The Geared Immortal

Chapter 106 Rescuing a stranger

Chapter 106


A small young child hiding behind her mother's robe is curiously craning her neck towards a little child being carried by a tall elegant looking man which she called her father. The child on his hand is not older than 2 years old and is still unable to walk properly. But the face of the child is like an angel that immediately caught the little girl's attention.

A few years later…

When the girl grew up she became really close with the little boy she now called little brother. But it seems that her older brother would always bully the little boy, though she wanted to help but she is powerless as her older brother is stronger than her at that time.

The life of Ya Nian suddenly flashed through her eyes as she recalled a lot of things from her younger years. Then, when she was 15, she heard something that would change how she views her younger brother Zen Nian.

It was in the middle of the night at that time and she was suddenly woken up from her sleep. She turns her gaze towards the table nearby and found that the maid actually forgot to put some water on the table near the bed. So without a choice, she carefully walks out of her rooms wanting to find some water to drink.

Then all of a sudden she heard some voices. It was her father and 1st mother arguing on something. She wanted to just move on and continue walking when she heard a name.

"What should we do then? Zen Nian has already grown up and still, no one is taking him away." The voice of her first mother asked with a tinge of annoyance in her voice.

"We are told to just wait. Plus do you think I don't know how you treated the boy? He is supposed to be my son, so you treat him well." The voice of her father Jin Nian said while scolding her first mother.

"Ha! He is the son of a bastard. Why would I treat him like my own? You wouldn't even tell me his origin since he is not of our blood then why would I treat him like one?" the woman sneered.

Ya Nian is aware that her first mother is a vindictive woman. She is also someone who holds grudges, just like her older brother. Even Ya Nian who is the daughter of the second wife of Jin Nian was not accepted by his first wife after Ya Nian's mother died of giving birth which is a little suspicious.

While the two continue talking, Ya Nian's mind turned blank. She could not believe what she has heard. Zen Nian is actually not his little brother, though she felt a little disappointed as she could not be a big sister, yet something deep within her heart started to grow.

From then on, the way she treated Zen Nian changed. She would distance herself from him, when he needs the help of a big sister, but would gladly help Zen Nian as a friend.

This continues until they grew up and discovers that Zen Nian is very slow in his progress when it comes to cultivation. His only strength is his powerful concentration and spiritual Qi control. But his cultivation began to stagnate making him the shame of the clan. During this time, Ya Nian became Zen Nian's friend in secret.

But one fateful day… Everything changed.

She was currently writing a letter. It was a letter that she would always write to… him, but would not send it. She would just keep those letters in her spatial pouch, as time went by the letters became numerous.

As she was writing, a sudden explosion from outside her room interrupted her thought. Then her eyes suddenly went wide in disbelief and anger filled her consciousness. It was her big brother barging into the room of Zen Nian. She immediately rushed in to help Zen Nian and forgot the letter on her table.

That was the day she defeated Wei Qi Nian in just a few moves. She also discovers that her big brother is actually not that strong, or maybe she is just too strong for him. After defeating Wei Qi Nian, she immediately helped Zen Nian who was badly beaten in her room. As she treats his wounds, she became a little shy. Zen Nian is truly a very handsome youth. Then when she noticed that her face is turning redder, she actually walks out to clear her mind.

Then when she came back she showed a shocking appearance. On Zen Nian's hand is her letter for him, and a face of disbelief is written all over his face. Zen Nian discovers that he is not the son of Jin Nian. Though he also knows the feeling of his sister for him, his mind can't register anything.

That was the start of the changes in their relationship as a brother and a sister.

Then 2 years ago, was the first time she felt that her world was complete.

After being beaten again by Wei Qi Nian, Zen Nian suddenly seeks her out. Zen Nian told her that he wanted to be strong, he wanted her help. The two started to do some secret cultivation and technique training. But even after a long time, Zen Nian was still unable to improve his cultivation and began to despair. Then as if by an instinct of not wanting the man she likes to be in despair, she actually hugs him to console his grieving. Zen Nian was also thunderstruck by the action of Ya Nian. Though he knows that they are not siblings, he still treats her as his kind older sister.

But then she didn't know what happened, but Zen Nian suddenly showed her a loving expression and actually kissed her. She was stunned but unable to react, she didn't know why but she pushed Zen Nian back and ran away.

She began to distance herself from him, starting that day for an unknown reason that even she didn't know. Whenever she sees him she would dodge, but will still help him in secret. That continues on until the clan trail where she decided to tell him her true feelings and maybe accept his.

But now it was all too late.

Meanwhile, Shin Jiao suddenly squinted his eyes at the scene. He suddenly remembers the first time he saw Cherry Lao. As the memories enter his mind he suddenly moved.

Both Rat Ling and Zen Nian were taken aback. But still, they followed his lead and suddenly attacked the mutated Black Wolves.

Shin Jiao didn't hesitate as he already discovered what he did. But it was too late, so he immediately took out his gun and fires two shots to the first wolf in his sight. The mutated black wolf didn't have time to react at the sudden ambush and its head was blasted open.

But Shin Jiao didn't stop there he quickly released more shots towards the rest of the wolves. Then another 2 wolves have their heads blasted open. Upon discovering the ambush from three humans, the wolves growled and suddenly rushed in to attack Shin Jiao's group.

