The Geared Immortal

Chapter 178 Mistaken identity part 16

The Jiao's: 8


The gloomy and dark atmosphere in the small alley is making three women felt helplessness and a bit of despair. Especially the two women wearing their maid robes, they wanted to shout and hope that maybe someone could come and rescue them. But alas no words can escape their mouths as their voices seem to clog up on their throats.

As the figure of the men in black slowly closes in on them, Shin Jiao slowly extended his hand and quickly put three bangles on their arms.

"Mom, you stay here and calm the Tin-tin and Shao-Shao. I'll deal with these men." Shin Jiao's confident voice came out of his cloth-covered face.

When Aye Muyan heard this she was immediately held Shin Jiao's hand. Both of her hands seem to have a mind of their own as she stops Shin Jiao.

"Son, no… Please don't. We can just run, away…" Aye Muyan said with a pleading look in her eyes.

Upon seeing the caring reaction of Aye Muyan, Shin Jiao felt warm in his heart. He now swears that no matter what happens he swore in his heart that he will protect her as one of his most important people.

With a faint smile on his face, Shin Jiao taps Aye Muyan's hands gently.

"Don't worry mom, I'm stronger than what I look." He said while flashing a confident smile.

Before Aye Muyan could react Shin Jiao turn around and face the twenty men surrounding them.

"Hahaha! Someone wanted to be a hero. I guess with you calling Aye Muyan mom, means that she adopted a grown-up child after her son died. Hahaha…"

"Let's F*ck him up boss then play with the two."

The voices of the men closing in towards Shin Jiao jeered.

"Nobody touches Mrs. Jiao. She is mine!" suddenly the leader of the group said as he folded his body like a bow and gathers his strength on his legs.

He suddenly dashed forward while extending his blade towards Shin Jiao's neck. His movement is very precise and accurate, without any wasted movements. This only means that this guy has already killed a lot of people and is very experienced.

With their leader making a move the rest of the men also moved.

Aye Muyan upon seeing this showed a panic expression as she knows who this person is. He is the leader of the number one assassin group of the Jiao family and has killed many of the Jiao family's enemies.

The other twenty men also have a scowling look on their faces as the figure of their leader neared Shin Jiao's figure that stood unmoving.

Shin Jiao didn't want to use his gun this time as he knows it is his secret weapon. To expose it this early would be his disadvantage. So he decided to employ a jujitsu fighting style using the hand-to-hand technique.

As the glowing sword of his enemy came closer to his neck, Shin Jiao suddenly covers his hands with Qi and immediately grab the flat of his opponent's sword with the flat of his hand. Though the sword is covered with Qi, Shin Jiao was able to discern its type and employ the same amount of Qi on his hands which negated the effect of the sword's Qi.

Hence he was able to grab it safely and twist the blade with a force.

At first, the leader of the assassins sneer at the foolish act of Shin Jiao, but upon seeing that his sword was easily grabbed he wanted to firmly grip its handle and push forward. But it was too late, as soon as Shin Jiao twisted the sword, a painful feeling made the man let go of the handle.

Shin Jiao didn't wait and without a word, reverse the sword and without holding the hilt direct it to the man's neck.

Everyone was dumbfounded upon seeing the smooth flow of action, from grabbing, twisting, and attacking. Now all they can see is the kneeling figure of their leader on the ground, holding his own neck. Then, blood began to seep out of his hand which he desperately tried to press towards his already severed arteries.

Shin Jiao calmly grabs the handle of the sword and in a flash appears in front of his next target. Before the man could react, he too was beheaded. Making his head fly out of his now headless body.

This time everyone was on guard against the young man who easily killed their leader. But Shin Jiao didn't stop and continue attacking his neck target. As everyone is already on guard, they move as a group this time to suppress, Shin Jiao in the middle. But as soon as their sword, strikes his back a Qi shield appears and blocks their attacks.

"Artifact!" shouted one of the men.

But their stunned expression didn't last long as another two of their comrades have fallen on the ground killed by the young grim-reaper-like man.

What scared them the most is the shadow-like movement of their opponent which made them feel despair. They can only see a shadow flicker and an after image before a silver flash would appear and one of their comrades would fall either headless or with a stab on their chest. The Qi field on their bodies could not even stop the sword.

"Run! Retreat!" shouted one of the reaming five men.

As Shin Jiao has already disposed of fifteen people in this fight.

"You wanted to escape?" Shin Jiao sneered as he can feel the bloodlust slowly consuming his sanity almost making him feel like the first day of his mission.

But with his already vast experience and self-control he is able to suppress this feeling.

But of course, he doesn't need to show decorum towards these people as it would cause him more trouble if they report to the Jiao family about this matter. At least if they disappear, it would buy him some time to form more strategy to defend against that despicable family.

Under the cover of his robe, he took out his handgun and shoots five bullets that quickly penetrated the back of the heads of the fleeing assassins.

After disposing of his enemies, he walks towards Aye Muyan who showed him a dumbfounded expression. She herself is a strong cultivator, but to be able to face 20 gold core realm cultivators like it was nothing is something she could not do.

But the kind expression on Shin Jiao's face made her heart warm. She knew that he did this just to protect her, his mother.

"Mom, are you okay?" Shin Jiao immediately asked with concern in his face as he found her seem to look a little pale.

Aye Muyan just unconsciously nods her head without a word which made Shin Jiao heave a sigh of relief.

He then turns his gaze towards the two maids, who also wore a dumbfounded expression. But Tin-tin was the first one to recover and flashed him a smile and a thumbs up. This made Shin Jiao smile at the antics of the young woman. He knows the playful nature of Tin-tin as she would always act like a child playing with the kids and such.

"Wait for me mom. I need to clean this place up." Shin Jiao said.

Without another word, he threw a couple of rune stones forming a concealing array formation. He then gathers the dead bodies of the assassins and immediately burns them. They then left the alley as if nothing has happened. The array he sets up would conceal the burning of the bodies, and would just dissipate after the next day leaving to traces of evidence of what had happened.

Shin Jiao and the three women arrive home and found that something is amiss. They noticed that the gate is not locked and there was a sign that it was forcefully opened.

The feeling of foreboding immediately enters his heart as he felt worried about the two little kids. He knows that Jiyi and Jie Ye can take care of themselves, but the two kids would be at risk if a fight broke out.

He has already learned to love the two cute little children as they have treated him as their older brother. He could not bear to see them hurt at this time. So he immediately rushed inside the house along with Aye Muyan and the two maids.

Aye Muyan also showed the same concern about the two children as she likes it when they call her grandma. Plus the two are really sensible children and very polite.

As the group arrives in front of the gate, they can see that everything is a mess. It seems that there was a big fight that broke through inside. Shin Jiao can even see the burnt portion of the wall and some of the grasses and trees which were turned into dust can be seen all over the place.

He then saw a couple of men wearing black clothing sprawled on the ground and some are even burned to crisp.

Then Shin Jiao run to the courtyard and saw five men wearing black clothes encircling six wounded people on the ground, wearing the same black clothing.

"What is happening?" Shin Jiao thought as he furrowed his brows.

But then he noticed that those five men standing while holding a sword in their hand and pointing at their companions are not living being but zombies.

"Jiyi? She… is she able to control corpses now?" Shin Jiao thought.

Then he suddenly saw two small figures running towards him while crying. Upon seeing this, his heart suddenly felt relieved.

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