The Gamer: Naruto World

Chapter 50 - 50 – Purple Poison Refinement

"Fuinjutsu: Explosion Seal" (Fuinjutsu: Bakuhatsu no shīru)

Raito pushed his hand towards a large smooth, circular rock, releasing a large stream of chakra of 1000 points.

Chakra transformed into inks after leaving his body, which formed into characters then inscribed onto the rock. The characters covered the rock like a chain and on the surface where Raito's hand was placed, there was a big character seal, "Explosion".

Rustle. Rustle.

"Naruto-kun, look, such big inscription." Hinata swayed to get a better view. Her swaying caused her shoulder length hair to move.

"That means it has lots of chakra." Before Naruto could get close, Raito turned around with a smile and asked, "Did you guys finish yours?"

"Of course." Naruto took out a scroll and unsealed small round stone balls, throwing one to Raito.

[Explosive Stone Ball]

"It's perfect." Raito took the scroll from Naruto and sealed the stone ball inside it. "You have improved, Naruto."

"Raito-san." Hinata also gave her stone balls back to Raito.

Raito looked at the stones for a while then said, "You are more suited in learning Fuinjutsu then us, it seems."

"We already have explosion talisman, why do we need them?" Hinata asked.

Raito smiled widely, "Of course there is a reason."

The trio left the forest of death using 'Instant Dungeon' and arrived home.

"This is mine." Shikamaru closed his eyes, not giving it a look. Shikamaru already had a guess in this game of card based on luck.

"Mine's bigger." Chōji slapped the floor with a huge smile.

"I'm out." Ino sighed as she laid down her weak hand.

Chōji gave a loud laugh and said, "This week's meal is free for me."

"How can you be so lucky?" Ino threw her cards and looked at Chōji resentfully.

"I even made a shopping list," Ino added.

Raito, Naruto, and Hinata appeared inside the house at the underground and walked upstairs through the mirror door.

When the three arrived upstairs, Ino immediately grabbed a kunai from her pouch after informing her two teammates.

"It's us," Raito announced sensing that Ino had sensed them. The fate of two sensors in the same house.

Even though Raito announced, the Ino-Shika-Cho trio didn't let their guard down. They already experienced being tormented by Anko when she mimicked Raito's voice.

After seeing that it was indeed team seven, they let their guard down.

"Don't be so jumpy." Raito raised his hands as he walked in.

"It's just you guys? Come." Shikamaru sat down and started shuffling the cards.

In one of the Training Grounds, two Genins fought in close combat, their feet stable and only their upper body moved.

"Please, Raito-kun." A straight but fast punch flew toward Raito.

Raito looked at the punch and raised his hands, successfully deflecting the fist. Then with another hand, Raito hit with an uppercut going for his opponent's chin.

"Leaf whirlwind." Falling down, Lee twisted his ankle and raised his left leg, rushing towards Raito.

"Heh." Raito placed his hand forward, rotating on his foot, made a fast sweep, successfully landing on the back of Lee's knee.

The pain made Lee slightly bend his knee but he didn't fall down. Lee even clenched Raito's leg with his own leg.

Now they were in an awkward situation. While knee stood on one leg and another leg was used to catch Raito's leg, Raito was crouching down with one arm pushing the ground, one leg bent and another leg stuck in Lee's leg.

Both of them struggled to try to pull out.

"Lee, let go," Raito shouted.

"Giving up, Raito-kun?" Lee asked in his loud rumbling voice.

"Are you sure, Lee?"

Not waiting for a reply, Raito pushed his hand moving from his somewhat awkward position, aligning his body, Raito gave a fierce kick to Lee's kidney.

Lee looked at Raito's attack and immediately came to a decision. He let go of Raito's leg and did a flip. Making all of his limbs touch the ground like in bridge position, Raito immediately pushed hard and saved himself from Lee's destructive attack. As Lee's kick landed on the ground, he created a big hole on the smooth ground.

"Seriously." Raito looked at the hole on the ground then took out his bokken.

Dashing a couple of paces back, Raito took a defensive stance. Not a second later, Lee came zooming towards Raito with a straight punch. Though it looked like a straight punch, Lee ran in a curve and as he got near to Raito, he somewhat slowed down, making Raito grip his bokken with extra strength.

Lee came to a stop but at the next moment he began spinning and the wind started gathering around him. "Raito-kun, here I come."

