The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 48 - Back Home

After Zabuza and Haku left, the days were peaceful for the ninjas. Kakashi and Kurenai had started training the Genins, especially Kurenai who was constantly being bugged by Sasuke.

The village was totally different from before. Gatō's fall had changed the villagers, bringing joy to the village. Fishing business bloomed and farming restarted. The capital had also started helping the village, especially the merchants friendly with Tazuna had the first bite. They sold at low prices, making sure to win the heart of the villagers.

The bridge was also being built as the time passed and with Raito's help the work was being finished faster. With Kakashi, Naruto, and Raito, the bridge was inscribed with 'Preservation Seal' making the bridge sturdier.

The Genins continued visiting the children at the abandoned building. Raito continued teaching them about the various thing which gave him some points from time to time. The transformation of the house, garden, and the children were beautiful to see. The old abandoned building looked better with all the renovation work, the garden was filled with fruits, vegetables, and flowers. The thin children had some meat added to their bony bodies. Hinata also taught them simple exercises from the academy.

Except for Sasuke who was burning himself out with endless training, others had quite a nice time.

After Tazuna had gotten the house and the farm under his name, Raito brought Tazuna to meet the children. The land deeds were given to Taka, the oldest child in the group and who had shown the most enthusiasm in learning fighting techniques. The small girl Rumi was very, very smart with INT of 53, after learning from Raito. She was able to remember whatever Raito had said and unlike others, she could recall everything.

Unlike Naruto and Hinata who were stuck on level two of 'Water Purifying Technique', Raito had already climbed to a higher level. It made Raito realize that anything was possible for him. With the powers of gamer, there were not many things he couldn't do.

After submitting the contraband items to the capital of the 'Wave' and simultaneously reporting the 'Fire Capital' about the items, the small village was rewarded by quite a sum of money from both sides. Of course, this money was used to repair the infrastructure of the village.

Fall of Gatō 12th day, Villagers stood in front of the longest bridge ever built in 'Wave Country'. Joining the 'Fire Country' and 'Wave Country', this bridge symbolized friendship. The bridge symbolized prosperity, bringing in trade, tourism, and many more opportunity. Helping people changing their life, going against the current of the evil, the ones in power and the ones who value face more than anything. This bridge symbolized courage.

Changing the life of the people for the present and future, this bridge will be called the 'Bridge of Hope' for years to come, until the fall.

Tazuna cut the big bundle of rope with one swing. The bundle of rope with the bell landed on the bridge with a thud making a loud noise.

Clap! Shout! Roar! Cheer!

"Am I that strong?" Tazuna looked at the katana in his hand, the sword has a sharp blade and hilt with purple cloth. Then at his behind, he looked at the group of ninjas and the villagers. Raising his sword high, he announced, "This 'Bridge of Hope' is officially opened from today."

The officials from the 'Fire Country' and the 'Wave Country' said humble words of congratulation before leaving.

At Tazuna's house, Tsunami, Raito, and Hinata were in the kitchen, preparing for celebrations.

"Konoha will send one ninja per six months to collect Ten Thousand Ryo until the full price of a Hundred Thousand Ryo is fully paid. If you wish, you can pay it at once, too."

"If you really want to compare, we start B-Rank from 150,000 Ryo to 200,000 Ryo and A-Rank from 200,000 Ryo to 1,000,000 Ryo."

"…That's quite a sum."

"There's more. We will be opening a small business in the village." Kakashi pointed at the paper at the table.

"What business?" Tazuna asked with some seriousness.

"A hotel," Kakashi answered.

"That won't be a problem seeing how much you have done." Tazuna nodded.

"You should talk to the village head about this," Kakashi advised. "If everyone agrees, you will not be asked to come back to the village for discussion."

Tazuna sighed as he read through the contract.

In the forest area, Raito stood with his eyes closed, his hands clasped. The stones bead around him constantly changed shape size and structure before returning to their previous small size.

