The Escape


The battle that has been going on for hours now has turned the once peaceful part of Manhattan into a war zone-like place. Many wounded people on the street are being dragged to the side by the medical personnel while a police blockade has already been set up a few blocks away.

Those who enter the area are the armed SWAT members, but they are still unable to enter because of the dangerous situation.

Actually most of the people in the US knew the existence of mutants. It was a huge commotion a few years ago but soon ended when a bill was passed that all mutants are to relocate to many relocation sites in the country. There is at least one small town full of mutants in every state. They live and work like normal people and do, but the government gave them some special jobs according to their mutant power.

Hence many of them are contented with their lives and would not wretch havoc to cities where normal people are. But of course, there is some minor incident where some mutants would come out. However, today is the worst incident so far in history.

While the battle is happening, people are already evacuating the area in droves.

Shin Jiao eyed the establishment behind them and using a burst of his absolute sense he detected no living person inside.

"Let's go in," he called to the three beside him.

Susan Tang and Shi Anne Li seem to have lost the fear in their eyes. Instead, Shin Jiao can now see a bit of excitement and worry in their expressions. But he can see that the two women are a bit engrossed in observing Mary Anderson, who looks like a protagonist in a movie.

Meanwhile, Park Jiyong looks like he was about to fall from fright. This is his second time to brush with danger, and unlike the first one where he felt fairly safe, this second time, he can feel the real danger because of the strength of their enemy.

"Hey, are you okay?" Shin Jiao asked while patting the shoulder of Park Jiyong.

"Ugh�� Don't… don't scare me like that…" he said while his voice quivers.

Shin Jiao could not scoff at the young man because he knew that Park Jiyong is not used to these kinds of things. Even he himself could still not get used to seeing battles. But his mental fortitude is already strong even with his memory still fragmented.

"Everything will turn out okay… Just breathe…" Shin Jiao said while trying to calm down the anxiousness in Park Jiyong's heart.

After a while, he can see the color on the young man's face coming back to normal.

"Thank… thank you…"

"No worries. Let's just escape this place together and in one piece, okay?" Shin Jiao said as he stood up and walk towards the two ladies who still look outside the window in Mary's direction.

When Shin Jiao saw the situation on the streets, he felt a bit taken aback. In that short period of time, the battle between Dozer and the two minions of Bloodrain has turned the street into rubbles.

Meanwhile, Mary is fighting Bloodrain with all her might and the two seem to be a match. However, Bloodrain's insane speed is making it hard for Mary to cast and target her with her spells. But Bloorain is unable to hurt her because of the protection spell she cast on her body.

As they exchange blows, one can see a spectacular sparkling of colorful magic burst all over the place. Ranging from lightning, ice spikes, fireballs, and wind blades.

The battle in this place even halted the fight between Captain James and the police versus Boomer and his crew.

Now everyone's eyes are glued to this area as they can see that the devastation has increased.

"Hihi… It seems that I cannot hurt you… How about I… switch target?" Bloodrain suddenly said in her shrill voice as she suddenly turns towards Dozer who is having a hard time against her two minions.


"No don't…" Mary didn't expect this to happen as she was too engrossed in her fight against the Lolli vampire.

Dozer is unaware that a sharp claw is directed towards the back of his head. Of course, if it hits then this would cost him his life.


Dozer was taken aback upon hearing a shrill laugh coming from his back which sends shivers down his spine. However, he knew it was too late as he saw the shadow on the ground where a small figure with long spider-like limbs already striking at the nape of his neck.

"Damn it!" was the only thing that he can say to his mind as he has already expected the worst.


Before the claws can reach his neck the claws of Bloodrain were deflected to the side which landed on Dozer's shoulder instead hence saving his life.

Bloodrain's red eyes turn towards the figure that is currently walking towards her. It was Captain James.

"Dozer, run!" Captain James shouted as he fires multiple shots of energy bullets from his index finger.

Bloodrain didn't have a choice but to dodge each attack with her agile and nimble body. Making Captain James Crugger miss every shot he releases.

Meanwhile, Dozer has now reached Captain James' side while holding his wounded body.

"Thanks, Captain." He said with a grateful expression on his face.

He knew that without his captain's help he would have already kicked the bucket right there. But of course, that didn't happen and he is very grateful.

"Alright, how is the package?" he asked while looking at the cautious Bloodrain who is already standing beside her minions.

