The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 25 - 25 – A Women’s Anger

Chapter 25 – A Women's Anger

The ANBU who was responsible for watching Raito's group saw that everyone went to sleep, today again they hadn't started training, slightly disappointed as he had rated them much more. Creating a clone for replacement, the ANBU left and with a high speed movement disappeared completely from the area.

The opposite part of the training ground from the waterfall was about six kilometers, for a high level ANBU, it took just a little more than an hour to reach there.


On a cleared area, Shino stood silently watching the two of his teammates fighting. Comparing Taijutsu against his two teammates, he would the lowest but comparing to the entire of his class, he would be at the top five. At the academy, he would mostly be paired with the low leveled students and at other times it would be either Kiba, Sasuke or Raito, who had a higher level of Taijutsu.

Close combat fight was never Shino's positive points. His best abilities were being patient, stealth, observing and analyzing, the same thing his clan, Aburame Clan was famous for and of course, their family techniques.

Shino silently watched Kiba and Sasuke fighting, analyzing in his mind. Kiba's highly offensive style of fighting, where every move was aimed to cause massive damage and Sasuke counterattacking type of fighting technique, where first things would be slow and later would be offensive. It would be tenth or twelfth fight now, but the result would be the same, every, single, time – Sasuke's win and Kiba's loss. Sighing, he brought forth his hand near his face where a small bug made some sounds.

"It's same every time, no matter what." Sasuke sighed as he once again dodged the tackle and the claw. Throwing a strong kick to the gut from below, he planted a kick to Kiba's face. This type of fight was indeed too boring. When fighting Raito he would learn a few tricks and make improvements, every single time there would be an improvement, every time he will be filled with the d.e.s.i.r.e to improve and try his best, hoping he would not be left behind.

"Oof." Coughing out, Kiba rolled back from the force of the kick. Rubbing his face, he lay on the ground breathing heavily. By his side, Akamaru licked Kiba's hand and waited with his little tails moving.

Taking out his hands from his pocked Sasuke walked towards Kiba. "Hmph." snorting Sasuke pulled Kiba before walking away.

Watching from a higher landscape, the silver haired ANBU sighed, "They only fight, eat and sleep. Soo boring, don't you think Tenzō?"

Kakashi turned around and watched as the short brown haired ANBU dropped down from a tree.

"Senpai, you are sharp as always." Tenzō spoke as he removed his mask.

"Damn those from the research department really made something useful this time." Kakashi clicked his tongue as he closed the scroll and kept it in his jacket.

Bringing a thermos, Kakashi opened the lid. Steam from the hot coffee exited from the thermos giving a refreshing smell. Kakashi filled his cup with the coffee and started drinking.

Tenzō stood foolishly for a little while before reaching out. But before he could grab it, his hand was slapped away. Then heard Kakashi speaking, "Tenzō, don't you have a cup? You know, I don't share a cup with anyone."

Patting everywhere on his body, Tenzō scratched his head and laughed embarrassingly. So after a bit of thought, he channeled his chakra, making a cup, which was slightly bigger than the Kakashi's own.

Giving him a lazy eye smile, Kakashi filled his cup. "I never thought about this." then drank his own.

"Senpai, this idea was actually from a kid from the academy." looking at the steam coming out of the cup, he recalled the boy and said.

"And….who is it?" going through his mind, Kakashi had a boy in his mind.

"Yoshizawa Raito, Akeno and Michio's son." Tenzō replied with hints of sorrow.

"What did he do?" intrigued he asked.

"You wouldn't believe me senpai but that kid is too abnormal. Using elemental manipulation, he made a big room, a fireplace, table, chairs, a bath and what was with that bird fountain. Even a bird is having a better time than me. He used the stones, lying around to make all that."

"Truly amazing senpai, truly amazing." Tenzō added.

"Hmm….not that amazing, you know. You made those all when you were younger than him and I made my own jutsu when I was younger than him. Isn't that much better in comparison?" Kakashi said, which had pride all over it but also sorrow.

"Senpai, how is the team you are looking after?" Changing topics, Tenzō asked.

"Are you talking about them? Just boring, fighting, eating and sleeping is all they do. I have so much free time that I finished all my books." Kakashi waved his book showing Tenzō.

"Are you talking about Jiraiya-sama's books, senpai?" looking at the familiar looking book, Tenzō asked. Even though Tenzō read in his free time, he wasn't like Kakashi reading at all times, so he still had a lot to be read.

"The last book of Icha-Icha series 'Full Blossom' was really good. I wonder when is Jiraiya-sama's next book is going to be released?" closing the book Kakashi placed it in the storage seal carefully. It looked like, he wanted to frame the book if he could.

Nodding his head, Tenzō sighed but later was stunned. "Senpai, don't you know? Jiraiya sensei plans to release a new book. The title of the book was released last week, it was 'Night Castle'."

"Eh!? Ehhhh!?" due to all the spyin- working Kakashi had missed a lot of things.

After being shocked for a while, Kakashi recovered.

"That kid is probably a hidden gem." Tenzō who was drinking his coffee sighed and added, "Seeing the students working hard I feel like I am getting old."

"You are getting old." Kakashi attacked heartlessly and Tenzō who gave him an odd look.

"Even Yugao and Hayate are getting married." Tenzō sighed in his own worry.

"Asuma and Kurenai are dating too." Kakashi added.

"That too. *Sigh. There is a thing that I have been wanting to ask. You know that….ano that." hesitating face Tenzō tried speaking up.

(It looks like he wants to talk about a girl.) Kakashi took a sip and said, "Tenzō, com to the point." Kakashi filled his cup once more.

"There is a girl that I have been wanting to see." Tenzō said with some hesitation and remembered about what Raito said at the beginning of the test.

"Eh!?" 'See right through you.' Kakashi acted shocked but inside he sighed in his super predicting abilities.

"Fuyuko Fumihiko, she is from the intelligence department. We went on a date last time but I had to….go on an emergency call. Hokage-sama called so what could I do. So I said sorry and ran." Tenzō started telling his story.

'He went on a date?'

'What am I doing with my life?'

Kakashi inner thoughts were now messed up. For as long as he could remember, he spent most of his time in missions, his lovely books and then lastly….Gai, thinking about what he did Kakashi couldn't help but think seriously.

"Since then she won't look at me. Now she has been ignoring me, senpai…..Senpai what should I do?" Tenzō asked his all best senpai.

'No, no why are you asking me this?'

Even though it was a difficult topic for him, Kakashi tried his best to give advice to his cute kōhai.

"When was the date?" Kakashi started with investigating tone.

"Two weeks ago." Tenzō answered truthfully.

Taking a deep breath, Kakashi sighed and started his bullshit, "Tenzō, you have to be straight about it. We are a ninja so it would be easy to find information on her. Wear something good and proper, grab flowers she like, find out the day she has leave and also ask someone to take the shift for you. Don't ask her, but tell her to come with you, give her flower and kiss her and...."

Tenzō nodded and scribbled in his paper, "This seems like an awesome idea."

'I am at that age too.' Kakashi questioned himself on the inside.

[You have slept in a makeshift bed. HP and CP has been fully recovered. All abnormal status and negative ailments have been restored.]

Raito woke up and looked at the clock with dissatisfaction. Walking opposite of the bed area Raito crouched down and placed his hand on the small stone chamber. Injecting a bit of chakra, an opening was created from which smoke appeared. Using another hand seal, he used the 'Erasing Wind' to clear the smoke. Grabbing bundles of logs, Raito threw them in the chamber lighting it up, then closed the opening. The chamber was connected to the pipes all over the cave room and exited from an opening at the roof which was made slightly curved.

Stretching his body, Raito went out of the cave. Grabbing a brushing bush, he started brushing teeth and with chakra enhanced water, rinsed his mouth and washed his face.

Inside the cave, Shikamaru woke up due to Raito all making noise, which wasn't much. Feeling the stiffness in his neck, Shikamaru woke up uncomfortably and grumbled in pain, "We definitely need pillows."

Outside Raito placed his index and thumb fingers in the water on the water vat and activated his chakra, "Fire release – Fire spark". The water in the vat after some time released some steam. Feeling curious he willed for more chakra into the jutsu and soon nearly a fifth of the chakra was exhausted when the water started boiling. Alarmed as his HP was decreasing rapidly, Raito quickly pulled back his hand and started healing himself. Seeing that the wounds in his hand started healing and his HP returned to normal, Raito sighed in relief.

Name: Yoshizawa Raito Lvl 13 Exp 70%

Title: Ninja Academy Student (+25% Exp till level 10)

Age: 12

HP: 1500/1510

STR: 38

VIT: 43

DEX: 36

INT: 47

WIS: 40

LUK: 33(13+20) #20 is the equipment bonus from the lucky star#

Stat points: 30

Yoshizawa household member: Additional +50 HP per level +2 INT & +3 VIT per level.

Holder of the lucky star (Bound Equipment): additional +1 LUK per level.

"I need more training on STR and DEX, I thought that with all those training I would have high STR. I wanted more chakra so I invested most of my time on INT." Raito summarized, closed the status page and tried opening his inventory but failed in doing so.

"Oi Raito, you are awake so early." from the back Shikamaru called, still holding his neck.

"Eh? Shika, you can wake up so early, what happened?" Raito turned around with some hints of astonishment in his face as he saw Shikamaru coming over.

"Nothing, my neck feels so stiff right now, it's hard to even move my neck." Shikamaru complained as he pressed his hand on the neck with a bit of force.

With glowing green chakra in his hand, Raito reached out to Shikamaru's neck and used heal on it. "Try moving."

Shikamaru tried moving and freely moved his neck with ease. "That feels good."

"After resting for a bit, you will be all fine, Shika." Raito removed his hands and the green glow vanished.

Shikamaru looked at Raito with determined glare and said, "We need pillows."

Not wanting to laugh out Raito held in his laughter and said, "Sure, anytime. If the blanket didn't get wet, I would have already made it."

Shikamaru also grabbed a bush and held a cup of water to brush his teeth.

"Shika can we make some ink and a brush?" Raito asked as he looked back at the cave.

Bush in his mouth he looked at Raito asking for what he needed those.

"For Fuinjutsu." Raito answered simply and explained further. "With Fuinjutsu we can make a temperature regulating seal, preservation seal and fortification seal."

"That's level three seals. Can you do it?" Shikamaru asked with some suspicion.

"Of course I can." Raito said proudly and added, "I can already make the harder level three seals now. So it would be easy with them."

"And Naruto can also make seals?" Shikamaru asked with a questioning tone.

"Level two to be exact." Raito answered.

"You are abnormal, Raito." Shikamaru rinsed his mouth and commented without even looking at Raito.

