The Rescue Incident Part 2


Large monstrous creatures called the beasts, human cultivators flying through the skies, with the lush but dangerous sea of trees came to his mind. A person running through it all while tagging a beautiful woman. Then facing monsters and enemies left and right together, slowly goes through Shin Jiao's mind.

He now remembers a part of that world.

Then suddenly, he saw a face that he could not forget. The woman has a cover in her face, but then a memory of her cover being taken, her deeply scarred face, as their two bodies intertwined together as one.

But then before he can remember anything something from within his mind seem to be suppressing his emotions as his head began throbbing in pain.

Not long later, Shin Jiao opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling. Then he found himself lying in bed with people walking around in a soldier's uniform.

He slowly stood up waking the woman with her head lying beside him. It was Shi Anne Li.

When Shin Jiao saw her teary eyes, his mind suddenly recalled that night. He now remembers everything about his life while he was on Earth.

"Anne… What are you… Why are you…" suddenly he recalled the night he slept with the two women and realized that Shi Anne Li came back for him.

He didn't ask anymore and just grabs her hand, then hugs her softly.

"I missed you…" he said in a low voice.

Shi Anne Li suddenly showed a surprise expression on her face. Then her heart suddenly felt guilty.

"Did he remember the past? How can I… No… please no…" she thought.

Shin Jiao carefully held her beautiful face on both of his hands and showed a loving smile.

"Please don't leave me again, okay?" He muttered with a smile.

Shi Anne Li's tears slowly fell down as she was about to cry. Seeing this, Shin Jiao slowly wipe the tears at the side of her eyes and slowly planted a soft kiss on her red lips.

"Let's leave the past behind us and start anew." He said while caressing her beautiful face.

"Umm… But before that… I… I want to tell you something. I'm not the only woman in your life this time…"

"I know, I didn't expect this to happen, but as my memories came back, I felt a bit guilty… but what can I say?… I fell for her too." He said with a hint of guilt.

"Hey… This is so not you. Where is the Shin Jiao that proclaims to hold two beauties in his arms?"

The two chuckled as they began talking about the past and what Shin Jiao can remember.

Suddenly someone walked towards them wearing a doctor's coat.

"Mister Jiao… I am here to check up on you since you have already woken up. I see no problem with your health, but it seems that we cannot put any IV on you since your skin is too tough for any needle to penetrate." The doctor said with interest in his eyes.

"By the way, are you also a mutant in this base?"

When Shin Jiao heard this, he shook his head.

"I'm not a mutant. I came from the east. They call us cultivators."

"Oh, I see… That's interesting. Anyway, we are here to do a routine check…" the doctor said as he began checking on Shin Jiao.

After a few minutes, the test was done and Shin Jiao was immediately discharged from the hospital facility. Shin Jiao and Shi Anne Li walked together towards their quarters where they saw Susan Tang currently on an online meeting.

They patiently waited for her to finish and decided not to disturb her. Meanwhile, Park Jiyong is on his phone being berated by his parents for leaving his so-called 'friends' in the high society. The young man just listens to his mother as she gave him a mouthful.

"Thank you, mom… I promise to come home in one piece." He said, then ended the call.

"You've been scolded, Haha…" Shin Jiao teased.

Scratching the back of his head, Park Jiyong just showed a sheepish smile on his face. Then he diverted the topic by asking how Shin Jiao was and his condition. Upon learning that Shin Jiao is just fine, he heaves a sigh of relief.

After Susan Tang's meeting, the group followed Shin Jiao to meet General McGrady.

Meeting the General once again made Shin Jiao felt a bit ashamed. This is because he knew that he fainted in front of the General just because of some pictures.

Upon seeing the group, a burst of hearty laughter escaped the General's mouth.

"How are you young man?" he asked with a smile.

"I'm good sir, thank you for your concern."

"Anyway, we are here today because I remember those pictures you've sent me. In fact, those are the same creatures I designed in the game." Shin Jiao affirmed.

"Then how did you… I mean, have you seen them before? We need this information so that we can prepare ourselves to fight those things… So far only missiles, artillery rounds, and tank rounds can kill them. The rest are inefficient."

"We are thinking that this might be an invasion… But so far, the creatures are contained in a small area. Most of them came back to the portal and so far none have come out. But we can't deny that these creatures are a very dangerous threat to us." The general explained while showing the pictures again to Shin Jiao.

"Well… I think the reason behind their retreat is because the Earth lacks the energy that they need. Plus the portal is in a desert so no one would want to stay there except for those who are bullied on the other side." Shin Jiao explained.

"I haven't gotten all my memories yet, but from what I can recall, these creatures are special. Plus on the other side of that portal, there are also people. Powerful people…" Shin Jiao said.

"I know, the princess has already said this to me. Though she could not recognize the creatures she is positive that those came from another world." The general said with a nod.

