department about the things happening all over the continent, the biannual report." Mariko replied happily. The paperwork Hiruzen always feared had now decreased, maybe it was because of the clone or the people from the Intel department or some rough handling to the people who had been responsible for sending the useless paperwork.

"Why is it now? It's a month early." Hiruzen complained.

"They said it was because of the new seal work." Mariko replied.

"Even if it was because of that they didn't need to make it a month early. Tell them to maintain the schedule, neither early nor late." Hiruzen said sternly. Then he added, "Going overboard when having the ability."

With a puff of smoke, the clone disappeared and minutes later from a corner door Hiruzen appeared, wiping his sweat. As Hiruzen walked towards his seat, Mariko went through the papers and continued.

"In the past half-year, the land of the sun has its next inheritor chosen. Land of the moon has opened multiple greenhouses and laboratories, the research is about a flower blooming in the golden moonlight.

Land of birds…

Land of Mountain…

Village hidden under the moon, under the sun, under the star, under the moonlight, in the grass, in the valley, cider village, and bamboo village, newly emerged village hidden in the sound and in caves has decided to participate in the Chunin exams conducted by the village hidden in the sand. Rock village and cloud village refused the invitation for Chūnin exams yet again.

The capital of the land is focusing on the new minerals and newer energy sources. Four explosions occurred killing hundreds. A large scale sacrificial ceremony was conducted in the ninth month to calm the population.

Land of water. The lord of the land is still not showing himself to the population causing chaos. Many sightings have confirmed that he is still alive and well. However, he has hired a lot of missing Nin for his protection than relying on his hidden village. The land has been selling rare and unusual herbs to the buyers, mostly to lightning and fire.

Land of water. The lord is still unhappy with his hidden village, cursing them in his chambers. Decreasing the mission to the village, allowing mercenary groups to form in the outskirts of the capital. Three mercenary establishments have yet be registered at the capital.

Land of lightning. Patrolling spies have not gained much, only rumors. Jiraiya-sama has contacted that he would be providing Intel about the village and capital in his next meet.

Our village hasn't gotten missions from the mud, the cloud, the dream tree, the gold, the Sakura, the sky and key countries. So new information is not available on them, others are here."

Finishing her words, Mariko gave Hiruzen the paper and stood by for any commands.

After a full fifteen minutes later Hiruzen put down the last of the paper and let out a big sigh.

Looking at Mariko, he commanded, "Tell civilian and ninja council to hand over their reports as soon as possible. In the previous time, only the Intel department would be late but now…. Tell them to control themselves."

"Hai Hokage-sama." Leaving the room Mariko immediately acted.

"If anything important happens, call me." Hiruzen commanded and went back to the training room. Weaving hand-seals, he made a small cut, blood leaking from his hand catching the air in front of him, he called out.

"Summoning jutsu – Monkey king Enma."

"Hiruzen." A heavy voice called. A huge monkey with body and tail covered by white fur which protrudes from his sleeves and pants. He has long unkempt white hair that reached his back and long sideburns and a goatee, wearing a black suit with mesh armor underneath, over which he wears a sleeveless kimono shirt with white fur trimmings and markings reminiscent of tiger stripes on it, which is held closed by a red sash. The big guy also wearing a Konoha forehead protector.

"'s been long since I last called you."

"It has been, my friend…. You look like you need some help."

"Yeah… these old bones of mine needs your help,"

Giving a long stare, Enma let out a rare smile, "I am always here to help you."


Sitting on the floor, wearing yellow and black, Naruto picked up his brush and wrote a dozen of words in a few seconds.

"Morning, Naruto."

Coming out of daze due to Raito's call, Naruto replied in greeting.

"Naruto what do you wanna eat?" Raito asked as he stood in front of the kitchen.

Perking up Naruto answered, "Raa-men."

"Oh, we still have some chicken and this soup. Didn't I buy this…?" Raito opened the fridge grabbing the bowls and eggs.

"But what about rame-."

Ignoring Naruto, Raito started cutting, mixing and stirring. He completed everything in a fluid-like motion, while still doing chakra control exercise.