Rat Ling didn't want to just let Shin Jiao have all the fun, so he draws his sword and sent two quick slashes towards an incoming black wolf. Then two rapidly revolving wheel-like Qi blades flew out of his sword towards his target. As the two rapidly revolving wheel-like Qi blades hit a Black Wolf it was actually cut in half, but the Qi blades didn't stop there and continue flying killing more which is caught on its way.

Zen Nian also did the same as he also sent his own Qi blade towards the wolves killing more in the process. But then the two discover the weakness of the Qi blade, the number of Qi blade they can use. Although they have just released around three to four Qi blades, they feel that the spiritual Qi in their bodies has been consumed greatly even with the assistance of demon beast core on their swords.

As the three of them faced against the two packs of wolves, they began to show different types of fighting styles and techniques.

They were fighting for a while now and had killed a number of black wolves, Rat Ling who is now showing a body riddled with wounds and covered in blood suddenly has enlightenment. It was when he was trying to defend himself from two black wolves where he clearly saw one of the wolves sending him its large claws attempting to slice his head. In his desperation, he suddenly felt rolling energy coming from his dantian pushing out of his body.

Then in that instant, a thin layer of protective Qi envelops his body just a few centimeters above his skin, it's like a thin armor.

Though he successfully blocks that attack his figure was still sent tumbling down. But instead of anger, Rat Ling's face showed a happy and excited expression. Right now he was truly elated at his new discovery. He actually thought of this as he is already familiar with the use of the humming blade and how he would coat his sword with his Qi and start to revolve it around. But the thin Qi armor in his body is not a Qi field or shield but a constant revolution of thin Qi, which would protect him from outside attacks.

Since it is revolving, the thin Qi armor would not break unlike Qi field or Qi shield. This is because the Qi would immediately repair itself as it revolves inside and outside his body.

With this discovery, Rat Ling immediately brandish his sword and began attacking. But this time, he was dumbfounded. This blade now doesn't have a strong vibration.

"It seems that when I use the Qi to cover my body, my sword would only use the demon core on it, which is not enough to cause great harm to these beasts." Rat Ling thought as he finally realized something.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.comfor visiting.

When Shin Jiao saw this he too was astounded, he also thought about using this kind of technique before but he didn't as his physique at that time is as strong as a nascent realm cultivator. In his complacency, he missed out a lot of great techniques he could have discovered.

"This time, I would develop my skills slowly and surely, so that everything would be permanent and I can, in turn, learn far better techniques in using spiritual and natural energies." Shin Jiao promised to himself.

As the battle continues, the black wolf number began to whittle down and now only 6 black wolves are left. The alpha wolf was actually stunned at the quick death of his proud packs. Its pride as a level 4 demon beast king caused its kin to be killed until 5 are left.

Anger now filled the alpha black wolf's demon beast's heart, as it suddenly howled in sadness and anger. This howl of the alpha black wolf reverberated through the air and almost destroyed the array formation. Luckily Shin Jiao didn't use array formation flags but instead, rune infused spirit stones. This made the array formation two times stronger even though it is just a level 1 array formation.

After that howl, the rest of the wolf pack turns their heads towards the three humans who killed many of their kinds. Now their eyes are bloodshot and all of them seem to be in berserk mode as the hair on their backs seems to be longer and their claws sharper.

"They are now crazed. We have to be careful." Zen Nian suddenly said as he slowly moved backward.

"Master Zen, I don't have much Qi left. We have to escape!" Rat Ling suddenly shouted upon discovering that his body suddenly became heavy like lead.

"Sigh… I guess I have to use this then." Shin Jiao thought as he took out from his small bag a ball-like crystal object the size of his fist.

It was like one of his trump cards the freeze bomb, but it has a lower effect. It could not freeze any of its targets immediately but will just slow their steps as the freezing would stop their movements every now and then.

Then Shin Jiao casually tossed the freeze bomb on the ground. This move of his made the black wolves angry as was like a provocation as they immediately rushed in and attack them.

"Brother Shin, why did you do that? We're going to be in deep trouble now!" Rat Ling shouted feeling indignant at Shin Jiao's action.

But then before Rat Ling could say anything else, something unimaginable happened.

White fluffy like an object suddenly came out from the crystal that Shin Jiao tossed after it exploded. The black wolves that came rushing were a little frightened by the explosion but didn't mind it as they continue pouncing toward Shin Jiao and the two. But then before the wolves could run further they began to slow their pace as they feel their body freeze up gradually. But with their strength, they can break the frozen outer layer on their body and slowly move forward.

But of course, this situation is favorable for the three as the wolves are like slowly moving statues.

Seeing this Zen Nian immediately grabs the opportunity and sent multiple Qi blades. As the black wolves are agile, Zen Nian didn't casually send out Qi blades as they are hard to hit. Unlike Rat Ling who would just send his Qi blade every opportunity he got. Thought his spiritual Qi reserve is vast but it is not endless. Hence now his dantian only have a small amount of Qi.

The move from Zen Nian immediately killed another two and heavily wounded the rest even the alpha black wolf. Shin Jiao upon seeing this heaves a sigh of relief, he didn't waste the freeze bomb as now they get rid of the annoying wolf pack.

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