The Geared Immortal

Chapter 553 - Battling against Shadow Legion (3)

Chapter 553


While fighting against the Shadow Being, Shin Jiao has started to learn how to use the Essence Syphon technique. He has gained an understanding of its complexity and control. Though it is not yet to the point that he is able to freely wield it with just his thought, but writing its runic value is already possible for him. After using it three times, he has already somehow deduced the effect of the 'Essence Syphon' technique.

With this knowledge coupled with his advancement in rune knowledge, Shin Jiao now has the ability to write its runic value, though not that proficient enough. This is the reason why he has to spend a lot of energy. And of course, the other reason is that he is currently writing down heavenly runes, which are thousands of levels higher than normal runes.

And the thing that he is carving the heavenly rune is a single sharp object.

Actually there were two plans in his mind. First is to use a gun or a rifle, but the problem with that is the power. His guns or rifles don't have enough power to penetrate the Shadow Being's energy field. Hence his second option is to of course use his own strength. Which is in this battle have proven to be effective in wounding the Shadow Being.

Shin Jiao didn't hesitate to put the sharp object on his palm. He then activated his exoskeleton suit which immediately covered his left hand. His suit has the ability to further enhance his own strength which he needed the most right now.

Then he also activated his own domain which has surprised the Shadow Being. He knew that his domain would not hold the creature for long.

So without a second of hesitation, he directly threw a palm attack towards the gut of his enemy with the sharp object.


The sharp object filled with heavenly runes was roughly inserted in the Shadow Being's stomach where his dantian should be.

When the sharp object penetrated the tough protective barrier of dark Qi, Shin Jiao heaves a sigh of relief.

Although the creature just inches away from his face does have any semblance of a person's face, the glowing lines which seem to show its expression shows an expression of disbelief.

The Shadow Being is now frozen and unable to move as it felt its whole body slowly being drained. It could not even retract itself anymore and enter the immortal soul of the deity it has corrupted.

Shin Jiao slowly lay on the ground as he can feel his whole body aching after his exoskeleton suit retracted.

"How long has it been? I can't remember the last time I got hurt this badly… Cough! Cough!" Shin Jiao spat mouthfuls of blood.

"Master! Let us out! Let us help you!" shouted the four girls inside the ring.

They saw the battle that just happened a while ago and they were all dumbfounded at the strength shown by Shin Jiao. In this battle, they all had renewed respect for their master. Young as he is, he is already this powerful, how much more when he truly grew?

Shin Jiao also knew that he needed help, but he could not risk it. The enemy is still around. He had already used his trump cards in the battle, if there are mishaps then he would truly die in this place.

As he rested his body, he feels his consciousness slowly fading. He is already trying to bear the pain of his body. He had forced that palm strike while risking the damages in his bones and internal organs. Though it succeeded, it still made his already severe injuries worsen.

Suddenly he saw a figure slowly approaching towards him.

It was the figure of a familiar old man, the old Hermit.

"Sigh… You are truly a talented and strong young lad. But your wounds… they are too severe." He said as he checked Shin Jiao's body.

Then his eyes turn towards the Shadow Being frozen on the spot. With a wave of his hand, he slowly carried Shin Jiao away from the creature.

"Thank you… thank you for your sacrifice. I… I have no way to heal your wounds as it is affected by the dark Qi. But this old man could listen to your request before my life disappears." The old man said with a gentle smile on his wizen face.

Shin Jiao showed a confused expression.

"My life is connected to that thing… If its immortal soul's memory would be consumed, it would return to the void and I will return to the light." The old man explained.

"So before that happened, I can still fulfill your last wishes… What do you want?"

"Cough! Cough! Senior… Please… please take these girls to Shin City… and… and please save Susan Tang… my… my woman." Shin Jiao weakly said.

Hearing the request, the Hermit already understood. He himself has already grasped the situation and upon entering this place, his connection with the Shadow Being has been established and he already understood what Shin Jiao wanted.

With a nod of his head, he smiled.

Suddenly, 3 gorgeous young women and a youthful girl appear next to Shin Jiao.