[Chakra Control Lvl 46]

"Tomorrow we have to go to training ground zero, survival training… ai…" Ratio sighed as he scrolled through his inventory, "Maybe I need more snacks."

"It would be an easy survival training. I had shadow clones learn all those books you gave me. There will be no problem."

'As if it would be so easy.' Raito rolled inwardly

"With your jutsu, we will have an easy time." Naruto laughed in joy as he ate the food.

'Am I depending too much on Inventory?' Raito questioned himself inwardly.

Raito quietly checked his status as he ate his food. His chakra was already at 1200 points. It was already a fourth of Naruto's monstrous chakra. Closing the status tab, he took out the scroll for 'Shadow Clone' jutsu. Unrolling the scroll, Raito quietly read. Holding his temptation down, Raito focused on reading.

After eating, the two parted ways, Naruto going to back hills. Sending Naruto off, Raito opened cupboard taking plates and cups, casting a 'False surrounding' changing the color of cups and plates. Spots appeared on the surface of the cup and artistic paintings appeared on the plate surfaces. Looking at the artistic drawing he felt satisfied. Then from the inventory, he took out a few things.

[Added weight jacket]

Novice level, tight-fitting, added weight jacket.

Owner: Yoshizawa Raito

Modified by: Yoshizawa Raito

Weight: 33 kg

(#LOG – Improvement seen)

[Added weight bracelet]

Novice level, added weight bracelet.

Owner: Yoshizawa Raito

Modified by: Yoshizawa Raito

Weight: 7.8 kg

With novice level skill of Yoshizawa Raito, heating and twisting the bar of iron to make a bracelet like structure.

(#LOG – Improvement seen)

"Hehe." Raito laughed evilly.

Wearing the jacket and bracelets, Raito walked out and sealed the house then he started running.

Somewhere inside the village

"Sensei, are you really letting us join the Chunin exams?" the voice pausing for a bit and continued, "I mean we are not…"

"Karu, what are you saying? Be more positive, POSITIVE." said a girl's voice.

"Damn it, Ami. You know how difficult it will be. It's not like you will go inside and get the certification in an instant." Karu replied mumbling mostly with a bitter face.

The Jōnin who was watching them had one hand on his pocket while other held a cigarette. He watched the two Genin quarreling then looked at his third Genin.

Sighing lightly he stopped the two, "Shut it, you two." then looking at the boy who was in deep thought, he said, "Gennai, what do you think?"

The boy after a long time raised up his hand and looked at his Jōnin instructor and asked, "Fumio-sensei, where will you place us among the Genin from Konoha who may be going to Chūnin exams."

Fumio sighed, looking at his team he said, "I will place you guys on top 10 right now."

Ami was overjoyed, "Really!" She squealed.

But Gennai and Karu had dark faces.

"You guys are above the middle of your batch. So you may have some choice." Fumio said.

"I am not going." Gennai raised his weak voice.

"Me too, sensei." Karu added.

"You guys…" Ami was confused

Fumio looked at the girl of the team and asked, "Ami, your choice."

Struggling with herself, she reluctantly replied with a hint of rejection, "I am with the team… so let's train hard and….and in the… next Chūnin exam we will show them."

"We may have C-rank in the next week or so as lots of groups will be going out, for now, let's do D-ranks."


"Let's go."

Looking at his team, he threw the cigarette on the ground stepping on it. "Go and register, I will be there on time."

Getting the instructor command, the trio ran away.

Seeing the group, Raito turned around.

"Hey, little buddy. Eavesdropping is a bad habit, you know." The ninja looked lazily at a direction, the smoke coming from the cigarette.

"Ah." in shock Raito jumped but couldn't do it completely due to the weights, bearing him down.

Embarrassed, about getting caught, Raito answered, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

"Are you Academy student?" the Jōnin instructor asked.

Raito nodded.

"You'll be graduating soon?" he asked again.

"Let me give you some advice."