"I… I don't know Captain. I just let them escape on their own. I'm sorry…" No worries, I'm guessing that they are still safe because our enemies are still here.

"I'll help you here, eat this first." Captain James said while handing Dozer a small yellow fruit.

Dozer's eyes immediately went wide in excitement because he knew what the fruit is. Without a second thought, he put it directly in his mouth and chews it, then swallowed. Upon swallowing the fruit, he can immediately feel his body recovering from his previous wounds.

The fruit he took is from Owl who can only make ten of the said fruit a day. Although it was a precious fruit, the government has already learned how to preserve it, so Owl has already stocked up the said fruit which is very useful in case of any dangerous emergencies.

The only limitation of the fruit is the severity of the wound. If the wound is too severe, it would take at least three to ten pieces of it and would take several days before the wound would heal.

"Thanks again, Captain. I'm fit to battle now." Dozer said as he eyed the three in the distance.

"Let's go!" Captain James said as he nodded towards Mary who is waiting on the other side.

The three reacted at the same time and clashed against Bloodrain and her two minions once again.

Meanwhile, a couple of blocks away, Slick and Owl began to help the cops in facing Dozer and his lackeys. But the woman on his side proves to be a problem.

She looks thin and wore black tight fit leather clothes which seem to change every now and then. It's like living organic clothing while surrounding her is a light that can block any incoming projectile. Even the spirit animals of Owl are useless as they would be bombarded with bombs from Boomer.

"Damn it, this is pointless… how can we get rid of that pig bastard with her on the way? We should find a way to defeat her." Slick cursed in anger upon seeing the seemingly haughty expression of Boomer standing behind the woman while his lackeys began to wreak havoc.

But they too are in a stalemate as they could not advance with the continuously flying bullets around them.

Suddenly, a voice entered the two's ears while they are hiding in a corner of the street.

"Use gas…"

When the two heard this they simultaneously turn around in vigilance.

From there they can see a tall man wearing a mask on his face. The mask seems to be from a torn cloth, and only the man's eyes are exposed.

"Do it now!" the man suddenly growled which woke the two from their stupor.

They could not believe that they didn't notice anyone appearing behind them. If the person is an assassin, they are sure that they would already be dead.

Owl's eyes suddenly lit up upon realizing that what the man said is true. Although it has been a long time since she had used this particular skill of hers, she still remembers how to use it, the poisonous plants.

Since the government condones the use of poison and she is not an assassin but support. Owl hid this particular skill of hers from anyone. Plus she deems it not useful as her teammates are strong enough to defeat their usual opponent without a hitch and she would just provide support.

But this time, everything is different. Many innocent and civilians are already hurt, so she did not think twice as she tried to recall, how to grow a particular plant… the Devil's snare.

She grabs a loose soil on the ground and put it in her palm. Then from there, she began to concentrate and a small plant began to grow from within the soil.

"This is a mutant version of the Devil's snare… It can produce an invisible scent that can knock a person down in just a minute after ingesting it." She mutters.

When Slick heard this, he immediately covers his nose.

The man beside them looks at the plant which is slowly growing with interest.

In Shin Jiao's dantian, he suddenly feels something throbbing. It felt like something is trying to burst out of his dantian. Since he combined his cultivation and began to form a new type of cultivation technique that combines everything in his dantian, he knew that there are things inside it which he cannot access. But it seems that the scent of the Devil's snare seems to have awoken those things inside his dantian.

Then suddenly he felt like absorbing the scent into his body calms that thing inside his dantian a little.

"Can you give me that thing after its use?" Shin Jiao asked which made the two flinch.

They didn't know what this man needs the plant, but Owl just nods her head. She knew that after a few minutes, the plant would wither and die. If Shin Jiao didn't have the special container which the US government gave her, he could not preserve the use of her plants.

But she didn't want to tell this to the stranger behind them.

"Slick, it's your time. Remember not to inhale the scent. And come back after 1 minute."

Slick already knew this, so he nodded.

Upon taking the plant, he suddenly vanished from where he stood and appear in the middle of the battle.

No one expected Slick to be there so everyone was taken aback and Boomer immediately sent a couple of bombs on Slicks way.

However, the explosion was the catalyst to spread the scent of the mutant Devil's snare to the Boomer and his lackeys.

Slick suddenly appear next to Owl and handed her the plant again.

"Here, take this." She said with a hidden glint in her eyes.

However, what happened next stunned her.

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