The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 27 - 27 – Anger or Tantrum

Chapter 27 – Anger or Tantrum

Raito and Shikamaru looked at each other with a helpless look, then at the food served at the table and sighed. Scratching his head, Shikamaru asked, "We have one more test to become real Genins. So why are we partying now?"

The room was already paid for and the food was also served. So there was no turning back now. Thinking like that Raito teased, "Shika, this party is to thank Kami-sama that Naruto didn't fail the exams today."

Hearing that Naruto quickly came to realization and pounced on Raito.

"You said a bunch of things would come in exams. So I studied extra hard but what came were easy questions. I could have passed the exams without studying so much book. Dattebayo." Naruto attacked Raito and made a large fuss.

Tolerating for a while, Raito quickly pushed back Naruto with a single move and said with a stern tone, "You passed because you studied."


"No buts." Punching back, Raito continued. "You failed the last two exams and you are still not convinced?"

Shikamaru looked lazily at the two before sitting down on his seat. With a quick movement, the door was opened and everyone else from the group walked inside. Chōji ignored the two fighting and took a seat near Shikamaru, chopsticks in his hand ready to start anytime.

Ino looked at the two and a frown started forming. Waving to Hinata, Ino caught Raito and forcefully made him sit. Hinata also used her 'Gentle Fist' and dragged Naruto to her side.

"Ungrateful Naruto, I helped you pass the exams. I helped you!" With a harrumph, Raito also held his chopsticks.

Naruto was going to shout but with Ino glaring at him, Naruto also picked up his chopsticks.

Everyone picked up their chopsticks and prayed for the food on the table.

Ino looked at the door and sighed. She had called Sakura, wishing her to join the party. Smiling a little sadly, she picked up a sliced beef and placed it on the heated panel.

Just then a knock came from the door and Sakura voice can be heard. "Ino?"

Jumping out of her seat, Ino opened the door and saw Sakura wearing a light pink dress having a branching pattern.

Everyone inside the room looked at Sakura and had a confusing face.

"Now I think about it. This table is a bit long, why is that, Naruto?" Raito who was eating looked at Naruto and questioned.

Naruto ignored Raito and continued eating his food.

Raito frowned but before he could speak, few knocks from the door grabbed everyone's attention.

This time it was Naruto who opened the door. And it was Kiba, Shino, and Sasuke, who walked inside under the dumbfounded gaze of Raito.

"Why?" Raito gritted his teeth and asked. He wanted to ask more but he could only ask in a word.

"Because it is more fun with a bigger group." Naruto answered cheerfully.

Everyone greeted one another and chatted. Sitting in a group, making noise and ate to their heart's content. The hostess brought more food as time passed.

While others were eating happily and talking about things no one cared, Sasuke barely ate anything, but from time to time took glances at everyone, especially Raito.

Raito snatched another meat piece from Chōji's plate and ate while laughing happily. Chōji's angry face and his rampage caused Raito to smile more and more.

"Sasuke-san…" Shino saw that Sasuke had put down his chopsticks and was staring at Raito intensely.

Raito who had already sensed Sasuke looking at him chose to ignore him and continue his relaxing time.

Hinata was happy putting food in Naruto's bowl and Naruto was also happily eating the best pieces from all the meat. Feeling embarrassed, Naruto also looked around and found a nice looking meat piece and placed it on Hinata's plate. Hinata looked at what Naruto did, she blushed a bit and smiled, then happily ate the piece.

Ino chatted with Sakura while Sakura stole glances of Sasuke from time to time. Ino always had something to talk about, whether it was about the a.d.u.l.terous couple or a priest from the temple.

Kiba and Chōji ate like today was the last day of the world, eating merrily, finishing the plates. In front of them, the plates stacked one after another like a small mountain.

Sasuke calm face frowned, little by little and after it reached his limits, Sasuke banged the table and stood up. Pointing at Raito, Sasuke called, "Raito I challenge you. Fight me!"

