The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 37 - 37 – Rescue


Junichi looked at the small figure following him from behind and with a calm voice, he asked, "So it's you boy? What about that yellow hair and that girl?

"That yellow haired is Naruto, he is near and Hinata, she is doing training today." Raito answered.

"What do you think about it? About that tea ceremony." Junichi hummed and asked in a smug way.

Raito's face twitched little hearing the question. Then with a straight face, he replied with a voice that even he was proud of it, "You are good at telling lies."

"Ho… But I was telling the truth. I really want to live my retirement here." Junichi answered but his voice shook a little.

Voice laced with chakra, Raito spoke up, "Let it out, if-"

A figure reached out and grabbed Raito and disappeared. Junichi who was in a trance shook and looked around just to see Naruto running towards him.

"What were you trying to do there?" Kakashi grabbed Raito and his chakra restraining Raito.

Raito guiltily looked away, not answering Kakashi.

Sighing Kakashi mumbled then running his hand through his hair, he started, "You knew that I was following you from the very beginning and it was all a trap just so I would act, perhaps? Or you got curious?"

Sitting on the patch of grass, Kakashi pointed to the direction where Junichi and Naruto were.

Immediately understanding the point, he answered, "They are heading towards the small shrine with the village leader."

Weaving through a couple of hand seals, Kakashi divided his chakra and a small cloud of excess chakra appeared before disappearing.

"So you made a clone and immediately dispelled it?" Raito asked while deeply looking at Kakashi, his 'Observe' skill in full effect.

"You saw that? Good. Now let's talk about other things." Kakashi mood turned heavy.

"You can't do that to a client ever." Kakashi said in a stern voice.

"A client who hired a mercenary group and made us fight with them. A client who may be harming a whole village?" Raito asked

After a period of silence, Kakashi answered, "He didn't make us fight. He gave us a choice and we accepted it. And it's not like he made us fight with a high level ninja or like. As for this village, there are many youths who want to leave but are not courageous enough. What do you want to do? Make them courageous with your jutsu to make them go to some other village or capital and start from the beginning? Junichi has already started business opportunity for this village. If they work together with him, it will be just fine."

Kakashi looked at Raito's eye, meeting glare with still calmness and asked, "It's not about Junichi, is it?"


"Jutsu? Why are you in such a hurry to get jutsu?" Kakashi asked fixing his forehead protector. "I would have eventually taught you." Kakashi sighed heavily.

"I just can't help Naruto find one that he can use. When I got jutsu from mom and dad, I told him that I will definitely help him learn one powerful one but…."

"It's Naruto? I clearly told you he just needs more control over his chakra for him to start learning more Ninjutsu." Kakashi explained with a sigh.

"Just one jutsu and I will prove that he can do it. Same with 'Erasing wind' and 'Gale palm'. He did those so easily."

"What about Hinata? What do you think?"

"Hinata? You are already giving her private lessons. Why are you asking me?" Unknowingly a frown was present on Raito's face.

Sighing Kakashi waved at Raito to sit down. "Your teamwork is perfect. It's like you three were meant to be in a team. Coordination is great, tactics are great but sometimes I see that… you don't want her to be in the team and not only that it looks like you…."

"…" Raito didn't answer but looked at Kakashi with his calm eyes.

"Is it because she is part of Hyuga clan?" Kakashi asked his voice growing louder.

In a daze, Raito nodded ever so slightly.

"You need to learn that she is not her clan, she is her-"

"I know, I know… I know Hinata is not like her clan. She is different … but she looks so similar to them. She and that Hyuga clan. That Hyuga clan was one of the reasons why my parents died." Raito's voice shook ever so slightly.

"We don't know that-"

"I know it!" Raito stood up. "Motive, reason… there are."

"Those eyes whenever I see it, it just… I just don't want." Panting heavily and with a red face, Raito fell down. "I don't know, okay… Even though I always try to control… I can't."

Taking out a water bottle he splashed his face and waited, taking deep breaths and exhaling.