[Stone Bead +11]

[Confuse – 10% chance of afflicting 'Confuse']

[Stone Bead +11]

[Paralyze – 10% chance of afflicting 'Paralyze]

[Stone Bead +11]

[Knockout – 10% chance of afflicting 'Faint']

[Stone Bead +11]

[Crumbling Pain – 0.5% chance of afflicting 'Crumbling Pain']

"Raito, sensei's calling," Naruto called from the side. He came with Hinata looking beat up.

"No-no, we were just sparing." Hinata shook her head.

"Kakashi-sensei said that its time to leave 'Wave Country'," Naruto explained.

"Okay, let's go." The three nodded then disappeared in a blur.

At the abandoned building, Naruto, Hinata, and Raito gathered with the children. The children had tears in their eyes, only thing that was holding them back was Raito's soothing voice.

"Take care of each other. Remember you are a whole big family."

"Don't forget to water the plants and trees. When you have time build a wall."

"We will come to visit you."

Children let out tears as Raito told them that they were leaving. Raito cooked a few dishes and left a few boxes of books for them to read.

"Taka, take care of them." Raito's hand moved from his head to his shoulder.

"And don't forget to practice."

"Mn." Taka nodded as his head dropped down.

Raito took out a small box then gave it to Taka.

Standing in front of the three, Kakashi scratched his hair and asked, "What happened to you three?"

The three stood in line with eyes a bit red. "Nothing." They shouted unanimously.

Kakashi just scratched awkwardly looking at his Genins. He was not very experienced in consoling children.

Standing in front of the bridge, the ninjas were accompanied by Tazuna with his family and some of the bridge builders.

Naruto couldn't hold it anymore. He cried holding Inari, who also cried instantly. At the side, Hinata also shed some tears.

"I will come to visit you all in the future."

"Promise!" Naruto and Inari made quite a scene.

Raito sighed as he looked at the long bridge. He didn't know when he was going to come back, maybe a year or two. Turning around, he started walking away with a heavy heart.

Raito brought out a book and started reading it. His nose deep into the book, Raito started ignoring everyone else.

Kakashi walked behind Raito, pulled his free hands outwards and sent a slap towards Raito's head. Even though Raito was reading his book, he dodged the slap easily. For the next few hours, Kakashi sped up finally hitting Raito.

With one hand turned into rock, Raito flicked his fingers back, causing a stone to project towards Kakashi at high speed.

"Kurenai, do your Genins know 'Body Flicker'?" Kakashi asked as he caught the stone.

Kurenai shook her head and looked at Kiba and Sasuke, "I don't dare teach them. They don't even know basic water walking."

"Well, it's the right time to learn," Kakashi said softly.

Raito took out papers and gave it to Kiba and Sasuke. "We are going to use 'Body Flicker' to fasten our journey."

"You better learn it fast then." Raito disappeared into woods making a straight line for Konoha.

Standing in the middle of the forest Sasuke and Kiba started learning jutsu.

Quite some time had passed as they continued their relaxing journey back to Konoha.

"OW!" Naruto hit yet another tree causing a bump to form on his head.

"Naruto-kun." Hinata helped Naruto stand up, looking at the bump worriedly.

Rustle. Rustle.

Ratio walked with sweat dripping down from his face and both his arms dangling down.

Just as Raito caught up to the group, he looked at a distance with his lips curved upwards. Kakashi looked at where Raito was looking and said, "It's Asuma."

"Asuma?" Kurenai raised her head towards the direction.

"It's a gathering, then?" Shino jumped down the tree and asked softly.

Raito nodded. He used a quick 'Heal' on Naruto before jumping towards Asuma's direction waiting for him.

"Injured. C-Rank bounty." Raito announced softly, letting Kakashi and Kurenai hear it.

Kakashi gave an eye-smile. "A C-Rank. It seems Asuma is going to give all of us a big treat."

Although there was a small smile on Kurenai's face, Raito could see her 'worry'.

Kakashi looked at the two then jumped on the tree, reaching the top, as light as a feather standing on the top. Removing the forehead protector, Kakashi quickly used a Genjutsu to hide in plain sight before searching the area properly.