Raito who was talking and eating happily frowned and looked at Sasuke with a little dissatisfaction. "Sit down and eat your food, Sasuke. You need enough energy to train to defeat me." Raito smirked.

"Take it seriously, Raito. I don't have time to waste at this little party, celebrating for something so simple. This is stupid, partying. I am a lot stronger than I was before-." Sasuke with anger shouted.

"Oi." Raito shouted and banged the table with a little anger. "I already told you that we will spar when we have free time. Not today, not tomorrow but definitely sometime next week." With a long stare and a leveled gaze, Raito added, "I have things that I want to do. I will train and have spars but I don't want my life to be filled with training only. I want things that I want to do and those things will not end because you say so." His loud voice made the silence, even more eerie.

Sasuke who was seething calmed down and said, "If you are done playing around with these weaklings than come find me on Uchiha training grounds."

Raito in anger jumped straight up and faced Sasuke, pointing he shouted, "You arrogant prick!"

"Come, I will be at the Uchiha training ground as always." Sasuke with a smirk left the room.

Raito wanted to move but Shikamaru had already placed Raito in a strong shadow bind. But Raito was still trembling, making it clear that Raito was stronger than Shikamaru right now.

"Stop it. You will just fall in his trap and end up fighting him." Shikamaru advised.

"It's not me who will be losing anyway." Raito again tried breaking the shadow paralysis.

A strange scene happened when Sakura was glaring at Raito. Raito suddenly punched in the air then fell down with a thud.

"At last."

In his struggle, Raito heard Sakura banging the table next.


"How can you say bad things to Sasuke-kun?" Sakura roared.

"You have no right to talk with Sasuke-kun like that." Her voice reaching a peak.

Sakura's tone and words made all the eyes in the room to look at her with a bit of dissatisfaction.

"What rights do I have?" Raito chuckled after recovering.

"I will do whatever I want. Why should I care about some rights? What is he? Is he some kind of god? Or Devil?" Raito asked his eyes menacing. His voice mixed with chakra scaring Sakura.

"Raito!" Ino shouted dispelling the Genjutsu.

The room went to a strange silence. The only sound that was heard was chewing, coming from Chōji. "Meat is going to get worse, eat first then everything else."

Sakura ran out followed by Ino, who looked at Raito for a while before leaving.

Naruto sat there on one end with silence, held back by Hinata.

Shino and Kiba too stood up, gave an apology then exited the room.

"I-I am sorry. I didn't know something like this would happen." Naruto sobbed.

Shikamaru fell back and closed his eyes, "What a drag."

"That's what happens when we try to bring that prick with us." Raito chewed more vigorously.

"If we remove his annoying personality, bad attitude towards others, the look telling others that he is superior and his extreme d.e.s.i.r.e to train. Then I guess he would not be a bad person." Chōji commented on making Shikamaru and Raito chuckle.

"If he didn't open his mouth, it would have been great." Raito said putting down his chopsticks then standing up he added, "Jiji asked me to be at Hokage tower. Chōji is paying today." Then disappeared from the room.

Everyone else left in the room exchanged glances and sighed.

Raito walked towards the Hokage tower while looking at the stars. How many stars are there in the sky? One, two, three…millions in coming, like drops of water in an ocean.

As Raito reached the Hokage tower, most of the anger had subsided and now he could think straight. Walking towards the office, he saw that ninja wearing Chūnin flak jacket were walking around, some in groups while others worked individually. Everyone gave young Raito a look but didn't stop him.

Hokage office was strangely silent today. Raito couldn't see Mariko who always sat on the front desk and gave him a small smile. But sensing nothing out of line, Raito decided to just walk in.

"Jiji." Entering the room he called out to Hiruzen, who was smoking in leisure.

With a lazy turn and slow movement, Hiruzen kept the pipe on the table, then took out a talisman. The talisman was the same that Raito had used in the academy exams, which was previously all damaged beyond repair.

"Raito-kun, do you know what this is?" waving the talisman paper in his hand.

"That is my seal work." After confirming with his 'Observe' skill, Raito answered.