"What's so abnormal about learning Fuinjutsu? There are lots of people doing Fuinjutsu." Raito retorted.

"That's not what I meant, but you clearly told me last time that you just wanted to read Fuinjutsu theory. But how come you know how to make seals now? The books I gave you didn't have a Fuinjutsu formula. Everything was just theory." Shikamaru stared like he know everything.

"….I slowly took from jiji's bookshelf." Raito said reluctantly.

"Did you steal them?" Shikamaru asked in a daze.

"Did you go stupid?" Raito rolled his eyes.

"I did something and Jiji gave me a book in return." Raito said proudly.

After a long pause, Shikamaru sighed and said, "I will look for things around."

"Sure." Grabbing apples from the box he gave one to Shikamaru and took a bite himself.

"I will be back in a few hours." Saying that Raito ran away.

Seeing his back Shikamaru could only resign to his fate, to wait for someone else to wake up.

At a place where chickens were walking with some panic. Raito tried some traps made using earth control but after trying out various things, Raito could only give up. Because the trap activation was so slow and failed in catching even one chicken.

[Earth Spike Lvl 1 (Active) CP cost – 250]

Even though the technique that Raito created using just earth manipulation and chakra control without any hand seals, he wished it to be like super powerful but the activation time and piercing power were too weak. Every time the jutsu was activated, the wild chicken would dodge the spikes and run wild.

Frustrated, Raito changed few stones into a sharp circular disk and threw them instantly chopping their head off.

Eyes twitching he instructed himself, "I need to incorporate hand seals with these techniques I created."

Catching a couple of chicken, draining their blood, Raito dragged them together and brought them back to the shelter.

Seeing that Raito brought the chicken back, the first to react was Chōji. With a furious wind, the three chicken in Raito's hand was snatched away in a blink of the eye. With the rock knife, Chōji started preparing the chicken and gave Raito a list of things to bring. Grumbling Raito went back to collect the necessary ingredients. Tomatoes, ginger, onion, chili pepper and various other spices.

As Raito collected the ingredients, he saw a silver haired ANBU sitting on a stone lazily, right hand holding his face, "Is today some party? Are you guys making chicken? Am I invited?"

"Kakashi-sensei?" Raito asked without even looking. "What did you do with 'rule-book'?"

"Rule book?" stunned Kakashi laughed after understanding.

"Why are you here?" Raito asked as he started picking herbs.

"Me? I swapped places with the ANBU." Kakashi answered plainly.


"Because I wanted to."

Stunned by the answer, Raito chose to ignore Kakashi and return back to the shelter. On the way back Raito grabbed a few edibles which could be eaten raw and baked easily.

"Say Kakashi sensei, who made all this training ground?" Raito asked.

"Some Chūnin and Jōnin. One just needs earth jutsu and water jutsu." stunned Kakashi replied after making Raito wait for half a minute.

"What about…..the trees?" Raito asked again this time with more of interest.

"The trees? They grew themselves." Kakashi replied smoothly without needing to think.

[Lie detected]. The lie was so obvious that even though Kakashi lied, it was directly revealed, even though the level difference was so high.

"Liar." Raito shouted in low voice then continued in his path.

Reaching the shelter area, Raito saw that Chōji had already cleaned the chicken of its feathers, the innards had been removed and the body was stabbed with a rock skewer. There were few herbs inserted on the underlying skin, which looked like a tightly fitted glove.

Seeing that Raito was coming, Chōji waved his hand to call him. Handing Chōji all the ingredients, Raito was again issued with another job of making mortar and pestles.

Finishing the job quickly Raito saw that the experience bar for 'Earth Element Manipulation' was quickly filling up. Happy Raito made few things that he didn't need like a nice looking statue of Hiruzen and balls. In his few experiments, Raito made the rocks with near big volume compress until it was the size of a marble, while not all were successfully turned into the size of a marble, their size decreased. With the increase in level, the power to compress increased accordingly. Now with a palm of one's hand, holding a small bead with the weight of hundreds. If they were used with the skill 'Throw', the result will definitely be extremely dangerous.

Laughing loudly, Raito moved all of them inside the cave. Making flower pots, Raito decided to put his ideas into test. These days when the vats were full of purified water and his chakra was full, Raito would splash the water on the wall outside the cave. To his amazement, on the wall, there were green sprouts. New green life ready to blossom. Making flower pots, Raito placed a plant in it and watered it with purified water. Such treatment of nobility in the wrong direction making people vomit.

In all his experiment, Raito couldn't smell the delicious smell coming from the chicken, but the smell from Chōji's cooking could be called heavenly as the small pug like dog with brown fur and a dark brown snout and ears, wearing blue vest with the heno-heno-moheji seal and a Konoha forehead protector, sitting at the top of the tree at the cliff, twitched his nose and disappeared from the spot landing near Chōji's cooking area.

"A ninken?" Chōji watched the brown pug and placed himself between the chicken and the ninken.

"That smells nice." The ninken spoke making Chōji jump in surprise. Chōji quickly leveled the ninken 'high level'.

"I made it." Chōji replied with some hesitation.

"My name is Pakkun, the new supervisor's summon looking after you all." Pakkun introduced himself, raising his paws, which were soft pink.

"That chicken smells nice, mind sharing?" immediately after introducing himself, Pakkun asked with d.e.s.i.r.e, coming from his eyes.

Seeing the d.e.s.i.r.e, similar d.e.s.i.r.e rose in Chōji's eyes and he nodded heavily

"If there are more of you, you have to bring chicken yourself." the side ingredients that Raito brought were abundant but the number of chicken were limited.

Nodding his head Pakkun disappeared from the area.

Meditating, Raito used 'Chakra Sense' and saw the whole thing, now with the individual and environment being extremely clear, he got a passive skill, 'Lip Reading'. With the help of skill, lip reading was much easier. But as for the lip reading of dogs, it was not possible, for now.

Watering the plants, Raito left the cave and went towards the open area, where everyone was training. Reaching the area, Raito was totally stunned. Naruto, Hinata, Ino and Sakura had already started doing the 'Tree Climbing Exercise'. But what was more surprising was that Ino and Naruto were struggling, Naruto having more difficulty. And Sakura standing on the branch at the upper part of the tree.

[Haruno Sakura Lvl 8]

HP: 350/350

CP: 175/300

[Yamanaka Ino Lvl 8]

HP: 525/525

CP: 400/600

[Uzumaki Naruto Lvl 10]

HP: 3600/3800

CP: 4000/5000

Seeing Naruto's large chakra pool, Raito was filled with jealousy, wanting to increase his INT points with status points. But his Gamer's mind helped him calm down, letting him think calmly.

"You guys have already started, not even waiting for me." Raito cried in mock anger.

"Raito!!" Naruto shouted as he jumped from his lying position. Scratching his hair he added, "It's so difficult, chakra control is so difficult. I wish I was smart like Sakura." Naruto's last sentence was said in such a low voice, only he could hear. But with Raito's lip reading, he easily knew what Naruto was saying.

Going in front, Raito smiled warmly with the position ready to hug him. Confused Naruto also smiled and spread his arms wide open and closed his eyes with a happy smile. The hug never came but a fist hit Naruto square at the head in full force decreasing HP by 40. Grabbing his head in pain Naruto cried out, "Don't hit my head, I will become even more stupid."

"Don't say useless things." Saying that Raito walked in front of Hinata and asked her to teach him. Shuttering the entire process, Hinata finally said it all. Being able to get the tab for the tree climbing exercise, it proved that Hinata had a high level in this exercise, being able to teach others.

[Tree Climbing Exercise (Active/Passive) Lvl 1 CP Cost – 120 per minute]

# Using chakra as a powerful adhesive force to stick to the tree and maintain internal system balance.

# +50 CP permanently every level.

"Hehe, it's so easy." Raito laughed as he ran up and down the tree.

Naruto and Ino, looked at Raito in annoyance. What they couldn't learn in a long time, Raito learned in a few minutes. This was really angering the two to death. On the side, Hinata had her small mouth open for a whole minute seeing Raito's comprehensive ability. From the side tree, Sakura stood panting holding the tree, resting. Doing two times was already her limit, if she tried for once more she would feel the strain on her chakra system.

Seeing Raito freely walking the tree made everyone feel slight awe. His ability to comprehend was really too godly and even flaunting, please care about your image.

Raito was very happy right now, this skill gave him another chance to raise his chakra pool. So without caring for the depleting CP, he walked the tree until his CP was exhausted. The skill leveled up a few times and his chakra pool increased permanently by a couple of hundreds.

Hinata from the side asked, "Raito-san, why are you exhausting your chakra to the lowest point?"

"Why not? It will fill up quickly. So I have to train as hard and as fast as I can." Raito answered not knowing that it wasn't naturally so.

"Raito-san, if one exhausts their chakra halfway, he or she will naturally recover chakra in a fast pace but if one fully exhaust his chakra pool then it will take a minimum of a day rest." Hinata said in a low voice but was easily heard by Raito.

"That may be so. But chakra recovery will be fast for me and will not take a lot of time. If you want to, you can calculate the time for me." Raito answered Hinata, directly giving her task.

Thinking for a while an answer appeared in his mind – Gamer's power.

In the midst of recovering his chakra, he 'saw' Shikamaru coming.

"Food is ready, come and eat." Shikamaru shouted grabbing everyone's attention.

Hearing the announcement, Naruto dashed first followed closely by Hinata then Ino and Sakura. Seeing that everyone left, Raito slowly walked towards Shikamaru and waited.

"Ink and brush, both are ready." Shikamaru said lazily.

"En, I will make a temperature regulating seal and an illumination seal." Nodding Raito said as he counted his fingers.

"It's not like we really need them." Shikamaru walked forward.

"Nope, those are the must." With that Raito also joined him.

In front, Sakura and Ino were chatting.

"I would have shown you pictures, just like Mari-sensei had shown me but I don't have them with me right now."

"Really? But dieting is-"

"Didn't you see Hinata's? She doesn't diet at all and she is not fat at all. All are at right places too."

"That's right."

"You know Kunoichi are more beautiful than any other civilians."


"Training is like sculpting body, just the way you want. Eating is like providing the body with energy to sculpt."

"But didn't you say before that muscle training will make girls look like brutes?"

"That was before." Ino replied with an awkward smile.

The beautifully made chicken gave a fragrant smell. The smell was so intoxicating that it made Naruto and Chōji drool badly.

When Raito looked at the cooking area he saw six chicken, not three that he had originally brought.

After Chōji had brought down the skewers, the ninken appeared in a swift, holding the skewer, they disappeared with the skewers.

"What the hell was that?"