"If I was an enemy ninja and you had not prepared an escape route, you would have been killed, your body left to rot. Maybe after someday, someone would come, discover your body, creating a state of alert in the village but much time would have passed, the enemy would have fled taking valuable Intel with him, causing damage to the village." Fumio tried to make Raito feel difficult talking about death, disgust, and guilt but Raito stood there silent, staring at him at all time.

"But kid, you are good, better than my students it seems, you have good stealth technique."

Then pausing for a while, Fumio said, "You heard us discussing about Chūnin exams when you were there (#pointing at a corner). You had brains to figure out that you needed this information and you had guts to act on it. And… … you are using a transformation technique right now."

Smiling he added, "If only you had an escape route, I would have given you a perfect 10."

"Who said I didn't have an escape route planned?" Raito asked.

One a.d.u.l.t and one kid stared at each other. The Jōnin instructor yawned and said in exasperation, "Ahh… I give up. You win, kid."

"If I waste any more time here, then they will surely call me lazy." Turning around, Fumio walked away. "See you later, Yoshizawa Raito…. Take care of Shikamaru."

"Damn it." Releasing his transformation, Raito sat down and went over everything on his hand.

"From that corner to that end, he could have seen me at any point. Jōnin such as himself, has greater environmental sensitivity than others. Also that Nara brain of his… way too smart.

Using the video function of his gamer ability, hiding in the dungeon Raito analyzed then summarized.

"First, I tried forcefully to not move my head but my eyes turned towards them. That's a strike. Second, I slowed down in the middle of walking there. That's another strike. I made too much noise separating the bush and I was wearing weights that made my foot sound heavy." sighing lightly Raito remembered Inoichi's words - 'Reflecting on my actions, refining to improve, better than yesterday, blooming in full might.'

Then smiling lightly he thought, 'I managed to fool the three Genin. I have time, I should focus on raising my strength and vitality right now.'


Gasping for breath, Raito thought,' I never knew, Hokage tower was this far.'

Maintaining a slow pace, Raito kept running. Beads of sweat on his forehead, falling on the ground as he took the next step, "Control my breathing, Control."

Drinking half a bottle of water, Raito wiped his sweat.

"Gai-sensei, look, look. Someone is training using weights, just like us." a loud excited voice was heard behind Raito. Looking back Raito saw Rock lee, the dead last of the last semester, running wearing with what seemed to be a green dress.

"Ohh! Lee, let's learn from the fellow shinobi. It seems that we need to increase our training more. It should be at least a five times." the man next to Rock lee was also wearing a green jumpsuit, with bowl-cut hair and big eyebrows.

"Hai, Gai-sensei, at least a five times."

"But Lee, you can't do that much right now."

"Gai-sensei, if I can't do that than I will do five hundred push-ups, with one hand behind my back and if I can't do that, I will run all around Konoha ten times and if I can't do that..."

Lip twitching Raito blocked Lee's voice and started running once again.

Frowning, Raito made a hard right towards the Hokage monument to escape the duo. But Lee's voice followed just behind and it seemed the voice was getting near.

"Gai-sensei, this new friend is going to our place?" Lee asked.

"It seems so, Lee-kun. Let's ask him."

Gai ran catching up to Raito and Lee followed behind.


"Lee, do you know this youthful youth?" Gai asked his face showing confusion.

"Hai, Gai-sensei, a few months back Raito-kun asked me some question about my situation." lee answered truthfully.

"Raito-kun, it's nice to meet someone as youthful as you. Training right now, you seem to have a truly youthful spirit." Gai stared at Raito, a twinkle in his eyes.

Jumping in front of Raito and making Raito stop, Gai stood straight, legs spreading slightly, left hand at his h.i.p.s and right-hand thumbs pointing at his face, giving a toothpaste white worthy smile, he declared, "I am the youthful spirit as the leaf, People who know me call me as the green beast of Konoha. Full of youthful spirit flowing in my body, I am the inheritor of Leaf Hurricane Taijutsu of my generation. I am Maito Gai."

