The Geared Immortal

Chapter 577 - Mutated Beasts

Chapter 577


The rustling of leaves and the roar of wild beasts can be heard all over the forest. This made all of the soldiers surrounding the caravan showed fear in their eyes. They knew that if they didn't run, they would all be killed at this moment.

Suddenly, a tall mountain tiger, with sharp bony horns protruding from its head tracing up to the back of its spine, walked out of the group.

Then its eyes fell on the caravan. Then as if feeling disdain, it sneered and turns around to walk back. But the creatures and the bandits around it suddenly walked forward.

Shin Jiao who has jumped into the brushes now appears at the top of a tree and watches the situation below stealthily. He saw the mountain tiger and frowns. Plus those bandits are acting weird. Then he saw some insect-like thing which attached themselves at the back of the bandits. He can now clearly see the eyes of the bandits which is white and clearly lifeless.

"Those things are the one controlling the bandits…" Shin Jiao muttered as he continues watching.

He soon observes that the rest of the beasts do not have these parasites so it only means that they only attach themselves to humans.

"If these things are here, what happened to the army then?" Shin Jiao thought.

The convoy has now turned back while he can hear some people inside of it calling for him.

"Wait, Doctor Ji is not yet inside, he is still out there taking a leak!"

"We have to wait for Doctor Ji!…"

Those voices he knew, they are the two assistants which always followed him, Mao Fang and Do Lao. Though it's only been two days since they have met Shin Jiao the two knew that the young doctor is kind and did not mind them following him. In fact, they have learned a lot of things in doing so. Hence they have a high opinion of the young doctor.

"Do you want us to die just because of that foolish boy? Humph…" one of the old doctors said with fear clearly written on his face.

He values his life more than others so he is afraid.

The two wanted to jump from the carriage but was blocked by the rest of the people.

"Don't worry too much. I heard that Doctor Ji is someone who has survived the battle at the border. So you two don't have to worry about him." One of the assistants said while trying to pacify the two.

He then told the rest of the people inside the carriage of the story he heard from the other soldiers who have also survive that battle. In fact, most of the soldiers in the 4th company look highly of the young doctor's medical skills and also his… escaping skills.

After the people heard the story, they all showed smiles on their faces. But the two assistants are still not convinced and are worried about the young doctor's safety. But they can't do anything to help him at this time, so they just sit there and turned silent. In their hearts, they are praying that the young doctor would be fine.

Meanwhile, high up a tall tree, Shin Jiao has already observed the situation below and realized that the convoy is able to escape the chase.

He then looks at the horizon and didn't saw the tiger. In his mind, that tiger is the only threat to him. If it enters the fight, he would be having a hard time with a large number of beasts in this place.

With that, he directed his attention to the beast and the bandits below. Suddenly he took out sharp spikes from his ring and with a wave of his hand threw out rapidly towards the parasitic creature behind the bandits.

Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!

A bunch of bandits suddenly fell lifeless on the ground with black blood coming out all over their orifices.


A loud shriek suddenly echoed through the air and the beast stops their march and suddenly looks all over the place trying to find the culprit.

Shin Jiao at this time has already changed his position and as he moves shoot out a couple of sharp spike in the air.

Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!

A number of bandits once again fell to the ground with blood all over them. Right at this moment, Shin Jiao saw a beast that suddenly became enraged as it waves its claws all over the place.

"It seems that this beast is the brain." He thought.

From the number of bandits in the horde, he would have a hard time fighting against them if he didn't whittle down their numbers. But now that there is a brain, then it would be easy for him to fight against them.

He took out his handgun and carefully focused his sight on the creature rampaging down below. He then noticed that there are around five of them in the horde.

"Tricky… if only I can mark them with mana, it would be easy to kill those things." He thought but didn't hesitate further after getting a good sight at his target.