"Our chicken." Naruto shouted as he started searching around frantically.

Chōji ignored the two and continued cutting the chicken into standard pieces and plating them. After finishing all only he answered, "Those were the ANBU's summon. They brought chicken so I made it for them."

Raito simply shrugged and ignored the issue. The only one who had dog summon except from the Inuzuka clam was Kakashi in the village and the affiliation clearly said Konoha.

After eating the fill, everyone did their training separately or in groups. Shikamaru and Chōji, Ino and Sakura, Hinata and Naruto trained in group leaving Raito alone. Raito choose to do this himself.

Without anyone telling him anything, Raito walked facing the cliff and questioned himself, "Can I walk on the cliff, same as I walked on trees?" for increasing chakra pool, Raito thought of different things, he even thought of walking the waterfall but quickly canceled the idea. He knew that water walking was an exercise completely difficult than tree walking, waterfall walking, was that even possible?

Feeling that he was on the right train of thoughts of getting chakra, Raito touched the cliff and closed his eyes.

'Chakra the warm ball of light pass through you, let it pass through your feet and cover it. Will it, ask it, order it as you see. It is a part of you and you are a part of it. Raise the leg, push it to the wall, it will stick, you don't have to worry. Raise another leg, don't worry about anything, just take a step forward.'

One step, two step, three, four, five.... Without much problem, Raito had already walked to the top of the cliff.

Due to a special action, a new skill has been created – [Rock Walking].

[Rock walking (Active) Lvl 1 CP Cost 120 per minute]

# Using chakra as a powerful adhesive force to stick to the rocks and maintain internal system balance.

# +40 CP permanently every level.

A new skill has been unlocked – sub [Chakra Control] – [Chakra Adhesion].

[Chakra adhesion (Active) Lvl 1 CP Cost 40]

# Using chakra as a powerful adhesive force.

# +10 CP every level

"Not bad kid." a voice shocked Raito as he was looking through notification.

"Wah!!" Raito instinctively jumped back, pushing the rock below his feet.

Feeling the gravity acting on him, the sense of falling down, the feeling of weightlessness, the feeling of the earth coming to slap you and the feeling of helplessness. Raito thought that he would be overwhelmed by all of these things but a lifesaving skill had already been activated, 'Fast thinking' and 'Chakra Sense'. Mainly it would be because of the gamer's mind.

Useless actions disappeared in a moment and Raito moved his hands, in his thoughts quickly passing that he had no weapons to use. Twisting his body, Raito forced his hands to touch the jagged rocks. The cuts from them making blood appear and also reminding him of his precious life. Activating the chakra and skills, he had learned just now, he stuck to the rock wall.

"Raito let go." a big hand caught Raito. Letting go of the rocks, he handed his life to his chubby friend.

"Hey who is there?" Naruto shouted.

"Show up."

"Hinata can you see who is there?" Shikamaru asked.

"Hai….there is a dog." Hinata looked and answered.

"Stop!" slightly out of breath Raito shouted and looked at everyone, he apologized, "I am sorry that happened. I was lost in my own thoughts and it all happened because of my carelessness."

[Yamanaka Ino]

Emotion – worried, terrified, angry….

Bringing Raito's hand towards her, she picked out the small stones in his hands. Looking over, Hinata had already brought water to clean the wound.

After cleaning the wound, Ino started channeling her chakra to her hand. Her hand glowed greenish-blue and gave a slightly cold sensation.

-1 HP

-1 HP

Raito smiled and started his own healing technique, which acted way faster. His hands glowed and the wounds and scratched started to close.

Removing her hands, Ino gave Raito an embarrassed look.

"After you become a Genin, you can join the hospital medic group to learn about healing techniques." Raito told Ino as he caught her hand, his chakra enveloping hers.

"Baka Raito, I already know that." saying that Ino gave a very hard slap on Raito's head calling him stupid and useless.

At the top of the cliff.

"That was quite bad."

"Yeah, seriously bad. They are going to be with you for at least six months, you know, Kakashi."

"Let's go Pakkun." Kakashi grabbed Pakkun and jumped down.

He put Pakkun down and coughed lightly, "Pakkun has something to say."

Grumbling Pakkun walked forward and reached near Raito, "Sorry there kid. Didn't knew you would be so jumpy."

"A-A talking d-dog?" Sakura shocked voice grabbed everyone's attention.

Everyone gave Sakura an eye of confusion asking, 'so what?'

"Of course I can talk, I am a ninken after all and a proud member of the village, nearly as old as him. If the Hokage gave me a rank I would probably a special Jōnin." Pakkun pointed at Kakashi and said proudly.

"You girl pinkie, you are quite smart, aren't you?" sniffing lightly, Pakkun faced Sakura and asked.

"Me? Yeah, you can say so. But really how did you know?" not thinking about the failures she experienced, she remembered her top scores in the exams and asked.

"Of course because you use the best choice shampoo, 'Floral Green Shampoo', same as me." Pakkun said cheerily.

"I-I use the same sha-sham-poo as a dog?" Sakura kneeled as her soul flew out.

Turning around Pakkun faced Raito once again and coughed lightly, "So kid, as compensation I will let you touch my paw."

"Your paw?" Raito raised his hands and touched Pakkun's paw.

"Soft and….pink. Really comfortable." Raito assessed and said out loud.

[Increased relation with Pakkun]

As Raito played with Pakkun's paw, he scooped Pakkun, facing Kakashi, he said, "I will take Pakkun for a day."

"Eh!" Kakashi wearing ANBU outfit made a sudden shocked noise in which his chakra fluctuated. "That I don't think will be suitable."

"Kakashi?" Pakkun looked at his summoner asking for confirmation.

Felling a headache Kakashi sighed, "Okay but don't interfere." saying that Kakashi disappeared.

Pakkun in his hands, Raito turned around and with everyone returned to the resting area.

It was 3 PM, with makeshift brush and ink in front of him, Raito took out a paper from the wooden box from the first day.

[Chakra Infused paper]

[Makeshift Brush]

[Makeshift Ink]

Pakkun was sitting on Chōji's head, wanting to see a nice show. He was very much interested in the boy that made so many things around.

Everyone was inside the cave room, sitting in a circle. Raito had paper ink and brush in front of him. Turning to Naruto he said, "Naruto, everyone it will be the first time I will be doing Fuinjutsu in front of someone. See how I do it."

Grabbing the brush, Raito dipped it at the ink slab and rolled it then dragged it to the edge.

"Fuinjutsu." Sakura who was from the civilian background had never seen anyone performing Fuinjutsu. She was mesmerized by the seals that Raito was drawing.

"Fuinjutsu – Thermal Seal"

"Shika." Shikamaru quickly performed a set of hand seals and sent a pulse of chakra to the seal.

[Nara Shikamaru – Primary Fire and Earth Affinity]

With a pulse of chakra, the character distorted and changed into a straight black line with a single red dot at the center.

The sudden appearance of another color really surprised Sakura. But seeing that no one had any question, she kept quiet, she didn't want to make them call her stupid.

Next again, Raito drew a set of seal on the paper and sent a pulse of chakra.

"Fuinjutsu – Illumination Seal"

"Ino." Raito called Ino, who made a set of hand seal and sent a pulse of chakra towards the seal.

[Yamanaka Ino – Primary Lightning Affinity]

"Done." Raito smiled happily and using chakra he stuck the illumination seal on top of the cave then the temperature regulating seal on the back of the cave.

With his chakra sense, Raito felt the connection and activated the two seals. Then there was light from the seal at the top and coldness gradually disappeared, making the cave room warm.

"T-This is Sealing….technique?" Sakura was shocked from what was happening.

"Ah, the warmth." Ino immediately fell down stretching on the bamboo bed.

Naruto pulled Raito and asked, "Raito what was that red dot on the seal?"

"That's…." the corners of his eyes fell on Sakura who was looking at the seals and a feeling of disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e appeared in his heart, "….a secret. I will tell you later." the later sentence was said in a low voice that only the near ones were able to hear.

The one who was the most absorbed would be – Shikamaru. He looked at the seals then on Naruto and Raito, his gaze making Raito feel goosebumps.

Outside the cave, Raito walked on the tree and rocks, leveling up the skills. Jumping down, Raito saw that Chōji was again making chicken and there were six of them, again


"Chōji why do we have so many chicken?" Raito asked in confusion.

"Pakkun and his buddies brought it."

Going around the cooking area Raito saw ninken and eight of them.

[Pakkun] [Bull] [Urushi] [Shiba] [Bisuke] [Akino] [Uhei] [Guruko]

Of all shape and sizes, the ninken all kept themselves in a line.

"You all are Kakashi's summon?" Raito saw the group and asked in curiosity.

"Yeah. It's like we got him and he got us." Shiba spoke up.

"Can I help in any way, Chōji?" turning around he asked Chōji in boredom.

"Not for now Raito. Everything is prepared."

"Okay then."

Walking further in, at the open area. Naruto and Hinata were practicing, she was instructing him to tree walk. After observing for a while, he returned back and stood near a big rock.


Recording his experiment Raito made progress bit by bit.


'Not bad but they are still big.'

Making the big rock into a small rock, then changing the small rock into a big rock.

"Why do you want small heavy rocks?" Pakkun asked trying to push one of the smaller rocks but failed to do so.

"To train, of course." Raito replied smoothly, whatever anyone asked he would tell the same thing.

On a secret path outside the village.

Mizuki was escorted by four ANBU members through a secluded pathway, taking him to a correctional facility.

Mizuki fell down as he walked, his face covered by mud, his hands shackled behind were not helping him anytime soon. The surrounding ANBU just watched him struggling to stand up, not even forcing him to stand.

"Not even helping to stand up. What heartless bastards. Crappy…." Mizuki grumbled.

The way the ANBU wearing men look at you, just looking at you, not talking, with no sound and no signal is just creepy. Bunch of masks looking at you.

"Damn bastards. If only I had left this damned village and followed Orichimaru-sama at that time. I could have slaughtered you all easily. If I get out would go kill that Uzumaki brat and his little demon worshiper." Mizuki shouted as he struggled to get up.

'More anger, hate, disgust….' the mysterious sound, maniacal voice reverberated in Mizuki's ear. He remembered his parents brutally killed by the demonic fox, the feeling of being an orphan, the feeling of losing everything in just a day, the sympathetic look at the streets by the a.d.u.l.ts and the friends. Ridiculing eyes from the clan members, disappointed eyes of the teachers in the academy and the Jōnin instructor. The pitying remarks from the Hokage after failing the mission, the first kill, enemy, friends, one, two, three, hehe.

Hokage's eye of disappointment and the smiling face of Iruka. Orichimaru, Danzo, Kabuto.