Raito looked at the man in front of him and felt respect for this weirdly Jōnin in front of him, Maito Gai, Taijutsu master, renowned for the leaf hurricane Taijutsu style, practitioner of the forbidden hidden gate, expert of the frontal assault. Speed, strength, technique are exceptional, Low on chakra, Ninjutsu, and control. Counted with the top Jōnin in the leaf village. Also renowned for his destructive performance.

Bowing his head, Raito said, "It's nice meeting you… Gai-sensei."

Coming out from his daze, Gai said slowly, "Raito-kun, Yoshizawa Raito, I knew your father very well. He was my training partner, we used to spar every now and then. Raito-kun how about after you become a Genin, why not you visit me. I may not know much about other arts but for Taijutsu, I know much more than anyone in the village."


"I, at the very least, wish to teach you your father's technique." After hearing Gai talking about his father, Raito seriously wanted him for his Jōnin sensei.

"Hai, Gai-sensei, I would very much like to." Raito replied as he bowed. His father style, he would definitely inherit that if he could.

"Gai-sensei..." from the side Lee called Gai.

"Let's go." Gai shouted.

"Hai." Lee chirped.

The three started running, Gai and Lee slowing their pace to match Raito's.

Glancing sideways, Gai felt confusion then he said, "Raito-kun its better if you use chakra as low as possible."

"While breathing press the tip to your tongue to the top of the mouth, then breathe. Create that resistance and hold it." Gai would continually give Raito pointers, even stopping at times for Raito to catch up.

[VIT raised by 3 points.]

[STR raised by 3 points.]

"Gai-sensei, thank you for advising me. This type of training is more beneficial than I usually do. Raito thanked the green beast and asked for leave.

"Raito-kun, I want to share my youthful spirit with you, I request you for a spar, please accept it." Rock Lee asked with a bow.

Name: Rock Lee Lvl 23

Title: Genin of Leaf Village

HP: 3600/3600

CP: 400/400

STR: 123

VIT: 112

DEX: 140

INT: 45

WIS: 43

LUK: 29

Raito focused eye, dimmed and frowned, his mouth puckered.

Sighing he began, "I want to Lee but I can't." (Raito started making excuses.)

"You are a Genin under supervision of a Jōnin. But I am a student in the academy and a civilian. So we cannot spar right now, I am sorry."

"Right Lee, civilian against civilian and ninja against ninja." Gai explained in simple words saving Raito. The level difference was just too great.

'Truly a smart kid.' Gai added a card to Raito.

"Then let's spar in future, Raito-kun (autocorrect in the libre office gave Raito-kun…...traitor-kun)." Lee extended his hand. Raito followed and shook his hand in acceptance.

"I have already accepted Tenten's challenge and now I have accepted yours. I am truly sorry for what I have to say.... I will say it bluntly – may it be you or Tenten, I will not fight in your field of your expertise, I will use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, whatever I feel like will defeat you. Tenten is good at Bukaijutsu and you are good at Taijutsu. You are weak at Genjutsu and Tenten is bad at Ninjutsu."

Raito became even fiercer, "If you don't cover your weakness I will pursue them, exploit them and defeat you."

The fierce expression disappeared and a smile replaced it, "So make sure to cover your weakness, okay?"

Lee stood there stunned, staring at the back of Raito as Raito ran back where he came from.

[Quest Complete] Green Suits

Provoke Rock lee (Complete).

Quest reward – 30 EXP

'One more complete.' helping chain quest came like waves giving little rewards but still, Raito did it. Only he thought – 'even though it is a drop, it will fill the jar.'

Quest – Cherry Blossom

Quest – Mind Hacker

Quest – Food Miracle

Quest – Floating clouds

Quest – Burning shadow

Quest – A drop of poison

Quest – Sword world

Quest – Sweet tooth

Quest – Prank Hazard

Quest – Buggy station

Quest – Fangs on you

"Renji, why are you distracted?" the older men frowned as the boy in front of him missed yet again a number. "Stand straight, make the stance, hands more back… argh, do everything again."

The old men turned around in exhaustion and said, "The three year is going to end soon, we will be… going back to our place soon. After we reach there, we have to show that your swordsmanship has improved and make the council of... elder believe that..."

