The Geared Immortal

Chapter 446 - Daemon Forest exploration (2)

Chapter 439


The golden rays of the sun reign over all under its sphere of influence as every creature and thing basked in its life-giving light. In the middle of an almost endless and vast forest filled with thick and luscious trees and shrubberies, a great battle is ensuing.

This devastating battle all began last night.

Within the dark forest, a couple of shadows are rushing and flying from tree to tree as they weave through the dense thickets and trees.

There are 5 figures comprise of 3 women and 2 men. They wore dark green clothes made of patches of leaves making it hard to see them even in the day. All of them have pointy ears and white complexion, and as the moonlight would shine of their faces one can say that all of them held great beauty.

The nomad forest elves have made a part of the daemon forest their home. After some of them arrive in this new land a few years back, they have discovered the bounty that the forest possessed hence a lot of them migrated and decided to live deep within the forest. They were able to build a small kingdom and have begun to tame a part of the forest.

As they did, a part of their village would be a stopping point for many students, mercenaries, and adventurers, who are exploring the forest.

The empire even recognizes them as a new kingdom within its influence. This is due to the power of the elves over nature and the beast within. The empire discovered that the elves can actually tame the beasts residing in the forest. Hence they permitted this new kingdom to flourish and grow.

The nomad forest elves have a limited lifespan, unlike other elves in the mage continent in which normal elves who can age almost up to hundreds of years, they only have a set of 100 years' lifespan. However, their bodies would not change once they reach the age of 20. So no matter how old they are they would always look in their 20's. The only evidence of there is their hair; the whiter their hair is the older they are.

The group that is currently heading to the middle part of the daemon forest, all of them have healthy dark hair. This particular group is being led by a handsome nomad elf with a well-toned body that makes him look like a supermodel on earth.

Suddenly the man stopped followed by the rest of his group.

As nomad forest elves their senses especially their hearing are well-developed that they can hear someone talking even at the distance of 50 meters. Those well-trained nomad forest elves can even extend that ability to 100 meters or more. Plus they have a weird way of communicating, using their 'spirits'

'Everyone is on guard, we have reached the boundary. We cannot be careless… according to one of the adventurers up ahead beyond that mountain is the location of the object we seek. If we obtain that object then our village will have a chance in the upcoming rites of passage ceremony of the kingdom.'

'Tiiki, shouldn't we have just informed the a.d.u.l.ts… I have a bad feeling about this.' A female elven voice echoed through their senses.

'I know this is going to be dangerous, but I know we can do it. All of you are strong, strong as I am, and with our combined strength we can overcome this hurdle. Our village has always been placed last almost every year. This is because our mount beast is not that strong. But if we get this type of beast, then we will have a chance this year.' Their leader tried to encourage them.

As young hunters and strong young warriors, their group is one of the pride of their village.

While looking at his teammates, the young man showed them a confident smile. They have been traveling for more than a day just to get to this location. They got this information inside the tavern of a neutral village.

Some cultivators are hunting for powerful beasts but have lost due to their carelessness. Beaten and battered, the cultivators drank their frustration away at the tavern and blurted the information. At that time there are some adventurers and mercenaries who also collaborated with the story of the group and laughed at them for listening to the warnings.

Upon hearing this, the five young nomad forest elves have prepared for their travel and decided to explore the area. As they were really accustomed to living deep within the forest plus with the information they have gathered, they knew that there is a chance that that powerful beast has eggs in their lairs.

The group is now near their target area and became cautious. They began their preparation by taking out items from their spatial tools.

These items are the best items in the empire for hunting beasts. They are made by the famous Wu academy alchemy department. They began taking out satchels filled with powders and mixed them in bottles with strange liquids, then put the bottles in their pockets as they cannot store it anymore in their spatial tool for some reason.

After preparation, the group enters the area.

It was in the wee hours that the whole forest was disturbed. And running from that disturbance is a group of 5 nomad forest elves carrying one ostrich size large eggs in their arms while running frantically from the scene.

Their bodies are filled with wounds and their once proper clothes are now in tatters.

Behind the group are two mountains like beast roaring and dashing towards the group. The beasts look like a giant lizard with stone-like scales. They are called greenstone dragon.

'Tiiki, what should we do? We can't escape this situation.'

'Just run you fool, don't think of other things… those stone dragons have been drugged… we can escape this.' Tiiki said while gritting his teeth.

He didn't expect that the stone dragons would be able to pick up their 'spirit' conversation. Although they were all silent during the mission and have successfully rendered the two immobile for a while, because of the voice of one of their teammate the two dragons forcefully woke themselves from the drugs in an instinct to protect their eggs.

There are a total of seven eggs, but they just need 5, so everyone just grabs one and began running for their lives. But the dragon began to rampage almost destroying the whole cave.

Barely able to survive with their lives intact the group then ran as fast as they could.

This commotion has attracted a lot of attention, and soon the group was stopped by three towering figures of a lion-like humanoid beast with thick brown fur on its body.

Sandwich by two towering groups of beasts, the 5 nomad forest elves felt their hearts quiver in fear. They immediately knew that their escape is now futile. They are like ants in the eyes of these gigantic creatures that stood like three to four-story buildings.

When the stone dragons and the lion-like humanoid beasts called Alion saw each other's group they became angered. Both of the groups are 5th level beast which is really frightening.

The stone dragons have never realized that they have chased the ants into the territory of another forest king, hence they became hesitant. However, the two stone dragon parents didn't want to give up on taking back their eggs, hence they decided to fight it off.

Then the clash began which destroyed a huge part of that area of the forest. The five small figures were sent all over the place by the impact of the clash and were all rendered unconscious.

While the battle is raging, a few small figures have already reached the scene of the fight. But they dared not intrude because of the cultivation level of the powerful beast.

Shin Jiao on the other hand stealthily observes the situation as he hid his presence. He was able to come closer and observe. From where he stood he can see the devastation and the struggle between the four gigantic beasts.

"This is very troublesome, but these four creatures are enough for me…" he said with a smile on his face.

He then slowly takes out a gleaming black katana from his ring.

When he was about to act, he suddenly noticed that there are 5 figures scattered all over the place. Their condition is somewhat critical. Using his absolute sense, he was able to determine who or what those are, and was a bit surprised.

He has heard the legend of the elves on earth and from Mary, but seeing one is a new experience for him. Hence he felt a bit amused. Shin Jiao decided to set aside in killing the beasts and help those elves first. At least he just wanted to make sure their lives in not in danger before harvesting those troublesome beasts.

And so his figure vanished and in no time collected five people and laid them in the soft ground. He began checking their condition and found that one of them is on the verge of death. Shin Jiao shook his head helplessly.

The young woman has a mangled body and is barely alive. He didn't want to exert too much of his strength as he still needs to fight the beasts, so he just took out some pills and gave one to each of them. They all have to rely on their fate now to survive.

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