"Konoha Taijutsu – Gust"

The rotation finally slowed down but the raging winds didn't. It covered Lee, mostly his leg then as he took a step forward, he kicked high towards Raito's head.

Raito was already in an attacking stance. He had no intention of blocking or dodging. Double grip to the hilt, sword pulled back to the waist and Raito's whole body curved backward.

"Konoha Kenjutsu – Gust"

On Lee's step and kick, he also jumped thrusting forward with all his might as the bokken was strengthened using chakra.

Raito had no intention of piercing through Lee. He aimed for the leg bracers that Lee wore, which he felt earlier.

As leg and the bokken touched, fierce wind exploded. And while Lee was standing with his leg raised high, Raito was rolled several meters back from the wind explosion.

After he stopped rolling, Raito looked at his hand which was shaking a little bit. Then at his other, lay a broken bokken.

Although his HP only decreased by a couple of hundreds, looking at Lee made him slightly dejected. It seemed that Lee only lost a couple of tens.

"Raito-kun." Lee extended his hand with shining eyes as he looked at Raito.

Raito looked at Lee and sighed softly. With a small sigh, he grabbed Lee's hand and got up.

"Raito-kun, you learned Konoha kenjutsu? Who did you learn from? I could only learn Konoha Taijutsu from Gai-sensei." Lee fired questions and talked about his own skill with pride.

"I learned a few techniques recently from the books." Raito waved his hands.

"From books? But you were so strong, Raito-kun. Let's fight again." Lee's eyes were shining lights. He made a few flips and made a fighting position.

Raito pushed his broken bokken forward and said, "No weapon, no fight."

Lee looked at the ground and said a bit sadly, "Sorry! Raito-kun."

"It's just a bokken, no problem."

Then looking at Lee's legs, Raito said, "But Lee, I didn't know you wore leg bracers."

"Un, it's part of my training. Sensei said that I am not allowed to take it off." Lee answered honestly then he looked at Raito and added, "Raito-kun, you also used weights?"

After talking for quite a time about their techniques, Lee jumped high and said, "Tenten always talk about weapons and Neji doesn't talk after spar. After meeting you, I feel that you are really a great person."

"Raito! Lee!" Gai came dashing in and looked at the two Genins.

"Hai!" The two immediately stood in attention.

"I saw you two spar and after spar discussion. Bravo!!" Gai was the same as Lee with his eyes radiating dazzling light.

Raito looked for the arrogant Hyuga before sighing in relief. When Raito first met till now, Raito only wished Kami-sama to make him mute. So, that he couldn't dirty everyone's ears and brain.

"Demon." Tenten glared at Raito. With her hands on the scroll, she was ready to pick up her weapons and make new holes in his body.

"But…" Lee immediately turned gloomy.

"What happened Lee?" Gai asked.

"I thought that Raito was going to use Ninjutsu but he didn't." Lee continued then his burning eyes landed on Raito. "Raito-kun you don't have to hold back for me. You can use whatever techniques you know and I will go against them with my Taijutsu."

"Everything?" Raito looked thoughtfully at Lee and a smile made in his face.

"Hai, Raito-kun. I want to prove that I can be a splendid ninja even without Genjutsu or Ninjutsu."

"Without Ninjutsu or Genjutsu? Really?" Raito gave a look towards Lee and his chakra bar.

"You just used chakra, you know," Raito said with a slight frown.

"Raito-kun, if you want to know, Lee here only used chakra for strengthening his body for a brief period of time," Gai answered for Lee from behind.

"That means everything else was pure Taijutsu?" Raito asked somewhat suspiciously.

"Yes!" Lee nodded heavily. Lee's eyes shined again as he started talking about his training routine which consists of 1000 pushups, squats, and many other incredible physically demanding situations.

Taking a deep breath in, Raito looked at Lee, placing his hands on the shoulder, he said, "If I didn't say it before, I am telling you now. I believe in you Lee."

Neji who was hiding in the trees looked at the group with his pupil-less eyes before leaving. He felt that Raito training with Lee and Tenten was a waste of time. Those who are bounded for greatness will be able to do it easily and those who are destined to fail can never change their fate.

After training Taijutsu with Lee, Raito left and went to T and I department. Upon entering his own room, Raito found a man chained to the wall with his chakra sealed. After reading the file on the man and the situation, Raito started his work. He used the hypnotic wave to full effect and what he couldn't get, he used the 'Observe' skill to find out. In all this interrogation process, Anko stood behind him, giving him small suggestions from time to time, helping Raito develop.