Hiruzen waited then pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "You sealed a jutsu in a piece of paper. A paper."

"From the way you speak, I guess it is really, really important or really, really dangerous." Raito hesitated then said.

Hiruzen looked at the boy then sighed, "Raito, I have told you about 'The Yin Seal' and you know from the academy, the 'Flying Thunder God' of the Fourth Hokage. What do you think is common in them?"

Raito tilted his head then said, "Well, they are both high-level jutsu and well…uhh…"

Seeing that Raito was stuck, he nodded and answered for him, "They are both Fuinjutsu and made by the Uzumaki."

"So?" Raito asked in confusion.

"The Uzumaki village is no more. They are destroyed." Hiruzen announced.

Raito's face turned ugly. Feeling nauseous he asked, "Then Naruto is…"

"Naruto, very well, maybe one of the few surviving Uzumaki in the continent."

"But why? Why would anyone?"

"Because of fuinjutsu and their alliance with us in the war."

A bit dumbfounded, he asked, "Fuinjutsu?"

"Yes, Fuinjutsu. The Uzumaki clan were the allies of the hidden leaf, from the point of establishment of the village. We have a long history with them and as Mito-sama got married to Hashirama-sama, our bonds were even more strengthened. We were bestowed with their vast knowledge of fuinjutsu. The explosion seals, reinforcement seals, supporting seals, telescope jutsu, bijū sealing techniques, the flying thunder god and many others. All of them were given to us by the Uzumaki clan and there are many more which are still being researched, but only by a few."

After a very long pause, digesting the new information, Raito asked, "Jii-chan, how did they all die?"

"…Raito." It looked like Hiruzen was unwilling to answer.

"Jii-chan, if you don't tell me I will find it on my own." With strong determination, Raito stared back at Hiruzen.

Hiruzen did a little staring contest with Raito then sighed, "What I am about to tell you is village Class-B secret, known to the specific percent of the ninja in the village. Do you still wish to know?"

[Ruined Island – Quest 2]

"I do." Raito announced with determination.

"Before you know what happened, let it be known that you may not act in any way using this reason."

Raito nodded in understanding the hidden turn in words.

"In the second shinobi war, the leaf village was in trouble. We had our village surrounded by all sides. Our strongest were on the war fields, trying their best to protect us but the power of many against one is always with the many winning. We were surrounded and in danger, we thought that it was the end of our village. But then the brothers and sisters from Uzumaki clan came to help us. They sent their strongest and killed hundreds of thousands of enemy ninja with their small number. Although, the Uzumaki had a whole village the clan itself had no more than a few hundreds. They came in like the wind and used jutsu of devastating power, helped in healing our people and wiping out the enemies. But, after two nights of defending, a piece of news came which shook the Uzumaki and us equally. The Uzushiogakure, home village of the Uzumaki clan, were attacked by groups of villages. When we heard about that, we urged that they should go and defend their own village. Do you know what did they say?"

Hiruzen looked at Raito who was in tears and nails digging to his skin. Raito furiously shook his head and waited.

"We are comrades, we leave no one behind in danger, even if it means we put ourselves in danger."

"Then with our ninjas returning from the front lines, we were able to successfully defend our village…But for the Uzushiogakure, we received the news that…everyone in the village died. Our village was also in ruin, almost half of our forces were dead and half had varying degree injuries. The Uzumaki ninjas left the leaf village to pursue the killers…. I was there…I was Hokage at that time. I asked them to stay but they asked me for one thing and one thing only…to just let the survivor of the Uzushiogakure live peacefully in the leaf village." Hiruzen pressed the table desk a little hard with his finger causing a deep dent to be formed.

"That's stupid, stupid…killing everyone because they are too powerful. Stupid."

"We went after everything was over and what we saw, terrified us… only three hundred of Uzumaki clan had killed almost a hundred thousand. On the western part of the island in the steep mountain, there rest the three hundred members of the Uzumaki clan. As for the hundred thousand of the enemies, their ashes never got to reach their homes." Hiruzen eyes turned cold as he ended.