"Wait a minute? Where is Mary?" Shin Jiao suddenly recalled.

"She asked permission to visit and investigate the site. She is being escorted by some of my men. Don't worry we have already contained the area. The remaining beast has already been dealt with, so it's quite safe in there." The general said with an assuring look.

"Wait… General, how many people are in that place?" Shin Jiao suddenly said in alarm.

"Why? What's wrong?" judging from the reaction of Shin Jiao the general seem to see the panic in his eyes.

"Get everyone out of that place, now!" Shin Jiao said as he quickly stood up from his seat.

Meanwhile, the V05-Banshee aircraft flew straight towards the abandoned factory where Slick was last found.

Captain James and his group stealthily landed a few distances from the area and covertly entered the perimeter of the abandoned textile factory.

"I can see no one in this place. Thermal can't detect any living beings here. Maybe they caught Slick and took him somewhere else." Dozer said while looking under a special scope.

"The GPS on his phone is still active in this area. Let's spread out and check the place. Magenta, you come with me." Captain James commanded.

Night Belle pouted her cherry lips in annoyance as she didn't want to go with the big guy, Dozer.

As the group split in two, they carefully infiltrated the area.

"The signal is coming from down here." Captain James said as he looks at the GPS tracker in his hand.

The two suddenly had an idea and both said.


Meanwhile, Dozer and Night Belle check the whole place carefully but found no enemies around. The two then receive a call from Captain James and converge in a rendezvous point.

"Captain, did you find anything?" asked Dozer.

"Yes, the Captain thinks that he was taken underground. But the entrance is somewhere in this place." Magenta said while looking around.

Suddenly, the figure of Night Belle flew and hit the wall, then followed by a loud gunshot sound.

"Night Belle!" shouted Magenta.

While Captain James and Dozer drag him towards a corner to hide from the sniper.

"Captain we need to save Night Belle!" shouted Magenta in exasperation.

He didn't expect that their captain would hide and neglect the life of one of their members who was hit by a bullet.

However, before he could protest more, he suddenly saw a figure slowly standing and patting the dust on her body.

"My new leather jacket is ruined! Damned these bastards! Show yourselves in front of me!" suddenly the annoyed shout of Night Belle echoed through the area.

But before she can say anything else another shot reverberates through the surrounding sending her flying towards the wall headfirst.

This time Captain James saw where the bullet came from and immediately made his move. With a point of his finger, he sent two energy bullets towards the location of the possible sniper.

Meanwhile, Night Belle was knocked out to the ground. Although she wasn't hurt by the bullet because she was able to absorb the energy from it rendering the bullet unable to hurt her, the impact was strong enough to send her small body flying.

"The sniper is dead, let's save Night Belle." Dozer said as he looks under a binocular.

The group helped Night Belle who felt that her head was a bit dizzy.

"Haha… luckily I was able to absorb the energy in that attack or else I'm a goner." She muttered after regaining her balance.

"I think there is an ambush waiting for us." Magenta said.

Soon after he said those words, they suddenly saw the ground opening up. Then from inside the dark holes, long claws emerge followed by figures that look like ghouls.

"Damn it, those are vampire slaves! This means that we are facing a powerful undead master…" Night Belle said in alarm after seeing the many ghouls slowly emerging from the ground.

"Yes, it's Bloodrain." Captain James replied.

Hearing the name, Night Belle and Magenta frowns. The two knew who Bloodrain is, but they are not that familiar with her background. All they knew is that she is an operative of the Russian team and that she is a vampire. But what they didn't expect is that Bloodrain is actually a vampire master.

A vampire master is like a royal blood vampire that has the ability to command an army of slave ghouls.

Although the vampire clans were almost wiped out in the dark ages, their royal clans survived and thrived even until today.

But it is the first time that Captain James and his group have encountered a horde of ghouls. Each one of them is feeling a bit scared of Slick now. They are not sure if he is still alive as ghouls are known for their appetites for flesh. Unlike zombies who move slow and would stagger, the ghouls are like normal people, but with a crazed look on their ugly disfigured faces.

"Captain, we should retreat! This is hopeless," shouted Night Belle as she slowly backs down.

But then she accidentally hits a metal piece on the ground which made a loud sound and seems to wake all the ghouls that have just emerge. Hundreds of red eyes turn towards the group which made their spine tingle.

"Damn it! Everyone! Retreat!" shouted Captain James while gritting his teeth in his decision, he didn't want to leave Slick but he had no other choice.

As the four figures begin running, the horde of ghouls follows after them.


Meanwhile, within the thick forest around the abandoned textile factories, two figures stood side by side. It was the small red-dressed Lolli, Bloodrain and beside her stood the man the group is looking for… Slick.

"So, what is your decision?" Bloodrain asked while looking at the abandoned factory.

"Hehe… you look awful… you should recover. Your scheme would not work if you are this weak." Slick said with his usual sinister grin.

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