"The demon fox, the demon worshiper. Kill, kill, kill.

"###### - Rage."

"###### - Confuse."

"Ha!!" a black light expelled and knocked the ANBU down, then the black light traveled a kilometer before disappearing.

"What a waste, stupid constructs, curses….using, the great me as search magic, I curse you." the marker on the Mizuki's back disappeared.

Breathing heavily Mizuki regained his consciousness, his mind still in a state of confusion.

Standing on a cliff, tall beautiful women, with her long black hair waving in the wind. The veil covering her delicate oval face, only letting her golden phoenix eyes visible. Her blue dress covering her body, her beautiful feet without a covering, resting on a crystal.

"How many more before I get my sandals back?" the women pouted then bursting into moths of light, she disappeared.

Mizuki ran as fast as he could, "Whatever it was, destroyed the seal and knocked the ANBU down...….First Tsubaki and my child."

On a secluded house, outskirts of the village

"Tsubaki….Mizuki is being taken to the correctional facility." Iruka was standing outside the door and with a weak voice, he announced the words to the women standing in front of him.

"….Iruka, is there any chance….he can return?" Tsubaki had tears coming out of her eyes as she asked.

"Tsubaki I don't think there is any." closing his eyes he answered in a bit of sorrow for once he called that man-demon, he called a friend.

"He admitted his past crimes and at the same time cursed Hokage-sama and threatened to kill the people of the village." then he added with hints of anger.

"Tsubaki….Hokage-sama wants you back on the active roster. Report to the tower after a week." After a long pause, Iruka finally made a command and turned around intending to leave.

Touching her elbow, she tried to answer but couldn't.

"Students are undergoing exams so I will be going to oversee them."

"Everyone is trying hard. You should too." Saying his final words, Iruka left the house leaving the women standing at the door.

Mizuki, hiding into the bushes watched the scene and was furious beyond belief. If only he had ignored the Tsubaki and his child, he could have already gathered his belonging and left the village already. Wasted so much time here.

North West correctional facility

"It's about time but they are not here, send the messenger pigeon to the tower." the ninja wearing flak jacket watched the direction ordered his subordinate standing in front of the desk.

"Yes." the subordinate quickly shouted and left the room.

"ANBU are never late, some unfortunate events may have happened." Turning around he went back into reading the book.

Mizuki-Tsubaki Houses

"Tsubaki, are you pregnant?" Mizuki grabbed Tsubaki from the behind in a chokehold and asked in a cold tone. Her stomach wasn't big nor any other signs, but still he wanted to confirm this.

"Mizuki why are you here?" Startled Tsubaki tried struggling but Mizuki's hold only became tighter.

"Answer me." Mizuki shouted pushing her down.

"N-No... I am not. I am not pregnant." Tsubaki had tears coming out of her eyes.

"Tch, go to sleep." Hitting her to unconsciousness, Mizuki started searching the house. Slamming the hidden compartment shut, he shouted, "Why are there no weapons?"

"I thought I would meet you here." a calm voice sounded from outside the house.

Hearing the voice, Mizuki turned around and said, "Kabuto?" "What are you doing here?"

In his cold voice, Kabuto spoke up, "Orichimaru-sama has a job for you. He wants you to meet him after you obtain the Scroll of seals."

"Orichimaru-sama." Mizuki mouthed the name and smiled lightly then said, "I'm ready."

Opening the scroll, Kabuto placed the scroll at the table and said, "Due to your actions, the ANBU are searching frantically for you except those responsible for observing the village. The ninja in the shed have also decreased but Hokage tower is strict as usual."

"There will be a seal when you uncover the false slate at the ground, you will need this." Pointing at the blood on the small bottle. "Place it over the seal and send a bit of chakra. The scroll will come out, if it doesn't work abandon and run."

"I understand."

After Kabuto was done with the briefing, he packed everything and walked out.

"Which route will you take?" Kabuto asked with a slight smile.

"Training ground zero. I have supplies there and something Orichimaru-sama gave me."

"The academy teachers will be there. Are you able to take care of them?"

"Piece of cake." Mizuki smiled wickedly.

"Mizuki I will send you help. He will be there at the shed. You will know."

"What!? Why?" Mizuki asked

"Because I want you to kill someone for me."

After a pause, Mizuki asked, "Who?"

"….Yoshizawa Raito."

"….Huh!? Why?"

"Mizuki." Kabuto glared at him and walked away.

Mizuki was stunned for a while as his mind went blank. Wiping his sweat, he took a glance at Tsubaki and left the house.

After an hour.

Inside the Hokage tower, an ANBU suddenly appeared disturbing the discussion between Jōnins and Hokage.

"Boar what is it?" Hiruzen asked.

"Hai….Area Prime 1 has been destroyed. The scroll is missing. Death-0, injured-2."

"Who was it?" Hiruzen asked.

"According to the stationed ANBU, one was Mizuki and another was an Inuzuka."

"Which Inuzuka member in specific?" Hiruzen asked and at the same time signaled Iruka to give a visit to Tsubaki again.

"We don't have confirmation, Hokage-sama." the Boar ANBU looked down and waited.

"Alert all Jōnin in the village." Hiruzen said and waved his hand. A fierce gust of wind blew making the participants in the room disappear. Then he walked towards the crystal ball with a deep frown.

Shelter – Dining area

"Thank you for the food." everyone shouted and prayed for food.

"Woof! Woof!"

Everyone ate heartily, competing for who would finish fast except for the girls, of course.

Hatake Kakashi, couldn't resist the delicious smell and joined the group.

"Hey ANBU-san, can you not eat like that, OPEN THE MASK." Raito shouted seeing the weird way Kakashi was eating.

"Sorry I can't." Raito's words were like plunging into cotton having no effect. Kakashi replied after gulping down and drinking water and answered with a head tilt.

"We know who you are so what's the point in all this?" Raito pointed with his chopsticks.

"We know?" Sakura said in a surprise.

"Silver hair, dog summoner. There is only one who matches in the village." Sighing Shikamaru looked at Sakura and added again, "You don't even know the top ninja of your own village."

"What's with this water?" out of blue Kakashi asked stirring the water inside the glass.

"Purified water." Naruto answered.

"Go away if you are done, sensei." Raito felt that Kakashi was absolute bothersome.

"What's the hurry?"

Kakashi after eating left his dishes and roamed around the shelter.

"Wow, you have such nice rooms, is that a fireplace? Seals? And plants? You grew plants?"

"Yeah, sensei Raito made all this." Naruto said with his ever present cheery smile.

Seeing that Naruto would answer easily, Kakashi turned to face him and started asking him.

"How did you grew this plant, Naruto?" touching the plants he faced Naruto and asked.

"That was done by Raito." feeling no remorse, Naruto sold the information to the demon.

"The seals?"


"What about the bath outside?"

"Of course Raito."

Every time Kakashi would ask, Naruto would reply in one word – Raito.

"Can you stop asking?" Raito massaged his temples and shouted. "Bakanaru, go and get some firewood."

After everyone went to different directions, Kakashi didn't ask any more questions and let them do their work.

"Can you not stare, Kakashi-sensei?" emptying the last of a drop of water on the vats to the flowering pot, Raito asked Kakashi.

"I am curious, why is there a Genjutsu casted on the stone?" without touching Kakashi watched the stone attached to Raito's shoulder and asked.

"Training." Raito asked plainly, not wanting to divert his attention and making the stone fall.

Raito saw that the water in the vats had finished. Expelling the breath that he was holding, he activated his chakra and gathered water. "Water Condensation Technique"

'Sharingan'. From inside the cloth covering his eye, the magatama on the red iris spun. But what he saw made him jump in fright. He was seen something totally unique, only he couldn't believe what he was looking at.

The pulse of chakra pushed the bad things out of the water and after that, a silver of white chakra was left in the water.

"What the hell? How can this happen?" after the advancement of technology and use of the filter system the use of 'Water Condensation Technique' was not much used except in exams such as this. And even more, so Kakashi had never taken part in such a babysitting mission before, looking after a bunch of academy students.

Previously he had drunk the purified water but it only felt refreshing, nothing more. But now that he thought a bit deeper, a trace amount of chakra had recovered. Shaking his head, Kakashi disappeared from the area and reached the top, where he started writing the report with additional information on the 'Condensation Jutsu' and 'Purification Jutsu'.

*SFX for Eagle screeching.

Kakashi watched the eagle and his face turned a little bad. The eagle had a yellow ribbon tied on its leg rating it a level 3 threat.

Sighing he called his summons and asked them to take care for the time being. Then without any delay used the high speed movement – Body flicker and disappeared, the speed faster than Tenzō.

It was already late nine and Raito with the gang had entered the cave room, preparing to sleep. Before this, they were training crazily, while Sakura was crazy about getting beautiful others were training for another reason. Cutting the chakra flow, the room soon turned dark and everyone fell into the sleep except Raito, who was in a daze. It was quite a unique feeling. Like every day he d.e.s.i.r.ed to sleep but the sleep didn't get him. Nearly awake for the whole fifteen minute, Raito got anxious and woke up, drinking a cup, Raito again tried sleeping but failed to do so.

Thinking of games, he played back then, Raito had a bad feeling. The only time when the characters get to have time exceeding the normal time, is the time of an EVENT. That was bad, extremely bad. If it was a game, then he would be happy beyond belief, but clearly, it was real life. Events in real life, means the chance of death.

Raito didn't sleep and woke for a whole hour but nothing happened. But just as he was calming down, Raito with his 'Chakra Sense' saw that Kakashi looked up at the sky and had a frown on his face. After giving a few instructions to Pakkun, he ran towards the exit, following which Pakkun also left in a direction.

Leaving the cave, he quickly reached outside. Standing still for few minutes Raito raised his right hand and said, "We give up on survival exam." Even after waiting for a while no response came.

Thinking back as to how fast Kakashi had left, the bad feeling grew exponentially and the breathing became irregular. On the bed, Shikamaru couldn't take anymore, waking up directly, followed Raito towards outside of the cave and saw Raito destroying all his creations, returning to their original form.

[Earth Break (Active) Lvl 1 CP Cost 200]

Looking for a while Shikamaru finally questioned, "What are you doing?"

"….I am destroying traces of us being here." after a long pause, Raito finally answered.

"Kakashi-sensei is not here, he saw a messenger bird and went, probably something happened. But I have a bad feeling about this and …..More importantly I-I….can't sleep." Raito added.

Looking at Raito, Shikamaru didn't know what to say. Finally opening his mouth he said, "Aren't you being a little too….paranoid?"

"Tch." Raito clicked his tongue and continued destroying the stone architecture.

