The Geared Immortal

1261 Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 11

Chapter 1261


The alleyway is a bit dark, but people passing through could be seen not too far from where a small tear in space appears.

A young man wearing strange clothes appears after the tear in space moves. The young man seems to be holding a person in his hand but that person is already dead and lifeless.

This young man is exactly Xin Ja who has opened the portal and gone to the other side of the planet.

"Hmm… He died… He could not handle the spatial turbulence in the void. His body is not protected by his Ki which has dissipated while traveling inside." Xin Ja muttered as he threw the corpse of Tee Sumo on the ground, then burn it with a talisman.

"I guess my talisman still works in hits place…" he muttered as he quickly changes his clothes and soon walked out of the dark alleyway.

The sun is high up in the sky, and the streets look busy. Xin Ja looks around and decided to ask someone to find the library in this city.

He asked a vendor on the side and noticed a few newspapers.

He bought one and reads it while walking in the direction of the library.

From the printed newspaper, he learned that the city he is in is called Ae city. It is a 3rd rate city in the province called Snake River.

After reading for a while, Xin Ja learned a lot of things about the city he is in. But the information is not enough for him to understand everything.

Soon, he arrives at the city library and asked the personnel about history.

He was led to a section of the city library and he began reading some of the books inside.

It was already around noon when Xin Ja finished what he needed to learn about the city or even about the happening in this part of the planet.

The chaos started 3 years ago.

That was when the first portal opened and the very first city was destroyed by monsters. The destroyed city is from another country and has caused a huge sensation in the world.

From that time forth, portals began to pop up every now and then and many cities in the world were destroyed because of it.

Then, the awakening begins.

People with abilities appear and began to fight back.

And then cities began to build walls to protect its citizen from the ever-growing beasts' menace outside the city.

At first, the portal would open outside the city away from civilization. But a year ago, small portals began to appear inside the cities. But these portals do not produce strong monsters and are easily taken down by the awakened.

And so, the Awakened Union was formed to monitor and control both the monsters and the awakened. They are also responsible for the appearance of the portals in the cities.

Besides the Awakened Union, several private organizations also appeared called the leagues, and also some mercenary groups.

Ae city alone has many mercenary groups, and 2 leagues present. The 2 leagues in Ae city are Golden Serpent and Oasis. Both leagues are led by B-rank awakened.

As Xin Ja reads the books, he has learned how the awakened are ranked by their strength and what they can do. So basically F-rank is the lowest, and from the strength level, the book has mentioned he could tell that an F-rank is basically as strong as a 10th level Ki fighter.

So, that means that with his strength right now, he is basically as strong as an F-rank.

And as he reads, the rank goes on until he reads about A-ranks. Basically, A-ranks are already fully awakened Shens. They have the power and ability of a Shen, so they should really be strong.

However, Xin Ja wondered…

If those Shen are fully awakened, why is it that they could not wipe out the monsters in the open field? Why is it that they could not eradicate the menace in this world?

Of course, the book did not say the reason for that. He could only try and meet one before knowing the real answer behind that question.

"Hmm… I guess, this is what I needed to learn from this place then… It is time to get myself stronger…" Xin Ja muttered as he closes the book and return it to the shelf.

As he turns around, he noticed a tall and beautiful young woman walking toward him with furrowed brows.

She is wearing a pair of tight jeans, a body-hugging blue top, with long and curly brown hair. She has blue eyes and her snow-white skin is a bit shiny that it reflects the rays of the sun making her shine.

The people in the library could not help but turn their eyes on her as she walks near Xin Ja.

When she arrived in front of Xin Ja she pouted a bit and then squinted while looking directly at his face.

It was as if she could not believe what she is seeing.

Xin Ja is wearing a blue denim jacket and a pair of black jeans. He has grown his hair for a bit and likes to tie it casually in a ponytail.

In fact, he did not realize it but many of the young women in the library have their eyes on him while he was focused on reading. In their eyes, he is very trendy and attractive.

Though he looks really young and his beauty aesthetics is a bit feminine, the women inside the library find him really attractive.

And because of this, the men are annoyed.

The beauty in front of Xin Ja suddenly opened her mouth and asked with a hint of uncertainty.

"You… You're Adam, right? Adam Summers?"

Xin Ja was a bit taken aback and did not know how to answer her question. He is actually going to stick to the path of being an amnesiac so that he can at least start in this world.

But right now, he is being given an identity of a person he did not know.

The woman seems to observe his reaction and when she was certain of it, her eyes glowed in happiness.

"You are… You are Adam…"

"Who? Me?" Xin Ja asked incredulously.

The woman was taken aback by his reaction. She suddenly felt doubtful.

"Your hair is long though… But it has been a year, so… I guess you've changed." She said while observing him.

"I am not wrong… you really are Adam Summers…" she seemed to have arrived at a resolution.

"Umm… I… I don't know. I lost my memory, so I'm not sure what you are talking about." Xin Ja replied feeling a bit awkward.

When she heard this, she suddenly showed a sad expression.

"Was it the fault of that woman? It was her, wasn't it?" she suddenly showed an angry expression.

"Anyway, if you really did not remember anything, then that is for the better… by the way, I am Janet Cole… and you are my cousin…" she showed a dainty smile which made the men around them look in envy.

"Cousin?… I… I really did not know what you're talking about…" Xin Ja did not want to be entangled with the woman and it would become complicated.

"Wait… Here… Look!" she suddenly takes out her wallet and then showed a picture to Xin Ja.

When Xin Ja saw the picture, he was flabbergasted. If he did not know better, that person is him. The resemblance is impeccable… the guy in the picture really looks like him.

He suddenly felt curious… he now wanted to know who this guy named Adam Summers is.

"I'm sorry… Yesterday, I was in the hospital and they said I have amnesia… So I could not remember anything… Can you tell me… Who I really am?" Xin Ja asked reluctantly.

He knew that he could not get rid of this trouble if he just turns his back. So facing it head-on might provide him some cover in this world.

When Xin Ja said those words the expression of the woman turned happy. She then began to relate the story of who Adam Summers is.

Adam Summers is her closest cousin. The Summers is one of the well-known families in Ae City. The family is a big business family which owned a pharmaceutical company, and several food chains in the city.

The head of the family is Adam's uncle, Franklin Summers. He is the younger brother of Adam's father.

When Adam was 10, there was an accident that claimed the life of Adam's father. At that time, he and his father went fishing. But something went wrong, and Adam's life jacket has some problems. To save his son, Adam's father took off his life jacket and put it on him.

That accident claimed the life of his father and the Summers became angry at the boy. Ever since then, Adam became afraid of big bodies of water.

Adam then became sensitive to everything, that he became a shut-in. And that was the decisive blow to his personality.

A year ago, someone suddenly approached the Summers for a marriage. It was the Kane family.

Without hesitation, the Summers accepted the marriage, and the candidate… was Adam.

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