"You know sensei… Shikamaru and I used to stare at the sky and guess about the rumors whether they are true or not. He would give perfect reasons for everything and I would be asking him how he got to that conclusion. I learned how to do that slowly, so…"

"I have thought about it so much, just so much…." Raito slowly raised his voice, frustration filling him up but a second later a blue light flashed in his eyes calming him down.

"What did you do?" Raito asked in a calm voice.

Somewhat surprised, Kakashi checked once more then asked, "You broke it?"

Raito nodded.

"It's a type of provocation technique, it heightens one's emotions. Mostly used in T and I department. I have been using it on you for a bit now." Kakashi sighed ready to explain.

"Why?" Raito asked somewhat hurt.

There was a long pause before Kakashi spoke, "Because you don't need jutsu, you need to learn control."

"That's why for this past month you kept mentioning my parents either it be training or working." Raito came to his own conclusion.

Kakashi signaled with his hands and started, "Your parents would leave things for you. Jutsu, Weapon, training notes and all… you don't need them from me. But I can help you in other fields."

Raising his eyes suspiciously feeling that topic had deviated once more, Raito asked, "What about Naruto?"

"He needs chakra control first." Saying that Kakashi stood up and faced Raito.

"Don't worry about Naruto too much." With that Kakashi disappeared in a silent thunder.

"Show off." With that Raito also disappeared with a simple body flicker.

The rest of the day was spent following Junichi and the village leader visiting various scenic spots in the village that can be developed.

Using earth clones and Naruto's shadow clone to do work, Raito and Naruto started a small BBQ session, eating to their heart's content. When Kakashi found out that the two were being lazy, he seized all the BBQ and started monitoring them in open.

Checking his back, Naruto pouted, "He didn't have to do that."

"Maybe he didn't like the BBQ or maybe it was so good he wants more?" Raito played confused.

Naruto laid down flat on the ground and let out a big yawn, "I never thought that guarding a VIP was really a boring job. It would be nice if… uhh like…"

"You don't know, huh? Obviously, because you never went on one." Raito said sarcastically.

"You didn't too." Naruto glared.

"But I have read books." Raito replied proudly. "There is a saying that one book is one world."

Naruto looked at Raito blankly not know what Raito was talking about.

"Follow." Kakashi from behind instructed.

They followed Junichi and some of his guards that had joined him in between, then went back to the house.

Every group had different room to sleep and a different room to eat. Raito happily ate the food delivered to them. While eating Kakashi spoke up about the things to be aware in tea country

Tea country located at the edge of fire country is surrounded on three sides by the water. They have no ninja village but are famous for their archers among the small countries. This small country produces tea leaves famous in all the elemental nations. In the beginning, they were more focused on sea trade but after generations it turned on tea production. Now after years, their tea leaves were found in all the capitals and were enjoyed by all Lords and the commoners.

Land of fire and land of tea had good relation as they were neighboring country. Land of fire provided land of tea with many things in which one was protection.

"So we must act as not only guard for Junichi and his group but if we see any bad things happening like fights, killing, murder, and ****… we need to act." Kakashi said with enough seriousness making the three nod like a chick pecking seeds.

[Mission Created]


Raito rolled his eyes then accepted silently.

Next morning the ninja team and mercenary team woke up early. Raito and Hinata scouted before they even left the village. Raito had calmed down and he even made a few jokes and challenged her to a race, making Hinata let out a breath of relief. She had also felt that Raito was getting hostile a little by little but today Raito seemed relieved, a bit brighter than the day before.

They scouted the area and combined with their 'wider range of vision' they had doubled their work in half of the time.

One of the carriages was left behind in the village and three carriages left the village in early morning. Even leaving was grand, making Raito gape a little.

"I heard that a kind of carriage was being made which didn't use horses." Junichi was clearly excited as he talked with his wife.

His wife who didn't have the energy for business had stars in her eyes as she discussed energetically. "I have heard that those rich people in fire capital were investing money in it."

"Sadly we couldn't even put one finger in that pool." Junichi's business mind was really saddened about it.

They kept discussing with their voice loud enough that Raito who was jumping trees and walking by the road could also hear.

Although the punishment looked harsh, Raito was really happy to do it. Taking a break every half an hour, Raito did it for a whole six hours. And at the end, he gained a total of three vitality stat points.

