The Geared Immortal

Chapter 1170 - Myrth: 141

Chapter 1170


The dark forest gives off an ominous feeling as the night air sends off its dark vibes which every creature in the forest could feel. At this moment two shadows are whizzing by the trees of the forest. One shadow chasing after another as both produces blurs while leaving after images in the air.

The figure ahead has traces of wound as she steps on the ground and on the leaves she would graze by. In one look, one could tell that she is heavily wounded. Meanwhile, the one following behind the figure of the female has a look of amusement in his eyes.

Yi Terai and Yi Gauwan have been chasing each other in the mountainous forest for hours now, but Yi Gauwan is unable to still catch her as she has proven herself slippery and hard to subdue.

"It is pointless to struggle little Terai… Sooner or later… you will still end in my hands…" the man said with a grin on his face.

Yi Terai has a look of anger and defiance in her eyes as she pushes herself to run with all her strength not minding the wounds on her body.

Ever since the bastard chases after her and attacked her with the intent to capture her, she has been wounded heavily and is already on the brink of breaking down.

But her anger is the one holding her sanity and pushing her to continue struggling.

Yi Gauwan was her grandfather's trusted subordinate and the one they trusted their lives with.

As she runs with all her might, she recalled the past when she first saw the young boy in their home. He was an orphan whom his grandfather has taken to their home. The young boy is a few years older than her and she at that time was just a naïve kid.

She treated him with love and kindness and even considered him as his older brother.

She could still remember the words of her grandfather…

"Terai my child, you and Gauwan are now a family… you should both protect each other and learn to love one another in the hope that our family would stay strong and would someday gain our Yi clan's independence…"

Those were the words that she suddenly recalls at that time when she reaches the age of 13.

A year ago… she suddenly noticed that something has changed with her older brother Gauwan. He is not that same sweet and loving older brother that she knew. He began to show her something that she did not expect him to show.

It happened one night while she was standing on a cliff while looking at the scenery below wherein the distance is a small town. The town is lit with torches and using her sharp eyesight, she could clearly tell that there are many people in that town.

The bustling town made her feel a bit envious of the lives of the people in there and has the feeling of wanting to visit it. But then she stopped herself upon remembering her promise to her grandfather.

Suddenly, she noticed a figure appearing behind her and it was Yi Gauwan. She felt relieved upon knowing that it was her trusted brother. But what happened next made her feel that something is wrong.

She was suddenly hugged from behind by Yi Gauwan which caught her off-guard. Then he began telling her words that she did not expect to hear.

"Terai… for the longest time… I have feelings for you and you alone…" is one of the words that she could remember which made her almost shudder in fear and disgust.

The reason for this is because she knew that Yi Gauwan has a relationship with one of the female villagers in secret and she knew it.

Even though she did not tell him about it, she is aware of such a relationship between the two. And upon hearing those words coming from the person she considered as her big brother, how could she not feel disgusted in her heart.

And now, the feeling of that nightmare seemed to be coming true, as she could feel the intense desire of that man whom she once called her… brother.

At this time, on the opposite side of the forest is a figure that is also walking leisurely through the forest. That figure is wearing a piece of armor on his body which looks like a metallic Kevlar vest.

On his back is a backpack which also looks metallic and his legs and arms are also covered by metallic armor.

"Hmm… I have been walking for a while now, and I have seen no beasts in this area… I have to test the strength of my new armor… why am I so unlucky to not find anything…" the figure said while looking around.

This armored figure is Xin Ja who has finally come out of his seclusion after his preparation. It took him a while to finally figure out how to balance the energy in his armor and how it would work. The material he should use to withstand such strength, and the refining combination of such materials to provide the best outcome and strength.

Body armor, energy barrier, and energy booster are the things he was able to create in that span of time. As for the weapon, well, he did some tweaks but after all the amount of materials he received is not that enough as he learned that his father has finally decided to hide for a while after he learned that the military is already making their move in their family at Ogden town.

And from his uncle, he has finally learned of the identity of his enemy. The 10th elder of the Silver Glade Merchant Company, a person named Ra Gaofang. It seems that the son of this man was killed in the attack at the Xin manor. And from this, he has already known who his enemy is.

And so this time, he wanted to test out his new armor and the new tweaked weapon.

The goal for this test why he went deeper in this direction where the war is far away is because he wanted to get sufficient data for the armor and the weapon.

As he walks deeper into the forest, Xin Ja suddenly noticed some movements within the bushes.

He did not bother to hide his presence as he stood on his ground and faced the direction of the movement.

Then from deep within the thick bushes a pair of light green eyes slowly emerges. Like the appearance of a predator stalking its prey, the creature hiding behind the bushes exudes a suffocating aura as it tries to show dominance towards its prey.

"Hmm… Is this a giant snake?" Xin Ja muttered as he observe the creature which is looking straight at him.

"I guess you are not going to move unless I move, right?" he said with a slight smile on his face.

Xin Ja slowly lifted his hand and then a short sword suddenly manifested itself on his palm. With a tight grip, he showed his determination to fight the creature.

Suddenly his vision showed the information he needed from the enemy.

Usually, his unique vision would show a window where it would display the type of creature he is facing against.

There are two indicators that he can detect from any creatures. The first one is its Ki level, and the second one is its vital signs which could tell him of the creature's current state.

Right now, he could tell that the creature is somewhat calm. This means that it is not yet going to strike and is observing him.

But how could Xin Ja just let himself be observed by the animal? So he quickly decided to make his move. His body suddenly moved and blurred. The speed he has taken this time made him feel astonished.

Then his figure appears behind the bushes with blood dripping down his short sword.

The snake-like creature which is as thick as a large tree suddenly thrashes around as it felt pain on his body where the short sword has struck.

As it leaps out of its hiding place, Xin Ja was suddenly taken aback. The creature has a snake-like head and neck, but its body is that of a lizard.

For Xin Ja, this creature is not that odd because he has seen them before. However, he dare not fight against such creatures because he knew of their deadly nature and lethal weapon.

These creatures are called Comara… a snake-like creature that has four legs.

"This is going to get bad…" Xin Ja muttered as he finally decided to take out his Ki buster and end the fight as soon as possible.

Pointing the Ki buster towards the large creature, Xin Ja suddenly felt a sense of foreboding. He did not know why, but something is telling him that there is another powerful creature coming his way. And that creature is more powerful than the Comara that he is facing right now.

Suddenly, Xin Ja and the Comara heard fighting sounds coming their way, and that powerful creature is trying to suppress them.

Xin Ja knew that the target that he has been waiting for had finally arrived.

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