The Geared Immortal

Chapter 367 - Merging of Worlds 32

The first combined server tournament Part 5


Modern society is really creative and resourceful. Because of the internet information and knowledge are now well known almost all over the world. People can get and know whatever they wanted with just a touch of their finger.

And so Shin Jiao is not surprised to see muskets being crafted within the virtual world. As people became immersed in playing the game he knew that many items and new things will be discovered in this world. And as its creator, Shin Jiao felt happy for the development.

As he watches the two group takes out the muskets he felt a bit nostalgic for some reason, though he didn't know why.

Bang!!! Bang!!! Bang!!!

The sound explosion echoed through the area as the players use their muskets to fend off the Trents which are slowly advancing towards them.

Shin Jiao can see the effectiveness of the weapon as it penetrates the tough yet soft bark of the Trent. Seeing the green blood oozes out of the holes and the shrill cries of the creatures, Shin Jiao relaxes and continues to watch.

The difference between an arrow and a bullet is evident from the damage the Trents are suffering from. Bullet speed is faster than an arrow and it is easy to hit a target. All they have to do is point and fire. Though the reload rate is a bit slower than an arrow, the accuracy is its main killing point.

While watching Shin Jiao suddenly had an idea.

So he carefully checks his inventory and began taking out some metal ore. These metal ores are supposed to be for making extra weapons or shields in case he encounters something while in this game. With the components on hand he began crafting.

It didn't take long for him to finish, this is because in his mind he somewhat already know what to do and what to create.

Meanwhile on the platform, all the people are looking at the screen with their mouths wide agape. They could not explain what they are feeling right now. Some that are fairly new to the game already had the idea in mind and the name of the person on screen. Even those large guilds that are watching are also eyeing that person who just made something from a bunch of scrap ore.

But the way he made them is unique and a skill that was not heard of before in the game. So everyone is excited to meet that man on the screen.

This has made a large commotion in public as people began asking about him.

Meanwhile, Shin Jiao who is the topic of this discussion is not aware of the sensation he just caused, and was engrossed in his idea. Now on his hand is a black metallic gun, with a shape just like that of a Beretta M9 without the sleek design but just a plain block of metal pieces together to form a gun.

Shin Jiao then crafted a bunch of bullets, but he didn't use any gunpowder just like the other players. Instead he uses his mana as the catalyst. Compressing just enough mana and the calculation is already in his mind, hence he didn't worry about gun explosion and accident and such.

"Let's try this later." Shin Jiao muttered after crafting his thing and looking back at the fight below.

However, he was totally stunned after seeing what is happening.

Right now, the two groups have already lost a lot of their members. Meanwhile, the Trents have increased in numbers, now there are six Trents closing in on the players down below.

Shin Jiao didn't want to interfere, but how can he pass through this path if he didn't? He was thinking of using the two groups to thin out the three Trents but now their number multiplied by two. So he didn't have a choice but to cooperate with them.

Pointing the handgun on his hand he carefully took the chance to target the weak point of the closest Trent in his sight.

Puff!!! Puff!!! Puff!!!


The sound that the gun produces is muffled as it didn't use any gun powder. But it was still loud enough to be heard. However because of the commotion those gunshots shout was drowned by the loud clashing of swords and shouts from the players.

Suddenly one of the Trents fell down the ground with a loud thud. Like a falling tree hitting the ground.

But this didn't stop the battle, so Shin Jiao once again did another sneak attack and killed another Trent. This time, his action didn't escape the attention of the other Trents as they saw another of their companion falling down.

Although it was a waste, Shin Jiao didn't absorb the energy in those Trents as he can only absorb once a day. But still, it gave him a large number of experience points.

But he has no time to dwell with it as he focuses on the other Trents who is now looking at him with angry shrill cries.

The other players grab this opportunity to attack the Trents which was distracted by Shin Jiao's appearance.

However, the 'Man Hunter Guild' did the opposite as they immediately ran away from the battle. Because of their losses in the fight a while ago, their group leader issues the command to retreat. But who would have known that as they ran away from the fight a far more dangerous creature is waiting for them? And they are directly running towards that creature's ambush point.

With a gleam in its evil eyes, the creature showed a row of razor-sharp teeth as it glared on its fast approaching preys.

Meanwhile, the 'Crimson Crown Guild' curses at the cowards who just ran away from the battle. However, they had already observed Shin Jiao's appearance and how he took care of another Trent.

"Their weakness is at the back of their body, near the heart. Go! Attack!" shouted the man wearing a red heavy armor on his body.

With his command the rest of the members of the 'Crimson Crown Guild' began their assault.

It didn't take long for them to defeat the remaining Trents and everyone shouted in glee after killing the last one.

"Thank you for the help, friend…" the group leader said while approaching Shin Jiao who is standing above the tree watching the surroundings.

Hearing the man's words, he jumps down and nods his head.

Upon seeing him, 'May' immediately walks towards Shin Jiao and smiled while bowing her head.

"Thank you for your timely help." She said.

Shin Jiao wanted to rebut and say that he is not helping them, but he didn't want to spoil their expectation and let it be.

However, another voice interrupted the three people.

"You just watch from afar while we are fighting, right?"

"You just grab the opportunity and swings in to act as the hero. But we lost a few of our companions… We should not give him any share of the loot in here."

That voice came from a person that Shin Jiao knew, 'Samurai' or Lance Brad.

Shin Jiao raised his brow and looks at 'Samurai' with an expressionless face. He didn't bother to reply and just walks past the guy and followed a path towards where the 'Man Hunter Guild' flee.

"Hey! I'm talking to you *sshole!" shouted 'Samurai' in anger.

He is already pissed at Shin Jiao for what had happened in front of the Beginner town's guild building. That humiliation was a stain in his reputation and he wanted to clear it up as soon as he can.

"Lance, that's enough." said a man behind him while patting his shoulder.

But Lance shoves his hand away, as he angrily glared at Shin Jiao.

"Hey, you! I'm talking to you! Where do you think you're going? Do you think you're all that, just because you defeated some trees? Just you wait… I… We will take you down!" Lance shouted in anger.

He could not take the nonchalant attitude of Shin Jiao, but he also would not dare challenge him one on one. He has to plan things out first before exacting his revenge.

However, Shin Jiao didn't mind the ramblings of a poor loser. He knew that the guy just wanted to cause trouble for him.

With the backing of a large guild, Shin Jiao would be crazy to be provoked at this time. However, he is also not the person to back out from a fight is push comes to shove.

As his figure disappears, the 'Crimson Crown Guild' also finished looting the wisps one the ground. Suddenly one of their lookouts shouted from above.

"We have to leave another wave of those Trents are coming this way."

Hearing this, the group immediately retreated and followed the same path as Shin Jiao and the fleeing 'Man Hunter Guild'.

"It seems that 'Samurai' has bad blood with that guy called 'Shin'." the leader suddenly asked 'May'.

With a nod of her head she told him about what had happened before. This made the leader of the group shook his head. Although he felt that what Shin Jiao did was justified, however, the pride of their guild is also in the line.

So if there is an opportunity, he would still support his guildmates. But of course he also didn't want to be an enemy with Shin Jiao. He had seen what that guy is holding and how he has easily taken care of those Trents.

If he can get his hand on one of those items, he would even be willing to pay a high price.

"I didn't expect that someone would be able to create a real semi-automatic handgun in this game… Hehe, interesting…" he muttered as a cunning glint appears in his eyes.

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