The Geared Immortal

1273 Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 23

Chapter 1273


Xin Ja just sits on his seat calmly and then eats what he likes at the party. While he was enjoying his meal, a proud-looking man stood up and then presented his gift to the old man.

"Uncle… I present to you my gift… This is something that came from outside the city…" the man said as he slowly opened the box.

Inside the box is a black and white pearl which seems to form the symbol of Yin and Yang. When the box was opened the atmosphere around the old man immediately turned tranquil as if nature became balanced.

"It creates peace in everything… This a famous demon core of a rare healer demon!…" Robert Summers exclaimed in surprise.

He did not expect his cousin could get his hand on such a precious object.

"Good… good… I like your gift… Thank you…" the old man, Albert Summers showed a happy smile.

Everyone looks at the proud man with envy in their eyes. Everyone in the family knew that the old man would always treat someone good when he is happy with them. And for some reason, he would always remember their names.

So now everyone feels envy for the proud-looking man for getting the attention of the old patriarch.

Robert Summers showed a contented smile at his cousin and nodded his head.

Although the Yin and Yang demon pearl is given to the old man, Robert has his ways to get his hand on it.

Suddenly, the proud-looking man turned his gaze at Xin Ja who is busy with his business of eating.

Samantha Kane who is beside him has already moved her chair a few distances from him as she did not want to be grouped with him as if she is truly ashamed just to be near him.

But Xin Ja did not mind these people. He is just enjoying the amazing taste of the meal before him.

The only regret he has at this time is that the meat did not come from those beasts that are exposed to chaotic Ki which everyone called demonized beasts.

If the meat is made by such creatures, then he could really enjoy this meal.

"Tsk, tsk… What a disappointment…" Xin Ja thought while shaking his head.

Suddenly, he noticed that everyone became silent. When he lifted his gaze, he found that everyone is actually looking straight at him.

"What about you… Adam… Do you have any gift for your grandfather?" the proud-looking man said in a loud voice.

Everyone around Adam sneered after hearing this.

How could such a pauper have a gift for his grandfather? He could not even buy a decent meal as they could see him eating the food on his table as if there are no tomorrow.

"Haha… Don't mind him, he's just a poor boy who could not even feed his wife… Look! Even his wife did not want to sit beside him… Hahaha…" someone from the crowd chided.

"We all know that Adam has no money, why bother asking him for a gift?"

"Are you sure he has no money? I saw him getting in here with a nice car though…" someone from the crowd suddenly said.

Everyone became animated while they discuss Adam Summers in front of Xin Ja. Of course, Xin Ja is not affected by this, and he just looks at them like he is looking at some fools while shaking his head.

The then picks another meat dish from a serving dish and then takes another bite.

Everyone now sneered at his shamelessness.

"I never would have thought that he would be this shameless…"

"You know that he has not eaten such good food before, let him choke on it maybe tomorrow, he'll get indigestion…"

"He truly is trash…"

Now the crowd is throwing insults at him for no reason, which made Xin Ja frown a bit.

"Hmm… Gift?" he said as he reluctantly wipes his mouth with the table napkin.

"I thought this place is full of intelligent and civilized people… But it seems that I was wrong." Xin Ja scoffed.

The people around him glared at him upon hearing this.

He then stood proudly and looks at the people around him.

"Petty, dumbass, arrogance without substance, silk pant, covetous, a snake, a secret bastard… Hmm… Who else… Ah, adulterous…" Xin Ja pointed at some people according to what he could see using absolute sense.

Those people he points to showed an angry expression on their faces. This is true, especially to the two he pointed out as adulterous.

Their faces immediately turned pale because not only is their relationship in secret, but it is also a taboo for the family because both of them are men with wives and children.

Now being pointed out as adulterous, it made everyone look at them with disbelieving eyes.

"You are slandering us!" shouted almost everyone in the room.

"Hahaha… Do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you… You slander me, and I tell the truth in your face… anything wrong with that?" Xin Ja calmly said with a smirk.

The face of Robert Summers turned hostile as he glared at Xin Ja.

But before he could say something, they saw Xin Ja walking towards the area where the old patriarch of the family is.

"I actually have a gift for you… Grandfather…" Xin Ja extended his hand to the side and just like magic, a box appear.

This startled everyone near him as they could not believe what they have just seen.

Xin Ja carefully puts the palm-size box on the table of the old man.

"I know that I am not welcome here and in this family… But because you invited me, I came. But I want to say that this would be the last time… By the way… Did you invite me here to be maligned by everyone?" Xin Ja said then suddenly asked.

Hearing his question, the expression of the Albert Summers became grave.

"I invited you here because you are a part of this family…"

"Oh, really? Do you mean this is what you call a family? I wanted to make clear something… As of now, I do not know who you people are. I cannot remember any of you after my accident a week ago. Haha… This is what I call my lucky break for me. I could not imagine having a family like this… a family full of vipers… Hahaha…" Xin Ja said as he turns around and walk towards the main exit.

Suddenly, the proud-looking man pointed at Xin Ja.

"How dare you mock your own family?!" shouted the man.

Everyone immediately took a step forward.

But before everyone could take another step, they suddenly saw a sword appearing in Xin Ja's hand.

This made everyone take a step back.

"Stop!" shouted the old patriarch.

"This is my fault… I have been negligent of your feelings…" the old patriarch said as he stands up.

One could see the pain in his expression while looking at the back of his grandson.

He clenches his cane tightly as his mouth began to shake.

"I know of the accident… I know of your resentment… I hope that the freedom you have now… will make you live a good life from now on… I'm sorry... Adam." the old patriarch said as he turn around and walked to the side exit of the hall.

His shoulder suddenly feels heavy as his figure slumps while walking.

He suddenly remembers the days when his grandson Adam was still a kid. They would play together and have fun while he would cutely call him grandfather.

Every birthday of his, he would invite Adam and although the family would mock him, the boy would bear with it and secretly approach him to give his gift. And he would always love his simple gifts.

He has been selfish all along, and now he realized that because of his selfishness, his loving and caring grandson has been oppressed to such a degree.

It was all his fault. It was because of his selfishness of seeing him again. That this happened.

He could help but grit his teeth and truly regretted giving the control of the family to his second son, Robert.

His scheming heart has pushed the Summers family forward but it also alienated him from his favorite grandson.

As he walks towards the elevator a tall young man quickly appears beside him.

Upon entering, the old man suddenly staggered.

"Old Patriarch…" the young man hurriedly catches his frail-looking body.

"I want to sever the connection of Adam Summers to the Summers family. From now on, he can now have his freedom…" he said in a low voice.

"Are you sure about this, sir…" the young man asked.

"Young master Adam is a promising awakened. I have heard from the union that he is an exceptional doctor. Plus, although he is only an E-rank, he is actually able to join the hunt…" the young man explained.

"That is good… That is good… I'm just a useless old man. I'm actually just burdening him… This is much better than him tearing the whole family apart…"

When the young man heard this, he knew that it is possible. The Summers might be a strong family with some awakened in their employment, but from the data and the recordings he got from the union, he knew how strong Adam is.

And he dare not say what would happen if the whole family infuriates the guy.

That is why the outcome of today is already good enough.

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