Not finding anything, Kakashi let out a sigh of relief. He took out a small whistle and blew on it.

On the other side, Shikamaru complained, "Asuma-sensei, can't we take a break now? It's been three hours already."

"What? Are you saying you are tired?" Asuma who was carrying a body looked back at his Genins and seeing how tired and sweaty they were he gave a chuckle.

"When I get back, I will take a shower daily … twice." Ino huffed

"Sensei, I am hungry… Only if Raito was here." Chōji enjoyed his brief rest, complaining about Raito not being with them.

Letting them rest, he looked at the man he was carrying.

Ear twitching, Asuma looked vigilantly at a distance. Hearing the next two whistles, Asuma finally relaxed.

"Kakashi's team is here."

Hearing that Raito would be there, Chōji and Ino jumped, ready to move out.

"Asuma." Kakashi waved his hands.

"Kakashi, Kurenai." Asuma threw the unconscious body as he walked the cleared area.

"Who's that?" Kakashi asked turning the man.

"A mercenary, that's all I know." Asuma shrugged.

"Raito." Kakashi turned around to ask.

Raito quickly turned the pages of the book that Kakashi had given him and pointed at a picture.

"100 kill Kaze."

"He didn't have chakra but… he made me work for it. Explosives, smoke bomb, catnip like things. If he had practiced chakra…"

"Raito!" Chōji came dashing grabbed Raito.

"I'm hungry." Tears streamed down Chōji.

"Oi Chōji, let me go." Raito tried pushing Chōji but the hungry man's rampage was difficult to control

"Food!" Chōji shouted, clinging more tightly to Raito.

"Fine, fine. Just let me go." Raito was finally able to push Chōji. Immediately taking out a few baskets of food, Raito gave it to Chōji.

"Hey, Raito, do you perhaps have a…bath?" Ino asked leaning forward, her head nearly touching Raito.

"Ino, don't trouble him too much." Asuma sighed at his Genins.

"I have," Raito answered.

"Yay!" Ino air punched.

"You have!?" Kurenai and Asuma asked simultaneously in astonishment.

Looking at his two fellow Jōnins, Kakashi laughed in amus.e.m.e.nt.

Catching Kaze, he pushed towards Raito. His big muscular body, comparing with thin and weak Kaze, looked like a man picking up a child with one hand.

Raito looked at the body then at Asuma.

Behind, Kakashi's eye also narrowed. Shikamaru who was resting, also looked over before closing his eyes.

"Sure." Raito grabbed the man and forced him into inventory.

"Raito, bath." Ino pulled his arm.

Raito looked at the Jōnins, only after getting their approval, he pulled out the large bathtub. After heating the water with the 'Camping Fire Technique – Spark', Raito made an earth wall like a curtain leaving Hinata and Ino behind.

"These missing-nin have started joining the mercenary association. I am afraid, in the future, we have to go full out against them." Asuma said with a dark tone.

"It's troublesome there." Shikamaru looked at the three Jōnin talking then looked at Raito who was happily reading a book.

"Don't think too much about it. It's an a.d.u.l.t problem."


"Why don't I give you a better topic to think about?"

"Nope." Shikamaru immediately closed his eyes.

"Uchiha massacre."

"Don't." Shikamaru immediately turned

"Don't you think it's too confusing?"

"It's not… don't think about it."

"I heard that Itachi was the best in his age group. Better than some of the older ninjas too." Raito said with some contemplation.

At the mission tab in front of him, Raito scrolled through and saw all kinds of mission and among them, the most glaring one was the 'Uchiha Massacre'. It had a short description of the event that happened that night. Uchiha Itachi, who was just accepted into ANBU division, killed whole of his clan, leaving only his little brother alive. While he was leaving the village, he killed two of his ANBU members, using Genjutsu to kill each other.

After quite a while, the discussion seems to have ended as Kakashi stood up shaking his head.

"Team, get ready to move," Kakashi ordered. Looking at Kurenai and Asuma, he gave a small smile and said, "I don't want to be the third wheel."