Shikamaru looked at Raito who was destroying everything and sighed. Saying 'whatever' in his mind Shikamaru started helping him to remove traces.

Soon all the noise alerted the people sleeping inside the cave. One woke up another and by the end, everyone was fully awake.

"Ahh, what are you doing, Shikamaru?" Ino shouted as she saw Shikamaru destroying the small garden by the water vats.

Naruto stared in shock, after quite a while he asked, "Oi Shika what are you doing?" His voice turning heavier and shouted, "Stop it." "Oi, stop it." Shouting Naruto ran and caught Shikamaru, stopping him.

"Why!? Just. Why? Raito did so much, he worked so hard. Why!?" Naruto at this moment started howling in rage.

"Naruto if you have so much energy, then help me destroy." from behind Raito's lazy voice caught Naruto's attention, making him turn back.

Naruto released Shikamaru, making Shikamaru sigh in relief. Picking himself up, he gave a signal to everyone and explained little of what the situation was. Also adding about ratio's declaration, 'I can make everything easily'.

"What is he thinking?" Ino bit her lips and began helping in move thing.

Chōji and Hinata looked at each other and started helping too. Sakura looked at the scene in a daze, looking at everyone running around.

"I asked him to do it." Raito said as he faced Naruto.

"Ba-But why?" Naruto couldn't understand why Raito was doing such.

"I don't know but I have this bad feeling. Like something…." Raito was finding words to explain himself.

"Are you having stomach problem? Do you need to go to toilet?" Naruto asked and silence prevailed for a period than a 'bang' sounded.

"Nope, I think something bad will happen tonight." Raito said in a grave tone, his words had a certain type of feeling making Naruto gulp and nod.

Walking further Raito stood in front of the bath area, which could be Raito's highest achievement. Unwilling to destroy it, Raito used all his chakra, making rocks extend from the wall behind and covering the bath as a whole. Pouring last bit of his chakra, Raito remodeled the surface of the cover to mimic the natural rock formation.

"The chimney is also covered." Shikamaru wiped his sweat.

"It's good that we didn't use weapons, otherwise the marks from it would be hard to conceal." Ino tried controlling her rapid breathing.

"I-Ino….?" Sakura called out weakly to her only support in the group.

"Sakura?" Ino turned to her long love rival, who was standing in confusion.

"We were not taught in the academy, how to do all this. How did you…."

"This….we learned it in the clan. Although it will not come into exams but still it is very much required for ninjas in their life." Ino said with a tone of an elder lecturing a junior.

Raito immediately ignored them and signaled Shikamaru before entering the cave to recover chakra in a meditative state.

Now everything looked back to how it was a few days earlier except the cave entrance, which had a door like opening left. Shikamaru caught Naruto and went to the hiding place where Kakashi was earlier on and Naruto used his 'Erasing wind'. Reaching down they waited for Raito to recover chakra and after Raito was somewhat recovered, Naruto used 'Erasing wind' once more, this time consuming large amount of chakra, creating wind large enough to reach several kilometers. Then Raito closed the door mimicking the wall formation. But not feeling calm Raito used the ground and shifted the rock below and added them to the door area of the cave. Now it was already a couple of meters thick, pressing them and making the wall surface hard.

Wiping his sweat Raito quickly went into meditation to recover chakra. After doing all this Raito was somewhat relieved but the people surrounding him was very much in confusion. Raito's action, the sudden change was too drastic but they didn't question Raito much. Although the girls had too much to say, they reeled themselves.

Sakura with Ino and Hinata looked at Raito weirdly then she said in a whisper, "Isn't this being too paranoid?"

"Raito-san must have some thoughts, doing all this." Hinata said hesitatingly.

"This…. Raito always has reasons for what he does. Shikamaru believes in him, so we also believe in him." Ino said showing support said for herself and Chōji.

"But what about Shikamaru, he is just a lazy guy, just passes his theory exams, his practical exams are also average and also he has never shown any unique skills." Sakura quickly pointed out Shikamaru class grades and asked in confusion, "Why do you believe in Shikamaru so much."

Looking at innocent Sakura she sighed, "First of all he is from Nara clan, known for their knowledge and strategy. His father is Jounin commander and chief strategist in an Emergency situation in the village, in the same way as it has always been for the past how many year. The Nara clan has been holding that position from the beginning of the village, simply because every single one of the member of the clan deserves it and I am sure that Shikamaru is also the same."

"Shikamaru's clan was so awesome? In the class, we were told that clans had more ninja and held important roles to support the village. But I never thought... this…."

On the side Shikamaru was in his special thinking pose, breaking in sweat, clenching his teeth. He couldn't understand on what basis had Raito came to this conclusion. Was it simply the case of paranoia or conclusion of complex thinking?


Inside the cave, Raito and Hinata did a survey every three or five minutes. Hinata still had confusion written all over her face. Just because no one was saying against Raito, she had also decided to believe him.

"Ah!" her sudden shout made everyone alert.

Very quickly Raito also used 'Chakra Sense' and saw Mizuki with an Inuzuka member rushing towards their direction.

"It's Mizuki-sensei." Hinata announced.

"And an Inuzuka clan member….without partner." Raito added.

"Tch….Mizuki-sensei is supposed to be locked up. Why is he here?" Ino questioned with a worried face.

"What!? No way." Sakura was stunned when she heard that Mizuki had been locked up. She was still in disbelief, so Raito immediately labeled her as dead weight and started thinking of plans.

"We got a tracker and a teacher who know this training ground like the back of his hand." Raito said in worry and frustration.

"What are you worrying so much for, if he comes with bad intentions, we just have to beat him up real bad?" Naruto who was silent till now preparing for fight said, his words uplifting everyone's spirit.

"Mm. We will just beat whoever comes." Chōji also declared.

CP 1500/2300

'In comparison to this morning, I have a lot of chakra. If only I had powerful jutsus.' Raito thought inwardly.

"Earth Release – Earth cover" the earth moved, covering their head.


The Inuzuka man landed near the waterfall and sniffed the air. "It smells like people were here and someone in the group knew wind jutsu." He analyzed.

"Academy students do not know much about Jutsus. Only one slightly able is Sasuke, who also only know fire jutsu. It must be a Chūnin instructor." Mizuki concluded and walked behind the waterfall.

"Okay, just reminding you. After all its somewhat fresh." the man replied then kept silence and followed.

Mizuki picked up a stone and passed his chakra inside it. Pressing it in the hollow of the wall, he backed off. Slowly the rocks fell on the ground and some got thrown on the water, revealing a long passage.

"Hehe, if what you said is true then I couldn't wait to try it." the man chuckled softly, his smile devious.

Walking inside the passage, it ended in a circular room which had a stone slab in the middle with geometrical patterns.

Mizuki patted the slab and smiled. Taking out a box from the bag he opened it revealing colorful stones. Placing the stones in the circles, he poured the liquid in them and tilted the slab.

"Is that it?" the man asked in anticipation.

"Don't shout. Everything is done. After the fluid mixes together with the blood and stone, it will fill the test tube and we are done here."

"Good then it will be that kid Yoshizawa Raito." the man spoke in somewhat of a sinister manner.


"It looks like they are doing some sort of experiment." Hinata said looking at the flask she had a bad feeling and looked at Raito and Naruto.

"They are out." Raito gritted his teeth. "Go, go, go away fast." Raito wished but not all wishes come true.


"Two, no it's three, three girls in total." the Inuzuka man said as his eyes turned somewhat red.

"Three girls, then it has to be three groups, maybe six boys." Mizuki answered.

"They are not in the forest, no shelter anywhere I could see. And this wind jutsu, it's messing up with the smell." The man grumbled.

"We don't teach them high-rank jutsu and all, in the academy, like it was back then."

"Academy is shit thanks to you and your friends."

"More thanks to the civilian council."


Inside everyone was in full attention, even the hyperactive Naruto. But just then Sakura coughed lightly twice then hurriedly covered her mouth. Everyone looked at her with a hint of annoyance. Raito in his heart cursed Sakura and looked at the Inuzuka man. But after he looked at the man, Raito knew that they have been found out.


The Inuzuka man smirked and shouted, "I know you are listening, your smell is here too. You are sweating, you are worried, and you are in fear. I know that too well. If you don't want to get killed, do as I say and come out, right now."

Even after waiting for a few minutes, no one answered. That was to be expected, no one wants to die, even if you said that you won't kill, who would believe so naively.

The Inuzuka man looked at Mizuki and said, "Mizuki blast this wall off. Your prey is right here."

Taking out two explosion tag from his coat pocket, Mizuki channeled chakra, sticking them to the wall.

"I am gonna explode this wall with this tag. If you don't come out. Hehe." Mizuki laughed wickedly.

"Kastsu (Explode)."

Boom! Boom!! Rumble! Rumble!!

The explosion destroyed the rocks leaving a big hole. Ch.i.p.s of rock fell down showing the damage done.

"No one is there." Mizuki asked softly.

"I am never wrong. Years of experience is never wrong."

Taking out another tag, Mizuki said, "This is the last one."

"Quit whining and do it."

"Damn." "You all listen to me and come out now. I don't want to hurt you." Mizuki made inquiries.

Inside Raito rolled his eyes, "Like hell will believe you."


The wall collapsed more and reached the room. With chakra enhanced punch, the man destroyed the opening and walked inside, the cloud of dust still obstructing his view.

Chakra running his body, his nail grew and became pointed, veins throbbed with a large amount of chakra. Stepping inside he was ready to counter any attack if those students dared. But when he stepped inside what greeted him was empty dark room.

Mizuki stepped in and looked around, with a cold tone he spat. "Empty and I wasted last of my explosion tags."

Grumbling Mizuki turned around to walk out. Just then the man, raised his hand and with full force punched the ground. Soon cracks appeared and the ground fell, revealing a hidden chamber. Looking around he saw that the chamber was again empty. Smiling evilly he traced the wall of the room and at the same time sending chakra to his hand.

"Playing hide and seek with a scout and infiltration specialist, what a joke." stopping at a place he punched the wall, revealing yet another passage.

Smiling he said, "Traced." then popping a pill he crouched on all four and activated his chakra.

'Four-Legged Transformation – Beast Mode'

Growing more canine features, the man started spinning at a rapid speed, soon resembling a spinning top. Jumping forward he drilled the walls with force.

'Piercing Fang'

Inside the small area where Raito and group were hiding, the earth rumbled and cracks appeared. Sand trickled down and stones fell down.

"Raito we need to get out, now." Naruto shouted and Shikamaru agreed forcing Raito to make a pathway.

