The Geared Immortal

Chapter 1045 - Myrth: 16

Chapter 1045



Strong air came crashing towards the small figure of Xin Ja. He knew that Big Kan did not actually detect him… this is just the big man's reflex and Xin Ja's bad luck.

Without hesitation, Xin Ja quickly ducks, but his left shoulder was still hit sending him flying to the door.


Xin Ja spurted a mouthful of blood as his small body hits the ground while the keys fell on the floor beside him.

Although he was able to get them, and yet he still suffered from that powerful hit.

"Damn you… I will kill you… I will kill you and your father… you might be able to bind me here, but once I get out, I will hunt you and your father… I will make sure that you will see me cutting off your father's head in front of you… I swear… I swear…" Big Kan said with a trembling voice as anger could be seen in his reddening face..

How could he accept that he was actually defeated by the tricks of the young boy? As a powerful fighter of the gang, how could he accept this humiliating result? In his anger, he truly wanted to devour the kid as a whole. He wanted to torture the boy and then cut him into pieces just to appease his anger.

Upon hearing the words from the huge man lying on the ground, the heart of Xin Ja shivers in fear.

Xin Ja is not foolish, he is just innocent and unaware of the dangers outside. As he began thinking, he knew that what this person is saying is true. If the man escaped his array formation, then he and his father have no other choice but to offer their lives in his hands.

The man and his people have already captured them, so he knew that this could happen again. He would be powerless to stop them, unless…

Upon thinking to this point, the heart of Xin Ja shudder. He did not want to hurt anyone… He just wanted to be alone… He just wanted to help his father… He did not want others to be harmed.

With trembling hands and an unsure heart, Xin Ja stood rooted on the ground while watching the unmoving figure lying on the floor.

A complicated feeling is now surrounding him.

"What if I free him, he will not hurt me if I freed him, right?" he thought.

Then suddenly he remembers the war story that he has read from one of the books his father bought him. In that story, the man caught the person who attacked his home. He did not want to do anything with the man and decided to chase the man away.

The next day… that man came home and saw his family already killed. He did not know who the culprit was, and began to weep. Then suddenly from behind, someone stabbed him. When he turned around it was the same guy whom he let go the other night.

He was too regretful of what he did. But who could he blame but himself for being too naïve?

It was a dark story, but for some reason, Xin Ja likes reading about wars and battles. And he seems to enjoy it.

"No… although I don't want to see him dying… There is a way for him to be unable to hurt me and my father…" he thought.

Looking at the tools for torture, Xin Ja began choosing some of them.

The smoke lasted for 1 minute and although he took preventive measures, he still was almost knocked out.

Shaking his head, he walks towards the already unconscious huge fellow.

Then from the side, he began to form some of the stones and turn them into needle-like objects. After that, he began to prick the body of Big Kan who lying on the ground. He then gets his hand on some of the tools for torture.

His hands worked like a person adept in medicine.

An hour later…

The huge door slowly opens as the young figure of Xin Ja could be seen panting while having a hard time pushing.

When the door opens enough space for him to get through, he quickly slips out. Then with another laborious effort, he closes the door and locks it.

Xin Ja sneakily walks through the dark corridor while prepping his ears. He has already heightened his senses, so he is able to hear anything within 10 meters away from him.

His eyes although heightened are still not able to see through the dark, so he has no choice but to use his other senses to fumble through the corridor.

He uses the keys to open the door. This time, the door seems to be a bit thin so he is able to open it easily. Then when he went inside, what he saw almost made Xin Ja lose his mind.

A bloody figure is lying on the ground. Bruises and wounds could be seen all over his body. Although the person on the ground looks unkempt and almost indistinguishable, he still knows that the person is his father.

"Papa… Papa… What… What have they done to you…" Xin Ja said with tears brimming in his eyes while he run and hugged his unconscious father.

He quickly ran to his father's side and his mind suddenly became blank and he did not know what to do. All he could feel is panic and confusion.

'Warning! Warning! The person in proximity is in critical condition… Medical care is needed immediately…'

'Warning! Warning! The person in proximity is in critical condition… Medical care is needed immediately…'

His attention suddenly caught the words displayed in front of his eyes.

His heart skipped a beat. This sudden warning made him immediately clear his mind as if kicking him to the realization that his father would truly be in danger if he did not move quickly.

He looks around and saw some tools that were used to torture his father.

His hands quickly move and grab some of the stones in the corner. He did not hesitate to form them into needle-like objects. He has to move as quickly as possible.

Using the stone needles, he quickly stopped the bleeding from his father's wounds.

Xin Ja then checked for the condition of his father's body. From his back to his front, Xin Ja saw that his father's body is full of gashes. Each gash made his little young heart bleed. He only has his father in his life. His father is the only person who cared for him.

When everyone mocks him and called him useless, his father would always tell him that he is not useless. His father would always encourage him to learn, to explore what he could.

When he is sick, his father would stay by his side and take good care of him. His father means the world to him. But seeing his bloody condition and the wounds in his body made his heart really hurt a lot. It was as if he was the one who have been whipped and tortured.

Many memories began to enter his mind while he is treating his father's wounds. Memories that made him shed tears while he carefully checked and made sure that nothing will happen to his father. At the same time, these memories seem to make his heart harden.

It made him feel a sense of resolution in the reality of this world.

Despair, cruelty, and brutality, are the things he had read from the books. When Big Kan told him about his plans for him, Xin Ja felt afraid. But it actually did not make him feel resolve in taking the life of Big Kan. Yet the mere thought of his father dying made the young heart of Xin Ja, for the first time, exude killing intent.

And so, when he made sure that his father is not in critical condition anymore due to internal bleeding, he quickly went to the entrance.

This time, the expression on Xin Ja's face is grim. Anger could be seen flashing in his eyes. If he was helpless, then he would just cry and could do nothing. But he is not some helpless little boy that would only cry in one corner.

Though still considered weak, yet he already got the knowledge and the skill to fight back…

Since they had hurt his father, he has already sworn in his heart that whatever he did to that big man, he would also do to his companions and more.

Since they dare to do this to his father, they could only blame themselves for what would happen next.

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