A journey to the west


International Airport of City H

In a blink of an eye, Shin Jiao's trip to the US has arrived, and right now he is standing in front of gate 15a in the departure area. His tall stature and handsome looks have already attracted a lot of girls in the area. However, what made him really stand out are the two stunning women standing beside him.

Shin Jiao wore a simple printed blue T-shirt, black denim jeans, and blue sneakers. Susan Tang is wearing black and white business attire. A white V-neck shirt inside a black coat which somewhat shows a part of her deep cleavage and a black fit slacks with white heeled shoes. This made Susan Tang looks really s.e.xy and smart at the same time. Meanwhile, Shi Anne Li is wearing a black bottom white top sleeveless bodycon turtleneck dress which insinuated her curvy figure making her look like a supermodel.

But what attracted the attention of the onlookers are the facial features of the three people.

After the three shared a bed together and had the vacation, they feel really close to each other.

Because what Shin Jiao didn't expect is that after the three's feelings were sorted out and became open the two women turned clingy towards him. It was like they didn't want to let him go and just wanted to stick by his side.

He also taught them cultivation while preparing for the upcoming travel.

Both he discovered that women didn't have spiritual roots, so he taught them about mana and tried to see if they have their mind dantian. And to his surprise the two have and both have the aptitude in controlling elements. Shi Anne Li has the closest affinity to water, while Susan Tang is air.

After finding that out, he began to teach them magic according to what he knows.

After a few days of basic mind training at night, the two reach the 1st level novice mage stage. This means that they can now circulate mana in their body and absorb the mana in their surroundings. Simple spells like creating small fireballs are now possible for the two. Shi Anne Li discovers that she can freely manipulate water while Susan Tang can manipulate the air around her.

They became too enthralled with their discovery and along with their entry to being mages, their physique seems to have changed a little. Their skin is now glowing radiantly and making their feature more attractive and outstanding.

When the time got near for Shin Jiao's travel to the US, the two tacitly decided to go with him. Although Shin Jiao is a bit reluctant, the two were very persistent that he didn't even have a choice to argue.

So before leaving Shin Jiao made hologram projectors within the company. This way, the executives of the company would be reporting to the two women as if they were still in the company and Central would be the one receiving and sending the doc.u.ments for them.

And now, the three are free to go wherever they want to go as long as the internet connection is available.

While Shin Jiao was standing in line, Susan Tang suddenly received a call as soon as she passed through the gate after the security check.

"Hey, Shin… I'll be in the lounge area. The meeting is about to start…" she called as she left along with her bags and suitcase.

Shi Anne Li also followed her after she went through the security inspection.

The two women went into the lounge and began to have a meeting with their staff. Using the new visor technology that Shin Jiao has developed which looks like a common light tinted sunglasses, the two were able to do the meeting with ease.

The new visor can do both AR (alternate reality) and VR (virtual reality) function. When in meetings AR function is really nifty as their attention can be both in the meeting and to their surroundings at the same time.

Seeing the two women busily going through the papers on the table while listening and talking to their staff, Shin Jiao felt a bit guilty. He knew that the two became really busy because of him. The thing about their company has now grown way too much in just a short time. Luckily he was able to program Central which took the bulk of the burden of the company's management issues.

Meanwhile, Shin Jiao arrive on the table and bought the two bottled juice to drink.

While this is happening, a couple of men who are sitting on another table have already eyed the two beautiful women who seem to be busy doing something while talking on their headset.

When Shin Jiao's figure appears, a feeling of discontent was immediately shown on their faces.

"I guess they have a male companion. Anyway, let's try to invite them and have a chat." One of the men suddenly said while looking at Shi Anne Li's bare white shoulders which have already made him feel the desire to know her.

However, before he can act, one of them who is sitting in the corner and playing his phone suddenly scuff at his companion.

"Hey, what did you mean by that Park Jiyong?" the guy with a clear displeased look on his face asked.

Park Jiyong who is calmly playing on his phone turns his gaze to his companion and showed a mocking sneer.

"If you want to shame yourself, be my guess. But don't drag us with you." Park Jiyong said then turns back to his game.

Park Jiyong is a Korean national and came to China to visit his father's company. He is half Korean and half Chinese. His father is a rich Korean businessman while his mother is a member of a rich Chinese aristocratic family. This should have made him live like a prince, but he got the stubborn personality of his self-made billionaire father. So he works hard to attain his status in the company today.

Unlike the pampered 2nd generation rich young heir traveling along with him, he is somewhat cool-headed and a wise for his age.

Park Jiyong was forced by his mother to go with the other young men from the high society to travel abroad. This is because they got the news that the NXT Element Company is going to travel to the US for a special project.

In this group only he has no desire for leisure travel. His goal is to meet his idol, the one who is responsible for making the virtual world.

When the group heard his words, they felt a bit annoyed.

But they didn't rebuke him because Park Jiyong's background is higher than theirs. Not only is he a 2nd generation rich heir like them, but he is also a successful businessman at his young age.

But one of the young men in their group felt dissatisfied and glared at Park Jiyong. He decided to talk to the woman with a slightly pleasing look, Shi Anne Li. This is because Susan Tang always wore a frosty look on her beautiful face making her look like an icy beauty. While Shi Anne Li has a vibrant atmosphere around her especially when she and Shin Jiao was reunited, her previous cold aura has vanished and her old self returned. The caring and gentle Shi Anne Li.

The young man suddenly stood up and approached Shin Jiao and the two women's table. When Park Jiyong saw this, a helpless smile appears on his face. He knew that his companion would cause trouble. But then suddenly a crafty glint appears on his eyes. He wanted to meet his idol, but he didn't know if he is among the group from the NXT Element Company on that table. So he would just watch and see.

If there is going to be trouble, he would jump up and intervene.

"Excuse me… Hi… I just can't help but admire you from where I sit. You really are beautiful… If you don't mind can I know your name?" the young man said to Shi Anne Li with his most dashing and handsome smile.

When the trio heard this Shin Jiao on the side forcefully stop himself from laughing. While Susan Tang on the side was still too busy to pay attention to the guy and continue to check the reports on her virtual screen.

Upon seeing the two's reaction, Shi Anne Li just gave Shin Jiao a glare and didn't mind the guy and went back to her work.

The guy felt a bit annoyed, but he didn't want to give up.

"Miss, I think you don't know who I am… Let me introduce myself, I'm…" the guy started however he suddenly stop as a voice interrupted him.

"Nobody cares who you are… buzz off." A domineering tone of a woman said.

Then a s.e.xy curvy figure appears walking towards, Shin Jiao and the two women's tables. She has blonde hair and has an angelic western beauty.

However, she speaks fluent Chinese.

"Mary… Mary Anderson… What… what are you doing here?" the young man suddenly blurted out as a tinge of fear can be seen on the man's eyes.

Upon hearing that name, Susan Tang and Shi Anne Li immediately stop what they were doing and turn their gaze towards the young woman who stops beside their table and casually took the remaining seat.

She didn't reply to the stunned young man standing not he side but instead turned her gaze to Shin Jiao and the two women, and then a bright and contented smile appears on her face.

Meanwhile, on the side, Park Jiyong had his eyes wide open in this scene.

This is because he and his group are clear who the woman who just entered the picture is. And her background is not something to be scoffed at.

"This is trouble…" Park Jiyong muttered.

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