Raito gritted his teeth and made a passageway and in another moment everyone was out safe and sound. The Inuzuka man drilled his way out from the same hole as Raito and the group had. Mizuki had already made a distance from the cave, making his safety the first priority.

The explosion cleared and the group started running towards the trees.

"Little shits."

The man quickly sped up destroying the tree and the part of the stone wall, still drilling and chasing.

"Damn it." Raito cursed and activating his chakra, a wall of earth appeared blocking the view of the man.

But on the other side which was open, Mizuki took the chance to attack. Using the acc.u.mulated chakra, he was going to grab Ino, who was near and from what he remembered the weakest in the group.

But just as he was about to grab a ginormous punch landed on his body, the force throwing him in the river.

The wall was being destroyed and the man's sinister voice could be heard, "It's going to be fun killing you all." the last wall broke and the man also stopped rotating, standing in front of Raito and the group.

"Say your prayers." the man launched his fist ready to pierce when 'Raito' smiled, with a poof, Raito transformed into Naruto, which seemed to shock the man.

"Even smell?" the man murmured and noticed that the rock stones near him has also transformed into Naruto.

Five to ten Naruto surrounded him and with a bird hand seal shouted, "Wind Release – Multiple Gale Strike" the center being the Inuzuka man took the greatest damage but the clones on the two sides also dispersed from the jutsu. Cuts appeared rapidly on the man's body but the blood didn't came out as imagined.

"Don't underestimate me. Water Release – Water Bullet." Mizuki who was thrown towards the river, now stood on the water surface and on his hand gathering large amount of water, which was now projecting towards the group.

"Partial Expansion." Chōji stood in front of the group, his body swelling up. Because the time was pretty tight, Chōji had no choice but to be a meat shield and face the water bullet head on.

"Earth wall."

[A special skill has been created through special action.-


Raito poured most of the chakra into the wall forming in front of Chōji, creating a defensive barrier. The water bullet destroyed a few of the earth wall but was eventually stopped.

Meanwhile, the Inuzuka man had jumped far standing on the pool near the waterfall, on his hand a test tube, containing red liquid.

"Oi Tokiji, you bastard, that's mine." Mizuki shouted.

Hinata helped Naruto to collect himself using minor healing jutsu.

Tokiji let out an animalistic howl and his body started changing. He grew taller, his short black became long wavy went down to his much broader shoulder. Muscle on the upper body bulged, the clothes were ripped. Swirling patterns of the ink-covered his back before disappearing. Blackish fur and nails started to grow. His body overall started to become more like a wolf demon.

Shaking his head, Tokiji let out evil maniacal laughter, howling loudly, causing winds to kick up.

"This power, it's awesome. It's oddly similar to those head members used in the past." clenching his fist he gave a punch striking the thin air.

His wild eyes locked onto the girls, pressuring them, "You will be my chew toys." It looked like his animalistic side was flaring up.

"No….Noo." Sakura ran away from the group, escaping the grasp of Ino.

"That stupid."

"Sakura don't."


Tokiji smiled and with a tap of his foot, he disappeared form the spot and in a blink of an eye had caught Sakura, before returning to Mizuki's side. There was an untraceable frown which quickly disappeared.

"This speed….I could have never achieved, while remaining the part of the village." Tokiji standing in front of Mizuki with his right hand grabbing Sakura by her neck and pressing her against his c.h.e.s.t.

"I like girls with long hair. They try so hard to maintain it, making smooth and shiny. What a waste." Playing with Sakura's hair, he bit the hair pulling it making Sakura cry in pain.

"That's disgusting." Raito commented.

Feeling something hitting her lower back, Sakura paled in realization. It was similar to what she had seen in Genjutsu. In terror, with all her might she kicked at the back. But alas, dodging her legs, Tokiji stood up straight, in process, Sakura was also lifted from the ground, his huge hand choking her.

Mizuki at the back, grabbed the large scroll strapping it on himself.

"See this hand, I can freely control it." the free left hand, he showed quickly grew nails which were straight and sharp easily a couple of centimeters long.

"Your b.r.e.a.s.t are very small….but n.i.p.p.l.e, hehe. What if I pierce these nails to your b.r.e.a.s.t, what sound will you make." the terror was clearly visible on Sakura's face. She panicked and strongly struggled. Only letting more perversion to appear in Tokiji's face.

"Naruto, Chōji, can you do that?" Shikamaru asked

"I'll hold them."

"Hinata, Raito attack."

"Ino, focus on Mizuki."

At the middle of all Shikamaru whispered to the group and shared his plans.

Raito quietly made a ram hand seal and feeling the connection activated his chakra. The dozen of stones big and small in between Tokiji and Mizuki lit up before exploding. The broken pieces flying in all direction, hitting Mizuki and Tokiji's back, freeing Sakura.

A group of Naruto clones acted catching Sakura and at the same time distracting Mizuki and Tokiji. Meanwhile, Chōji with his jutsu had jumped up with his hand enlarged, rolling at a fast pace.

"Okay 'Shadow Paralysis' Success." Shikamaru has successful caught Tokiji but he was having a hard time controlling him.

Hearing Shikamaru, Chōji started falling down, directing all the energy into his fist. The heavy fist pounded hitting Tokiji, creating a big cloud of smoke.

"Shit." Raito cursed.

"I am gonna beat him down." Naruto ran with his clones in tow.

"No, Naruto. Stick to plan. Damn, he doesn't listen." Raito cursed.

Shikamaru got a heavy backlash from his jutsu being f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y canceled. Kneeling down in pain, Shikamaru looked at the scene in worry. Biting his teeth he tried standing up.

Tokiji had grabbed Chōji's fist and escaped from Shikamaru's shadow. Swing Chōji he easily destroyed Naruto's clones and as well as slamming Naruto to ground.

"Hah." Behind Mizuki who was controlled by Ino attacked Tokiji but was backhanded.

"Ino!" Sakura shouted reaching Ino's original body.

"She is fine." Sakura felt Ino and said. Raito let out the breath that he was holding.

Raito along with Hinata had already crossed the distance when Tokiji was all confused. Hinata attacked with her Gentle fist strike while her Byakugan was flaring. Raito attacked him with his palm, plain and simple.

From the corner of his eye, Tokiji smirked and grabbed the wrist of two and said, "Hyuga and their nasty little fingers-"

Raito caught the hand and activated the skill, 'Lightning Palm'. Causing Tokiji to get shocked. Tokiji had misread the attack causing him to get shocked. In anger, he hand turned into a spear, his nails becoming the spearblade ready to strike the two in front of him.

Alarmed Raito caught Hinata with force and activated his chakra. 'Replacement'.

Tokiji spear thrust pierced the stone breaking them into pieces.

"Damn. He is still at it."

[Inuzuka Tokiji Lvl?]

HP: 10,000/14,000

CP: 4,000/6,800

[Toji Mizuki Lvl 23]

HP: 4,600/6,800

CP: 4,000/5,000

"This guy is just too strong."

Hinata tugged at the sleeves of Raito and said, "ANBU-san is coming. In about minutes with his speed."

Naruto and Chōji had long retreated and grouped with Ino, Sakura and Shikamaru. In front stood Hinata and in front of her Raito.

Catching the stone, Raito had anger written all over his face. Tokiji was also in alert, this bunch of kids had given him some action. If there were more surprises, it would make his job even more difficult.

Throwing the rock with force, it splashed on the river and Raito shouted, "Why? Why? Why are you doing this?"


Raito sat down and asked loudly, "You are from Inuzuka clan, right? Why are you with, Mizuki, that stupid bastard? I thought that Inuzuka clan people are all good guys, all fiercely loyal to the village, but you, why?"

Tokiji's anger growing up, feeling his heart going to burst, he shouted, "Why? Why you say? I ask you why not? It's not like you know who I am, why do you care? I am just a small fry trying for some real power. I am just a small fry who you don't even know so why do you care?"

"I don't know you? Me? I know you, or I used to know. You are Tokiji from the Inuzuka clan. You served the most in the Emergency duty. You with your partner, Takahiro, saved a lot of ninjas in trouble, from their deathbeds. Ninjas caught in traps or encountered mercenaries or whatever the bad situation, you saved them all. I used to frequently go to the gates to see all of you. One day you came back with a ninja on your shoulder and your partner had two ninjas being carried, you had dozen of cuts, but you still smiled and gave them to the medic-nin. I somewhat admired you, I even thought of joining the emergency duty group to help ninjas in trouble, just like you did…. I don't know why you are teaming up with that traitorous bastard like Mizuki….or why you have the scroll….or where you are going." Raito read the description in the 'Observe' made up a story. Later the gang would ask him how did he know, he would simply answer with some bullshit.

"You should come back to the village."

"You still have chance. Everything would turn as nothing happened, things would return to what it was always." Now Raito was relying on his mouth to save all but before Raito was finished, Raito heard Mizuki shouting.

"Water Release – Wild Water Wave – Great Destruction"

Water rose and fell, the water in the pond circled around Mizuki, acting on his wishes. The water rose in height and threatened to crash Raito and the gang.

In a hurry, Raito poured the remaining five hundred points of chakra into 'Earth Cover' creating a dome shape, covering all his friends.

But under the bombardment of the water, the dome soon collapsed filling it with water sweeping them out.

"Tokiji kill them all, kill them." Mizuki shouted in rage.

Raito activated his chakra and stuck to the stone wall, with remaining chakra he restrained the gang with small earth wall.

"Jutsu is dying, kill them before it is too late. Once we kill them, we can leave this village and join with Orichimaru-sama. Orichimaru-sama can give us so much power. Women, money, power and everything we d.e.s.i.r.e, will be ours." Mizuki shouted in his crazed state.

Squatting down, one hand to the knee while other hanging, slowly moving in a pendulum, Tokiji growled in anger.

"I will kill you, get out of this shitty village and then….the rest I don't care." gust of air surrounding him, his hair dancing wildly. Destroying the ground, Tokiji rotated accompanied by the winds.

"Tornado Fang – Overkill"

Lifting off the ground, Tokiji destroyed everything in his path, aiming tear Raito in shreds.

Raito tried moving his sluggish body but was stunned to see the fainted gang behind him. He tried using chakra but there was not even a single drop for him to use. Gritting his teeth, Raito stood up, with stone in his hand, he threw it all hope but the stone turned into countless small pieces as soon as it touched the rotating Tokiji.

With despair, Raito faced Tokiji head on. 'What a stupid way to die.'

Tokiji neared Raito, just a dozen of meters left in between.

And just as the time came.

"Wood Release – Great Pillar"

Before Tokiji could pierce Raito, he was blocked by the thick tree stump like. Unable to drill through, Tokiji backed down cl.i.c.k.i.n.g his tongue, he shouted, "Mizuki, run, it's the ANBU."

