The Geared Immortal

Chapter 1004 - Heaven and Earth Opening: Princess in trouble (2)

Chapter 1004


"You and group have suffered such grievous injuries that I have to take you all in here. Are you aware of your enemies?" Shin Jiao asked.

The female elf did not answer and is still a bit vigilant towards him.

"Hmm… It seems that you do not trust me." Shin Jiao said with a slight smirk.

"Anyway, I should not have helped you guys, you know. Even though there is a treaty between elves and humans, you guys are still threatening towards us." Shin Jiao said.

"The documents I gave you are the information about your conditions. And also, I need you to sign this agreement. If you wanted to stay in our place, you have to abide by our rules. If you do not want to sign, then we will kick you out immediately." Shin Jiao said as he turn around and was about to leave the room.

"Wait… Where… where am I?" the female elf asked.

"You are in a hospital of course…" Shin Jiao said with a smile.

"No, not that… I mean what place is this?"

"Hmm… Sign the agreement and I will let you know. Refuse and you will not know anything." He said as he walked out of the room.

The female elf showed a hint of confusion in her gaze. However, she has no choice at this moment. She knew that if she wanted to survive she has to hide in this place. If not, then she could only die in the hands of her enemy.

In truth, the female elf is a High Elven princess, the direct descendant of the current emperor of the Elven Empire. However, a few months ago, she discovered something which might shake the very foundation of the Elven Empire, and might even affect the entirety of the immortal land.

And because of her discovery, she was chased by her own kind, until she contacted a friend of hers, a human.

He told her to trust in him and he will help her escape.

But who would have known that he would turn out to be a treacherous bastard who would backstab her? A few of her loyal subordinates died in that attack, and now she and her group are the only ones left. She is in desperate need and it seems that she landed on a human settlement.

She still did not know if she could trust the human, but from her memories, she remembers that this is the guy who was standing at that time when her ship was about to crash.

Upon remembering this, she has a vague feeling that she wanted to put her trust in him. But something in her mind is also telling her that humans could not be trusted.

While thinking to this point, she heard some footsteps coming towards her room.

When the door opens, a few female humans wearing white clothes enter the room.

"Ah… Good morning! You're already awake…" one of them said while holding a chart.

"Do you feel any pain in your body?" she asked.

The female elf shook her head but did not say anything.

The nurses go through the checking process as per their training and soon left the room after giving her some advice.

She was a bit baffled at the attention and care given to her even though she is an elf. She knew of how the humans felt about elves, so she expected the people in this place to scorn her and be hostile. But what she did not expect is this kind of treatment.

She then goes through the documents again and then saw an underlying phrase. If she is going to sign, the contract, then her resurrection spot will be transferred in this place from now on. As she saw that, she felt a bit conflicted but gritted her teeth and quickly wrote her name on the bottom part of the paper.

She then pricks her finger using the pen she is using as her blood drops on the paper.

She suddenly felt a sudden jolt on her body which made her feel a bit uneasy. Then she suddenly feels a tinge of pain from her head and soon it disappears.

"What… what was that…" she muttered.

From the door, the figure of Shin Jiao once again appears.

"Hmm… It seems that they put a trap in your body so that your soul would not change its resurrection spot. It is a commendable effort, ingenious even… but futile… Hehe…"

While Shin Jiao is laughing, a small hand suddenly hits the back of his head.

"What do you mean futile? That was my creation you know." A small voice said from behind him.

Then they enter the room, Shin Jiao and Luna Halil walks inside followed by Maga Luan.

Shin Jiao has an awkward smile on his face as he rubs the back of his head. He was caught off-guard when Luna suddenly smacks his head.

When Luna walks in front of the elf, the female elf froze in shock. She could not help but widen her eyes upon looking at Luna.

"You… you are the imperial artificer who has escaped. Why… why are you in this place? How…" the female elf stuttered.

"Hello… Princess Lanise El Ga. It's been a while." Luna said with a slight smirk.

In fact, she has a good impression of this princess out of all the elves in that place. What baffled her at that time is the reason why this princess would not use her crafted item. Plus, the way she treated her in the palace was a bit peculiar. It was as if she pities her.

Luna has seen how the princess grows, from a very young age, she knew that the elven princess is cut from a different cloth than her brothers and sister who are just like their father, the emperor.

"I… I'm glad that you are fine." Lanise El Ga said with a smile.

"It seems that you have stumbled on a bigger problem, this time," Luna said with a teasing smirk.

Lanise El Ga did not answer, but instead lowered her gaze.

From the two's conversation, it seems that Luna really knew the princess.

When Shin Jiao brought the princess and her people into the village, he was a bit surprised that Luna did not show any hostility towards the young woman. Then he learned from her that the female elf he saved is the 1st princess of the Elven Empire, princess Lanise El Ga.

She did not know who her mother is, as her father would not tell her. So she grew up amongst the concubines and the imperial queen. But he heard that she did not feel loved. In fact, the princess is considered the lowest member of the imperial family.

Upon growing, she began learning to craft artifacts, and would only use her own craft. And so everyone mocks her.

With the strong ability of the magical artifact that Luna crafted for the elves, the High Elves have been one of the strongest forces in the battles against the demons and the shadow beings.

Compare to the powerful artifacts that Luna creates, her subpar artifact is of no worth in the eyes of the other high elves.

But even though, she perseveres. She soon improved slowly, but it is still not enough to gain the support of her kin.

Then the war between the humans and the High Elves happened. In that war, she did not participate but instead concentrate on her crafting. Soon she heard that the High Elves suffered a devastating defeat against the humans. Plus their secret was exposed, and it caused the other races to band against the Elven race and the Zith'ra race.

Every High elf began to throw away their accursed weapon as the council of the races has demanded. And those who are demonized were penalized and purified.

And this caused the power of the High Elves to dwindle and soon the empire suffered from infighting and the High Elves were kicked from their high grounds.

And now, the elves are divided, and the empire is gone.

But on top of this, the High Elves still began to collude with the shadow beings and the demons, to bring destruction to the other races.

And this is the problem that Luna is talking about. Though they are not sure about it yet, only Lanise El Ga could make everything clear.

"Princess Lanise, I know that you have your hesitations… but since you've already signed the agreement, then you don't have to keep anything from us. Tell us… why is it that the High Elves wanted you dead and captured?" Luna asked as she sits beside the bed.

The expression of Lanise turned a bit grave, but then she heaves a deep sigh and began telling the whole story.

After listening to her, Shin Jiao and the two with him turned silent and looks at each other showing a difficult decision in their minds. But the three of them have the same expression that says that.

It seems that war is inevitable once again…

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