"Master… Master! Let me heal you…" said Little Nao Gou.

But the old man shook his head.

"You cannot little one. It would worsen his situation due to the dark Qi which has invaded his body."

"No… I… I can't let master die just like this…"

"Stupid brat! Who says the master is dying, he… he is just… resting." Mei Ao said while scolding Nao Guo.

She is trying to appease the young girl, but her expression still betrays her. As tears can be seen slowly trickling at the side of her eyes. She and her sisters receive too much kindness from the young man who helped them without even asking for anything. In their lifetime, he was the kindest person they have ever met.

And seeing their benefactor weak and helpless, they were all anxious and saddened.

Shin Jiao just look at the old man and nodded his head.

With a nod of his head, the old Hermit suddenly extended his hand and with an invisible force, grabs the four girls.

Feeling her body unable to move, Nao Guo immediately panicked. She didn't want to leave, she just wanted to be with her master no matter what.

"Senior… wait!" Shin Jiao said as he weakly took out four rings.

Then with a thought, he transferred a lot of things from his spatial ring into those rings. He then tossed it towards Mei Ao.

"Take care of your sisters…" Shin Jiao said with a smile.

With that, the four girls cried with a heavy heart as they enter a spatial tear.

"Good luck young lad… If ever I would see you again or in the next life… I want you to remember my name… I'm Averly, the fallen deity of the planet Thul."

With that, the old man along with the weeping girls disappears inside the portal.

Shin Jiao heaves a sigh of relief. He didn't know how long can his body recover or if he can still recover. This is because he can feel the dark Qi rampaging inside his meridians could not be purified or refined. It is a new kind of energy that is making him feel both pain and fear.

"Sigh… Is this the end? How could it be? I… I still wanted to see you… I still wanted to see our child. I still have a lot of friends waiting for me..." Shin Jiao muttered as he feels his strength slowly leaving him.

This opponent that he just fought is a hundred times stronger than those enemies he has ever faced before according to the memory fragments in his mind.

What are left inside his rings are the normal gears he had crafted. And those powerful ones were all destroyed in this battle.

He dare not use any pills he crafted as many of it contains holy Qi, he knew of the adverse and chaotic effect it would cause once it meets the unknown dark Qi inside his body.

"No... I... I can't give up... I still can fight this." he thought as a renewed hope enters his heart upon thinking of Susan Tang and the rest of the people waiting for him.

As he tries to rummage ideas inside his mind, he suddenly remembers a part of the skill he just learned. It was called Shadow Extraction. This was an incomplete skill that the fallen Deity Averly made before losing his mind.

It was the most difficult part of the technique as it is directed towards extracting the dark Qi of the Shadow Beings. And if one is not careful enough, he or she would be turned and corrupted by the dark Qi.

And so, Shin Jiao with difficulty closes his eyes and tried to numb his body of the pain.

When he did this the Shadow Being on the side had a grin on its face.

"Hihi… if this brat dies and this object siphons all of my energy, I will still be able to win by invading his body… I might even be able to devour his soul… Haha… This is not your win, it is ours." The Shadow Being thought as one.

Shin Jiao emptied his mind and focuses his Qi towards the dark Qi rampaging throughout his body.

"If what I understand with the Shadow Extraction, it does not refine the Dark Qi but instead merges it and contain it into an orb. Unlike the Essence Syphon technique that has the ability to refine the dark Qi before it enters the dantian making it not chaotic, this skill is focused on controlling its rampage." Shin Jiao thought.

He has already understood this because Deity also suffered the same injury as what he is having right now. Hence he knew that this is what the deity did, though he is still unable to extract the dark Qi until his physical body died in that battle.

With this in mind, he began to follow that incomplete technique as he controlled the chaotic dark Qi inside of him.

In doing so, Shin Jiao spat mouthfuls of blood as his body would twitch as he slowly extracts the dark Qi inside of him and merges them into a small ball.

When the Shadow Being saw this, it was elated and happy.

"Hihi… It'll be over soon…"

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