Mizuki quickly fled using all his strength.

Raito fainted as he relaxed as he felt the presence of ANBU. On the other hand, Naruto woke up to see all his friends unconscious. Shaking the boys, Naruto called them out but to no use.

The brown haired ANBU called out Naruto and ordered him to follow Mizuki who had fled with a high level village secret.

[30% of HP and CP has been recovered. All negative status or alignments has been recovered.]

Waking up, on his right Raito could see, thick walls made up of wood. Peeking from it he could see the brown haired ANBU and Tokiji fighting.

[Urgent Mission triggered]

Objective – Capture Mizuki and Obtain the scroll of seals.

"Where's Naruto?" Raito looked around to see everyone else but Naruto.

Ino – [360/800] Unconscious, Mildly Injured

Chōji - [1000/1820] Unconscious, Mildly Injured

Sakura - [250/500] Unconscious, Injured

Hinata - [900/1300] Unconscious, Mildly Injured

Shikamaru - [700/1100] Conscious, Slightly Injured

Healing Shikamaru twice, Raito woke him up.

"So everything is taken care of. What do you want to do?" Shikamaru asked.

Pakkun who was hidden appeared, resting on Raito shoulder said, "Capture Mizuki, I will lead."

Nodding Raito and Shikamaru first dragged everyone to a corner in a safe place and followed Pakkun to where Naruto and Mizuki was.

Not so far inside the forest, Naruto and Mizuki faced each other. Naruto had the scroll with him and Mizuki had a bruise at his face.

'Damn I am out of chakra and there is that ANBU, pretty high level one. Damn, damn. My body feels weak right now.' Mizuki cursed in his mind then facing Naruto he started hatching a plan.

Breathing heavily, Mizuki wiped his face, changing his expression into more likable one and said, "Naruto, come with me and leave this crappy village."

"Pfft." Naruto laughed and looked strangely at Mizuki. "I am not that stupid ya know. Why would I even leave the village?"

"Huh?" letting out a low chuckle Mizuki continued, "Do you know about your parents? Where they are now or are they even alive or dead?"

Naruto didn't speak but it was clear he was affected. Everyone has parents, so he should have had one too, right?

"Jiji will tell me later anyway." Naruto's clenched fist relaxed, finally letting go of his thoughts.

"It's not like anything will change even if you knew about them. They have long rejected you, leaving you all alone. Haha." Mizuki laughed.

Seeing that Naruto was reacting the way he wanted, Mizuki added, "Do you know, Naruto, what they call you in the village."

Taking out a cringe worthy kunai, he shouted, "It doesn't matter what they call me."

"No, Naruto. It does matter because it not because of just a handful of people but all of the village call you that. They call you a twelve year old, a demon."

Naruto bit his lips in anger and some grief.

"They call you a demon because simply, that's who you are." Letting out a chuckle Mizuki took a few steps forward.

Grabbing the shuriken on his back, Mizuki added, "Twelve years, from the moment you were born. People have been lying to you, keeping secrets from you. Even Hokage-sama…."

"Jii-chan?" Naruto looked surprise, as his fallen gaze looked at Mizuki.

"Yeah, he even created a law especially for you. If anyone reveals the truth that you are the demon reincarnate of the nine-tailed demon fox, then he or she will be severely punished."

"Even Jii-chan I-I fox? Me?" it became heavier for Naruto to breathe.

"Mizuki." An angry loud roar alerted the two and Mizuki took a few steps back dodging the shuriken and kunai, he jumped back to the tree, cl.i.c.k.i.n.g his tongue.

'Iruka? I was so close.' cursing Mizuki slowly gathered his chakra readying himself for next step.

"Naruto. Don't listen to Mizuki. He has already betrayed the village and stole the scroll of seals, which you have right now. It contains forbidden jutsu of the village. If it gets out it would create big trouble for the village. Go Naruto, take the scroll back to the ANBU." Iruka shouted, taking out more kunai from the pouch ready to attack, hoping to get time for Naruto.

"I-Iruka-sensei. I, I am…."

"No Naruto you are not the fox, you never were and never will be." Iruka tried but Mizuki interrupted.

"Whatever you tell him Iruka, it will not change the fact that he is the fox spirit reincarnate. The people of the village are the evidence itself." focusing on Naruto he added, "Naruto, don't you felt odd that the villagers hate you, treating you like dirt, hated your very existence itself."

"No Naruto that's not true. It's not the villagers- Argh." Iruka cried out in pain as shuriken and kunai cut into his flesh and embedded into his body.

"Iruka you will do everything to mislead Naruto, even now. And why won't you? You want to keep him inside this village, torturing him, his entire life, making poor Naruto suffer. That's your revenge to the fox for killing your parents."

"I-I no." Naruto trembled, remembering all the bad things that had happened in the village, for the past few years. Also remembering that time when Iruka was cold to him, ignoring him at all cost. Feeling overwhelmed the chakra activated, releasing in waves, "Noo!"

'Chance.' Mizuki shot out the giant shuriken throwing straight at Naruto. Shocked out of anger, Naruto saw the shuriken heading for him, he turned around and tried running but the berserk chakra messed up his body, making him fall on the ground. "No-Noo".

Naruto closed his eyes in despair but the pain never came. Slowly opening his eyes Naruto saw that Iruka was covering for him. His shoulder impaled with the giant shuriken and blood leaking out of his mouth.

The blood from Iruka dropped on Naruto's hand. The warm gooey red fluid felt hot and heavy. Looking at Iruka, Naruto cried out with tears escaping his eyes, "Iruka-sensei".

Iruka smiled and weakly said to Naruto, "Run, Naruto. Go."

Still sobbing Naruto ran. But before he could run any further he was caught. Seeing Raito and Shikamaru, he was dumbfounded, they were not focusing on him but on Iruka and Mizuki. Even after hearing everything on what happened, they were acting the same as always. Seeing that Naruto couldn't help but gather tear and started sobbing, but was stopped by Raito's sudden chop to the head. "Shh! The drama is going on." adding, "Only if I had some popcorn."

"You still want him to run, Iruka? Don't you understand, he is a demon. He will use that scroll to obtain power and bring destruction upon this village. The calamity will befall on this village once more and it will be your fault." Mizuki grinned and watched Iruka, in his weakened state, an unknown p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e filling him.

Pulling the shuriken from his shoulder, Iruka sealed the blood coming out and gave a laugh to Mizuki and said with some pain, "Demon? Naruto?" throwing the shuriken, which Mizuki easily dodged, his sight never leaving Iruka. "A demon would indeed do that….but not Naruto, he will never do that. He will do just opposite of that, he will protect this village, someday he will be the Hokage and I will be watching him grow up to that stage. He is not a demon….He is the ninja belonging to the village hidden in the leaf." at the end he ended up shouting making Naruto smile in happiness and on the side Shikamaru and Raito had small smile hanging on their lips and wanted to clap similarly to when a program ends. Pakkun pawed for the twentieth time to Raito to take action.

Cl.i.c.k.i.n.g his tongue, Mizuki felt displeased, not getting to see Iruka in pain, "What a stupid…." picking the last giant shuriken from his back, Mizuki started spinning it in great speed, "Have a good time in afterlife, Iruka."

Dashing forward, Mizuki swung his body aiming at Iruka's neck.

"Do it." Raito voiced out, throwing a stone at the shuriken, making it go in totally opposite direction without aim. Shikamaru's shadow connecting to Mizuki's shadow, restraining him and Naruto jump kneeing to Mizuki's face.

"If you dare hurt Iruka-sensei, I will….absolutely kill you." Naruto said in his heavy voice dropping the scroll in the ground.

Walking towards Iruka, Raito waved his hand to ascertain that Iruka was still conscious. "You have seen better days, Iruka-sensei."

[Umino Iruka] Poisoned, Heavily Injured.

Cl.i.c.k.i.n.g on the 'Poisoned' more information was obtained.

[Umino Iruka – Poisoned]

Mild paralytic poison causing muscle paralysis acting on the neuromuscular junction, causing blockade in the transmission of >

Treatment >

Immediately using heal, Iruka's HP was nearly half, when Raito sighed for his depleted CP. Somewhat guessing and taking his abilities into consideration, Raito said, "You will be fine in the next hour."

Meanwhile, hundreds of clone filled the area, taking their turn bombarding Mizuki with punches and kicks.


At the waterfall area, Kakashi stood at a stone platform, "Didn't I tell you those kids would be fine?"

"What troublesome bunch. Good luck senpai."

Closing his book, Kakashi looked at the deflating Tokiji and shouted in a slightly shocked voice, "Isn't that Tokiji?"

As the deflation continued, the skin turned darker and the muscles and fats from the body got destroyed, making him look like a mummified corpse.

"We have to take him to the hospital." Tenzō said in worry.

Raising his forehead protector, Kakashi observed with his Sharingan. "We shouldn't touch him for now, his chakra system is going haywire. Even touching him will give an intense reaction."

"I will ask for medics." Tenzō took out a scroll from the storage seal and started.

"Pakkun." Kakashi caught Pakkun who landed directly in front of him.


"I really can't believe." Iruka sighed once more making Raito glare at him as he was healing Iruka.

"I can't believe that a lazy bum, a skipper and a prankster. Being an academy student were able to beat a Chūnin. It still feels wrong, just wrong."

Healing the last of the damaged shoulder, Raito asked him to move his shoulder. Iruka tried moving and was really, really surprised and looked at Raito's nonchalant face.

Waving his hand, Iruka called out, "Come here you three."

"Eh?" Coming forward wishing for reward Naruto and Raito stepped forward.

Laughing, Iruka grabbed the three and hugged them tightly. "I am glad you all are safe. I was so worried."

Free from the hug, Raito stretched, "We are also glad sensei that you are not totally dead."

"Dumb a.s.s." Shikamaru hit Raito at the back of the head and Naruto elbowed him in the gut with force.

Iruka laughed and looked at Mizuki with pity.

"Sensei do you have a brush and ink?" Raito asked hurriedly as he looked at Mizuki lying down.

"Of course I do." taking out a storage scroll, Iruka took out a brush and ink quickly and gave it to Raito and looked suspiciously at him.

"Naruto can you make a paralysis tag?" Raito questioned him and seeing that Naruto was nodding vigorously, Raito handed the brush and ink to Naruto.

Iruka watched in fascination as Naruto started drawing seals.

"Naruto knows Fuinjutsu." Shikamaru said softly from Iruka's side.

"Did you three know, Basics of Fuinjutsu is an advanced Chūnin subject you could take? And it's more like a self-study class as we don't have proper experts in Fuinjutsu. An expert level teacher like Jiraiya-sama have a lot of works outside the village, so the new generation are fumbling on their own."