"Just a few hundred going against hundred thousand…" Raito murmured.

"In the third shinobi world war, 'Yellow Flash', 'Red Death', 'Leaf Princess' and 'Mad Sage' went on a killing spree, killing thousands from Kumo, Iwa, and Kiri. The fourth used the Flying Thunder God from the Uzumaki Clan to kill a whole army of Iwa Shinobi. 'Red Death' with her ungodly swordsmanship and fuinjutsu skills destroyed the Kiri."

"Flying Thunder God is a Fuinjutsu?" Raito asked, just a word more he would have asked for it.


"Follow me." Hiruzen stood up and walked inside his training room then through a small door at the corner of the room.

Raito followed Hiruzen in a daze with a question in his mind, 'Why something so important was never taught in the academy?'

Inside there was another door which had candles lit on the side of the door. Opening the door, Raito saw a long narrow room with candles after every few steps and a table made up of wood attached to a side of the room but surprisingly there were no seats. A few potted plants and pictures of the Hokage with their wives. Strangely, the second had not married and so there was no photo of his wife. There were photo frames kept at one corner of the room but no photos, presumably they are to be used to frame the photos of the coming Hokage.

"No one cleaned this room for past hundred years, no one changed the candle ever nor had anyone extinguished the candle. From the very first day of the creation of its room, the only thing done here was making seals." Hiruzen explained.

"Amazing." Raito gasped as he watched in fascination.

[You have entered a 'Unique' Dungeon.]

[Not having 'Senju' 'Uzumaki' 'Sarutobi' and 'Namikaze' bloodline has decreased your total stats by 20%.]

[Fuinjutsu has been boosted by 20%.]

[Preservation Seal]

[Fire Ignition Seal]

[Fortification Seal]

[Humidity Control Seal]

[Temperature Control Seal]

There were dozens of seals placed inside the room. One after another they were all made for controlling everything inside the room. To maintain this small world just like it was the day before.

Raito went to one seal after another adding them to his directory.

Hiruzen watched in fascination as Raito went to one seal after another, the scene had reminded of himself when he was first brought to this small but amazing room. Kakashi had quietly arrived and stood beside Hiruzen watching Raito.

"It's going to take time, right?" Kakashi asked still staring at Raito.

"When I was first brought to this room by Mito-sama, I was even more…childish. This room is that fascinating." Hiruzen chuckled.

Kakashi placed a scroll on the wooden table then unscrolled it, extending it to the other end. Raito gave Kakashi a slide glance but continued his work.

Reading different kinds of Fuinjutsu books and also with the help of the gamer power, had helped Raito be better than anyone at the same level.

"Wow, so many new seal and also so much variety."

"That's right, we all have different style by which we use sealing techniques. These seals are…. Let's say edited as new stronger seals can replace them." Hiruzen explained from time to time.

"That aside, do you want to start, Raito-kun? Everything is ready, we are just waiting for you." Hiruzen placed the pot of specialized ink and a fine brush on the side.

"Say Jii-chan, does Kakashi-sensei really use a thousand jutsu?" Raito asked randomly.

"What say you Kakashi?" Thinking for a while Hiruzen, turned and asked Kakashi.

"I use a variety of jutsus but I have preferences." Kakashi answered.

Standing on the right corner of the room. Raito held the brush in his hand, dipping into the ink. He began drawing seals, each seals consuming a small amount of chakra.

Dividing the seal work into three parts. Chakra Storage, Jutsu formula and lastly specification.

Chakra storage took the smallest space, which is in a circular or a square pattern. The more detailed the pattern was, the more chakra it could store.

The Jutsu formula is simply an interpretation of jutsu in an equation. This is simply not possible without the gamer power. The Uzumaki clan who had made the flying thunder god and many others were the most amazing that Raito could think off. Without the cheat powers, if someone is able to do the impossible, what could you say?

"You are nearly empty." Kakashi said.