A loud sound reverberates through the air which startles all of the beasts. But before they can react, around 30 bandits suddenly fell to the ground with black blood gushing out of their bodies. The parasite on their backs suddenly turned into a black puddle of blood.

Before they can recover, they all heard four more loud sounds reverberating around them.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shin Jiao would change position quickly after each shot which made it look like there are many enemies attacking them. Mindless as they are, the beasts began to roar as if someone has challenged their authority and power in this place.

And right now, Shin Jiao at the top has already seen all of the bandits in the horde fell down.

"That's it for the appetizer… it's time for the main course then." He muttered as he took out his black katana and suddenly jumps down the trees while bisecting a large bear-like beast.


The loud sound of two bloody halves of the large creature gathered the attention of the rest of the beast.

"Hello!" Shin Jiao greeted with a smile.

Then he moved.

At this moment, the beast horde became enraged and encircled the figure of Shin Jiao. As they began to rampage, Shin Jiao also fought them with all his might.

Each slash of his sword is directed to a beast's fatal point which is a sure kill strike.

"It has been a long time that I have not used pure strength to kill someone or something." He thought as his figure flashed everywhere on the battlefield.

Suddenly a large python pounces towards Shin Jiao followed by a wolf-like beast with long razor-sharp claws.

With a stump of his foot, Shin Jiao jumps into the air and twisted his body to dodge the python. Then when his figure is directly on its neck, he swings his sword and cleanly decapitated the beast. Then he took this chance to step on the falling body of the python and ran towards the charging wolf.

With the slick green scales of the python, Shin Jiao slide and bend his body while kneeling. He looks at the razor-sharp claws coming towards his neck. But everything in his eyes is currently in a slow-motion as his reflexes kick in.

He extended his hand holding the black katana and stab it directly at the wolf's exposed stomach. As his figure slid down the python's body, the katana sliced open the wolf's stomach.

Upon landing its innards immediately fell out making it stagger and soon fell lifelessly on the ground.

Meanwhile, the giant python's body still thrashes all over the place even after its head have been cut-off. Curt took this chance to shoot a couple of smaller beast in the horde.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Each shot made him feel a bit pained as his bullets are scarce unlike before. But there is a need for him to do this. These beasts are the key to finding out how he could go out of this place. Hence sacrifice is needed.

And so with that, he continues fighting the horde.

Soon, the sun is starting to dim as it slowly descends from the horizon. A single figure can be seen standing in the middle of a bloody road. With blood all over his body and corpses of both beast and man around him, Shin Jiao feels disgusted and wanted to desperately take a bath.

But he still has some work to do. So after taking a breather he carefully dissected the corpses and tried to search for cores. But to his disappointment, he saw nothing.

"No cores? How could that be?" he muttered as he wipes the blood from his hand.

"But I can feel spiritual Qi and mana from their bodies… Hmmm… wait a minute… what if?…" he suddenly thought of an idea and immediately extended his absolute sense in the body of the beast he just dissected.

And true to his conjecture, the whole body of the beast seems to be a vessel.

"It's body parts could hold energy on their own. The head, arms, body, and legs are like separate containers just like the spheres in my dantian."

Then words came to his mind, mutated beast.

"They seem to have mutated to adjust to their surroundings. If they came from the border, then that place is where I can find the answer." He thought as he looks at the mountainous area where that tiger retreated.

With this decision in mind, Shin Jiao just took a glance at the beast in the area and collected those which he can use and didn't bother with the rest.

Then his blood-covered figure followed the road while looking for a stream to wash. Not long after walking, he found a small stream down the road. He then quickly checked his surroundings and walked towards the stream and took off his armor. He carefully washes the bloodstains on it.

He felt his body a bit sticky and wanted to take a dip in the cold fresh stream. So he decided after scanning the surroundings to take a quick dip.

Taking off his upper clothes, Shin Jiao left his lower garments on and carefully walked towards the stream.

However, before he could dip himself on it, he saw something.

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