Kakashi looked at Raito then asked him to come but Raito answered made him want to beat him up.

"Don't compare me with you, sensei. I can go for hours." Raito laughed loudly making Kakashi angry.

Naruto competed with Raito but how could he understand the reward system of the brain. Raito would gain stat points and would get encouraged whereas Naruto would be panting and sweating at the end of all that endless running. Not getting any awesome feeling that Raito was talking about, Naruto jumped to his carriage and laid flat on top.

Hinata also joined but gave up before Naruto. Raito stopped several times to wait for them clearly showing disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e in his face.

The mercenaries looked weirdly at Kakashi then at Raito before minding their own business. The small girl in the carriage also popped out her head from the carriage window despite her mother's admonishing, to look at Raito.

Not knowing when Raito had brought out a rock to carry making everyone focus at Kakashi even more. Under the pressure, Kakashi happily read his book even giggling from time to time.

"Raito is enjoying it. Stupid." Naruto spat and again joined him in training, just to tap out in few hours.

At the end, when everyone stopped to rest, Raito finally stopped. His body covered with sweat and dirt. Walking away from everyone Raito took a dip in a container full of water. When Kakashi came to saw it, he shook his head. He will definitely add this on the verbal report and let Hiruzen handle it. With evil thoughts Kakashi went back to the camp.

Early morning the three carriages and group of mercenary and ninjas reached the capital of Tea Country. The carriages and mercenaries were thoroughly checked. It could be said that everyone except ninjas and Junichi's family were thoroughly checked.

"Hatake-san, please sign here." The guard politely showed Kakashi what to do and the same for the Genins.

"Junichi-sama, our lord have told us to keep an eye for your arrival, please come with us." A group of soldiers on horses guided everyone to the Lord's manor.

The Tea capital was same as Konoha but it was far more spacious. The main street having most shops selling a variety of accessory and food items, the winding road followed straight lead to a small hill and climbing it one could see a huge palace.

The gate had guards walking inside there were even more guards stationed in a line. The mercenaries were forced to give their weapon which made the muscular mercenary angry.

"It's too much." Huffing he entered the palace.

The inside of the palace had a scene of calmness. The fresh smell from around the palace made it feel like this place was above the realm of commoners.

In front of the group stood a middle aged man with a strong body and deep eyes. He had a small smile hung on his face which seemed like it would always be there and the aura of calmness radiated from him. But with Kakashi's eye, he could see that the lord was in distress.

After exchanging greeting with Junichi and his family, then Kakashi, they walked to the room with nature's view. Sitting on their respective seats, they were served tea by a beautiful lady.

Waving his hand, a small girl walked and stood by the lord's side. "Our little Saya has been wishing that you'd come."

Junichi who was sitting also pushed his daughter and nodded his head.

Soon the little girls went out with Junichi's wife. Kakashi signaled Hinata after which she also left with a bow.

Naruto and Raito looked at each other in some hesitation before sitting down.

"Ninjas of Konoha, I thank you for helping Junichi in his travels." The lord of tea country bowed slightly.

"Thank you." Kakashi didn't add any words but bowed a bit more than the lord.

"Please roam around our small country's capital before going." Then looking at Junichi, he stretched out his hand.

Junichi hurriedly nodded and gave the mission scroll.

Adding a few sentences to the scroll, the lord looked at Kakashi and stretched out his hand again. Kakashi did not delay taking it. Taking a glance, Kakashi looked back at the lord then bowed slightly before leaving the room with Naruto and Raito.

"So we are finally going back home. We should definitely look if the capital has some good ramen." Naruto stretched letting out a yawn.

Raito looked at Kakashi's back and kept quiet. Gathering Hinata, they left the capital quickly.

"Thank you for coming, Hatake-sama." The guard bowed

When they reached a kilometer outside the capital, Kakashi finally stopped walking then turned around.

"Finally." Raito spoke. He was so frustrated guessing what that scroll was about.

"Kakashi-sensei what's wrong?" Naruto had already felt something was wrong. He didn't know but he felt that Kakashi was somewhat in a hurry to leave.

