The attack of the mutants Part 2


The dismayed look on the scientists' eyes turned into curiosity. They didn't know how Shin Jiao knew about the origin of the portal, but from the mysterious occurrence that is happening in the world, they already knew that everything not everything can be explained by science.

"Since we can't close it, then I will just hide the portal from those monsters on the other side. Just like the dome you have constructed in here, we will also construct a dome on the other side. That way we can at least protect the Earth. But of course, it would take time." Shin Jiao said as right at this time the plan they made in the base will all be scr.a.p.ed and he needed another plan impromptu.

"Everyone, return to the military base. I will try to assess the situation on the other side. Then come back immediately." Shin Jiao commanded.

The soldiers began moving and assisting the scientist who began walking out. However, not all of the scientists wanted to leave the place.

When they heard that Shin Jiao will go through the portal, a few brave ones wanted to go with him.

This includes Mary who is standing beside him with firm determination in her eyes.

"Mr. Jiao, many of our colleagues have gone inside the portal, but none returned. We wanted to know what happened to them." A man suddenly said.

"Well, you don't have to know… You already knew… They are gone, mister. I assure you that you cannot even find their bodies out there." Shin Jiao said frankly.

Hearing this, a woman suddenly sobs along with some of the people showing a sad expression. Though they knew the sad fate of their loved ones who dared enter the portal, they still hoped that it was not as they think.

"How could you know? How can we trust your words?" shouted one of the scientists with his eyes in tears.

"Sigh… If you want to be in danger, then be my guess." Shin Jiao said as he turns around and walks towards a soldier.

"Captain, can I have a pen and a paper…" Shin Jiao began writing something on the paper and asked the soldiers to get the items he has listed as soon as possible.

If they can scavenge it from the base around the second wall, then so be it.

Not long later, a pile of metal scraps and some stones are piled outside of the dome.

Shin Jiao was truly amazed at the speed and proficiency of the US military.

He didn't mind the curious eyes of the people around him as he began to create something out of the metal scraps. His speed in creating has astounded the people around him that their jaws almost fell to the ground.

After an hour, Shin Jiao was done in making a 7-meters construct.

He commanded the rest of the people to install the construct. The military engineers who delivered the scraps volunteered and the construct was done in no time.

After it was done, inside the dome, the gate is now enclosed in a metal frame. On the side of the metal frame is a computer that would monitor the gate and its status.

Shin Jiao approached a soldier with a Major rank and explains the purpose of the construct.

"This is a gate monitor and control. Although we cannot close it, we can try to limit the beast that can access the portal. And so far with the equipment I have, this is the smallest that I can control. A beast bigger than 4 meters in width and 6 meters in height would not be able to cross. But of course, it still depends on the power of the creature crossing the portal… And this thing can monitor which beast is trying to cross over…" Shin Jiao began explaining.

As the people around him listen, they were awed and showed curiosity at the magnificent high tech structure.

"Umm… Sir… Mr. Jiao, sir… What are those large containers on the sides?" suddenly a scientist man asked in curiosity.

When Shin Jiao saw what the man is pointing at, he showed a smile on his face.

"Those are my payment." He said while showing a mysterious smirk.

Everyone was confused by his words, but no one said anything.

"Alright, since I'm done…" Shin Jiao said but suddenly the whole place began buzzing with alarm.

Everyone was surprised because it came from the construct that Shin Jiao made. Then the tablet computer in the soldier with a Major's rank lit up.

'Warning! Warning! A 2nd level centipede-like beast is crossing the gate. The time of arrival is 5 minutes… Please prepare...'

'Warning! Warning! A 2nd level centipede-like beast is crossing the gate. The time of arrival is 5 minutes… Please prepare...'

Hearing the voice on the tab, everyone's expression turns pale.

"Run!" shouted the soldiers as they drag the scientist assigned to them to the outer side of the 1st wall.

While everyone is running, Mary walked beside Shin Jiao while eyeing the now glowing gate.

