The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 4 - 4 – Info Dumping

Chapter 4 – Info Dumping

Raito wanted to go home and find more about his ability. If this ability was the same as that of the game than there would be a menu and help options where he could get more information.

Quest Alert

Description: An Unknown book is present on the bedside table at your house, go and check it.

Main quest: Learn more about your ability.

Quest reward: Special skill scroll

Raito quickly rushed towards his home and moved towards his bedroom at which he saw a small black book placed at the bedside table alongside with his alarm clock.

'It was definitely not there this morning.' Thought Raito as he picked the small black book.

Do you wish to activate the help guide?

Raito was going to press the yes button but before he did so he stopped because he remembered whenever he learned skills in games the books or scroll, they would disappear.(always want a cheat to not destroy spell books so I can teach it to more characters)

So he started turning page by page, where he saw written within were unreadable language filling all the small book, no pictures or any other things within.

Helplessly shrugging he pressed 'yes'.

The book turned into blue streams which looked like chakra and got absorbed into Raito's head.

[Initiating help guide




Help guide activated]

[Congratulations on being chosen as the Gamer of your world.]

[Welcome to introduction]

[The Gamer is a privilege given to one in a world chosen by the Gaia, the world's consciousness herself and the choice always precedes great changes.]

[The ability of the Gamer, Gamer's body allows a player to live his life as a character in a game and at the same time affects the surrounding to change as well and the other ability, Gamer's mind allows the character to think calmly and logically through a situation]

[Now the Gamer ability lets you use several menus such as Status, Skills, Inventory, Quest, Info-book, and Options.]

1. Status-Status window lets you see your physical, mental and power levels. Also shown are titles which are affected by the action of the character, the personality of the character and the character's reputation in the surrounding. Also shown is the characters health status. Your physical, Mental and Power levels are numbered according to your capability but now you can freely increase them according to your choices. Physical aspects can be improved through strength, endurance and stamina training and the mental aspects can be improved through mental challenges.

2. Skills- Skill list window lets you see the numerous skills you have, your proficiency levels.

3. Inventory- Inventory box is one famous thing where you can store whatever you want like weapons, medicine furniture, and others. Inventory box is space-time frozen so the items you put here will not age.

4. Quest- Quest is the tasks ranging from small to big which provides the character with experience points, skill books or money.

6. Options- Various game options are present there but not the difficulty level though.


Strength (STR):

[The Strength attribute determines the person overall strength and affects the amount of damage dealt. It also affects a person's ability to reduce damage when blocking.]

Vitality (VIT):

The Vitality determines the person overall health and stamina. It also affects a person ability to regain health outside combat.

1 VIT = 25 HP

1 VIT =0.5 HP per minute

Dexterity (DEX)

The Dexterity attribute determines the person's overall movement. This attribute affects a person's accuracy, evasion, reflex and ability to land critical strikes.

Intelligence (INT):

The Intelligence attribute determines the person's overall ability to memorize and think quickly. It also affects the amount of their chakra and density of chakra.

Wisdom (WIS):

The wisdom attribute determines the person's ability to understand information and use the information correctly. It also relates to common sense, perception and overall control over the chakra. Wisdom also plays an important role in learning certain skills such as Genjutsu and Medical Ninjutsu as well as defending from mental attacks.

Luck (LUK):

Luck is unique compared to all the other attributes as it is capable of influencing anything from finding or looting random items, winning money while gambling, to encounters and outstanding successes/failures (such as critical hits).

'Ok, then the difficult part is LUK stat which I heavily suck. For STR I have to carry heavy items, for VIT I can run, for DEX I can clear some obstacle courses, for INT I can read books and lots of those if I ever want to increase my chakra level, puzzles for WIS and I have no idea how to increase LUK. F.u.c.k.i.n.g hell how do I even increase my luck?' Raito fumed.

[Stat points]

Stat points are obtained after every level up Character can get up 5 points per level. Stat points can be used to increase the character's attributes. Stat points could also be obtained through special quests. Stat points can also be used to obtain perks which can increase character's probability of getting stronger by a lot.

Perks?' Raito eyes shined thought of getting stronger.


Perks are special abilities only obtained through the use of stat points.

Unlocked at LV 15

That's it? It seems I have to be Lv 15 to know more about it.

Ah yes, there was something about the quality of the item.

[Item Quality]

Item quality refers to the relative quality of the item. Item categorized as Poor, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic and Legendary.

Poor Quality:

Items that are considered the worst of the worst and barely even worth using, seen as junk by many. Such items are made of shady materials, poor craftsmanship has rusted over or been worn down so badly that it can no longer be used properly.

These are common items of decent quality that many use every day.

Uncommon Quality:

These are the uncommon items, not everyone has them but have frequent enough usage.

Rare Quality:

These are the rare uncommon items. Items of this quality are either difficult or somewhat expensive to come by. Most usually grant a unique ability or a great stat booster for the user. Are made from materials that are difficult to acquire or buy, or require a great level of skill to create.

Epic Quality:

These items are considered one of the rarest of the rare. Items of this quality are extremely difficult to come by and create and sometimes they can be considered one of a kind and irreplaceable.

Legendary Quality:

These items are considered legendary in terms of power and one of a kind.They possess or are capable of granting individuals immense power or unique ability or abilities. Chances of coming across items of this quality are one million to one only those with incredible levels of luck are said to be able to find these. Some of these items possess sentience and will only allow specific individuals to wield or summon them.

"Wow, I wonder if I will be able to get I legendary item," Raito muttered

Scrolls/skill books

Special books or scrolls which allow the character to learn new skills are called skill books. The character absorbs the book, learning its content and destroying the book in process. So it is advised to copy the book if the book is too valuable.

Quest alert quest completed

Main quest: Learn more about your ability.(Completed)

Total rewards

Skill scroll 'Instant Dungeon Create' and 'instant Dungeon Escape' acquired.

In a golden flash, a scroll appeared in front of Raito. Raito quickly grabbed the scroll and opened it.

It read

'By the Original Gamer,

To the Gamer

This skill was taught to me by my best friend and now I shall teach it to you. ....

Reading up to there the scroll disappeared and


[Skill Learned]

ID Create Level 1(active) Cost 100 CP

The skill allows the user to create a small pocket dimension containing various scenarios and monsters.


*At higher levels, monsters can be created


[Skill Learned]

ID Escape Level 1(active) Cost 0 CP

The skill allows the user to escape from the previously created pocket dimension.

'ID creates level up equals monster equals me killing monster equals me gaining more exp equals me leveling up more.

That night after eating dinner Raito leveled up these two skills

Somewhere else

Another World

"Gamer you should not have done that, it has violated our contract." Said a muffled voice

"I was just going to give him some tips you didn't have to interfere." Said Han-Jee Han

"Already thirteen people died because they thought they are invincible, if the same thing happens again I don't think I can handle anymore. All this preparation for nothing….."

"You already knew what would happen when you decided to do this, so believe in them and if there is any more connection you will get executed. So, understand the boundaries and watch peacefully. These seven are quite the people they have chosen." Said the voice.

'But every fall means we are getting close to the answer and a source of immense power.'

After that, no voice was heard

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