At first, Inoichi wanted to tone down Raito but after the first case, he was doing unexpectedly well and all thanks belonged to Anko who was just across the hall. Any kind of problem appeared, he would go to Anko and ask her or even call her.

Raito was getting scarily good that Inoichi wanted to get a picture of Raito to hang in the lobby as the intern of the month, which made the new Chūnins a little ashamed, comparing themselves. Raito laughed dryly as he looked at the people.

Raito never got to go to the capital in these past few months and there was even a rule related to that. Genins who rank lowest on the ninja ranking are absolutely not allowed to go to the capital as a shinobi of the village.

Raito sighed about his luck. He was missing a large portion of stat points by not going to the capital and meeting that person Shun was talking about.

He used leftover three months as a training period to level up his skills and fighting experience in the challenger's area. One on one fight gave him the biggest reward but at the same time, the rate of success was too low. There were times when it was easy, with a little bit of difficulty Raito could defeat them but others were too difficult. Along with wide variety of skills, the challengers also had lots of fighting experiences which placed Raito in a defeated position.

The cruelest thing about the arena was that it could be jumped once a day. For other dungeons, the zombies gave 0.01% of the total exp to level up while the goblins and hobgoblins were good up to 31 levels then they also stopped giving Raito the needed exp.

In all this time, team seven went for another C-Rank which finally turned to be normal. And the time they had been allocated in the library had finally finished.

Other than seeing Sasuke's sour face, it was an easy life for Raito which he spent happily.

Half a month before Chūnin preliminaries, Hiruzen called Raito and Naruto to the office along with Kakashi and Kurenai.

"Kakashi, are you checking up on Sasuke?" Hiruzen on his seat turned to face the window asked.

"He is doing well, I guess. His Sharingan is still not activated. I think it will take time." Kakashi reported lazily.

"What about his training?" Hiruzen focused the question on Kurenai.

"He is training on his basics once again, Taijutsu with Kiba and Genjutsu with me. For Ninjutsu, he doesn't want to learn from the village library and has been learning from the scrolls left by his clan." Kurenai answered.

"Let him be. Daimyō just wants him to be on the next Chūnin exams. He said that Daimyō from other countries want to see the so called last loyal Uchiha of the village." Hiruzen massaged his forehead then let the two out after discussing for a while.

After the two left, Raito was called in.

"Raito-kun," Hiruzen called out in as he checked out Raito. Physical training had taken effects on Raito, it seemed as Raito was gaining mass and had lost most of his chubby cheeks.

"Jichan." Raito bowed lightly then jumped to the seat. But before he could Hiruzen moved.

"Come with me." Hiruzen brought Raito to the chamber where he used the crystal ball.

Pulling one crystal ball, Hiruzen directly gave it to Raito.

"Jichan…really?" Raito looked at the crystal ball with disbelief on his face.

"Didn't I promise you?" Hiruzen looked slightly up with his hands at the back, making him have a sagely look.

Raito looked at the crystal ball in his hand then remembered what CAT had said to him that day, "Even though you promised me S-rank-"

"If you don't want then…" With a frown, Hiruzen stretched his hand towards the crystal ball.

Hiding the crystal ball behind his back, Raito frantically shook his head, "Nono, I want it."

Raito found odd that everyone was called over and even one by one. Raito used 'Observe' to find what's wrong with Hiruzen but he couldn't see any oddities.

"Then I have one mission for you." Hiruzen took out a scroll and gave it Raito.

As Raito opened the scroll, Hiruzen added, "It's not just for you but also for Naruto."

"This is an elemental seal?" Raito looked through the scroll filled with dense seal work.

"Mito-sama made this seal on request of Nidaime Hokage," Hiruzen added.

"That's so cool." Raito had already started recording before entering the building that something important may happen.

[Lightning Origin – Divine Spear] (Legendary)

(Kaminari Kigen - Kaminoyari)

Created by Uzumaki Mito

Raito froze just for a second before returning to normal.

"Mito-sama is Hashirama-sama's wife… that means it's a legendary rank item, isn't it?" Raito closed the scroll then looked at Hiruzen.

"Legendary may be farfetched but it could be said so." Hiruzen smiled.