"Yeah, let's stop for now." Finishing the last of the jutsu formula. Raito sat down and entered meditation.

Kakashi didn't stop but continued using his Sharingan. And after what he saw, Kakashi seriously thought to want to give up and become a normal farmer for the rest of his life.

Raito was nearly full again in fifteen minutes.

"Next is the specification." For this, Raito made a weird and complex seal, then urged his mental chakra, which had a blue color into the weird pattern. The pattern was then quickly filling with black ink.

"Now what we are going to do next is…"

"There is more?" Hiruzen and Kakashi asked simultaneously.

Raito again went into meditation and filled the chakra level once more. Then taking out three scrolls he placed them on the bigger scroll. One on top of the chakra storage, another on the jutsu formula and lastly on the specification.

Raito poured the chakra on the first scroll then controlling the chakra so that it does not collide with other parts compressed the whole of the chakra storage into one seal.

Then again the same action is done to jutsu formula and specification.

There were now three seals namely – 'Energy', 'Ghost' and 'Knowledge'.

The first scroll was now empty and the three smaller scrolls had one seal each. Placing a yellow talisman paper on top of three, Raito manipulated his chakra and compressed the three into one single talisman.

[Sealed Jutsu – False surrounding] (Special Rare)

A special sealing formula able to produce the sealed jutsu, 'False Surrounding'.

Effect – Cast Stored Jutsu

Made by – Yoshizawa Raito

Owner – Yoshizawa Raito


Cl.i.c.k.i.n.g on the flaws Raito was quickly angered.


1. Breaking the flow of making process caused the item to be imperfectly made.

2. Chakra consumption to activate is too high.

3. Jutsu formula is imperfect.

4. The intention is not clear.

5. Chakra storage not big enough.

6. Seal character does not match.

Quickly closing the tab, Raito controlled his breathing.

Hiruzen held the talisman in his hand, then after a period of time, he activated it.

What followed was a solid mirage of himself standing in front of him, giving a warm smile.

"It's good." Hiruzen tried touching the mirage but failed to do so.

Exhaustion in his face Raito gave a weak smile then said, "Jii-chan I am going home."

"Wait, Raito." Hiruzen immediately stopped Raito then gave him a bottle of water

"Yes?" Raito grabbed the bottle and looked in confusion.

"Kakashi is going to try and recreated it, okay?" Hiruzen explained.

"Like right now?" Raito asked a bit dumbfounded.

"He has Sharingan after all and he was once called a genius, as I called you now."


"Raito watch carefully the magic of Sharingan." Hiruzen who stood beside Raito said softly.

Replicating the same actions as Raito did, Kakashi finished all of it in one go. Kakashi's penmanship was faster than Raito's and his chakra pool big enough to complete it in one go.

"One flaw down." Raito watched the tab in front of him and with a notepad cut the first number.

"Sharingan can remember everything the user had seen and also recall with clear vision." Hiruzen explained.

"Another flaw down." Raito counted again.

"Kakashi himself has very good control over his chakra. Of course, good chakra control is one of the requirements for Jōnin promotion."

"Three." Raito counted, then closed his eyes.

'I am comparing with the wrong group.' A thought popped in Raito's mind.

"Let's try it." Hiruzen nodded towards Kakashi.

Half Ram seal. "Activate".

One Sarutobi Hiruzen was facing another with a serious face. After enough time had passed Hiruzen turned, then Kakashi deactivated the seal and gave it to Hiruzen.

"Kakashi can you see through it?"

"Yes." Kakashi replied simply.

Raito watched the whole thing, his breaths heavy. After a few minutes of stupor, Raito took a few of the books from the bookshelf and disappeared from the spot.

"Kid's angry."

"Maybe we should have waited till he went home." Kakashi stared at the spot where Raito disappeared and said.

"…No need, if he takes it as a lesson, he will grow up faster." Hiruzen paused for a long time before replying. 'A gem is cut hundreds of times and polished thousand times.'

