The Gate of Extinction

Chapter 457: Break into

ps. Offer today's update, and by the way, get a ticket for "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Each person has 8 votes, and the starting point coin is also given for voting. I beg everyone for support and appreciation!

"What? Su Ge went to Shencheng alone ?!"

After learning that Zulifeng went to Shencheng alone, the dog did not care about the work at hand, and immediately set out to drive to meet Zulifeng.

"You're useless if you go ..."

The passing water was now politely pouring cold water on the dog.

The dog stunned, first a little embarrassed, but then recovered, stretched his neck and said, "That's what we can't do nothing at all, right?"

"Did you finish the work?"

Asked with a smile.


The dog had no temper at all in the face of water, and for a long time he finally sighed and left with a lot of people.

"If it were that easy to die, his star rating would be too good ..."

It seemed like the water was slicking his lips, and he bounced around with red leaves.

After the Skull King was solved, Zu Lifeng did not rush to return to Ningnan. Instead, he made several laps in Shencheng and summoned the survivors hiding around, including many in the army.

But unlike Zu Lifeng's imagination, these people did not have the joy of the rest of their lives, but frowned and looked weak, apparently being hit hard.

It's no wonder that after Cheng Cheng's failure to open the space gate, all aspects of development have been relatively complete, but now all of these people's efforts are gone.

Although Zu Lifeng sympathizes with these people, he is unwilling to waste time on comforting them. Since learning that Spring City fell, he always feels that time is not enough.

"Who decides?"

Zu Lifeng set his sights on the crowd. He needs someone who can integrate the team as quickly as possible.

These survivors had an instinctive fear of Zu Lifeng, and looked at each other for a while, and then the team came out with a scarred face about forty years old. The military uniform on him showed his identity.

After Scarface stepped out of the team, he saluted Zuli Feng. Expressed his respect for him.

Zu Lifeng nodded his head in response, and then said, "Shencheng can't live now. I have two news to tell you now, I hope you can listen carefully."

Zu Lifeng looked a little serious, and the people in the team suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Zu Lifeng didn't care, and told the survivors in front of him about Spring City and "Seed".

But unlike Zu Lifeng's imagination, the doubts on these people's faces were more shocked. Obviously do not believe what Zu Lifeng said.

This is no wonder, after all, this kind of thing is too horrifying, and most people are unwilling to accept it, and this situation is the same as when the alien species appeared.

"How did you know about this?"

Scar's face was a little hesitant, but in the end he couldn't help but whispered, fearing that he accidentally offended the man who killed the Skeleton King.

"It's easy, because I've seen it myself, and I don't have to lie."

Zu Lifeng didn't make nonsense, he took a small bottle directly from his pocket, and inside it was lying some black powder.

The scar face took the bottle and carefully examined it for a while. Raised his hand and glanced at the people behind.

"What do you mean?"

Scarface did not know if Zu Lifeng's words were true, but at one point he was very convinced that Zu Lifeng did not need to lie to them.

"Integrate the team. Leave Shencheng and go to Ningnan, and the people there will accept you."


Scar scared, and not to mention there are a lot of aliens on the way to Ningnan, the key is that Ningnan will agree to accept them?

Zu Lifeng knew what these people were hesitating about. They didn't receive the news from Spring City. They didn't know what was going on outside now.

"Even if you go, meet other survivors on the way and tell them this. Just say Zu Lifeng said. As for things on the road, you don't need to worry ...

Zurich said. There was a strong breath unconsciously, although it was only a short moment. But everyone was still soft, and even **** his pants, but no one laughed at him.

Because under the influence of this breath, everyone has an illusion, as if standing in front of them are the giant monsters, not humans.

"Yuan ... It was Boss Su ..."

Scar's face could not help swallowing a spit, forcing himself to calm down.

Zu Lifeng is sitting on the laboratory, and several nearby cities know it. Zu Lifeng agreed to accept them, who would not agree with Ningnan?

The scar face was relieved, and with the precedent of the Skeleton King, Zu Lifeng now had everything in his mind.

Zu Lifeng nodded, and didn't say much anymore, and after a few words, he left first.

On the way back, Zu Lifeng did not sting his own star-like atmosphere, and output with all his strength.

Zu Lifeng is warning of aliens along the way, whoever dares to step into this road halfway will die.

After returning to Ningnan, it was not Jiang Yushi, but the dog that first greeted Zurich.

Seeing Zu Lifeng's car from a distance, the dogs ran out with people, and Jiang Yushi stood at the door.

As soon as Zu Lifeng appeared, most of the nearby alien species disappeared. Even if a few remained, they did not dare to come forward easily, so the dog didn't worry about it.

"Su Brother, you're too boring. Why don't you tell everyone when you go to Shencheng?"

The dog looks a little angry, but Zu Lifeng knows that he is worried about himself, and he is still touched.

"Just go out and kill individuals, why are you all coming out? I confess it to you?"

Zu Lifeng deliberately said very easily, everything has passed, he does not want to worry everyone.

When the dog heard this, he felt a little embarrassed at once: "It's really like water thinks ..."

"The killing should even take us, it's not interesting."

Zhang Hexuan also came to Zu Lifeng at this time, and said with a grudge ~ ~ Zu Lifeng felt helpless, and had to shift the topic and said, "How is the Star family?

"It's okay, it's just a bit of trouble under the ground."

Zhang Hexuan gave Zuli Feng a glance, but he also knew that even if they were gone, they might not be able to help.

Star-level battles are no longer something they can intervene in.

The star family is not the only star family. There are many creatures under the ground. Human beings want to take root on that planet and have to deal with these things.

Despite the help of the Star Clan, following the meaning of Zhang Hexuan, the progress on the human side is still very slow.

Zu Lifeng secretly resolved when he would go to the Star Clan in person to solve this big trouble, so as to win more time.

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and on May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, it must be better! ] (To be continued.)

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