Taking out a hilt of a sword from the drawer, Hiruzen pointed, "You remember this, Raito?"

Nodding his head, Raito answered, "Aoi Rokushō?"

"Yes, this sword is called the Sword of Thunder God."

"…Jichan, this sword…you know about it?" Raito saw a rare fluctuating in Hiruzen's face.

"It was from my teacher, Nidaime Hokage, Senju Tobirama." Hiruzen nodded with a small smile.

Raito smiled a little and questioned back. "Then Jichan, why is it in another village's hand?"

"…Speak like that and one day you will have no friends." Hiruzen glared back. Hiruzen knew about the loss of the sword and he had even emphasized to the several shinobi under him to report about any kind of news related to it but it never surfaced.


"Take it." Hiruzen pushed the hilt of the sword towards Raito. Raito hesitated a little before a figure from behind Hiruzen gave a confirmation sign.

"You are not allowed to lose it," Hiruzen warned sternly. "We have lost it once. I don't want rumors about it anymore."

"I really don't want it," Raito mumbled in a low voice, comparing the thunder sword with the weapons he got from the arena.

"Did you see how Aoi used it?" Hiruzen asked looking at the sword in Raito's hand.

"Of course. Even though it was just a Genjutsu." Raito pushed his chakra into the sword hilt.

Between the two prongs of the handguard electricity generated giving it some shape as it increased. It shaped into a bulky mass of electricity resembling a yellow-white cocoa bean.

[Sword of Thunder God] (Epic)

(Raijin No Ken)

(Level Restriction, Stat Restriction)

(Level Restricted – Stat Reduction)

Special – Thunder Burst

"It uses too much chakra." Raito hurriedly closed the chakra connection.

"That's just a glimpse of what it really is." Hiruzen crossed the sword hilt and the scroll and added, "When you are able to make a talisman according to this scroll. You can put that talisman inside the sword hilt."

"…And it will become super powerful." Hiruzen gave a slight nod to Raito's answer

"An upgradeable weapon!?" Raito quickly grabbed the two and nodded towards Hiruzen. "I will really take good care. No need to worry."

"Is there anything else that you want to give to me, Jichan?" Raito looked around the Hokage room.

"Don't be too greedy." A slender hand landed on Raito. Looking back it was none other than CAT, who had a dangerous air around her.

"Ah, right Naruto is waiting for you Jichan." Raito immediately left the room after leaving some snacks.

"Hokage-sama, he has been doing very well in T and I. How about we make it full time?" Ibuki asked from behind.

"No, leave him be. I noticed that he has been getting more cases while others are getting less...Only call him when there is absolute need. We can't depend on one person. Always remember that." Hiruzen's heavy voice showed how serious he was.

"Jichan!" Came a loud, full of joy voice.

"Naruto," Hiruzen called weakly. He put down his hat and pulled Naruto towards the room where the only Hokage were allowed to enter.

They stood in front of the human-size picture of fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato. His yellow hair and blue eyes resembled so much like Naruto but even so most of the villagers didn't connect the two. It may be because there were hundreds of thousands of people with that combination of yellow hair and blue eyes. But the other point maybe hatred, which has blinded most of the population of the village, not only civilians but shinobi too.

"Jichan?" Naruto looked at the saddened Sarutobi and called out.

Pointing to the picture in front, Hiruzen asked, "Do you know who he is, Naruto?"

Naruto looked at the picture in front then looked back at Hiruzen. Nodding, he answered, "Of course I know. He was our fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato."

"Yes, he is. Yes, he is." Hiruzen folded his hand and took a few deep breaths in.

"Jichan." Naruto felt uneasy as Hiruzen paused for a long time.

Hiruzen pulled one of the planks hidden at the table and asked, "Do you know what Fuinjutsu is that?"

Naruto looked at the seal carefully then answered, "It's a silence seal."

"Activate it. We are going to be here for a long time." Hiruzen sighed as he sat on the sofa.

Naruto nodded and activated the seal and the patterns all around the room lit with a yellowish light.

After activating the seal the room became eerily quiet, "Jichan what did you wanted to talk about. Don't be too creepy."

"Let's begin with…Minato being your father." Hiruzen started but Naruto only tilted his head.

"My father!?" He immediately jumped as he started understanding the words.