Sitting on the toilet seat, Raito watched the whole video again and again…and again. In the end, he sighed, long and hard. In class when you are best at a subject for a long time but suddenly a new student comes and topples you. Raito was feeling something like that.

"Only I can make them with the help of gamer powers." Raito reassured himself.

Clenching his fist he added to himself. "Sharingan, Byakugan, I have to find a way against you all."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Raito open the door. Damn! Open it." Naruto cried out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Raito pushed the door open and walked out. Naruto ran in and closed the door then let out a big breath.

"Hey, I will be going out. I may be a little late." Raito shouted for Naruto to hear then left the house.

Standing on the balcony of an old building and wearing a pitch night black cloak, and a wooden mask, which looked a bit more demonic.

The demon mask-wearing person, looked down to see twenty or thirty girls of the last and second last semester .

Chuckling evilly, Raito walked forward making his presence known. Using chakra to change his voice, he called out. "Welcome, dear guest in a once in a three-month auction of the old building."

"We, this auction, has photos and information, just like always. But! As this will be our last sale, we will be giving album of ¬photos and information book, more complete than any of our last sales."

"We advise the customers to group up because it will be…PRICY!"

The group of girls made noise then crisscrossed forming groups. Immediately three groups were formed.

Seeing that Raito smiled.

A girl with ordinary features stepped forward and raised her hand, "Can we have someone verify the authenticity of what you are saying?"

"Hehe, bold enough. Come, come, dare step up and come." Adding Genjutsu to his voice Raito called out.

A girl wearing a black half mask, covering her mouth walked forward and in few moments reached the balcony. Looking at the demonic mask and the night black cloak, she cowered a bit but stood straight.

Raito took out two books from his inventory and gave them to her.

The girl flipped through a couple of pages of the album and her eyes brightened. When she was about to turn further, she felt a cold metal touching her neck.

"W-What are you do-doing?" she shook in fear.

"You have already seen, what you should see." Raito voice was icy making the girl shiver.

Taking back the album, Raito pointed to the notes.

The girl went through a couple of paragraphs and her shoulder raised and she quickly went through a couple of pages without reading. The paragraph was full and the first sentence of every paragraph was different noting different timelines.

Her eyes shining with brilliant light, she looked at the Raito in front of her then at the crowd below. Then she nodded furiously shouting, "This is gold."

"Now stop right there, little missy." Raito grabbed the notes and then placed them in an earthen stand.

"Shall we start?" He asked after which loud noise erupted.

All but one group shouted. One of the girls from the silent group raised her head and walked forward.

The crowd stopped shouting and Raito looked towards her.

"Hey, can you like…wait? Someone was supposed to join us but she isn't here." The girl asked.

The other girl group started making noise then shouts came.

"Hey, let's start."

"Start, yeah."

Another girl grabbed the girl and asked in a low voice.

"Satsuki, what are you doing?"

"Sakura isn't here."

"So what, let's finish this and go. We still have orientation tomorrow. If Sakura isn't coming then it's her fault."

The girl who looked like a leader walked forward and patted the girl's shoulder. "It has already started. We can only forget about her."

The girl nodded then looked around, "Ino is not here too."

"Let's start. First, we have this album, a grand total of forty pictures in there. More private than private life, exotic photos for you all. Draining deep in the woods, showering in the lake training in a tank top, sleeping Sasuke, sweaty Sasuke, just everything you want is in here.....And the price is mere…..thousand Ryo.

After a short silence and the girl on the balcony nodding her head off, the crowd burst into chattering.

"Three thousand."

"Just three thousand? I am willing 3,500."

"Damn 5,000…no 5,500. We 'The Love World' will be taking the album." One girl announced with her loud but lovely voice.

"Oh! High Price, high price. The Love world has decided to own this album with a hundred photos of Sasuke's life. If no one is willing, then…." Raito announced.


"We! The dark love is willing to use 8,000 Ryo for this album." A girl from another group after discussing shouted with the top of her voice.


