The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 33 - 33 – Journey to Tea Country (1)

Author - Sigmarc

"You lose." Raito yawned and flipped his last card in his hand.

A six against five of the opponent.

The muscular mercenary who wasn't so talkative before looked at the ridiculous scene in front of him.

Staring at the stack of cards at Raito's side and none at his side, the man gritting his teeth asked, "Just how?"

Smiling brightly, Raito answered which made the muscular man mad, "I am just lucky."

"I heard ninja are really good with this kind of tricks." The muscular mercenary snorted and went back to his back seat.

"Ehh? Uncle, why are you in such a hurry? Here, I made it myself." Raito brought his signature attack; 'The Bento box'.

Looking intensely at Raito, the man turned around and said, "I have my rations, here." Patting his pocket on the side, the man again crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

Sniff! Sniff!

The muscular mercenary as well as the coachmen involuntary sniffed the smell and let out a m.o.a.n. "Ah."

The mercenary turned his head and the coachman also turned his head.

'Shit.' Raito immediately realized the situation and shouted, "Focus!"

The carriage which had gone off the trail immediately repositioned and the coachman sighed in relief.

The coachmen and the few guards looked back at the last carriage in question.

The coachmen asked for forgiveness repeatedly and gave a sorrowful glance at Raito.

"What? I just wanted to eat." Raito grumbled after a couple of pairs of eyes looked towards his direction.

"What food is so good that you were going to destroy goods thousands of Ryo?" The guard who had a muscular body walked with a frown and pushed the coachman.

Junichi frowned at the action and gave a signal to the robed mercenary. But before the mercenary could do anything, Raito grabbed the guard's hand with a bit of force.

"H-Hey what are you doing?" the guard tried to free himself but he felt weak in Raito's grip.



Hinata and Naruto quickly walked forward and looking at the scene with confusion and some fear.

Naruto who didn't fear anything asked, "What are you doing?"

"I am holding hands with him." Raito replied with a smile, making many people choke.

"If you continue that, you will break his wrist bones." Kakashi commented still sitting in the first carriage.

"Ugh…" The guard g.r.o.a.n.e.d feeling the pain.

Hearing Kakashi, Raito loosened the grip before tightening it again. "If I break it, I will just have to repair them."

"Please stop." The coachmen whispered lightly but Raito was able to hear it perfectly.

Activating the 'Heal' skill, Raito healed the guard. "Guard-san, though you are strong, I think I can…" Raito tightened his grip making the guard feel the pain again.

The robed man walked forward grabbing the shoulder of the guard and giving a nod to Raito. Facing the guard with a small smile, he said, "Salary halved. Company policy; Respectful, Logical and Loyal."

The man rubbed his hair a bit roughly before letting out a large breath. Turning around to face the coachman, the guard bowed, "Sorry for my temper."

"Everyone, we still have two hours of riding to reach a rest stop. So please continue." The robed man announced then went back to the carriage at the front.

After Raito and the coachman went back to the carriage, the muscular man spoke, "Their salary is mere five thousand Ryo. They gain more by the commission, like this guard mission."

Raito looked at the coachman trying to read him.

In front of the line of the carriages, Kakashi read his book without letting out much. The robed man faced Kakashi and asked, "Were you really not worried?"

Giving him a side glance, Kakashi answered in a lazy voice which sounded a little arrogant, "Why should I?"

Stunned by the response, the robed man turned back grumbling, to his own thinking. 'People shouldn't boast too much.'

On the last carriage, Raito who couldn't eat his food took out a book from the inventory and started reading it.

"Hey, muscle uncle…why is this carriage which has tons of expensive stuff, not in the middle but at the last?" Raito called out to the muscular mercenary who looked at him with a bored gaze.

"Don't go calling me whatever you like." The muscular mercenary snorted then answered, "It's because, among these four carriages, this one is the least valued, simple."

"Heh…worth hundreds of thousands of Ryo and is the least valued." Raito probed the other carriage and was immediately answered.

The first carriage had some guards and a box full of doc.u.ments while the second had Junichi and his family; a beautiful wife and curious little girl. The third carriage had food to be eaten as well sold and finally the last carriage which a variety of assortments, had not much value.

"Hey kid…" the muscular man called out.

