A journey to the west Part 3


Sitting on the first-class cabin, Shin Jiao, Susan Tang, and Shi Anne Li should be spending time together sharing their precious time together. However, among the three people are two other individuals.

Mary Anderson and Park Jiyong are also sitting along with them while asking tons of questions. Especially to Shin Jiao who already had an incredulous look on his face.

But Shin Jiao's character is not a snub and would almost always accommodate people asking him. Except for those who are scheming towards him, he is polite to others especially those with pure intent.

He can see that Park Jiyong is not interested in anything but the game itself. He was really in awe and wanted to know Shin Jiao's experience in making the game. Although he is a businessman by profession, Park Jiyong is actually an otaku by heart.

With glistening eyes, he asked tons of questions about the world he created. But Shin Jiao didn't give him some deep details about the game because he himself didn't know what Central would give the players.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Mary Anderson is talking to both the ladies about the latest trends and fashion with glistening eyes. She truly loves beautiful and intelligent women and it is rare for her to meet one. But now she is talking to two of them, so her heart flutters with glee.

Suddenly, turbulence from the plane interrupted the five people's conversation.

"Whoa, that was insane." Park Jiyong said.

However, Mary Anderson is looking at the two women beside her with her eyes wide open in disbelief.

Shin Jiao has taught the two girls on how to protect themselves in any dangerous occasion. As intelligent as they were, in those few days of training and practice of their magic, the two were able to put up a basic magic field around their body. This is the most basic form of magic protection which is sufficient enough to block a knife from hitting them.

With Shin Jiao teaching the two, they were able to even activate it unconsciously when in danger. This is because even in their normal days where Shin Jiao would secretly attack the two, they have learned to always be on guard from his sneak attacks.

But this thin magic field cannot be seen by the n.a.k.e.d eyes so Park Jiyong is unaware of this and only someone who has dealings with magic can actually see them, someone like Mary Anderson.

Seeing Mary being quiet and is looking at them in amazement, Susan Tang and Shi Anne Li immediately realized that the later has the ability to see the thin layer of the magic field on their body.

"You… you two can…?" Mary Anderson stuttered.

However, she immediately realized something and shoots a glance at Shin Jiao on the side who is also looking at her with a smile.

Then Mary Anderson seems to understand something and drew closer to the two women and whispered.

"Are you two also mages?"

Hearing her words, the two beauties showed a confused look on their faces. Shin Jiao didn't tell them about mages but just taught them how to strengthen their bodies and gaining true power.

Seeing their confusion Mary realized that the two may have learned about magic from somewhere other than her kingdom.

She already knew that outside of the mysterious kingdom of Bail there are also places that train people to hold uncanny powers and abilities. Some of them are the mutants that she became aware of, and the so-called cultivators from the west, and many more.

"How did you learn magic?" she asked again in a low voice.

The two ladies immediately turned their gaze to Shin Jiao who is explaining something to Park Jiyong while the latter is writing down something on his small notebook with a stupid and gleeful expression on his face.

"So Doctor Jiao taught you? Well, that's given with that brain of his and all… Actually, as you already knew I can do magic myself too. I'm already a 1st level high mage. How about the two of you? How long have you been doing magic? I'm guessing with your aptitude and quick response and is already a 1st level novice mage, about 2-3 years right?" Mary confidently said.

Susan Tang smiled and didn't correct her words. In her mind, she is already proud of herself. If she told Mary that she has just learned this skill from Shin Jiao for a few days, she didn't know how Mary would react. Shi Anne Li has the same thinking as Susan Tang in that aspect.

Mary's excitement is now really high and the three talked in a hush about magic. Susan and Shi Anne grab this opportunity to learn more from a senior. So they asked her a lot of questions about magic. On the side, Park Jiyong and Shin Jiao have stopped talking as Park Jiyong is currently showing Shin Jiao a program he made.

It was actually a survival type shooting game just like the famous PUBJ game, but he wanted it to be played with the use of the visor. It means a virtual world shooting game.

Shin Jiao suddenly had a good idea and looks at Park Jiyong.

"Do you want to collaborate?" he suddenly asked.

Upon hearing the suggestion from his idol, Park Jiyong wanted to jump to the skies. He just wanted to learn something from Shin Jiao and wanted his guidance for his game which his father called a waste of time. But how can he give up?

So upon hearing Shin Jiao's words, his heart was in cloud nine and if there are no people in this plane, he would have immediately given Shin Jiao a big kiss.

"Yes… yes… It would really be my pleasure to work with you, idol… Hehe…" Park Jiyong still can't control his happiness which is apparent from this action and his giggles.

Seeing this, Shin Jiao chuckled. He then turns his attention to the three ladies.

"Shi Anne, draft an agreement with Mr. Park about a game collaboration. He will explain to you the details." Shin Jiao said.

However, Shi Anne Li seems to be not paying attention to him as she is currently seriously looking at Mary who is explaining something towards the two. Shi Anne Li and Susan Tang are busy jotting down some notes on their notes.

He then turns to look at Mary who is also explaining something with her hand gesturing to the skies.

Although the five people didn't make that much noise in the place, their presence alone has already gained some attention from the flight attendants who would throw glances at them every now and then.

Unknown to them, on another row seat where the other companions of Park Jiyong are seated, a young man is looking with a feverish glance at the five people. His name is Mathew Lee, a famous playboy and the youngest son of the chairman of one of the biggest conglomerate in Hong Kong, Rawbar Group.

He was famed as the prodigal son of the chairman because he is being spoiled by her mother who was a famous actress.

He has done many countless atrocities but would always escape because of their family's influence. However, he laid low for some time now because he has offended another powerful family. He actually almost r.a.p.ed the daughter of Haiwa Group from Korea. It was the woman's security escort who discovered this act and a commotion happened. However, it ended up with the woman telling her parents and the Lees paid a hefty price for it.

But soon they discovered that it was all a scheme and in rage, Mathew Lee was grounded for a month. And this is his first trip after gaining his freedom.

Being grounded for such a long time, his hand is itching to do something, hence his old habits kick in. But this time he wanted to do everything smartly and covert. He now knew that his target seems to be influential, but who cares. Once he got his hands on her, she would still be a woman who would squirm and m.o.a.n under him.

But this time he could not face them head-on, so he has decided to do something in the shadows. He has already set his eyes set on Shi Anne Li and no one would be able to stop him.

"I always take what I fancied." He muttered as he smirked.

In his mind, he can't wait to get his hands on the beautiful Shi Anne Li. But his concern is that powerful socialite Mary. He knew how temperament that girl is and it would be a danger for him if she is by their side.

So he began to cook up some devious plan in his mind.

With the discussion and the talks, the flight didn't seem to take long and just like a blink of an eye, they now arrived at the New York JFK airport.

At their arrival, Mary has already talked to them where they would stay and the group agreed. How could they reject such an offer from a princess? She is very convincing and has decided to also follow her newfound friends.

In fact, she is not doing anything nowadays and just spends her time roaming around.

Meanwhile, Park Jiyong also decided to not follow the group of 2nd generations and would just tail behind Shin Jiao. He knew that it would be a more fruitful experience than spending time with some useless banter of rich young brats.

And so five people alighted the plane.

When they walked down many people were attracted to their appearances. Four of them are not normal humans anymore while Park Jiyong has the air and the face of a Korean idol. So this scene made the people turn their gaze at the group. Some even took pictures of them.

Then a tall Caucasian woman walked towards them and with a beautiful and attractive smile greeted the group.

"Hi! I'm Jane Weiss from the institute. Welcome to the US Doctor Jiao, Miss Tang, Miss Li, and… oh my god…"

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