“Are you Nao Sadazuka?”

When Su Mu recognized who she was, he was immediately taken aback.

Sadazuka blushed and nodded slightly.

She hesitated and asked, “Su Mujun, I’m today… Is it pretty? ”

“Well, it’s pretty pretty.”

Su Mu looked her up and down and nodded.

From the facial features alone, in fact, Sadazuka Nao is very beautiful, in the halberd, except for the two sisters of Izukukiri, few girls can compare to her.

The skin that does not bask in the sun for many years has a morbid beauty, and it is accompanied by red pupils, long black hair, and a proper beautiful girl.

“By the way, speaking of which, this is Erina’s original fat time.”

Su Mu remembered something and handed her something, if he let Erinai know that his fat time was stolen by Su Mu, he would definitely roar loudly in anger.

Sadazuka Nao took it, then put his nose up, took a deep breath, nodded, and said, “It is indeed the smell of Miss Erina.” ”

If it had been changed to usual, she would have been very excited, but at this time, she found that she still liked the taste of Su Mu more.

Smelling the smell of Su Mu’s body, Sadazuka Nao couldn’t help but blush slightly, and the deer in his heart seemed to be beating wildly, and his heart was both excited and nervous.

“Then from now on, you will be a member of the Rare Ingredients Research Association.”

Su Mu said.


Sadazuka Nao nodded, thinking that he would have the opportunity to stay by Su Mu’s side every day in the future, and he felt an inexplicable happiness.

On this day, Su Mu finished his class normally and returned to Rinai’s mansion alone.

“The host gets a new task

Mission Description: Please sell a total of 300 dishes made with fantasy ingredients and the system provides recipes

Mission Reward: Four Hi Dumpling Recipe

Time: Within seven days. ”

“Three hundred copies? And a dish that must be made with fantasy ingredients and the system provides recipes? ”

Su Mu suddenly had a little headache.

Now the system rewards a total of three kinds of recipes: Yangzhou fried rice, hand-torn cabbage and steamed fish, but dream catfish can’t afford it, and almond cabbage has to be fed two elves every day, that is, he can only use Yangzhou fried rice every day.

However, cream matsutake mushrooms have a daily purchase amount of one pound, which can be used to make thirty dishes, so if you calculate it, it will take about ten days to complete the task.

This could not have been completed within the seven days required by the mission.

Just when Su Mu was embarrassed, the voice of the system sounded again.

“The host has accumulated five daily gift packs, do you open them all at once?”

“Open it.”

Su Mu said.

“The host opened the daily gift pack and got two almond cabbages.”

“The host opens the daily gift pack, and the cooking level is increased by 2.”

“The host opens the daily gift pack, and the cooking level is increased by 3.”

“The host opens the daily gift pack, and the cooking level is increased by 1.”

“The host opens the daily gift bag and gets five pounds of creamy matsutake.”

Su Mu’s eyes couldn’t help but light up, although he didn’t open new fantasy ingredients this time, it was not bad to get two fantasy ingredients that he already had.

Just five pounds of creamy matsutake mushrooms can make one hundred and fifty dishes, and it seems that you can complete the task within the mission time without having to let the two elves eat other things.

At this time, the phone rang, and Su Mu picked it up and saw that it was Manager Mita of Kagurazakaya.

“Hey, is it Su Mujun?”

He asked.


Su Mudao.

“May I ask Su Mujun, do you have time to come over and make dishes today?”

“Well, I’m sorry, I’ve already opened my own little shop.”

Su Mu said apologetically, when he was most short of money, the other party invited him to work, and after knowing that he could only cook one kind of food, he did not despise him, but gave him a chance, this kindness, Su Mu is still grateful.


Manager Mita was obviously very disappointed, but there was no formal contract between them, and he couldn’t blame Su Mu for anything.

“In this way, in the future, I can provide a certain amount of food every day and sell it in your restaurant.”

Su Mu said that anyway, the task of the system does not stipulate that it must be in its own small shop, and it is the same for selling it in other restaurants.

“That… Thank you so much! ”

Manager Mita didn’t know what to say all of a sudden, but he knew how popular Su Mu’s cuisine was, and that percentage was nothing, the key was the popularity it brings, “I’ll send someone to get it.” ”

“It’s okay.”

Su Mu said, “By the way, if you can, please help me with the address of the new store and tell those customers.” ”

“No problem.”

Manager Mita said.

Turning off the phone, Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief, although he said that his cooking felt that it was worth the money, but it was still quite difficult to open in that kind of place and make people accept it in a short time.

If you can have a regular source of customers, it will undoubtedly be much better.

That small shop, Su Mu originally planned to turn it into a pre-customized restaurant, which was sold regularly every day, while stocks lasted.

Want to eat my food? Yes, line up, queue for a month, maybe you can get it.

Then, Su Mu was troubled by another question, today’s guests are expected to be a little too much, he can’t be busy alone!

“Yes, you can find Tsundere to help!”

Su Mu’s eyes lit up, and then, he went to the bathroom and found that Tsundere was looking for something inside.

“Erina, what are you looking for?”

He asked casually.

“I can’t find one of my fat.”

Erina, Rina frowned, “I clearly remember putting it here.” ”

“Is it the pale pink one with black lace trim and a kitten pattern on it?”

Su Mu asked.

“That’s right.”

Erina, who nodded, and then the two suddenly fell silent.

Five seconds later, a growl sounded in the bathroom, “You bastard, did you steal my fat times?!” ”

Su Mu was very depressed and accidentally leaked his mouth.

Erina’s face was flushed, and she stared at Su Mu with shame and annoyance, and when she thought that her fat was stolen by this guy to do evil things, she got goosebumps!

“How is it possible! What those fat strips of yours look like, I already know if it’s okay! And if you want to steal it, you will already start it and will not wait until today. ”

Su Mu said.

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