Then he turned quite.


"Right… we… Ahem, do it again… I want to see you complete it perfectly, no wasted movement." the old man gained control then instructed the boy once again.

"Yes, father."

Raito in the house

"I am hungry." patting his stomach, Raito walked towards the house.

After 3 hours of running with added weight, Raito was finally at his comfortable house.

[CP 10/1260]

[Abnormal Status – Extreme Exhaustion]

As soon as he stepped inside the house, his leg gave out causing him to fall to the ground, face first.

Rolling sideways, Raito tried pushing the ground but failing to do so. Making the jacket and bracelet disappear, he started breathing heavily.

"I am going to be a ninja soon. Going to be forced into a new world of danger, but I am going to survive, survive in this ruthless world."

"Hup." Raito flipped up.

Raito gripped his fist tightly and loosened. "I really feel exhausted." Resting for tens of minutes, Raito brought out a paper which had various things written. "Okay then. [Record video].... Experiment number 5."

"Inventory (A box screen appeared.)

One bite rice ball (5 of the small box got highlighted out.)

1 (The first one was selected.)

1 (from the 99 of the first highlighted one was selected.)"

A few seconds later, a small white spherical ball appeared in front of him. The rice ball was in the air for 3 seconds after which it stopped dropping. Raito quickly grabbed the ball then kept it in the inventory.

"Maybe." thinking of an idea. Raito grabbed a small plastic bag and stuffing it with some food, went to his neighbor's house.


Raito kept on knocking but the other side was as silent as the deep mountains. For a whole five minutes, Raito knocked on the door without resting. At the very end, he heard a voice, "Who the hell is awake this early?" a women's lazy, angry shout could be heard outside.

"Kayoka-nee, it's already eleven, open the door." Raito replied.

A woman wearing a plain white T-shirt and gray short pants opened the door. Her green eyes narrowed as she opened the door, the ray of light hitting her face. Groaning, she covered her face.

Raito kept on knocking on the side of the door even after the door was opened.

"Cut it, brat." When she spoke there was the smell of alcohol coming from her. Grabbing Raito's hand, she asked, "What do you want?"

"I brought some food." Raito handed a paper bag to her. Kayoko stared at the paper bag before she released his hand and grabbed the paper bag.

"Make yourself at home, I'll make some tea." She said simple before walking back,

"I already had tea Kayoko-nee, I came to ask for something."

Keeping the bag on the table, the women looked at the boy and said, "If you want me to give you jutsu, poison, weapons, Intel or training then the answer is – 'No'. So, tell me what do you want?"

Rolling his eyes, Raito handed out a cloth and rope, "I want you to cover my hand tie with rope. I am doing escape techniques, I have already done it without the cloth but..." making a face of difficulty Raito answered.

"Done." Kayoko covered with the cloth first then tied with the rope, tying a complex structure knot.

"K...Kayoko-nee, isn't this a bit too much?"

"Try and you will know." After saying that Raito was pushed outside and the door was closed.

Raito went back to the house and tried the sequence once again. The rice ball once again appeared in front of him for a few seconds before falling on the ground. With a thought this time the rice ball appeared in his hand. Again, this time, the rice ball appeared in his mouth. Chewing and swallowing the rice ball, Raito commented, "Nice flavor".

Following the series again, the rice ball fell on the ground, this time to a hands distance away.

"Well, I knew I couldn't be that fortunate. Now let's open this knot."

Ten minutes later the knot was getting tighter.

Ten minutes later, "Damn it, it's too difficult." Raito's face was red and now he was panting. On the floor, two hands bond and also a foot now.

'Inventory. Kunai. 1.' A kunai appeared in his hand after which he struggled and cut the rope.

"How did she do that?" Raito grumbled then jumped in shock.

[Stop recording]

[Video experiment no 5]

Raito watched all of it and later tried on tying the knot in the same way Kayoko did.

DEX raised by 1.

"Hei...hei didn't I buy that book about knots and rope technique back then?" Raito then quickly went upstairs to find the book. (For all those dirty minds...….)

