The Geared Immortal

Chapter 360: Merging of Worlds 25

Hotel Night Raid Part 3



A really loud explosion engulfs the front of the hotel sending debris all over the place. The people inside were sent flying especially those who became too curious and began peeking out at the door of the hotel lobby.

The powerful explosion causes the ground to shake as the whole hotel building shook violently. Many of the hotel's windows and glass door facing the entrance were shattered, and even those armed men who are already trying to escape was caught within the blast radius and was sent flying all over the place.

The horrifying scene caught everyone off guard and terrified.

Blast and his group were also caught within the explosion as they are closer and didn't have enough time to run.

Finding themselves laying on the ground everyone groaned as they felt pain all over their bodies.

Meanwhile, above a tall building, two figures are standing looking at the situation.

"Master, this situation is getting bigger. But I still can't find the information containing the data we needed. When broke in the house last time, I was caught in a low-level array, although I broke that array it took me too much time." a thin man wearing a black hood and a black mask said.

"No hurry, we can just sit back and observe. You told me that you cannot enter the NXT Company compound, right? Why is that?" and a man beside the thin black hooded guy asked.

"I sense something else in the area… Something, more dangerous."

"Ah… I see… We have no choice but to watch how this unfolds then. Then we just have to swoop in and take the harvest."

"You are right, master."

As the two talks, the destruction on the ground started to subside while the people who were injured and blown away slowly regain their consciousness.

"That was too much Blast! You almost killed us with that guy… This is not part of our mission." Shouted Tinker with a voice of reproach.

Since she made the barrier she clearly felt the strength of the explosion, so she knew that Blast didn't hold his strength in that one.

He didn't say anything and just watches the smoke-filled crater that was created after that huge explosion.

But what baffled him at this time are the wave and the force direction. It seems that the explosion was redirected towards their location. He didn't know why but from what he is seeing right now, it is true.

Their own forces suffered greatly because of that explosion. From the ground, he can even see some mutilated body of their soldiers, while some are already not breathing with large burn marks on their bodies.

"How? How could this happen?" Broody muttered upon seeing what happened on their side.

Then suddenly they saw something which made all of them afraid and disbelief can be shown on their faces.

From the middle of the crater, a clear movement of a shadow can be seen. Then from the thick smoke, a silhouette of a person standing can be seen.

"You have already caused too much damage… It's my turn now." a deep voice came out from the crater.

Shin Jiao said in a deep Russian voice as he stood in the crater. Nobody can see his figure clearly as everything was covered in thick smoke from the destruction and fire. But his words made everyone in the Alpha team start shaking in fear.

How could that person be alive after that explosion? And from his tone, he seems to be really angry. So without a second thought, many of the armed men already drag themselves in the remaining cars which were not destroyed and began retreating.

"Alpha team, retreat now! The Chinese authorities are coming!" command from their coms was relayed.

"Damn it! This… I can't take this failure." shouted Blast as he wanted to move forward.

"Blast! We have to leave!" shouted Medusa as their group is already in the black SUV.

Blast turns around and reluctantly took one of the vehicles and retreated.

On the rooftop, a dumbfounded expression can be seen at the two who are watching this scene. They can clearly see the pattern of the blast and was stunned that the so-called superhero was able to redirect such a powerful explosion and inflict too much damage to the enemies.

The two didn't want to linger as they didn't want to offend this powerful being and left.

Not long after everyone is gone, Shin Jiao who has been holding on in the middle of the crater staggered and fell to the ground. He didn't expect that such power is possessed by the so-called mutants. Right now, although he can stand, his body is riddled with wounds.

The blast is able to inflict damage on his really strong body.

At that time, he was able to immediately form and activate his shield and even quickly made a protection array. But it was not enough to contain the power of the explosion from that mutant called Blast.

The mana bombs are truly terrifying and dangerous. If his physique is only that of a gold core realm, then there is a chance that Shin Jiao would receive a grievous injury.

But his body is already strong enough to withstand such a blast, however, his internal organs are shaken by the strong force and he felt that everywhere within his body is painful.


Shin Jiao cough a mouthful of blood which made him feel a bit at ease as the pain in his body slowly lessens.

"Haha… I guess this misfortune still gave me some advantages in my physique." Shin Jiao muttered as he felt his body beginning to have a strong flow of energy and slowly repairs his inner organs.

Right now he is already on one of his knees as he felt his body weak.

Suddenly, he saw two figures rushing towards him.

Both Susan Tang and Shi Anne Li had worried expression on their faces as she approaches Shin Jiao. Upon seeing the tattered clothes he is wearing and the sign of bruises in his body, they can't help but shed a tear.

"Shin, are you okay? We have to go to the hospital immediately." She said in a panic.

But Shi Anne Li had a different reaction as she saw everything that happened. Although she is worried, she had an astonished expression on her face upon seeing the seemingly heavy injury on Shin Jiao's body. However, she could not believe that such a thing is possible. How could Shin Jiao survive such an explosion? How can he still be alive at this time?

As an agent once, Shi Anne Li knew how devastating the situation a while ago was. She has already cried and run outside as fast as she could unconsciously because she could not accept what is happening. She could let Shin Jiao die. Not again…

However, now right in front of her, he is fine and just had some bruises.

"I'm okay, we have to leave now." Shin Jiao said in a low tone.

The two women nodded their heads and assisted him as he slowly stood up and limps towards the parking lot.

Although Shin Jiao has already checked his body, he could not understand why his body and joints are in pain. But he gritted his teeth and tried his best to reach the parking lot with the help of the two ladies.

Upon reaching the place, he told them to take the car they've used before in going to the hotel.

Since Susan Tang is the one holding the key, she immediately hurriedly ran while Shi Anne Li and Shin Jiao stood in the corner to wait.

While he is resting on her shoulder, Shi Anne Li looks at Shin Jiao's face.

"Shin… what… what happened to you? How come… how come you suddenly become really strong and powerful?" she asked in confusion and curiosity.

When Shin Jiao heard her words, he smiled.

"You wanted to know?"


"Well, me too… I wanted to know what really happened, and how did I get these powers."

"Hmm… Umm…" Shi Anne Li suddenly felt a bit afraid.

She knew that if Shin Jiao regains his memories, she would be doing a lot of explaining. So her goal is to get their relationship back on track even though there is another one in his heart right now. But she cannot let him go, she needs to be a part of his life again before he can recall everything again.

As she watches and admires his now strong and manly-looking appearance, she was startled as suddenly Shin Jiao changes his expression.

He showed a surprised look on his face and turn to the main road direction and with a quick movement of his body shielded Shi Anne Li from an incoming wind blade.


The sound of something tearing the wind all over the place interrupted her musing.


However, what happened next scared her. The sharp-looking wind in her eyes hits Shin Jiao's body but it only tore his clothes further.

"Whoa… Would you look at that… The superhero is really strong as they said. His body is even stronger than metal." A shrill voice sounded as two figures can be seen walking towards them.

Shin Jiao turns around and shielded Shi Anne Li behind him and looks at the two figures.

Although the scarf covering half of his face is already in tatters it is still able to prevent anyone from knowing who he is, hence the two could not recognize his identity.

"Who are you, people? What do you want?" Shin Jiao said in a serious tone.

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