While everyone gathered around Kakashi. Kurenai and Asuma were left alone.

Kurenai rummaged through her pouch and brought out a small container. Opening it, there was a green paste giving the smell of flowers, trees, and nature. Making Asuma sit, she covered the wounds with the paste then, taking out a bandage, she covered it properly.

Asuma rubbed his hair, redness in his face. "It doesn't hurt."

"You are so careless." Kurenai checked for the wounds and lightly pinched one.

"Ow." Asuma smiled after making a weird noise.

"Cough… Asuma-sensei, Kurenai-sensei, we should be going." Shikamaru broke the silly love situation before walking back lazily.

"Hey, Ino."


"Why are you all returning so late? Is this your second C-Rank?"

"Of course not. Our C-Rank became an A-Rank." Ino sighed as she sat on a rock boulder.

"Our mission was to take reports from the 'Lands of Hot Spring" to a small village on tea country. But… when we reached the tea country, we found that a small mercenary group has been kidnapping people and selling them at the opposite side of the continent."


"Mm. Children, women, men. What we found was only a small group. After the Daimyō of Tea Country found that he sent us with a new mission to report to Konoha."

"So now you have to go to Konoha and report to... Hokage-Jiji." Raito smiled.

"But why is team seven with team eight?" Shikamaru walked in and asked.

"We are reinforcement," Naruto replied in an instant.

"Reinforcement?" Ino looked at Shino who was silent till now. Even after glaring for a long time Shino didn't say a word.

"Actually, actually-"

"Let's go." Kakashi threw Naruto to the tree, stopping him from talking too much.

Kakashi glared at the Genins and said, "Don't ask and don't tell."

Kilometers away from the Konohagakure, Kiba and Sasuke grabbed the trees and throwing up everything they had eaten. Kakashi's clone looked at the two before sighing in boredom. These two have tried for the entire day without resting but weren't able to learn the jutsu.

"Argh! Forget it." Kiba took out a food pill from his pouch taking one for himself then giving one to Akamaru.

Looking at Sasuke, he said, "Sasuke, how are you doing?"

Sasuke also sat down, eating dried foods. Hearing Kiba his jaw moved, "Practice."

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Kiba crumbled the paper once again, throwing it far away.

Sasuke looked at Kiba then ignoring him, read the jutsu again and again.

Kiba did some stretching and regulated his breathing. Akamaru walked with a crumpled paper in his mouth then gave it to Kiba.

Kiba looked at Akamaru then rubbing his head, he took the paper and started reading it.

"They can be taught." Kakashi crumbled into rock disappearing from the area.

Kurenai nodded as she sat on the branch, Genjutsu covering the tree.

"Continue studying Genjutsu," Kurenai ordered then closed her eyes. Shino who was standing by Kurenai nodded.

At Hokage tower

"You say… you met Kakashi and came together?" Hiruzen raised his brows.

"Y-yeah." Asuma scratched his face then added, "Kakashi said that he had a bad stomach. So it will take-"

"Bang!" Hiruzen glared at his son.

"Haha." Asuma laughed weakly looking at his dad.

"Here," Asuma brought out a scroll and gave it to Hiruzen.

"What's this?" Hiruzen opened the scroll and went through it. His furrowed brows relaxed as he looked at the contract with people of the 'Wave'.

"Mariko, call Ibuki and Inoichi." Hiruzen's voice enforced by chakra reached outside.

"You three, good job. One week break for you." Hiruzen stamped the mission scroll then gave it to Asuma.

Asuma handed the scroll to Shikamaru and said, "I will be right there. Start cashing out and fill the clan forms."

"Hai." Shikamaru lazily replied then with two, walked out.

"Now let's talk about this person." Hiruzen's eye landed on Kaze, the mercenary.

Asuma took a seat then lit his cigarette and started his story.

Outside the Konoha gates, at the eastern rocky valley.

Raito, Naruto, and Hinata had weights tied on their bodies and were made to climb the small cliff.

Raito nearly at the top of the cliff.