"No one is following us, sensei." Hinata reported from behind.

"What's going on, Hinata?" Naruto thought that Hinata knows what was happening so he immediately asked her.

Upon his questioning, she just shook her head and looked at Kakashi.

Kakashi sighed then gave the scroll to Raito.

Raito grabbed the scroll and read it. Then looking at Kakashi, he gave the scroll to Naruto and Hinata.

"The lord has three children, the little girl we saw today and with that the twins, one boy, and one girl. The twins were kidnapped yesterday morning and now the lord is being threatened. His wife who learned about the kidnapping lost consciousness and has yet to open her eye."

"This kidnapping happened has caused much distress and now the lord wants us to save them without catching much attention. He also wrote that the kidnappers may be among his people."

Hinata tied the scroll then gave it back to Kakashi.

"I knew that first C-Rank mission would have some twist but this is too much." Kakashi sighed.

Opening the Info book, Raito searched for the lord of tea country but he didn't know his name so Raito immediately asked Kakashi.

Kakashi who was preparing the equipment answered, "Shiraishi Eikichi"

Going through the info book he immediately found the information.

"Shiraishi Eikichi 39 year old, lord of the tea country, ascended on the age of 26 after marrying his current wife Shiraishi Kaori and had twins aged eight, Miyoko and Shigekazu."

Kakashi massaged his forehead in thinking but still commanded, "Wear darker clothes, we have to search the village. Not much time is left and we don't even have any pictures."

"Wait." Raito called softly then took out a drawing paper and a drawing kit.

"Raito, we don't have much time and a lot of ground to cover." Kakashi said with seriousness.

"I know what they look like." With his drawing skills, Raito immediately started.


"I looked around." The answer was as vague as it could be but Kakashi knew that Raito's jutsu and his behavior could save someone's life. So, Kakashi only nodded, not disturbing him.

"Done. Boy. Tanned skin color. Green eyes." Raito gave the drawing and described. "I don't know about height.

When Raito said about Kakashi finally relaxed his tensed state.

"Girl. Lightly tanned skin color. Green and grey eyes." Raito gave another drawing.

Since he knew what to look for Kakashi was a bit more relaxed. Pulling the forehead protector the red eye with three magatamas spun slowly, everything being printed in his brain permanently.

Taking out two darker clothes from his inventory Raito gave it to Hinata and Naruto.

"Since the gates are closed, we cannot enter at this time of the hour. So, we must enter stealthily." Kakashi's looked at Naruto for a little longer

"Naruto make clones to your limit and search for them… cover as much land as you can." Kakashi looked at Naruto and ordered.

"Hinata look for them inside the capital. Here." Kakashi gave her small black and red pills in a bottle. They were 'Blood Chakra pill' which restored chakra at a fast pace but it had some minor side effect like exhaustion.

"Only use it when you need it." Kakashi reminded her.

"Then Raito-"

"Outside I know." Raito shrugged.

"The lord and his men has already searched his palace, the hidden dungeons and most of the western part of the capital."

"Kakashi-sensei, the capital is so big. Can we even do it?" Naruto asked in worry.

"… We must." Kakashi sighed.

Naruto immediately squatted and everyone looked at him. Looking up, he jumped, "I believe we can. Yosh let's do it."

Hinata smiled then looked at Kakashi.

Kakashi nodded then looked at each of them. "Just one day, that means we are lucky."


"Raito… try your best." Kakashi looked towards the village and signaled Hinata and Naruto then they went off.

Raito was left alone. He sighed then took out a map. Keeping the map at the ground, he took out a black book with a golden seal in the front. Flipping the paper, Raito came to the second page of the book then with a deep breath activated the seal.

"Hiden technique: Book of Secrets – Shadow Clone"

Two clones appeared before Raito but different to him, they had two circular seals on top of their hand.

"How long?" Ratio asked.

One clone looked to the side and answered somewhat an evil tone. "Four hours but with these two seals little more than eight hours."

"Let's divide and search." Raito commanded and the two nodded.

