The Geared Immortal

Chapter 564 - Night stalker

Chapter 564


The sun gradually crawls down the horizon as the darkness slowly blankets the land. The thick black smoke can be seen from miles away especially at the stronghold of the Silver Moon Empire. This made every imperial soldier celebrate as they shouted in jubilation.

On the other side, the camp of the Golden Dragon Empire is quiet. They didn't make any move as if what they just experience is a great blow on their pride.

Meanwhile, inside the stronghold, the 3rd prince is currently sitting on a wooden chair while looking at the people around the table with a smug expression on his face. He was very confident of his decision as he knew of the strength of his guards.

"Hehe… So, what do you think of my plan… general?" he asked with a smirk on his handsome face.

Prince Mingwa Dong who is supposed to be pretending as a captain has already spread his claws all over the camp. The general knew of this but he is powerless to act unless the prince goes overboard and jeopardizes the lives of all the soldiers and the security of the empire.

"You did a good job, your highness…"

"Yes, yes, that was a brilliant plan."

"It would not have worked if it wasn't for your ingenious plan. Haha…"

The fawning voices of the other soldiers and captains in the group echoed as they sing empty praises to the 3rd prince.

Mingwa Dong is in his high horses when suddenly someone from the outside requested to come inside the tent.

Then that person whispers something in the 3rd Prince's ears and his expression suddenly changes.

This sudden change in the 3rd prince's expression made everyone in the room feel confused. They didn't know why the prince is angry or what made him angry.

"Is there something wrong your highness?"

"Tell us and we will make it happen."

"Yes, leave it to us, your highness…"

The other captains said trying to suck up with the prince.

While two people inside the room just kept their silence. One is General Hu, and the other one is the captain of Shin Jiao's infantry company.

They both are thinking of something in their mind as they didn't pay attention to what is happening.

General Hu is currently thinking about how the catapult was destroyed just like that? He knew of the strength of the enemy and no matter how strong the three guards that the prince inserted in that strike team, he is sure that they are not strong enough to be able to pull off such a stunt.

Meanwhile, the captain in Shin Jiao's company is worried about his soldiers who went to that place. Although he knew that the mission was a success, he does not want his soldiers to die in there.

And so the tent turned silent and the 3rd prince suddenly stood up from his seat.

"Send 50 men to surround them… I want them all dead…" the 3rd prince said while clenching his teeth.

He didn't want those soldiers to survive. He lost his two guards and yet the others were unhurt? How could he suffer such humiliation?

With a sinister sneer, he wanted these people to know that their own life and death are in his hands. But before he can be happy, the voice of General Hu interrupted him.

"3rd Prince Mingwa Dong! This is not your own private backyard that you would just kill any soldier you wanted… your father the emperor gave me a task to train you to be a good commander. If you act this way, I will exercise what the emperor commanded me to do, I assure you that!"

When Mingwa Dong heard these words, the sinister look on his face froze. He then turned to the general with a scowl on his face. And then he smiled sarcastically.

"General Hu,… are you… are you defying me, right now?" the 3rd prince asked while slowly turning towards the general.

As a prince, Mingwa Dong is used to throwing his weights around and people fawning over him. He likes the feeling of being praised and hated people reprimanding him.

When he was sent to this battlefront, he was angry with his father the emperor, but what can he do? Every prince of the empire is to experience battle to mold them as a good leader. And this year it is his turn.

And now that the famous General scolded him, his pride was hurt and he wanted to fight back. How dare a mere general reprimand a prince?

"I am a prince, and I should be the leader of this army… not you… I have been holding back for a while now. I think it is time for me to teach you a lesson about who is the real leader of this army." The 3rd prince said as he pointed at General Hu.

"Get him!" he commanded to the rest of the people in the room.

However, two people suddenly stood in front of the General with their hands ready to draw their swords.

"Your highness, don't be too hasty with your decision." One of the soldiers said.

"Haha… you dare stand in my way? Go! Capture all of them…"

The 3rd prince commanded but, he soon discovers the hesitation in the eyes of the other captains in the group.

Although they fawn over the 3rd prince, they are still soldiers and as soldiers, they all look up to General Hu. So how could they draw their weapons towards the general?

"What? You are all disobeying me now?" the 3rd prince shouted with his expression seating in rage.

"No your highness… I… I think it's better if we think this through. Let's just forget about those people. They would die in this battle anyway. We can't go against General Hu, he is your father's friend." Someone whispered to the prince.

These words seem to have woken him from his anger as the prince just glared at the person who whispered on his ear. Mingwa Dong turned around and left the tent with a huff.

Meanwhile, the group is nearing the stronghold and they would just need to traverse the road to climb towards the secret entrance and exit of the stronghold at the short cliff.

Suddenly at the corner of Shin Jiao��s eyes, he noticed some shadow moving. And from what he hears and feels, there are two forces trying to ambush them. Some are hiding in the shadows at the front, and the other is behind them.

"I guess these people are here to finish the job, eh… are they all aiming for me, or the whole team?" Shin Jiao thought as he slowly moves to the side. He needs to be in a position to be able to attack and defend these guys but still would look inconspicuous.

Then it happened…

Two groups of people numbering up to 20 people wearing dark clothes suddenly jump out from the bushes and began attacking the group without a word.

These sudden changes in the situation made the group panic. But they were still able to draw out their weapons and defend themselves.

Shin Jiao suddenly shouted as he ran towards a location where there are thick thickets.

"Ahh… Assassins! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!" he shouted as he ran like crazy towards the thick thickets.

The assassins who saw this signaled with their eyes to follow him. And so, two figures left the group and chases after Shin Jiao.

But as soon as the two enters the thickets, they soon found themselves blacking out. With the thick thicket Shin Jiao and the two could not be seen by the others and what Shin Jiao did has not gotten anyone's attention.

He dragged the fainted assassins to the side and while doing to scan their bodies. Shin Jiao immediately determined their meridians and with a sharp piece of an iron needle, he hit the acupoints of the two to disable them.

And after doing that, he immediately climbs a tree, like an agile monkey.

He soon found the situation unfavorable for his companions. This group of assassins is well-coordinated and can execute their movement and plans efficiently.

And it hasn't been long since he has left and he could see some of his companions already on the ground bleeding. He can see that almost five of them have already died due to fatal wounds.

Shin Jiao sighed as he could not control the lives of every person in his team. It would rely on their luck to be able to live at this point. He is not that close with any of them anyway; at least he can consider them as his acquaintance.

However, there is a person that has gained his attention and felt that the guy is good-natured. He is Guang Lai He.

He could not let this person die that easily as he might even be of use to him when the army returns.

And so while hiding at the top of the tree, he continually sent out sharp spikes to either kill an assassin or assist the remaining people struggling against a very strong force.

Not long later, the fighting stops, and Shin Jiao jumps down from the tree and returns to the two whom he knocks down. He then woke one and began his interrogation.

Although they wanted to commit suicide to protect the person behind it, Shin Jiao didn't let them. While holding them, he injected a trace of hallucinogenic poison in their bodies. And through that, he got his answers.

The reason for this is the 3rd prince and the captain of the fourth company. They were classmates in the academy and the captain of the fourth company, Captain Huayin Lin, always bested the 3rd prince in every aspect. Hence the prince was jealous of the captain and wanted him to suffer.

Shin Jiao just shook his head with the tyranny of the 3rd prince. Although he felt angry, Shin Jiao knew that the lives of people in the old world and even in modern earth are decided by those that stood in power.

Even in the modern world, this rule is still the same and true.

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