The Geared Immortal

1300 Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 50

Chapter 1300

The lurking demon suddenly pounces on Leo's figure as its two long arms became its weapons. The target is near and is unaware of its presence, so it wanted to make its move now.


A gush of air appears and the three demons that are pouncing on him were all sliced into minced meat.

The speed of Leo Carbin is really fast and he truly shows that he is at the peak of D-rank bordering C-rank for that matter.

He frowns when he noticed that nothing has happened and that Adam did not make his move.


He then saw the Gatling canon erupting from below as his companion maw down a group of demons charging right at him from the other trees.

Although he could not see these creatures using his headgear, he could still sense their killing intent. So he is able to determine that there are many creatures lurking around him.

Leo Carbin jumps down from the tree and lands near his companion.

"Did you find him?" asked the big guy as Leo landed near him.

"Yes, but that guy is like a loach. He is very slippery." Leo grumbled in annoyance.

"Well, we should go back. We have gone deep this time and have created a disturbance. Sooner or later more powerful beasts would come out…" the large man carrying the Gatling gun said.

"Hmm… Damn it! I was so close…" Leo clenches his fists as he did not want to give up.

But what his companion is telling him is the truth. His life would be in danger if he continued his pursuit.

Meanwhile, Xin Ja who saw what happened frowned. He did not expect that the guy would be able to escape the trap he set.

"If I did not know better he was actually bluffing and wanted me to act an ambush while he is being besieged… Luckily I did not make a move…" Xin Ja thought.

If he truly made his move at that time, then he would be the one to die with those two powerful D-ranks.

With a slight smirk on his face, he threw a glance at the two figures and then turns around to look deeper into the forest.

"Soon… Soon, I will get you." He muttered as his figure dashes deep inside the other side of the grove of trees.

The headgear of Leo suddenly picks up a heat signature and he turns in the direction where it came from.

"Leo, let's go back…"

But it seems that Leo has been possessed by something as he looks at his companion and shook his head.

"Go back to the others… I will take care of him," he said.


"Look… if an F-rank can survive in this place… how much more can a D-rank like me, right?"

"Yes, he might be an F-rank, but that guy is weird… Have you seen the path he took just to arrive here? It's clean! We are the ones who made a mess… But he… he just blends with his surroundings. I advise you not to chase after him…"

"Thank you… but my mind is already set…"

Before that guy could say another word, Leo became a gust of wind and disappears.

The big guy could only shake his head as he walked back in dejection. He did not have enough bullets so he decides to go back.

As he turns around, he quickly runs towards the way he came.

But suddenly, he had an ominous feeling come over him.

Without hesitation, he jumps to the side disregarding his weapon.


It was really fast… he did not expect that there would be a beast that looked like a giant would suddenly appear before him.

The giant beast has dark green skin, two large horns on its head, and four arms.

The light of the moon that was able to seep through the thick foliage of the trees above lightly showed the appearance of his enemy.

Seeing the giant creature, the heart of the big guy skipped a beat.

'Ahhh… Another strong being has come to my territory…' suddenly the monster said in a language the big guy could understand.

"You… you can talk?" he said with a dumbfounded expression.

'Hihi… Of course, I can… I've eaten your kind for a while now… How could I not absorb their essence and knowledge…' it said with a grin.

He suddenly felt his skin crawling. He did not expect that this thing has intelligence comparable to a regular person.

"What are you?..." he muttered while taking out his machete.

'I am a demon… the vanguard… We are just the first to test out the portal… Hihi…'

"A demon?" he frowned when he heard those words.

'Enough talk… Let us start… I want to see if you are stronger than the rest of my… food.' It said as it suddenly pounces on him.

With its long claws and huge build, the demon swings its four arms attacking its prey.

The big guy on the other hand uses his machete to block eat attack from the demon.

The two exchanged blows and wounds began to appear on their bodies.

The big guy is a D-rank and as a D-rank he has the strength and speed of a Ki Master. With that strength and speed, he finally gets his chance and suddenly swings his machete to decapitate one of the arms of the demon.

Black blood flowed out of the stump of the arm as the demon howled in pain.


'You! You dare cut off one of my arms! I will tear you to shreds!' it howled as its eyes suddenly turn red.

The big guy smirked, but deep inside his heart, he knew that he too is about to hit his limit.

His wobbling legs are about to give in.


A long arm of the demon suddenly swings towards his neck... and without hesitation… he blocks it with his machete.


A loud sound echoed in the air as the machete was sliced into half.

The demon showed a sneer on its ugly face as a long blade actually appears before its hand.

'Do you think you guys are the only ones who can use a weapon? Hehehe…' it chuckled as it observes its opponent.

The big guy looks at it with a shocked expression before his head slid to the side and separated from his huge body.

Smelling the blood before it, the demon seems to have lost its senses as it quickly grabs the decapitated body before it and opened its large mouth to drink the fountain of blood spurting out of the severed neck of the person before it.


It roared in ecstasy as it relish in delight at its meal.


Suddenly, a gunshot echoed in the night air which disturbed the environment.

The loud sound chases away the flying creatures in the night making them escape the place.

The demon who is relishing its meal just stood motionless with its head still in the air howling.

But one could already see a large gaping hole from its head which has splattered its brain and blood maters on the side.

As its large figure falls to the ground, a small figure appears from the dark night and walked toward it.

Without hesitation, that person stood beside the demon and closes his eyes as dark energy began to appear out of the demon's body like a cloud of smoke that courses through to that figure.

Xin Ja absorbed the energy coming from the demon without hesitation.

But what baffled him is that the energy coming from the dead awakened also rushes inside his body.

One dark and one light, the two types of energy enter his dantian and like yin and yang began to circulate through his body.

The chaotic energy almost made Xin Ja shout in pain as they rip apart his nerves and meridians. As they expanded, he could not help but wanted to curse out loud from the pain.

But he did not do anything and just continuously absorbed the energy coming to his dantian.

He did not know how long it took for him to suffer such pain, but as soon as the pain receded, he could feel a calm warmth coursing through his veins and meridians.

"This… I… I have not increased my level… but… but I can feel my strength increasing…" he muttered to himself.

Xin Ja is still at the Ki Adept level, but the energy coursing through his body is really abundant.

One could say that the dried riverbank that is his dantian before has now turned into a muddy swamp.

Although it is not enough, Xin Ja knew that the demon has provided him with ample energy.

"If I could hunt more of this type of demons, then I would soon reach the next level…" he muttered as his eyes shifted to the deeper part of the forest.

Xin Ja did not hesitate to take out his cloak, change his clothes, and put on one of the exoskeletons he had just fixed.

"Well… let the hunt begins…" he muttered as a smile appears on his face before he turns into a gust of wind.

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