"Name's Raito." Raito gave him a side glance.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't you feel that this trip is just too calm?"

"This is my first-time mission outside the village. How would I know?" shaking his head, Raito answered the muscular mercenary.

"What a bunch of softies." The mercenary cursed under his breath.

"Softies?" Raito raised his eyebrows.

Sighing heavily, the muscular man covered his face then with a deep breath explained, "Junichi-san is a merchant with large assets in the 'Tea Country' and the 'Fire Country'. Merchants have money, even small merchants have money. If not money than it's the goods or even the weapons and armors of guards. Everything is a treasure if you can think it through."

"Do you mean that we are going to be attacked?"

Raito closed the book then spent a whole five hundred points of chakra using 'Chakra Sense' and scanned through the area.

"Though there are some group of people in this area, there are farmers mostly and some others." Raito opened his eyes and replied.

Raito made a quick swipe of the people in a kilometer radius and while he marked some people, he didn't reveal them.

Shaking his head the muscular man, "How can you know without…Oh!"

The muscular man stared and sighed, "Those tricks…You ninjas sure have lots of tricks to play."

"They are called jutsu, not tricks." Raito corrected.

Closing his book, Raito faced the muscular mercenary.

[Senior level Sword User]

HP – 21,000

CP – 1,000

"Uncle, call me Raito. What's your name?"

"…Raito, huh? Sure. Feel free to call me Hanshiro." Hanshiro replied with his heavy voice.

"Hanshiro-sama, you really have that sword. Soo big…awesome. Can you teach me?" Raito immediately asked…no pleaded with clapped hands.

Hanshiro looked at Raito with a twitch in his face. Hanshiro started, "Why should I teach you?"

Stunned for thought, Raito breathes in, "…Because I am a genius."

"Cough. Cough." Hanshiro coughed for a while and the coachman also reacted a bit.

"You don't believe it? Then you can ask my teammates." With his nose held high, Raito waited.

"A happy go lucky and that shy girl?" Hanshiro raised his eyes.

"It would be better if you learn from your village. I think they will gladly teach you." Hanshiro sighed.

"We'll leave it so. But I wanna ask if there are ninja are after Junichi-sama or not?" Raito asked resting on top of the carriage.

Shrugging, Hanshiro brought out his double-bladed sword and started polishing it. Not hurrying, Raito waited for a while.

"There are some times when ninja attack Junichi-san but they are always low leveled who are after money. With no power and money, most do anything they can. Even something like going on a suicide mission or dangerous experiments."

"Junichi-sama has a seat on the council in the 'Tea Country'. Isn't-"

Looking at Raito, Hanshiro seemed to know the trouble to be with Raito. Sighing he added, "Council in tea country means nothing. Only the Daimyō has power, the title is given as a show of friendship. What did you think? Ninjas will come to kill Junichi-san for the seat? Haha." Hanshiro laughed as he saw Raito's face which was turning sour.

Turning around in a huff, Raito replied, "It's better this way. We don't have to fight with ninjas far higher level."

Bringing out his own katana given by Mari, Raito started copying Hanshiro and started polishing his katana.

"I hear that 'Land of Iron' has many sword users and many sword techniques. I once wanted to join the iron country."

"Then why didn't you?"

"…Because they felt that I had already wasted my potential." An awkward silence followed making Raito feel guilty asking the question.

"They are probably right. I didn't have systemic training when I was small. I traveled and learned about the sword, joined groups and hunted for bounty. I am self-taught and have not progressed much for a long time now. After not progressing for so long I understood that I have exhausted my potential. Those words I have finally accepted it." The mood turned heavy and feeling of exhaustion fell on Hanshiro.

Patting the coachman Raito made some gestures telling him to focus ahead then Raito took out a bento box. This time the box was purple and gold cover with a ribbon at the top.

"Here." Raito gave the bento box to Hanshiro and also a pair of chopsticks.

As Hanshiro grabbed the box, his hand also touched Raito's hand a little.

Raito could tell that the rough hands of Hanshiro had gone through a lot. Looking at the roughed and hardened palms and the webs of his hands, Raito felt like that sword training was really hard. Then again looking at his own hand which was not so hard, Raito felt that he was not training enough.