After returning home, Raito found the situation with Hiruzen confusing. Even when he tried to think of different possibilities, Raito couldn't get anything. Dejectedly, he started to work on the scroll.

After an hour or so of trying to copy what the scroll had in it, Raito threw the pen in frustration.

"Naruto has better calligraphy than them…"

After playing with the scroll for a while he found a small depression in the sides of the scroll.

A popup appeared from it.

[Push chakra to activate it.]

Raito did exactly so and with a cloud of smoke, a large scroll appeared instead of a small one. Its height was equal to the size of Raito, even slightly bigger.

Thud! The scroll fell down and made a huge sound.

Raito looked at the scroll in disbelief.

[Blueprint for Lightning Origin – Divine Spear] (Legendary)

Do you wish to learn it?

"I can in no way destroy something as precious as this." Raito quickly canceled the notification and unrolled the scroll.

Characters after characters, inscribed on the scroll. The characters were readable but looking at how big and long the scroll was, Raito felt his head going hot and numb. Fuinjutsu skill had leveled up twice in the past hour of deciphering the seal work.

"It's so difficult." Raito closed the scroll and kept it in the inventory then looked outside the house through the walls.

Naruto walked out of the Hokage tower with a dazed look. He didn't know how he walked but he was in front of the house. He didn't know what to do next. He had tons of emotions building inside him happiness, anger, joy, sadness, etc. He was happy that he had loving parents and one of them was even Hokage. Hiruzen showed him tons of pictures taken during his mother's pregnancy of them going to Ichiraku for ramen, going to the library together and so on. Then he was sad by the fact that people didn't know who he really was. Although Hiruzen told him about his difficult situation, Naruto couldn't come to peace with it...and lastly the fox sealed within him.

"Would a Hokage sacrifice his people?" Naruto was motivated for a while thing that his father did. He felt that a Hokage should be as such.

Taking in a deep breath, he was about to open the door but before he could, Raito opened the door with a big smile. "Welcome home." His warm voice made tears come out of Naruto's eye as he shed happy tears.

What is a family? Maybe this was. "…I'm back." Naruto let out a happy smile and tackled Raito.

After eating dinner, Raito showed Naruto the scroll and shared what he had learned until now. Looking at such a big scroll, Naruto didn't know what to say then looking at the massive amount of characters, he trembled in fear.

Working on it for a whole night, they had very little to sleep. Raito woke up early while Naruto was still sleeping on the sofa. Hearing the doors being knocked, Raito hurriedly went over with a happy smile.

At training ground seven, Kakashi leaned at the tree, looking at Hinata in front of him, who was training with weights.

"Not bad, 80 kilos passed. Next is 90 kilos." Kakashi sealed the weights and took a new one out.

"Hai." Hinata wore the weights and again started training. She looked at a distance before continuing.

"They sure are late." Kakashi continued with his book, not concerning much with Naruto and Raito.

At home, Naruto continued sleeping while Raito sat on the chair, with two snake fang marks on his forearm. The fang marks had purplish lines moving outward.

[Poisoned – Paralyzed, Burning Sensation, Numbing, Periodic Pain]


"Five hours!? What the heck?" Raito shouted feeling week on his legs.

Midori who was coiled around him used her tail to stabilize his body, letting him sit on the sofa comfortably.

"Anko-nee, Kakashi-sensei told us to come to the training grounds. I am like this…can you?" Raito tried moving his body but gave up after a few minutes.

"I don't care how you know the time for neutralization." Anko harrumphed then she moved her hand between her b.r.e.a.s.ts and took out a small scroll.

Raito looked with a pout as he continued struggling. Even his points in Poison Resistance did not help him much.

Pushing chakra into the scroll she threw up like a magic trick and what came down was a big plain book with title in purple, "Purple Poison Refinement."

"Watch." Anko placed the book in front of Raito and took out a couple of containers of poison.

"If you want me to read a book, you could have given me before paralyzing me for FIVE HOURS," Raito complained as he looked at the book.

[Purple Poison Refinement] (Murasaki no Doku Kaizen)

Type: Arts

Description: Refining poison properties and seal into a drop that can be used.

"Why so little information?" Raito who had been living off 'Observe' for almost everything felt that this was really odd but after thinking for a while he ignored the book which was somehow very alluring then looked at Anko.