"It's torture." Raito cried out. His face turning red, he grabbed the next rock.

Kakashi sat at the top, peeked below and said casually, "How come our future Hokage is so weak?"

While Raito was at the top, Naruto was again starting from the bottom. Simply because he kept falling on and on.

Kakashi saw the small smile on Naruto's face. He guessed something and immediately warned, "If I see you using chakra, I will destroy… those ramen cups you have been hiding."

"Argh!" Raito's two hands grabbed the rocks and dragged his body upwards. With one leg finally touching the top, he gave a final push and rolled his body forward.

"Congratulations ~." Kakashi removed the rope then unlocked his chakra.


STR and VIT leveled up by 1

STR reached 65

VIT reached 78

"I will kill you… one day… Kakashi-sensei." Taking large breath Raito finally said it.

"Well… it's nice that you have a dream." Kakashi went to grab Hinata who had reached the top.

Sitting straight he grabbed a bottle from his inventory and immediately drank it.

Hinata barely could raise herself.

Placing a plastic tube in the bottle, Raito placed in Hinata's mouth. Then looking at the bottom of the cliff, Raito started taking out a few luxury items. Chair, table, umbrella and such. Of course he didn't give any to Kakashi.

"Not giving up!" Naruto's loud howling at night woke up Raito.

Looking at Kakashi who was reading his book using lightning palm as light. Raito commanded in his mind. 'Inventory. Gloves. One.'

With a thought, a glove appeared just below the edge of the cliff, away from Kakashi's slanting sight.

At the base of the cliff, Naruto caught the gloves then looked at the top from where the light was coming. Wearing the gloves, he started climbing but this time it was far easier.

[Climber's Gloves +11]

[Tight Grip]


"… There is redness in his palms already." Raito explained looking away.

"Sometime you must go through hardship. Take this." Kakashi gave Raito a scroll then looked down.

"Naruto! If you can come up in ten minutes I will buy you ramen."


[Lightning Release: Lightning Bullet]

"Kakashi? It's not a coincidence, is it?" Kurenai, who registered her team, looked back at Kakashi and his three Genins. While Kakashi looked fine, his Genins didn't look so good.

It was about the same for Kurenai. While she and Shino looked fine, Sasuke and Kiba were covered in dirt and vomit.

"Kiba you learned 'Body Flicker'?" Naruto asked

Raising his head high, Kiba replied with pride, "Of course we learned it."

"Finally, now we can race." Naruto gave him a thumbs up.


"Back mountains, How about it?" Naruto asked with enthusiasm.

"…Sure if we don't have a mission." Kiba replied avoiding eye contact.

"You will have free time after C-A-Rank," Kakashi informed with a smile.

"Heard that Kiba? We can race."

Raito appeared beside Kakashi and said with a smile, "Sensei, I learned it."

Raising his eyebrows, Kakashi asked, "Really?"


"Then let's have a look afterward."

"Kakashi-senpai, Hokage-sama is waiting for you all." One of the Chūnin in guard duty immediately informed Kakashi.

"I'll have to look at my Genin's progress. Please tell Hokage-sama that I will be slightly late. Sorry." With that Kakashi disappeared with the three.

"Body flicker?"

Training ground.

Ox… Hare… Dragon… Snake "Lightning Release: Lightning Bullet"

Pointing his finger, chakra quickly transformed into lightning and concentrated on the tip of his finger, quickly forming a small ball of lightning energy. With a thought, the small ball pierced several trees and in the end, broke a big boulder.

'600 points for one that's a bit expensive.'

"That's a low B-Rank technique. And you learned it in less than an hour."

"That's because I am a genius."

"Maybe you are. Sasuke took a whole day with rest to learn body flicker technique, which is also a B-Rank technique and Kiba took nearly two days, without Sasuke's help."

"Argh, not fair. Kakashi-sensei, you gave Raito a jutsu so what about me."

Kakashi rummaged through his pouch for a long time before giving back Naruto a small green scroll. "…It took me some time but here."


[Wind Release: Great Breakthrough]

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