On one training ground of Konoha, Rock Lee, was punching the stump of the tree continuously, in a daze as if in deep thought. Watching his student, Gai on the side didn't say anything.

Stopping his punching routine, Lee looked at Gai and asked, "Gai-sensei, I felt that what Raito-kun said is right but I don't know… if I can do anything about it…. I don't know what I should do."

"Lee…that's what I am for, ask me for things and I will help you. That's what instructors are for. What Raito-kun said was extremely blunt but at the same time true. Without him telling you, you all would have experienced in future." Gai said as he looked at Lee.

"You have weakness, Tenten have weakness….even Neji have weakness….weakness, everyone has one even me or Hokage-sama."

"Even you or Hokage-sama?"


"Then, how?"

"There is no straight answer, as you work hard, you will definitely learn about them." turning stern, Gai made Lee train harder and also planned for Tenten and as for Neji, he didn't want to think more. Neji only accepted strength training but never wanted to learn other techniques.


"So young yet so talented, still hidden like a snake..." the man continued, "Failing academy two times then failing Chūnin exams four times. No one gave him a glance, high-level Iryō Ninjutsu, meaning high level chakra control but the Jōnin leader never put up his name for field promotion."

Pausing for a couple of seconds, the man scrolled through the papers and continued, "Amazingly has an approved room in the academy and also in the tower. Working as an aide, helping his adoptive father in hospital and chambers."

Inoichi stared at the paper, going through them a few more times then he put the pen in his hand on the stack of paper.

"Since when has the tower allow an individual a separate room? Since when….was a medic Nin was so easily allowed to treat ANBU? Since when is this all happening?" Hiruzen asked, the marble under his finger sinking in the wooden table.

"Approval was given by you, signed by you, Hokage-sama." Inoichi pulled two paper and place it on the table.

Hiruzen looked at the approval letter then at his signature, anger clear on his face. Looking once again at Inoichi, Hiruzen asked, "Mizuki, his mindscape, Kabuto was there?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama, Kabuto, this person has been on so many of the Chunin exams but refused every time, just before going on the stage. His mission reports show that he has very less involvement in the frontal assault, always going for support and medication."

"Mizuki had a mind seal on him blocking most of the memories. But I definitely saw this guy, Kabuto after deep diving." Inoichi sat on the seal and said straight.

CAT ANBU appeared from behind Inoichi, looked at the table. Reaching out to photo and examining it for a while, she spoke, "T and I department, Ayoma Mari met with the suspect 'Kabuto' she said having bad vibes from him, believing that 'Kabuto' is big trouble, wanting Raito to never meet this Kabuto."

"Put a detail on him for now, the rooms….leave it but limit the ANBU division. Use discretion. As for Mizuki.... Prepare to send him to the correctional facility in the west." commanding Hiruzen at a side before giving a signal to everyone in the room.


The door banged open, Naruto walked inside with a jovial smile and skipping steps. In his hand, he held was a stack of yellow paper.

"Jii-chan, I did it!" Naruto barged inside the room, shouting at the top of his voice.

Hiruzen who was looking at his papers, now looked at the bundle of happiness. As Naruto quickly entered the room with his talisman, he had shouted, announced his happiness.

"Jii-chan, look at these, I made them." Naruto gave Hiruzen the talisman he was holding. Hiruzen took the talisman, looking at it as if it was a rare item.

In a shock, Hiruzen asked, "Naruto, what are these talisman….aren't they very similar to explosion talisman?"

Placing a fresh scroll on the desk then the talisman on top of the scroll, he looked at Naruto and asked, "Can I?"

"Of course, it is newly type of explosion talisman. From the Uzumaki clan, born from my greatness. I made this one all by myself." Naruto laughed as he explained.

Pressing his index finger to the talisman, the chakra filled the talisman. The ink started to spread covering the scroll filling the twelve columns. Hiruzen smiled as he looked at the scroll before closing it, "I will be keeping this."



"ID Escape."

"ID Create" and "ID Escape" leveled up.

"ID Create" and "ID Escape" has reached level 15.

