The Geared Immortal

Chapter 324: Awaken to a new world? Part 4





The sound of the young man's running and lifting his foot to kick the door can be heard in the corridor. But then everything went silent and a muffled sound of someone being choked stunned everyone.

The armed men wearing black suits were rooted to the ground being stunned at the situation they are seeing.

They all had an expectant expression on their faces as they saw the domineering action of the young boss and his confident stride. But then suddenly the door which was closed opened. Before they can react they saw their boss lose his balance while in a startled state.

Before he can recover the young man wearing a hospital gown and standing by the door grabs his neck and lifted him from the ground with ease.

"Nobody moves… If you do so, I will snap his neck." The young man which is Shin Jiao said in a cold tone.

Everybody felt conflicted and didn't know what to do.

"Let go of our young master! If not…" shouted the men in black suits.

"I guess you want your young master to die then…" Shin Jiao said as he acted like he was about to snap the neck of the young man who is weakly struggling in his hand.

Right now, the rich-looking young master is filled with fear. His neck is currently hurting so badly that it is already hard for him to breathe, so he could not even say anything.

"No! Wait, don't be rash… We… we are willing to talk about this." one of the men wearing black suit said as he steps forward.

"Hmm… I think you have the wrong idea here. I just want you not to move… What is your purpose in coming here with guns? I don't seem to remember offending anyone?" Shin Jiao asked trying to probe the men.

"We… we are not here for you. We are here to get the young miss from the Tang family."


"No… It's… We are more of… an escort… yeah… an escort. We are here to escort her to the Tang clan."

"Hmm…" Shin Jiao didn't know what to do right at this time.

He didn't want to cause more trouble, but he also didn't want the woman he just rescued to be in trouble also. Suddenly his heart was filled with killing intent. In his mind, something is telling him to eliminate all of the armed people in the corridor. If he didn't do so, then he would be in deeper trouble.

His eyes suddenly caught two cameras in the corner and with a stealthy move. He took two buttons from the rich young man's suit, and then flicked it to the cameras.

He then made his move by throwing the rich young master towards the crowd.

His action caught the sight of the leader of the group as he immediately went to grab the gun on his back.

Right at this moment, everything began to move sluggishly.

Shin Jiao was amazed as he noticed everything in his eyes. His body ran through the ground and bypassing the still flying rich young master. He then sent a frontal kick at the leader of the men in black. Then he followed this up by grabbing the gun of another man beside the man he just kicked, at the same time sending a straight punch at his face.

Then he turned around with already a gun on hand and grabs the next man beside him. The machete on that man's hand was sent flying towards the ceiling with a kick. And then following this action he did the same to disarm the rest of the men in the corridor.

When the young master landed in a sorry state to the ground, the rest of the people around him also fell along with him sprawled to the ground groaning in pain.

Shin Jiao then slowly pick up the rich young man from the back of his head.

"Everyone get out of this floor, now!" Shin Jiao shouted in anger.

The people could not react as they are still in pain all over the different parts of their bodies. But they drag themselves towards the elevator.

"Now, tell me… If you lie I will throw you out of the window. Why are you here?"

"You… you can't treat me like this! Do you know who I am?! I will tell you, I can ki… Keuk!"

The rich-looking young man choked as Shin Jiao tightens his hold.

"Wait… Wait, young man… I will… I will tell you the truth then. We are here to force the young Miss Tang to marry our young master. Our young master truly loves and only cares for the young miss of the Tang clan. And the Tang family has already agreed to our proposal. It's just that the young miss is really headstrong." The leader of the black-suited men said while being supported by his colleagues.

Upon hearing his words, Shin Jiao sneered.

"Love? A man who spends his time playing with many women dare say that? Do you think of me as a fool?" Shin Jiao sneered.

He can smell at least three different women's scent along with some harmful drugs on the rich young man's body. How can he not know what their purpose is? But from what he heard, it seems that this young man has a connection to the Tang clan, Susan Tang's family.

"Are you her fiancée?" Shin Jiao asked.

The young man on his hand immediately nods his head.

"From now on, forget about your plans with Susan Tang. Whoever touches her would suffer death in my hands. She is now in my care, so I will make an example with you." Shin Jiao said as he suddenly moves and grabs a knife sticking on the wall.

With a quick slash, he severed the nerves on the rich young man's hands.

"No!" shouted the leader of the men wearing a black suit.

Shin Jiao threw the rich young master to the people standing near the elevator door. Then he walks towards the corridor picking every weapon scattered all over the place.

When the men saw him having a semi-automatic handgun, on one hand, they felt pressured. So when the two elevator doors opened, everyone scuttled and enter as quickly as they could.

Inside the elevator, the rich young master weakly leaned on his men.

"We need to go to the hospital first. We have to call the family. We also have to inform the Tang clan that their youngest daughter found a very strong person protecting her." the leader said with worry in his face.

They thought that everything would just be a breeze. Although the Tang family young miss is very headstrong, once their young master has taken her then she would not have any other choice but to be his bride. That way their family could enter the Tang clan huge business empire.

When Shin Jiao returns to the room, he saw Susan Tang standing near the door with widened eyes.

She actually saw everything that happened on the monitor. She didn't expect the despicable jerk to assault her in her own house. However, what she didn't expect is the man who helped her. Although he looks weird and amnesiac, his strength is authentic.

It's like looking at a real-life superhero with inhuman speed and strength. She only thought that those things are only seen on TV shows. But right in front of her eyes, a living superman is actually helping her.

Out of all the recurring bad luck in her life, she felt that right now she was the luckiest girl on earth.

Looking at Shin Jiao, her eyes slowly turned teary but she tried to hold it back in. She then turns around and walked directly to the kitchen.

Without saying a word, she prepared some breakfast for the two of them.

Shin Jiao just let her be and took all of the weapons inside a room. Then according to his knowledge, he began to remold them one by one. Suddenly he felt something strange on one of his fingers. But he could not see anything, so he unconsciously used his absolute sense and scan his hand.

There he saw an unattractive ring with a slight crack on it. He didn't know why he could not see it with his naked eye, so he just let it be for now. His mysterious origin and his memories are still too hard for him to fathom. Right now, what he needed to do is to make something that can protect the young woman he is intending to use as a cover.

Before, Susan Tang could finish making breakfast. Shin Jiao has already finished making an exquisitely designed pendant. According to his memory, this thing is called protection pendant. It is a low-tier pendant that can protect the user against the strength of a body refining stage cultivator.

Although he is not sure if there are cultivators on earth, he is sure that there are things that are called guns which can harm the young woman.

While eating breakfast…

"I want you to wear this 24/7. Do not remove it from your body no matter what happens." Shin Jiao said as he handed her the exquisite looking pendant.

Upon seeing the dragon-like pattern and design of the pendant, Susan Tang immediately became curious. She is a businesswoman and a fashionista, so from the craftsmanship of the pendant alone, she is sure that it can fetch a high price even though the material used looks plain.

"This craftsmanship is very exquisite. Hey… Umm… would you want to work for me? I mean… that is if you have nowhere to go… you know." she asked feeling a bit awkward upon realizing that she suddenly became interested in Shin Jiao's crafting ability.

Plus what baffled her is how he was able to craft such thing in a short time. She actually saw him doing something while she was cooking hence her curiosity was sparked.

Shin Jiao thought for a while and shook his head.

"I don't want to work under you," he said plainly.

"How about you work under me!?"

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