Choosing a mountain path, Raito used his chakra sense to his fullest looking for anything and everything related to outlaws. The trees, the plants, the animal, the insects, small rocks then the big rocks. Raito looked through everything in that area then went to another area and did the same.

After searching for most of the small mountain and several natural caves, Raito was irritated and exhausted.

Resting on the big rock, he took a big gulp of water and looked at the rising sun from the east. "Stupid people."

Raito had now come to a total of four kilometers from the capital gate and the surrounding paddy field.

"Tea fields cover the whole of the northern part of the capital and there are new building being built in the south part." Using a skill 'Blood Seal Connection' Raito had already known what the situation was in other parts.

Feeling someone stepping in on his sensing range. He immediately focused there to see a man, plain looking, his hair and beard in a mess. The man seems to be grumbling but as he wasn't moving his mouth Raito couldn't interpret what he was saying.

"That's one lead. Maybe." Raito immediately dashed to the man's area where he saw the man peeing in a relaxed manner.

Using stealth as the man finished his business, Raito immediately jumped down from the tree and grabbed back of that man's neck then dragged him in a dungeon.

"What the hell!?" The man shouted and struggling wildly trying to free from Raito's grasp.

After learning that the man was a half bandit and half labor worker in the capital using his 'Observe" skill, Raito decided that he may have something to do with the kidnapping.

Raito's chakra immediately invaded the man's body and as Raito tried controlling his chakra, he found that he could somewhat restrain the man. But it was difficult and with the whole night toiling, Raito just didn't have any more patience.

With a few hand seals, the earth below half swallowed the man, restraining him.

"Hey, who are you? How can you act so lawlessly in the capital? Why you-" Just as the man wanted to shout more he couldn't help but shiver continuously. Difficulty turning around he saw a boy with glowing red eyes staring at him.

"D-d-d-Devil!!" The man was so frightened that he started crying and started asking for forgiveness.

"Stop crying!" the voice felt heavy as it rang on his head giving him a headache.

Raito looked at the man in front of him, who was in a totally dazed state and started asked, "Where are the twins?"

The man replied after a long time in a monotonous voice, "At the hideout."

"Where is your hideout?" Raito asked again feeling a headache coming.

"…There is an underground cave here linked to the sea. Just about fifty steps from here, there is a small opening that goes down. Passing through it we can reach to the hideout."

Still confused, Raito pulled him to the real world and asked one of his clones to find Kakashi and report to him.

Conflicted to choose to go now or to go when everyone regroups. Raito didn't even think about it for a second. He asked the man to show him the way but the depressing thing was that now his chakra was very much depleted.

Under no one's gaze, Raito brought out ice cream from his inventory and started eating it. Slowly the CP restored to the quarter of the total when Raito felt that it was enough.

Following the man, as he took various turns, Raito carefully followed him with his 'Chakra Sense' fully active. Soon Raito reached the outskirts of the hideout where he peeked through between the rocks.

Looking down Raito saw a small camp, tents raised and meat roasted. Men walked, laughing loudly exploding vulgarities.

Looking at his depleted Chakra, Raito immediately dug a small cave for him to recover. But before entering, he looked at the man before touching him on his shoulder and covering him with his chakra.

Gritting his teeth Raito spoke, "Store." For a moment nothing happened but in the end, the man disappeared.

Sighing in relief, Raito walked in covered the cave entrance and started meditating

Breathe in

Breathe out

Activating the meditation skill Raito waited patiently as his chakra was slowly recovering.

"Fast Thinking"

"Chakra Sense"

Using Chakra Sense Raito 'moved' to 'see' the small camp. Rounding up, he counted about thirty people outside the tent. The number made Raito feel that it was truly difficult. Using his blood seal connection, Raito found out that his clones couldn't find Kakashi at all. Because he couldn't use 'Observe' when using 'Chakra Sense' it was truly difficult.

"I will definitely make a seal to track you." Raito gritted his teeth in anger.

[Chakra Sense leveled up.]

[Chakra Sense reached level 70. New skill unlocked – Avatar.]


While using Chakra Sense, for a price of 500 CP, create a body of 1000 CP which is perfectly connected to the user.