"It's that bad?" Shikamaru question but as he remembered a team of Fuinjutsu experts in his clan he started questioning himself.

"Fuinjutsu is a very complex subject. The result of failure is sometimes death or even leads to handicap. So not many of them take Fuinjutsu classes."

"They must be pretty damn stupid then." Shikamaru inwardly thought that he was getting more and more affected by Raito and cursed himself.

"You can say that- hey language." Iruka let out his true thought but covered himself after.

"Sorry but even Naruto can do Fuinjutsu." Iruka couldn't say anything, so he kept quiet and watched Naruto drawing seals like water.


"Where the hell were you all?" Ino roared.

"Naruto-kun." Hinata waved.

"Fangirls." Raito murmured with dark thoughts.

Iruka and Shikamaru laughed a bit seeing Raito's dark mood.

Kakashi and Tenzō joined Iruka and discussed for a bit. Raito and Hinata joined them and explained everything in detail. Hearing them Iruka sighed, taking a side glance at Sakura.

"Okay then, everyone gather around." Iruka waved and everyone was gathered together.

"I officially declare that the survival exam is over and you all can choose to leave." Iruka announced and at the same time Raito also was awarded and his inventory unlocked.

In his happiness, Raito missed most of the congratulation and speech from Iruka. Facing the students, Iruka asked them, "Anyone not willing to stay, can come with me. You can stay here but remember that you have your exams on Wednesday. If you miss that you will fail the exam as a whole."

"Who wants to stay?" Iruka asked once more and saw that everyone had raised their hands except Sakura.

Sakura was still in a daze, her feeling in turmoil. Even though earlier Ino had tried to calm her down and stabilize her, it was unfortunately not successful.

Tenzō walked forward grabbing her shoulder, for which she had some odd reaction but became normal instantly. Then they disappeared in another moment.

Iruka called other teachers and told them to do the same to other students then left the area.

Kakashi walked forward in front of them and smiled, "You six passed."

"Then Sakura?" Ino's first thought was about Sakura.

"She neither passed nor failed." Kakashi replied and added, "You will know more later."

"And?" Raito asked.

"That….your survival time has extended." Kakashi said it simply which made the group a bit angry.

"You can do anything in this training ground, just don't leave the fence." Kakashi added.

"Our shelter is destroyed, nowhere to sleep and after a tiring fight for survival, we are hungry and it's already night time." Ino quickly listed out a hundred things to say but Kakashi replied with, "Sorry but we can't help."

With lazy 'sorries' Kakashi vanished.

Waiting for a while everyone gathered around to plan. But Raito stood in place smiling all time.

Seeing that Raito was smiling, Chōji and Naruto had a good feeling but Ino roared, "What are you smiling for?"

"I can use my inventory." Raito's simple words made everyone cry in delight.

"I have everyone's favorite too." Raito took out an Ichiraku's shop sealed special delivery ramen and showed it to everyone. Before Naruto could attack Raito kept it in the inventory again.

Hinata pushed everyone to the side, even Chōji and Naruto, and went in front of Raito and asked, "Even Cinnamon rolls?" Her twinkling eyes and bold stance making Raito hatch a plan.

"O-Of course." seeing her reaction Raito was slightly afraid. Mom's word of wisdom – 'Never get between women and her food.'

Hurriedly Raito took out a batch and gave it Hinata. Taking a few bites, Hinata slumped on the ground, tears leaking out of her eyes.


"I smell cinnamon rolls."


"Cinnamon rolls, Kakashi. Even ch.i.p.s and ramen."

"Pakkun, in the middle of nowhere from no source. Your nose tut tut." Kakashi shook his head.


After recovering his chakra, Raito decided to use the previous area for the shelter and within a few hours, finished making the shelter. But the sun was nearly going to light, the gang outside leaned on each other, dozing off.

"Hey everyone, it's ready." Raito's call waking everyone up. They went inside and were stunned at the luxury of the room.

The room was much bigger and there were even the names imprinted on the walls too. The ground had carpet and on the raised area, a big futon able to hold them all, blankets and a small chakra stable heater, ch.i.p.s, snacks, manga books and shoji board too.

Looking at the room everyone was dumbfounded, the variety and luxury was just too much for a survival exam. Not caring for anything else everyone jumped into the futon. The good room temperature, nice bed, fluffy pillow then blankets, what could a ninja want after a long night of being under sighed?

A long day of practice then half or so hour of agitation and fear, then attacks from an overpowering enemy and lastly cleaning of the destruction, really took a toll on everyone. Blinking once, twice then sleep came to them, instantly everyone was asleep. Although Raito was feeling fatigued, he didn't feel that much of exhaustion as everyone else. Laying down he manipulated the earth around him to make various shape and size. He even managed to make small chibi version of everyone, which he felt was rather cute.

Looking at his creation, Raito smiled happily then closed his eyes. 'Eight would be fine, right?' was his last thought before Raito slept.


Hiruzen looked the body of Tokiji and had a frown on his face after feeling the pulse and pinching the body in various areas, Hiruzen shook his head and said in a solemn voice, "Its Orichimaru."

Taking out two vials form the shelf, he gave it to an animalistic looking women. She had long, spiky, untamed brown hair, vertical slit-like pupil, elongated canine teeth and nails with clan fang markings on her cheek and over her eyes, she looked even more dangerous in this lightly lit room. "The research manual of my student is still here, and because his area of damage was so high, we had made antidotes and vaccine. Let him take one in the morning and one before going to sleep." Pausing for a while, he let out a sigh and said, "This is your clan matter and this is your choice, Tsume. Once you go through it, I hope you don't feel regret."

Tsume looked at the floor hiding great anger inside her, she looked at Hiruzen and said with some ferocity, "Tokiji was never like this. He was one of the best member of the clan, his talent was great and had nice, gentler personality unlike other members in the clan. I had even decided to hand over the hand of my daughter to him but now…."

Her nails grew and veins popped on her hands. With a swift swipe, the head was removed from the body, the blood escaping and marking a small area.

Sighing Hiruzen left the old room before giving a glance at the one hand missing Mizuki, the missing hand was currently held by the canine with wolfish appearance.

Tsume covered the body and head with a white cloth and moved towards Mizuki with her demonized hands towards Mizuki. Her every step was accompanied by hellish fire. Removing the shackles binding Mizuki, she said in a cool way, "If you want to run then run now." saying that she exited the old room and walked outside the house.

The house was at the outskirt of the village made up entirely of wood. The fire quickly burned and swept everywhere. Mizuki gritted his teeth and with his left hand held the part where his right hand was present, with the chakra on his body he sealed the wound. The fire had already engulfed the whole house, looking at the headless body, Mizuki felt somewhat terrified.

Clutching his hand Mizuki somehow reached outside the house. Not finding anyone around, he heaved a sigh of relief and walked opposite to the village. A pair of cold eyes looking at Mizuki from the dark, Tsume waited for her partner, who she had given a task. Thinking about what she was about to do made her laugh slightly.

'Ambushing my people and making me kill my people, do you think you can die so easily?' She remembered, a few months ago clan members were ambushed and many members were killed brutally. They said a name at that time, Orichimaru and when she went there to investigate, it was indeed him. The dark and killing thoughts was so wild that Mizuki who had covered some distance felt it and sped up is pace.

Kuromaru, the wolfish canine, appeared in front of Tsume and gave her a red vial. Taking the red vial she dipped her nails into it one by one and with chakra dried it.

"The clan was unwilling." Kuromaru said.

"This is my husband's creation, it doesn't matter, what they think." Tsume growled, her long spiky hair grew and reached her lower back, giving off a shiny l.u.s.ter and her body turned slimmer, nails prolonged and eyes turned red. She gave a demonic air as she walked.

"I will be enough." with a nod she disappeared and reached near Mizuki, giving him a cut, only as deep as skin.

Though the cut was shallow, it gave Mizuki a burning sensation, making him scream in pain. He fell down and lost control of his chakra. The bleeding continued from his right shoulder.

Looking down Tsume smiled and sprinkled a grayish powder on Mizuki right shoulder and forced a blood-red pill, which gave a pungent smell, down Mizuki's throat. The bleeding stopped and minutes later the convulsing Mizuki also stopped. Not waiting for another moment, Tsume gave him two cuts, making Mizuki scream in double this time.

Every time Mizuki stopped, Tsume gave him a blood rejuvenation pill, food pill, and another cut. Making Mizuki conscious enough, Tsume gave him another cut. Whenever Mizuki was going to lose consciousness, she would sprinkle some salt and dump a globe of water to wake him up and continue to cut him.

The screams never stopped until the noon of the next day, when her transformation stopped. Hiruzen on the wall of the village sighed at the scene. He made it so that area around, a couple of kilometers was as silent as it could be. He could not let the population or any ninja see the pain, vicious style of the matriarch of the Inuzuka clan, not even her clan members.

Tsume looked at the disfigured Mizuki and waited silently as she sat on the rock.

"Kill….ki-kill me…..ja just kii-kill me….plase." Mizuki begged, he begged for not his life but for his death, his voice so small and heavy, the quivering making it impossible to hear what he said.

Tsume looked at Mizuki with her lazy smile and said, "You like harming young pups, huh?"

Mizuki shivered hearing her but he didn't reply.

"You made my clan look bad in the village." another label on poor Mizuki.

"You made me kill my own clansmen." as she said this, the chakra inside her exploded and her right hand demonized. "But you have suffered enough. Even though you were to blame, that shit was equally to be blamed."

After a long pause, she asked, "Was it Danzo and Orichimaru?"

Without hesitation, Mizuki nodded. Even though he didn't know, he nodded.

"Very well." This time she didn't just use one finger but used her whole hand, starting from the legs, once, twice, thrice,…..thirty and reaching to the upper t.h.i.g.h area. Looking at the minced leg, she started with another leg and the howls of pain continued to reverberate from the forest. There are hundreds of way to save a life but there are thousands of ways to make a life disappear.

With chakra and her clan's secret techniques, Tsume made him conscious and stopped the blood flow until the very last moment, she kept him alive. Then feeling bored, Tsume, ended with a stab to the heart. Looking at the corpse, she felt no joy but even more anger.

Calming down she burned the body with a simple fire jutsu and then threw her clothes and burned it too. With a globe of water she cleaned herself and wore new clothes, Kuromaru had brought.

Hiruzen brought his ANBU away and Tsume also went back to her clan. Nobody else knew what had happened at an area near the village, the villagers continued to live their life happily, some cursed, and some cheered. Women bickering, men brawling, drunk on alcohol and love, everyone continued living.

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