The Geared Immortal

Chapter 176 Mistaken identity part 14

The Jiao's: 6


After the people disperse along with the Jiao family's retreat the people resume with their own things. Aye Muyan along with Shin Jiao and the two maids walks towards the small shop. When the shop keeper saw his mistress he showed a grateful look in his eyes.

"Madam Jiao is truly a refined lady. You are able to forgive them just like that." A voice from behind them suddenly stops the group before they can even greet the shop keeper.

Without turning her head Aye Muyan already know who the young man is, he is Prince Mingsha Wu. So with a faint smile, Aye Muyan turns her head and curtsied towards the prince.

"I'm sorry for being too presumptuous Prince Mingsha. I forgot to say my thanks for your help back there." Aye Muyan said politely.

"Hahaha… There is no need for that. I was just passing by and saw a very interesting thing." Mingsha Wu said while taking a glance at Shin Jiao.

He actually saw what Shin Jiao did back there. The speed he forms the ore and how they were turned into a ball was truly a sight to behold for him. Then when he saw the perfect aim of Shin Jiao as he flicked those small balls and hitting the wind pool pressure points he became interested.

Not anyone can do what Shin Jiao did. One should have perfect control and thorough practice to perform those. Or he should reach the late stages of the gold core realm so be able to extend one's Qi outside his body and put enough strength to use it to attack someone. And yet the young man with cloth covering his face was able to do it perfectly.

Shin Jiao didn't mind the gaze of the prince as he just nods towards him as a greeting of respect.

"Please prince, welcome to my humble shop." Aye Muyan said as she leads Mingsha Wu inside the small-sized shop.

Shin Jiao scrutinized the place and became aware that, though it is a simple shop, the craftsmanship of the trinkets it is selling is actually top-notch. He is well aware of this as in this land, though they can use Qi and mold metals and stuff, it would always be rough and crude. But now, in front of him are finely crafted trinkets with exquisite design to boot.

Then suddenly an idea struck him, he walks closer and takes a bracelet made of fine silver. Then he turns his gaze towards the shopkeep and asked.

"All these are made by a mortal craftsman right?" Shin Jiao asked.

This is because of the detail being put in such a simple bracelet. If a cultivator crafts a bracelet, they would not use silver. Instead, they would use strong materials, and add some Qi stones in it.

"Umm… yes, that's right. We are just a simple trinket store. We can just sell these things with the help of a master mortal craftsman." The shop keeper said as he observes Shin Jiao.

Though the young man wears simple clothing and covers his face, he is still following Mrs. Jiao. The shop keeper didn't want to gain the ire of his employer if he looks down on the young man.

Upon hearing the confirmation, Shin Jiao suddenly has an urge to seek the craftsman immediately. If he can have that craftsman then they can collaborate with each other and create trinkets for the store without exposing his identity. That way he would still be hidden in the eyes of the public. With this idea in mind, Shin Jiao continues looking at the items in the store.

Meanwhile, Mingsha Wu continues observing Shin Jiao while talking to Aye Muyan.

"Mrs. Jiao, I heard that your son was killed by the Xiemen clan? Is this true?" suddenly while talking with Aye Muyan, Mingsha Wu raised a question.

Upon hearing this question, Aye Muyan was suddenly stunned.

This news was kept from her by the Jiao family. And now upon hearing this for the first time, her heart suddenly tightens.

"What… what do you mean, killed? My… my son was killed by the Xiemen clan? They…" suddenly Aye Muyan complexion turned white.

It has been a year since her son ran away from home, and in her thoughts, he would just be somewhere doing some mischievous things. She didn't dare think that someone would really kill her son. Though the Xiemen clan threatens the Jiao family, it is not enough for them to kill her son for such a trivial thing as offending the little miss of their clan right?

Her sudden change of complexion didn't escape the observation of Mingsha Wu.

"Mrs. Jiao, are you alright?" Mingsha Wu suddenly said as he walks closer to Aye Muyan.

But before he could come closer, a figure suddenly appears beside her and holding her hand with another hand on her shoulder.

"Mom, are you okay?" Shin Jiao said as he supported Aye Muyan.

She didn't say anything as her eyes are in a daze. The thing in her mind is what the prince has said. Her son was hunted and killed and she didn't even know this for almost a year. Happy and sad memories suddenly flashed backed within her mind, and then she recalled the stubbornness and absurdity of her son. But as a mother, she has always tolerated him and has been the cause for her son to be spoiled. After meeting Shin Jiao, someone who looks like her son, she has reflected upon her mistakes and truly regretted pampering her son. If only she could have been a better mother.

But now, it was all too late. Then she slowly regains her composure and turns her gaze towards the handsome and kind young man beside her.

The heavens have given her another chance… another chance to be a better mother.

"Mother? You are…" when Mingsha Wu heard Shin Jiao calling Aye Muyan, 'mother', he was taken aback.

He knew what had happened at that time as he witnessed everything. He is one of those people who wanted to teach the son of Mrs. Jiao a lesson as the brat is truly overbearing and would always bully women. But when he secretly chased after him along with the Xiemen people, he saw them chasing the young man into a high cliff. Then someone shot an arrow and hit the young man's chest. Then he saw him stumble and fall down the cliff. He scanned the cliff and noticed that it was too deep. Even he a late-stage golden core realm cultivator would die if he falls from that height.

But now in front of him is a young man calling Mrs. Jiao, mother. Does this mean that?...

Shin Jiao also noticed the expression on the prince's face. Even though his attention is on Aye Muyan, he is still aware of the special person in front of them. But he didn't mind, as he assisted Aye Muyan to a chair. The two maids immediately went into action assisting her with water and calming her mood.

Mingsha Wu didn't take his eyes off on Shin Jiao. With his piercing gaze, Shin Jiao felt helpless and carefully took off the cloth covering his face. Then with a smile, he nods his head once again towards the prince.

"How… how are you still alive?" Mingsha Wu muttered unconsciously but didn't push it through as he already knows that what he has said caused Mrs. Jiao's complexion to change.

But before he could say anything, Shin Jiao extended his hand and showed something to Mingsha Wu.

"Your highness, we really thank your benevolence for helping us this time. This is just a token of our appreciation. Please receive this small gift." Shin Jiao said with a faint smile.

Mingsha Wu recovers his composure and took a glance at the simple paper box on Shin Jiao's hand. Then he showed a frown on his face as confusion and curiosity can be seen in his expression.

Within his mind, he didn't want to accept anything from this simple store for mortals. Although the craftsmanship of the trinkets in here is truly fine and exquisite, however, it is of no use to him as a cultivator. But since it is a sign of goodwill he still extended his hand and receives the gift.

"Thank you for this gift. What I did is just a trivial thing. Young master Jiao should not have to bother with this." Mingsha Wu casually said while waving his hand.

"Hopefully this gift would be of help to you prince." Shin Jiao said.

Mingsha Wu just smiles and says his goodbye and left the small store. He didn't want anything that's not of any worth to his cultivation. At most he can just give this to one of his mortal servants.

As he walks on the main road, he suddenly recalls what Shin Jiao has said, and knitted his brow. He actually didn't take heed of the words that was said until now.

Although the young man seems to have changed and became more sensible and polite than before, he still has the feeling of slight animosity towards him because Shin Jiao was once a bully. And he truly dislikes bullies. Even his older brothers and sisters have tasted his wrath and became less overbearing towards those of the weaker strength than they.

But right now, his mind is focused on the small paper box in his hand. With deep curiosity and remembering the confident expression on Shin Jiao's face he slowly opens the box.

And upon doing so his face showed an extremely shocked expression.

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