"I once read in a book, it was written by a swordsman or so I thought. He talked about practicing sword techniques from small to the day his body gave up. 'There are no limits, fueled by, I walk on a journey to the path of the sword. I laugh at people who say; you can't, you won't, you never will. I pity them who are limited by their thoughts, their culture, and the rules and the law they create. With a sword in my hand, what can I not do?'

I have that book with me and the writer was Tsukahara Bokuden. If you want I can give it to you." Raito took out a worn-out book and gave it to Hanshiro.

Shaking his head, Hanshiro sighed, "Those writers…" But looking at Raito who had stars in his eyes, he couldn't refuse. Grabbing the book, he was soon immersed in it.

A heroic story of a man who started as a boy then slowly with a sword in his hand he faced the hardship of life, some ups and some down. The story made the muscle head man enjoy as the thing he loved 'Sword' was all over it, on every page.

In the first carriage, Hinata who was using Byakugan turned around and called Kakashi. Kakashi nodded and turned around making hand gestures which were tailored for team seven.

Nodding both Raito and Naruto jumped. Naruto jumped into the second carriage with Hinata where Junichi and his family was. While Raito and Kakashi had disappeared into the trees.

Junichi and his men saw the hired ninjas disappearing, immediately started preparing. The two mercenaries also stood on the top of the carriage.

The farm areas around had no men working, the chimneys were dry and the birds were flying away.

Soon the carriages were stopped as the roads were blocked by the fallen trees. The horses neighed and the guards rushed out, guarding the family carriage.

"Merchant!!" A loud roar came from the trees to the side.

"Give up!! Leave your wealth and we will spare you death." One after another head popped up, wearing a bandana and with sword and sabers, they surrounded the carriage.

The guards tensed and dropped their center of gravity into a stance ready to attack.

[Bandit Lvl 19]

[Bandit Lvl 17]

[Bandit Lvl 20]

[Bandit Lvl 19]

[Bandit Lvl 19]

[Bandit Lvl 21]

[Bandit Leader Lvl 28]

Around twenty bandits surrounded the carriages and the bandit leader looking tall and menacing voiced out his demands once again.

"Hand over or Die!" The jealousy in his eye couldn't be hidden. The bandits slowly targeted the guards who were few, to begin with. With numbers on their side, the bandits were ready to strike.

The two mercenaries quickly blended with the guards covering the important places and while Naruto loved to go out and get into action, he was held back by Hinata, reminding him of the priority of the mission.

"Damn, I should have acted fast." Naruto felt stupid acting slower than Raito.

Junichi walked forward then asked coolheaded, "What do you want? How much do you want?"

"Negotiating? We want everything you have." Waving his hand to back, an arrow went for Junichi.

"Ah!" Naruto and Hinata shouted pulling Junichi behind.

Before the arrow could fly to the target, it was intercepted by a stone from above, from the trees.

"Who!?" The bandit leader charged forward with his gang of bandits and the battle erupted.

The bandits charged their swords falling down to meet with the blocks of the guards, Hanshiro looked passively and only acted when the guards were overpowered. His every sword move would make a lethal strike, heavily injuring the opposing party. The robed man was even lazier as he swung his whip, tearing the clothes, armor, and flesh of the bandits.

The bandit leader charged with his saber as his gang started to break down. Seemingly in a berserk, he swung his blade down, directly aiming for the small guards.

The mercenaries were busy and Raito and Kakashi were nowhere to be seen.

"Shadow Clone!" Smoke covered the carriage and tens of Naruto bombarded the bandit leader. Despite his high level and his rich battle experience, he could not win against Naruto. With some hardcore Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, the bandit leader was defeated quickly.

"Hah! That was easy, dattebayo." Naruto sat on the bandit leader with a big smile.

Standing on the branches, Raito and Kakashi looked at the scene with a sigh.

Kakashi turned sideways and said, "It seems you three have already known beating and killing."

Raito looked at Kakashi but didn't answer. His silence was also an answer for Kakashi. They both jumped down and Raito helped the guards tie the bandits. His skills in tying people amazed, such solid and simple knots made the guards want to learn about it.

The bandit leader struggled, trying to free himself from the rope but the more he struggled the more the rope dug his neck, making it harder for him to breathe. Seeing black, his consciousness faded and he plopped down onto his knees.