The other groups kept mumbling, discussing the album and trying to deciding to buy or not. There is still another item to buy which may even be more pricy.

"SOLD! Thank you, Dark love, for a grand total of 8,000 Ryo." Raito clapped.

With a swift throw, the album landed on the hands of the leader of the club. The leader of the club flipped through the album and revealed a dreamy look. The members surrounding her also peeked then passing went to several girls quickly.

Raito watched and hidden inside a mocking smile. The girl beside Raito quietly walked towards her group and gave a quick detail of what she saw written on the notes.

The noise started to grow, which attracted Raito's attention. Adding his chakra to his clap, the sound of the clap buzzed grabbing everyone's attention.

After looking at a distance, Raito started, "Now for the final item of this old building auction house. Everything, everything you know or you didn't know about your Sasuke-kun. It is all in here, in this single book. We have stalked for hours, went through the sandstorms, waited all night, even when it was raining, we did everything to get this information. We did all of it so that…we can give it to you all, so that…your wishes can be fulfilled. For the next future Uchiha, the bid starts from…10,000 Ryo!!"

The girls screamed in fervor and soon they were thinking of money as plain paper. Raito watched in fascination as the gang of girls bid against each other for things that are basically worthless for him.

In a distance away, there was a group of Chūnin that watched the group of girls, with some facepalming and some giggling.

"I love this guy, this time its finale. And it seems that he is a high Genjutsu user."

"I don't know who this guy is but we have to catch him…just for our promotion test."

"It's already been one and half years…Hokage-sama did say it has to stop but we were not allowed to use force."

"This little bastard just disappears…like-"

"Hokage-sama sure is hard on us. Giving this impossible mission."

The Chūnin discussed as they readied themselves. The ninja who was wearing a full, dark blue bandana and a senbon in his mouth sighed heavily.

He cleared his throat to grab attention, then said, "This is his final auction, as he said. You guys don't have to act, just make sure that there is no…umm nothing dangerous happening."

The group of Chūnin looked at the senbon chewing ninja then looked at each other before relaxing.

"Yeah, it's not like he kills them or anything."

"He is just selling stuff."

"And Hokage-sama did tell us he is from the village. Also, the buyer is also from the village."

"Can't you just all shut up and just watch." A Chūnin who looked more like from Nara Clan said in a rather lazy voice, leaning on the tree.

'That's a Nara for you.' The man chewing senbon thought inwardly.

Raito who could already 'see' what the Chūnin were doing gave a sigh in relief. Looking back at the girls who had started to quieten down, Raito shouted, "Dark love has the highest bid at 25,000 Ryo followed by the Bits Beauty by 22,000 Ryo. If there are none who want to bid any more then…the winner of the final auction is…Dark love!"

The group cried out in joy as Raito again threw the notebook with hundreds of pages toward the group after receiving the money. Looking at the roll in his hand Raito smiled inside the mask.

"We got nothing." Said the members from the Bits Beauty.

"We don't have that much money, after all."

"Maybe that guy still has things that he could sell to us."

With the skill 'Lip reading' Raito could already guess their plan of actions.

Not waiting for them to act, Raito shouted, "Ladies, fair ladies, as this is our last visit. I would like to gift you all with a parting gift. Not just one but to all of you."

"Now please if you don't mind I would like to ask everyone to be inside the four sticks, placed on the ground." His voice filled with chakra, Raito asked everyone.

There was discussion, which was eventually stopped. The first to take actions were the Bits Beauty who didn't win anything at the auction. Following them, the other two groups joined inside the area.

'My level is still not high enough.' Raito looked at the few girls who had a thousand Chakra points at the level of his 'Hypnotic wave' which had already reached a new record of eight.

Smiling wickedly, Raito clapped his hands, which looked normal to others but he had already activated his chakra and formed connections to the seal work on the fire sticks.

"Sealing technique – Earth style." Raito activated the seals and watched the magic happen.