"That was a nifty device you made there. Sigh�� I wish you can also make one for me." She said while pouting.

Mary is trying to hide her embarrassment while asking for Shin Jiao to create something for her. Ever since she became close with the group, her attitude towards them changes, especially towards Shin Jiao. She didn't know why, but her demanding rants and tantrums would disappear in front of him and a shy girl would surface.

With a nod, Shin Jiao agrees to make her heart filled with joy.

"Prepare, we have a fight ahead." Shin Jiao said as he eyed the monitor at the side of the construct showing 5 beasts.

"I heard that in a day there would be at most 2 incidents where a monster would cross the portal. I guess this is the second one for today." Mary muttered to the side.

Shin Jiao walks towards the remaining scrap metal and began crafting a katana blade.

After he was done, the light on the portal shimmers and two long antennae slowly came out of the rippling surface of the portal. It was followed by a 7 meters long body of the centipede-like beast. Not long after the first one crossed another one followed and another until 5 of them has appeared in front of Shin Jiao and Mary.

The beasts immediately eyed the two humans in front of him and suddenly hissed.

With quick movements, the beast began their attack.

Meanwhile, at the base on the outskirts of the portal area where many soldiers are camped, a large tent with many monitors is watching what is happening. Many soldiers are looking at a large screen where five giant centipedes are surrounding two people.

"Colonel, sir… should we send reinforcements?" a soldier on the side of an African American soldier asked.

Colonel Carter Bowe is the one in charge of the base protecting the portal. They were once stationed outside of the 2nd wall but were moved a few miles away because of the warning. Everyone was actually happy with that command because almost every day they would suffer as many wounded soldiers would suffer from the attacks of the beast.

"Our orders are to protect the civilians and the scientist. But those two are out of our league. Have you seen how that man created that… 'thing' in just an hour? What we can do now is to watch and hope that they would win." Colonel Carter Bowe said while clenching his fists.

In reality, he wanted to go there and help, but he knew that they would just be hindering the two, so he felt helpless.

Meanwhile, Shin Jiao and Mary began fighting against the centipede-like beast. Mary is truly an old mage with a young face. Her battle prowess is not evident in her appearance.

She easily fought against two giant centipedes as she summoned ice spikes, fireballs, and land fissure.

Meanwhile, Shin Jiao easily disposes of the three giant centipedes with his quick movement and magically reinforced katana blade.

After taking out the cores, Shin Jiao and Mary cleaned the battleground.

When the people who retreated came back, Shin Jiao commanded the teams to prepare those who would pass through, because it's already 3 pm and he still had a lot of things to do.

After a few minutes of preparation, everyone has already gathered. They saw the fight a while ago and their confidence at Shin Jiao and Mary is firm. Hence everyone is confident that they would be able to survive in the other world.

In the special operations secret base

Susan Tang, Shi Anne Li, and Park Jiyong are currently having some snacks at the base cafeteria. The three followed Shin Jiao's instruction and wore the exoskeleton under their clothes.

"This thing is really nice. I don't feel any hindrance to any of my movements. I can even sleep with this thing on." Park Jiyong said in Chinese.

"I guess, Shin Jiao design it so that we would wear it often. However, I just don't know why but I have this uncomfortable feeling deep in my heart. Do you think everything would be okay out there?" Shi Anne Li asked.

"I think Shin Jiao would be fine. I know he is safe. Plus, Mary is with him. She is very powerful…" Susan Tang replied.

"And beautiful, attractive, and nice…" Shi Anne Li added with a mischievous smile on her face.

"What does that mean?" Susan Tang said in annoyance.

"Hey, I know that you have observed how that princess looks at Shin. Don't tell me you're not worried." Shi Anne Li teased.

"I'm not… I… I know Shin is not like that." Susan Tang defended with an annoyed expression.

"Are you…" Shi Anne Li was about to rebut but suddenly.



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