The Geared Immortal

Chapter 571 - The City of Yun Ji

Chapter 571


A land lay waste and a great plain covered by a small mountain of sharp rocks and boulders stood in front of the stronghold that the Silver Moon Empire built. Everyone inside the stronghold knew that underneath that small hill is a huge army of 4,000 men buried alive while trying to fight them.

The stronghold suffered from that attack and hundreds of soldiers died due to the bombardment of the enemy arrows and their catapults. At that time they all felt helpless even though they are already in an advantageous location.

General Hu looks at the suffering soldiers and their decreasing morale. And just heaves a helpless sigh in his heart. He could not help but feel dejected at this moment at the impending doom of the army. In fact, from the beginning, he has no hope that they would be able to win against the opponent. But he still held to that small sliver of hope, the small chance of 'what if' and 'might have' in his mind.

And this slight hope he was feeling was presented in front of him.

He showed gladness in his heart as he looks at the side of the once tall cliff and the now boulder covered plain which should have been the only safe path to cross the borders of the two empires.

Now that he can see a small hill in front of him, he knew that it would be long before the Gold Dragon Empire would once again assemble an army to attack them. And this small hill would represent their victory against a seemingly unbeatable foe.

Meanwhile, his heart aches for the 4th infantry company that created this plan. But they knew the risk and the importance of that mission. Though he was skeptical at first as the task seem to be impossible, but upon seeing the current situation in front of him, he could not help but admire the captain and his vice-captain for making such a plan.

"The empire would remember the deed that the whole infantry company has done… I will make sure that you are all hailed as heroes of the empire." General Hu muttered as he descended down the walls and walked towards the base command's tent.

Meanwhile, in the rear mountain at the back of the stronghold, the two forces that just faced each other have already finished fighting. With lowered morale, the army from the Golden Dragon Empire facing against Long Li Lai and the rest of his infantry company has won and was able to kill the rest of the enemy who seems to have turned berserk upon hearing the loud rumbling sound and the ground shaking. When they saw the tall cliff crumbling from afar, they all seem to know what had happened. The enemy fought desperately, however, they are heavily wounded and was then defeated.

"Captain… we…" Chen Tung wanted to say something as her eyes darted behind them.

But what she saw made her turned speechless. This is because she suddenly spotted the figure of Shin Jiao among the group.

"Huh? What were you saying Vice-Captain Tung?" suddenly asked Long Li Lai upon noticing the abrupt stop from the young man's tone beside him.

"Nothing… I think we should return to the base." She said with a wry smile on her face.

She is now feeling a bit confused and curious about the young doctor who is able to make the whole mountain crumble.

However, unknown to her, Shin Jiao is feeling a bit weak right now. The mountain and the cliff crumbling and his escape made him exert too much effort. Plus he was hit by some of the boulders rolling while he tried to escape the landslide.

Luckily for him, he just suffered a minor concussion on the outside. But the most pressing problem is his internal organs that seem to be suffering when he was hit by one of the boulders.

Seeing his condition, the old doctor of the group suddenly came to his side.

"Doctor Ji, how are you feeling?" the old doctor asked as he noticed the complexion of Shin Jiao slowly getting paler.

He immediately grabs Shin Jiao's wrist and checked his pulse. When the old doctor noticed that the young man seem to have suffered heavy injury inside his body, he immediately tried to convince Shin Jiao to be treated.

Without a choice, Shin Jiao agreed. Actually, he has already taken a rapid hemostatic pill, but it seems that after being exposed to the environment, its efficacy did not work anymore. And so, he agreed with the old doctor.

The group rested for a while, and before the sun would set, they all started traveling towards the stronghold.

Inside the base, General Hu has already conveyed the news to the rest of the captains in the command tent about the plan which was made by the 4th captain's group. And they were all astonished to the bravery that the 4th company showed in this war.

While they were discussing, a soldier hurriedly reaches the tent.

"General, we want to report spotting the 4th company marching back to the base. What is your order, sir?!"

Upon hearing the soldier, the general showed an amazed look on his face and a bit of jubilation. The rest of the captains also showed the same expression, but some of them showed a bit of dejection as they were one of those who supported the 3rd prince to bully the 4th company.

"Bring them in and give them food, they should be tired and wounded from their battle. Hahaha… this is great, this is great!"

The reaction of General Hu made the soldier a bit confused.

The soldier conveyed the order and the rest of the soldiers felt confused as they followed. But soon, the whole base discovered what the 4th company did and how they were able to win the war and everyone was a bit stunned.

That night, a small festive activity was done in celebration of their victory. And the next day, the soldiers began to go out of the base and began gathering the spoils on the battlefield. With their enemy buried under tons of rocks and boulders, no one dared check the small hill in front and just cleaned the battleground in front of the stronghold.

Shin Jiao woke up inside a tent with a strong smell of medicinal herbs all around him.

He then saw that there are many soldiers wailing from their wounds. The tent is filled with wounded soldiers and some have even died already.

He looks around and saw the doctors busily tried to help with the patients. But since he still felt weak, he just lied on the bed and silently contemplates what had happened.

The next day, Shin Jiao is already fine and helps with the infirmary. Other soldiers have already gone out to clean the battleground. But as for him, he decided to act his cover and began treating people.

The night has come and the general has conveyed everyone in a meeting. As for Shin Jiao, he decided to take a walk outside of the stronghold. The moon was nice and his body is already starting to heal himself.

Suddenly a figure approached behind him and he saw the vice-captain.

Chen Tung stood beside Shin Jiao and didn't say anything for a while. She then heaves a sigh and with a low voice said.

"Thank you… thank you for keeping my secret. Tomorrow, you will be sent to the nearest city along with the rest of the wounded. Captain Lai said thank you for what you did back there. I… I told him of your strength. But you don't have to worry about anything; Captain Lai is a trustworthy person."

Upon hearing her words, Shin Jiao did not feel anything, he was just grateful that he can leave this barren and forsaken land, this land of bloodshed and death.

Shin Jiao didn't say anything and just nodded his head, then cupped his hand with a grateful bow.

Chen Tung also nodded and walked back to the stronghold. Shin Jiao on the other hand stayed and watches the moon high up in the sky. Although it looks different from earth's moon, he didn't care; all he cares about is the face he could see in that moon.

The face of the woman he loves… in fact, there are two of them who have the same face, Susan Tang and Qin Lou. As he has regained his full memory, he felt the bond between him and Qin Lou came back and his heart ached upon recalling that she got married to another guy.

"I will come back… I will do my best to escape this land and come back to your side." He muttered.

Not knowing which woman he meant to return to, but he just promised himself to return and work hard to be able to come back.

The next day is filled with both jubilation and sadness. Those who would be able to return to the city are happy, while the rest of the soldiers just felt a bit sad as they still have to stay in the stronghold to guard the borders.

3 days later…

Tall and sturdy looking walls greeted the sight of Shin Jiao and the rest of those who were sent back to recuperate in the city.

They met the reinforcement group while on their way and the news they gave them made the soldiers happy and their morale was boasted as they marched towards the stronghold. Shin Jiao knew that with the additional number of soldiers in that place, they would turn the stronghold into a small castle.

Meanwhile, he has slight speciation of the small city in front of him. This is the city of Yun Ji, the border city which boasted to have withstood the tides of war even after many centuries have passed.

As their caravan enters the city, Shin Jiao though that he just entered a scene in TV dramas. Everything around him looks like ancient China but different from what he has seen when he was in the cities of the cultivation land.

As the caravan enters the main path to the city, Shin Jiao's expression suddenly changes upon seeing something at the side of the road.

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