Soon the earth beneath the group of girls disappeared like a trap door, dropping them in a big cube. The girls who had a bit of talent tried to jump off and reach a safe distance felt that their feet were glued to the ground. Looking above and around, the walls were smooth and filled with all kinds of sealing marks.

Some of the smarter ones urged the stronger ones to jump out and call for help. The stronger ones agreed and again tried jumping out but the walls were too smooth and the end was too high for their physical capabilities. Everything seemed to go against them, everything inside the earthen room looked like it was tailored according to their capabilities.

Raito with his notepad out jolted down a few numbers and walked near the edge. Seeing the man above, the girls gave out the worst of curses, vile and disgusting. Even the Chūnins who heard them were slightly shocked.

Raito smiled at their display and made a half hand seal. "Unseal."

Half of the seal glowed for a tenth of a second letting out a black liquid, which quickly covered the group of girls.

"Eww, what's this?" One girl rubbed the black sticky liquid then looked at the others.


"This…" One girl who seemed to know about the black liquid looked in horror at the figure above.

"Please…" She cried out.

Raito watched at the girls then said, "Unseal"

The remaining portion of the seal at the wall glowed. This time releasing rainbow-colored liquid, splashing the girls once again.

"Noo." The girls who cried out earlier shouted as tears streamed down her face.

The girls who were previously confused were enlightened, then tried extra hard to remove the black and rainbow-colored liquid.

A few moments later, the deep cubical pit was starting to give off a disgusting smell, making Raito choke. Looking down at the girls, Raito said, "Everything is settled today. I hope that when I see you in the future…I begin with a zero." Saying that Raito turned around and walked inside the old building.

The girls continued to cry and rub out the horrible smell, coming from their bodies.

"Woah, it seems like the kid held some kind of grudge against those girls."

"Yeah, if only we got to know the full story."

"Even though he was a businessman in the beginning."

The Nara looked at them then said, "You guys are missing the point right now…He just used high-level Fuinjutsu and from earlier we know that he also has high-level Genjutsu powers. Not just that, he is probably a sensor and an earth user."

"That's a big list of ifs'." Senbon chewing ninja looked at the old building.

Ordering the few to help the girls, senbon chewing ninja and the Nara, walked inside the building and stopped after taking a few steps.


"Not really."

"Genma, this kid or man, disappeared here?" the Nara member asked.

"Seems so." Walking forward Genma pressed on a wooden board revealing a false passage.

Using a torch to look around and after walking forward, Genma concluded, "It hasn't been used in few days or weeks."

"Shoko, what do you think?" Genma asked.

"If you just give me all the info, maybe I can." Nara Shoko replied to the question.

"Look at everything, for now, only Hokage-sama can tell about it all." Genma walked out to see the distressed Chūnins and even more distressed academy student girls.

The girls had patches of their hair and skin turned into rainbow color.

"Noo, it won't go off."

"What? Just what the hell is this?"

Some girls ran while others asked for help from the Chūnin.

"A stink bomb kind and a dye modified one though." Shoko asked for confirmation.

"Take samples and go back to report." Genma ordered.

Raito who had long reached home, was sitting on the chair furiously brushing the last of the seal down on the big scroll.

"It will take a bit more time." Looking at the scroll, Raito waited for the ink to dry before closing the scroll and keeping it in the inventory.

Closing the lights, the room turned dark and the moonlight from the window giving illumination. Night time are dominated by darkness and there was once a time we sought protection under the brilliance of the moon. Who knows until when it will last? Will the time come when the brilliance of the moon will be forever lost? Or will a time come when we will no longer need the protection of the moon?

Hiruzen closed the book he was reading. Putting the book down he glanced at the shadows created by the darkness of the night. He didn't look at the few corners where his ANBU had already fainted due to some bizarre occurrence.

"Still so secretive….madam of the 'Poison Hall'." Hiruzen looked at the figure shrouded by the purple mist.

"Hiruzen." The voice as sweet as honey carried a tone of heaviness.

After calling out, there was a long pause. After which she continued with hints of sorrow mixed, "It very well, maybe very last time we meet."

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