Looking at the new skill unlocked, Raito was filled with joy. After reading it again and again, Raito's eye shined brightly.

"Hehehe." Laughing evilly Raito again closed his eyes again and activated 'Chakra Sense'.

Going in as walking on the void, Raito quietly reached the main tent which was bigger than anyone else. Entering the tent Raito was ready to activate the skill but what he saw inside made Raito extremely shocked. Two men were locking body in the bed, one more active than other.

"…" Raito immediately reached out then went on from one tent to another. Raito was dumbfounded as he saw that in one of the tent at the absolute end to see two children of seven or eight, one boy and one girl, to be sleeping in a bed, hugging each other.

Raito who was looking at them felt confused, total confusion. Using the skill to check the name Raito confirmed that it was indeed the twins of the lord of tea country.

"Original where are you?" Raito heard a voice from his clones.

"Obviously underground, why?" Raito used 'Avatar' and created a body of chakra which looked like a blue light bulb human.

The avatar immediately touched the two and dragged them in a dungeon. Along with the avatar and the twins, Raito himself was also dragged into a dungeon.

Jumping down Raito quickly reached to the tents and waited for a while to observe the twins.

He saw that the twins were in an absolute panic when they didn't find anyone around. But it seemed like the boy was smart one so he quickly calmed the girl.

Annoyed by how long it was taking place, Raito walked out arriving in front of them.

Immediately the twins were in a panic but the boy stood in front of his sister shining brightly as a brother.


"Don't worry, I will protect you."

Raito rolled his eyes as he listened to the two. 'Why are you acting as if I am a villain?'

"My name is Raito, from Konoha." Raito introduced himself pointing at his forehead protector.

Mentioning Konoha's name made the twin relax a bit and let their guard down.

"I think you know Junichi-san, right? We came with him and… uh, in short, your dad asked us to look for you."

'I am coming.' Raito screamed in his blood seal connection.

"From Konoha? Ninja? Are you Chūnin? Jōnin?" the boy with his eyes shining asked with shining eyes.

"My team is up. Let's go." Raito turned to look at the rocks above then started walking in that direction.

"Oni." The girl tugged at her brother clothes.

"Ninja-san." The boy shouted.

"Huh? What happened? Let's go."

"How can we?" the girl's voice was low but Raito heard it. It was shameful, absolutely shameful. He must never let Naruto know about it.

"How about you two hold my hands?" Raito stretched his eyes.

There was a pause and Raito started feeling that he was truly stupid. But in the end, they grabbed his hand.

Sighing in relief, Raito manipulated the earth under him and made a platform.

"Up." As to his command, the platform moved up quickly reaching the top of the rock.

"Woah!" the twins gasped in surprise. "Amazing."

Upon reaching the top, Raito dug out a small cave and told the twins to not say anything. The twins nodded vigorously listening to Raito's command.

"ID Escape."

"Something happened." The boy voice out.

"Mm." the girl also nodded vigorously.

Raito looked at the two for a bit then said, "When we go out and if anyone asks, just tell them that I hid you both and sneaked you out, okay?" Raito unconsciously used his skill.

The two nodded again.

"Okay then." Manipulating the earth again, Raito opened the mouth of the small cave.

After opening he was truly shocked. In front of him stood Kakashi, Hinata, Naruto and one of his clones.

Raito who felt shocked still had calm face looking at them.

"Konoha ninja?" the boy asked tugging at Raito's hand.

Raito nodded, "My team." Then looking at Kakashi he said, "Twins."

"There are bandits down there. I sneaked them out." Raito explained.

One couldn't see but Kakashi who heaved a sigh of relief had corners of his mouth down.

"Let's go back." Kakashi after looking at his team and twins ordered.

"Yes." The three answered then Naruto and Raito carrying each one, ran in high speed.

Stealthily entering the capital, the team reached near the palace.

Kakashi looked at Raito for a while but gave up. Raito also looked at Kakashi but he acted innocent.

Walking in front of the palace, Kakashi waited as he predicted as someone would come.

As he predicted the guards soon surrounded them.

"Sir please let go of young lord and young miss." The guards looked at Kakashi and spoke politely.