She had poured poison on her hand then drank some. Raito stopped worrying after thinking that she had enough resistance to poison. After fifteen minutes red spots appeared on Anko's neck which made him slightly worried but Raito didn't say anything. Since Anko had told him to look, so he would look.

Anko stretched out her hands, palm facing upwards than the other hand in a half ram seal and started speaking strange things. A pattern of fire appeared on the palm of her hand which attracted all the now emerging purple spots on the body. Like cloud and water, they gathered on her Fire Patterned Mark.

"That's Purple Poison Refinement." A droplet of purple appeared in front of Anko hovering on top of her palm.

[Purple Poison]

Refined from the poison of three different poison.

'Why is the information so little about this?' Raito frowned.

"If you learn this Art then it will take less than a minute… you understand, right?" Anko winked with a big smile.

Raito looked at Anko wanting to bite her to death. "…Just if I had learned it before being poisoned."

"That's the real learning thing here." Anko gave a thumbs up.

"And what's that?" Raito looked at Anko and asked with a smile. Because he knew that whatever Anko taught will be difficult but important.

"Chakra threads." From Anko's finger, a thin white thread came out sticking on Raito's head.

Looking at the thread, Raito gave Anko a blank face. Then a similar thread of chakra came out of Raito's index.

"What? You already knew it?" Anko mumbled for a bit then turned around and left the house. it looked like she was a bit sad and angry.

Raito felt that it was rather easy to move his chakra threads. The control over the threads was really smooth compared to other days.

Raito used the chakra thread and pulled the book in front of him and using another thread turned the pages. Even with 'Fast Thinking' and 'Speed Reading' skills, it took Raito two full hours to make a popup appear.

[Purple Poison Refinement Art]

Would you like to learn?

"Yes, please." Since he couldn't move, he could only say it out loud or think about it inside his mind.

[Purple Poison Refinement]

Proficiency 1%

Using the vast energy present in the world to refine a Poison Body.

Special – Manipulate Poison.

While the description was short, the method to circulate chakra in a specific way and the mantra was quite difficult. If not for the unique gamer powers, it would take Raito quite a number of days, to even, just remember everything.

"Purple Poison Refinement." After activating the art, Raito felt heat erupting from his skin and purple spots appearing in those areas. The purple spots quickly traveled from everywhere to the back of Raito's hand creating a small circular black mark.

"Damn." Raito stood up and stretched his body. Never had he felt so comfortable to move his body.

Under his will, a purple droplet appeared in front of him, hovering above his palm and moving under his will.

[Purple Poison]

Can be turned in gas, liquid, and semi-solid state.


"Oh," Raito looked at the poison in awe as he tried to store in a small container but it disappeared every time returning back to the circular mark.

Looking at the big book, on the sofa, Raito smiled stiffly and thought, 'Luckily, I didn't have to understand the whole thing.'

Raito kept the big book in the inventory then looked at the time.

"We are really going to be late." Raito looked at the time and sighed softly.

After waking Naruto, they quickly left for Kakashi who was waiting…or not and Hinata who was drenched in sweat.

"Whether you wear a jacket or not is your choice." Kakashi made a random comment after every fifteen minutes then looked at a distance. He had turned for a total of seven times now.

"They are finally here." Kakashi sighed as he closed the book.

"Hinata." He called out

"Hai, sensei." Hinata wiped the sweat on her face and looked at Kakashi.

"Why don't you take a rest? I have some…special things to talk to boys." Kakashi said with a smile…of course eye smile.

"…Hai, sensei." Hinata looked at Kakashi then at Naruto and Raito who had just entered the area then nodded. After greeting the two, she simply left the boys group.

"That never happened before." Raito felt a bad feeling as he walked towards Kakashi. The two stood in front of a somewhat serious Kakashi.

"So why were you two so late?"

"Overslept." Naruto was straight as an arrow. While Kakashi made hundreds of nonsensical excuses, Naruto never gave in and shouted against it.

"Poisoned." Raito was also straight forward but whether Kakashi believed it or not depended on him.

Kakashi looked seriously in their eye before giving up.

"I have already got a mission for us." Kakashi waved a scroll in his hand.

"What about Hinata?" Naruto asked quickly.

"I gave her another small assignment for today." Kakashi smiled almost looking innocent.

"What's today? Another D-Rank?" Raito asked, stretching his body.

"Cleaning public toilets," Kakashi replied with a smile whereas Naruto and Raito both made a disgusted face.

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