Raito loosened the ropes and healed him a bit then checked his description.

Back at the mercenaries, they were going through the wanted poster. Soon the robed man stopped at one of the paper and walked towards the bandit leader, exposing him here and there, checking for significant marks.

"This guy has a bounty for 30,000 Ryo." Raito announced.

The robed man looked back then again started checking.

Junichi sat at the seat and sighed. "And its just the first day. If we continue with this speed and rest at some places…we will be able to reach Tea Country by the day after tomorrow. With the guards, mercenary and the ninjas, it would be a safe journey."

"Nice one Naruto." Raito gave a thumbs-up as he passed by.

"Good job, Hinata." Kakashi praised Hinata and then went inside the carriage to talk with Junichi.

Hesitating Raito gave her a thumbs up then walked to the guards who were injured and healed them.


"MY arm – My arm doesn't hurt."

"My leg."

The guards lined in a row and got treated by Raito. Hinata also joined him but by the time she arrived most of the guards were healed.

"Thanks for the save there." A guard came up to Naruto and thanked him earnestly.

Naruto tried to keep his straight face but his face had already started to melt. Thumping his c.h.e.s.t he announced, "That's my mission, ya know."

The bandits were tied and dragged to the nearest bounty station and slave house by the guards and mercenaries.

After rushing all the way south, they reached a small village which was quite well off. The rooms were booked for the merchant family, guards, mercenary and the ninja. Although every group had a room, not all dared to rest. The guards divided into three groups; one group resting whereas two groups guarded the merchant family and the carriage. The mercenaries, one sat at the lobby while other walked out.

And as for team seven, they were inside the dining room below enjoying the meals, which were mostly seafood.

"Wow, these tempura are soo good." Naruto with mouth full praised the food.

Raito tried various dishes, tasting all kinds of food. But as he tried notifications kept on popping one after another.

[Dish 'Tempura' added to 'Book'.]

[Dish 'Sushi' added to 'Book'.]

[Dish 'Kaki Fry' added to 'Book'.]

As the new notification kept on popping, Raito simply switched off the notification.

Skill Unlocked

[Cooking Lvl 40 (Active/Passive)]

[Chef's Sense] (Passive)

Look, Smell, Taste, Enjoy. The sense of a master Chef can discern various things relating to food.

Although it was not much help on ninja work, Raito feels that it was really great. Then Raito checked on the notification that was ignored for the past few days.

Firstly the stats gave Raito some few benefits.

[WIS - 50]

[Mana Regeneration]

An ability given to those of special heritage that allows faster recovery of CP.

Effect: 100% increased CP regeneration.

[STR - 50]

[Beastly Strength]

Strength of a mighty beast

Effect: Increased 50% Attack power.

[DEX - 50]


The ability to use both the right and left hand equally well.

Effect: Deal additional damage to the attack to two weapons.

"I got so many." Raito kept on scrolling the notifications. The next notification was about perks.


[Out of line] – Get ideas randomly about seals.

[Thin Air] – Your presence is compared to the air.

[Copper Skin] – Skin as tough as copper.

[Animal Lover] – For every animal helped personally, get 1 stat point.

[Fool's Luck] – For 1 point of luck, randomly get 1 item.

[Strong Body] – Can handle spoiled food and harsh training.

[Coin Finder] – Depending on luck stat, find coins.

[Food Thief] – Stealing others food, gain 1 stat point from 1 person and in front of them.

[Concrete Bones] – Bones as strong as concrete.

[Big lungs] – Have higher lung capacity.

[Iron Stomach] – Stomach that can handle spoiled food or drink.

[Explosion Expert] – Fire release and explosion type attacks deal 30% increase effect.

After finishing the food the group sat around the table. Kakashi clapped his hand grabbing everyone's attention.

"So, let's decide the roles." Kakashi looked at Raito and said, "Raito, you will be watching for inside the inn. Try to circle the rooms and the lobby. Don't be stiff, try to make it easy…."

Kakashi gave Raito few tips on how to patrol in ninja way, more exactly leaf ninja way.

Then it was Hinata, she is supposed to look a few blocks surrounding the inn and lastly, it is Naruto who will be the main force if needed.

"There are guards and mercenaries. So we may not have to do much but we must focus…." After saying much Kakashi also joined the guarding.

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