Kakashi looked at the two and nodded then took out the mission scroll, "We are to meet the lord."

Upon looking at the seal on the scroll, the guard immediately bowed down.

Raito who was about to release the little girl immediately tightened his grip and signaled Naruto to do the same.

"Please follow me." The guard walked forward leading them to the palace meeting hall.

The guards also followed them to the meeting hall.

The guard who looked like captain turned around and said, "Please stay here, I will call the lord… and young lord, young miss, please act with more-"

"You don't need to say any more just call lord father and mother." The boy spoke with the dignity of a lord's son

"Yes." The guard immediately ran upstairs.

"Nii-san." The girl held Raito even more tightly.

An exercised body and a not exercised body was clearly different. Raito and Naruto could easily hold them for so long.

Raito who was clam, exploded, grabbing Naruto and Hinata, then he disappeared from the area.

Kakashi who saw this smiled then lightning releasing from his body destroyed the small group of guards.

Naruto, Raito, and Hinata along with twins appeared in the meeting hall far from the original position.

Looking at everyone who were kissing the ground and Kakashi standing among them, Raito felt that one minute was actually too much. He shouldn't have given Kakashi so much time.

"You can open your eyes." Raito told the twins.

"Shiraishi-sama is coming down with his wife and a few guards. The guards look different than…." Raito understood what Hinata was saying as he used 'Chakra Sense'.

Shiraishi Eikichi looked at the guards who were on the ground then at the kids. He let out a small breath but when he wanted to walk forward, a figure had long passed him. Who else could it be but his wife?

"Mother!" the twins hugged their mother crying their hearts out. A scene played out with the story of a reunion of family between mother and her child. The father was a hardened man who was soft inside. He didn't go and hug his children but shed happy tears silently.

Eikichi grabbed his wife's shoulder then looked at his children. He didn't say anything but kneeled on the ground.

"Papa." They cried even loudly and jumped to their father's embrace.

Looking at the ground where the guards were at then at everyone in the room, Raito felt like the scene was very confusing.

Kakashi who was focusing more at Raito than at the heart warming reunion scene, patting his shoulder and Kakashi said, "The world of politics is really difficult."

Looking back at Kakashi and hearing what he said, Raito recalled a book that he had read in past about kingdom, war, and internal politics.

"I thought those kinds of things only happened in books." Raito sighed then looked at the guards on the ground.

[Tea Palace Guard Lvl 15]

HP – 0/0

Seeing the corpse, Raito s.u.c.k.e.d in a huge breath then walked forward, grabbing the corpse and wishing it to keep in the inventory. The corpse disappeared in front of everyone. Even the lord and lady of the palace also gave a glance but didn't say anything. Receiving a nod from Kakashi, Raito continued storing the corpses and soon the number reached ten.

[New title unlocked]

[Corpse Collector]

[Increase 'Yin' Affinity by 30%]

[Increase chances of creating new spell relating to 'Yin' by 20%]

"It's good that they have seen bodies. It comes with the seat." Eikichi as he hugged his twins thought that Raito didn't want the kids to see the bodies, said with a heavy voice.

Raito stood up and nodded but didn't do anything.

"Eikichi-dono, our mission is done and we have extended our stay at tea country." Kakashi spoke up.

"I am thankful for the ninjas of Konoha to help in rescuing my children." Giving his kids back to his wife Eikichi stood up, walked towards Kakashi and gave him a golden scroll.

When Kakashi got the scroll the felt more troubles coming his way. Looking at Eikichi, he saw that Eikichi didn't have that warm smile on his face but it was replaced by a cold, black face.

"This lord promises that there would be improvements in the relation between tea country and Konohagakure." Eikichi majestic aura was shining brightly.

When Kakashi heard that he immediately nodded and left the palace. Outside the palace, Kakashi read the scroll then looked at his Genins.

"Sensei, we have been awake whole night. How about getting some rest?" Raito asked.

"Yeah, and I am hungry too."

Hinata felt if she didn't speak she would be left out also spoke up, "Sensei."

"Let's go to an inn." Kakashi put the scroll in the pouch then nodded at them.

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