Instant Dungeon: Wasteland

Instant Dungeon: Wasteland – Zombies

Instant Dungeon: Tribal lands

'I wasn't able to get all of them to fifty but I unlocked a new dungeon.' Raito checked his skill list and smiled. Stuffing everything in his inventory, Raito started preparing for tomorrow. The mattress, blanket, utensils, quick snacks and everything.


Raito was in absolute glee, everything needed for the survival exams was in his inventory. But didn't he fear the Chūnin in the survival exams who would be watching his team? Nope not a bit, in survival exam, everything depends on you, cheating also depends on you. If you have the way to do it, no one could stop you.

After packing everything, Raito looked at the clock. It was already 7 and Naruto was still not home.

Raito brought out food from his inventory, placing it on the table and covering them. Raito then placed a card near it, few words were written, "Reheat".

Exiting the house, Raito walked the streets of Konoha. As he walked by, he would use 'Observe' every now and then, may it be a man, women, dog, cat or stone from the side of the street, the trash on the side on the road.

Emotions written in words, how can it be like, a person will show them so easily on their face. There would be anger written but there was calmness on the face. The nervousness will show a worried face, hesitation in the steps, sometime it would be hurried. Women with sadness tag would show signs of sadness in her everything from how she walked or how she talked. But some may show no signs, the face will still have that same smile when she was with her parents, when she ate her favorite food or when she fell in love for the first time. How complicated can a human be? One face, hundreds and thousands of thought, wearing a mask, how would I know?

If one starts walking he could see a lot of things. Raito walking in the street, he saw men and women who were, maybe returning from their work or a hospital staff going to the hospital. Buying vegetables, drinking with friends, eating snacks. Men would go to drink with their friends and tell their tales, or go homes to be with their family, hugging his wife, kissing her and saying 'I love you' or playing with his baby girl and boy or helping them with their studies. Men with tingling tails would visit the houses of night ladies, grab one of the ladies, entering the room to make noises of union. Drinking for sorrow, drinking for fun, drinking for friends. I drink to life for I have sinned.

Raito walked the bustling streets, looking at men and women, singles and couples, every single one of them were…. Living their life.

Walking into the Yamanaka flower shop, he saw Ino who was starting to close the shop.

"We are closing for the day. Please come tomorrow." Ino said as she took off her apron.

"Hey." Raito called out.

Hearing the familiar sound, Ino turned around to see Raito standing.

"Raito." happily shouting she went forward. "What are you doing here?"

Stunned Raito watched Ino as he was seeing a stupid person. Recovering he asked, "What would I do in a flower shop?"

In anger, Ino made a threatening fist, seemingly wanted to punch Raito. "What do you mean?"


"Don't waste my time, today we have a clan gathering." pausing for a bit Ino asked, "What do you want?"

"Two blue belles please." Raito answered quickly as it was an everyday matter.

Ino kneeled down picking two of the whitish-blue flower, wrapping them lightly in the paper, then giving it to Raito.

Paying her Raito directly walked out but just as he was about to go out, Ino called out, "Don't be late tomorrow, and be there at seven."

Raito didn't turn but waved his hand as he exited the flower shop.

Ino watched as the back of Raito faded in the crowd of people. Only after a long time Ino moved, closing the door, she went to the clan residence.

Raito arrived at the memorial stone, before stepping up he began to tidy his clothes. Walking a few steps forward, Raito could see dust and leaves gathering on the steps. Taking out a broom from his inventory, Raito started sweeping. Looking at the clean area, he finally nodded, crouching down Raito place the flowers on the vase in the corner.

Raito sat down cross-legged and started speaking his every word, soft and pleasing to hear, the tune of his life that no one could hear.

"….I will be going to survival exams for nearly a week so don't worry when I am not here." Raito said as he heard the footsteps.

The silver-haired Jōnin, Hatake Kakashi was quite far from the memorial stone. Stunned looking at the sitting black-haired young man in front of the black stone.

"It's a coincidence, I swear…." Kakashi said to no one.

Kakashi walked silently and approached Raito. Looking down at the boy, he said, "You are here a lot….and when I say a lot….it is a lot."

Raito looked at Kakashi and said, "You are the one to say…."

"I don't come here that often just occasionally." Raito added.

"Haha." Kakashi laughed dryly.

After a long pause Raito asked, "Say Kakashi-sensei, do you think all the names in this monument are actually dead?"

Kakashi narrowed his eyes but went back to his lazy eye smile.

"I don't know about all of them but I have seen people die….some with my one eyes (#tracing the names of his father, his team, his sensei, his colleagues….) one by one their names kept being inscribed into the stone."

*SFX for eagle screeching.

"That's my call." saying that Kakashi disappeared.

Turning his head back Raito looked at the name, Uchiha Obito.

Raito turned around, walking back, slowly. As he reached the house, he could see two images in front of the house, Hiruzen and Naruto waving, calling for Raito with a wide smile.

Saturday Morning

"Nom Nom Nom" Naruto made loud sound as he ate his food, in a hurry.

Today was the start of exams in the academy. The first will be a survival exam, although the points from this exam will not be added at the end, it will, however, determine the future of the soon to be Genin.

Raito stood at the backyard in a happy mood as he looked at the plank in his hand. The plank had seals inscribed into it, its work was to release water in a specific time. This was Raito's first experiment with time seals. First seal for sealing chakra, second for gathering water, third for sealing the water, fourth for releasing the water and lastly the time seal, firstly describing time, then setting a specific value. If it happened right, then in a specific period of time, the gathered water would expel the water.

Naruto on the room looked at the clock before running out, sealing the house and grabbing Raito to run for the training grounds.


In front of two small huts, in a line, Chūnin stood there in attention. In front of them stood Iruka, in his hand a clipboard and in his face, anger.

In front of the row of Chūnin, the students stood in groups with friends like Ino-Shika-Cho, while other preferred to be alone like Sasuke and Shino.

One of the Chūnin in a row, in annoyance, said, "Can't we just start without them?"

Iruka at the front just gave one sentence, "According to Hokage tower clock, ten minutes left to seven."

"Now where are those two? It's nearly seven." Iruka who held the name list looked at a distance, after quite a while he crossed the remaining last two names.

Students waiting for the exams, everyone just as usual except the ones from the clans, wearing three upper and three on the down.

As Shikamaru looked southward, he yawned then looked at Hinata. Hinata who got the signal used her Byakugan answered, "They are coming."

"Even though I said him to be at seven, he is taking his time." Ino said with a bit of anger.

"If it wasn't for Naruto, he would be even later." Shikamaru made a comment as he rested himself on the tree.

"It isn't like he would fail anyway." Chōji commented from the side, his hand and mouth never stopping, stuffing his mouth with food.

Hinata stood on the side rarely speaking a word, she stood on the side using her eyes to look at the area behind the massive wooden fence.

Sasuke who was on the side silently leaned on a tree, secretly eavesdropping them but didn't have any change in expression. Shino who was on the side, at this time looked at the distance before giving a signal to Kiba. "Kiba-san".

"It's Naruto alright." Kiba patted Akamaru as he sniffed, Akamaru replied with a happy yelp.

The orange bundle dragging a dark greenish bundle stopped in front of the crowd before sighing in relief. After an exaggerated sigh, Naruto faced his friends greeting them in process, as Naruto greeted, Raito followed. As the process completed they had already formed groups, Ino-Shika-Cho at a side and Naruto-Hinata-Raito at another.

"It will be like this."

Chōji dragging Raito at the side, he brought out a very, very big bag of snacks. With an unwilling face, Chōji finally gave it to Raito to keep them in his inventory.

"Don't use your inventory too much, okay? It's just like a cheat." Chōji made a tearful expression as he opened one more packet of ch.i.p.s. "You are definitely not allowed to eat my snacks."

"Who says I am going to cheat using my inventory. I am a just, hardworking, plain ninja in training not using cheats to make it easy." Ratio said as he thumped his c.h.e.s.t but just as he said that his face turned ugly.

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