The Geared Immortal

Chapter 605 - A huge explosion

Chapter 605


Thousands dead and many more are falling. This is the situation in the main gate of the Under City. It has already been a day since the despicable humans have attacked and by using some kind of gas, the Li'angs were unable to cope up and were slaughtered even with their strength and prowess.

"My Queen, the humans have already breached through the second entry chamber of the main passage."

"Hmmm… How about the small paths?"

"Those are also blocked and a cloud of poisonous thick smoke is currently covering those paths."

"The humans are truly crafty. This is the reason why I didn't want to bother with them. They can use those despicable means in a battle." Queen Klo said with a frown.

Her eyes then drifted to the direction of the mining.

"How about the Lord? Is he aware of the battle in here?"

"No my queen, he is still focused on those stones. I… I don't know what he is doing in there…"

"Let him be, the gods have their own ways. We could only look…"

With that, the battle between the large human army and the Li'angs inside the caves intensified with hundreds of thousands dying.

It was on the next day that the last barrier before the final wall collapsed. This collapse made the ground shake as it accidentally hit the pillars supporting that gate. And this is also the time that Shin Jiao also felt that vibration along with the many Li'angs mining underground.

After hearing the panic and then feeling the vibration, Shin Jiao immediately woke up from his stupor.

"My Lord we are being attacked by… by the humans." She said with a trembling voice.

Her gaze at Shin Jiao is a bit of hesitant and with a tinge of suspicion. Shin Jiao knew why the female Li'ang is acting this way. This is because of course, he is a human. Though they treat him as a god, he is still a human in their eyes.

"Let's go out…" he said as he walked towards the exit.

Not long later, Shin Jiao can already hear the sound of fighting. He could see many Li'angs lying on the ground with deep wounds on their bodies. Then he could see many of them above the walls throwing spears, rock, almost anything they could throw on the ground they would throw it.

Though he could not see what is happening on the other side of the wall, he is sure that the human army is on that side.

Bang! Bang!

A loud banging sound suddenly reverberated through the air as Shin Jiao's gaze was shifted to the sturdy looking gate. However, he could see some smoke on the other side of it making those Li'angs who are standing behind the gate trying to hold it down slowly faint to the ground.

His eyes immediately turned into slits.

With a smirk on his face, he pulls out his rifle and adjusted his sight. For the two days he has spent inside the mines and researching those magnificent stones, Shin Jiao discovered a whole new perspective in the word power.

Those stones are truly not of this world, and that is for sure.

Within the stones, he could feel, spiritual Qi, natural energy mana, black Qi, and another element mixed within. The combination of those energies seems chaotic and very turbulent in nature, but it could be used as a source of energy if one could only tap on its potential.

Though Shin Jiao tried, to no avail. He can only see the spiritual Qi and mana source within it and with great difficulty could somewhat extract those, but the other two is truly hard to manipulate. For this aspect, he wanted to ask the queen or even try to look at the power generators of this magnificent Under City.

He now truly knows the potential of the black and white stones.

And now for his first test, he carefully loaded a bullet he crafted from the mysterious black stone combined with white stone powder.

Shin Jiao carefully focused his sight with the aid of his contact lenses and consumed a bit of energy. Then after some thermal images appear from the gate, he carefully assessed his target and then prepared to pull the trigger.

From within his sight, he could only see some thermal heat from the people outside, which already indicates that those Li'angs by the gate are already dead. It seems that humans used a highly toxic poison in this fight. Though he values human lives, he still knows what is right and what is wrong. And in his stay in this place for two days, he knew that the Li'angs are peaceful creatures. From this point along, he could already know who is in the wrong.

With this conjecture, Shin Jiao didn't hesitate any more and pulled the trigger.

However, Shin Jiao suddenly felt a dangerous premonition and immediately used almost a whole sphere to cover his body with energy. He wanted to stop, but he has already pulled that trigger before his danger intuition kicks in.


Extreme heat followed by a blinding light covered his body. Then like a cannonball Shin Jiao's figure was thrown to a wall with a loud thud.

He spat a mouthful of blood, but his vision did not come back yet. Meanwhile, the ringing in his ears almost made him deaf.

His consciousness is a bit blurry due to that strong shockwave and he can feel his body in extreme pain. But this pain is not new to him, so he still could bear with it.

Shin Jiao carefully picks himself up and looks at the situation at the front. From where he stood, he could see thick clouds of dust covering the gate. And the empty street where he is standing has burn marks on them. It was as if a burning fiery object just passes through them.

Then he felt a stinging sensation on his hands and saw that they were a bit charred black.

Shin Jiao immediately pops a healing pellet which old Doctor Di concocted. This healing pellet is truly amazing, though they are not as fast as the rapid hemostatic pills he has inside his ring, they are still top-notch healing pills coming from a place where the Qi or mana cannot exist.

Shin Jiao painfully took out some bandages and carefully wrapped his hands and arms. Then he immediately circulated the energy in his body for his recovery.

While doing that, the thick dust cloud slowly cleared down and those Li'angs standing above the wall suddenly shouted.

It was as if they are all shouting in glee as they have raised their weapons high up in the air.

Feeling a bit doubtful, Shin Jiao concentrated his gaze at the gate and saw that an almost perfect circular shape with around 3 meters in diameter. Everything at the gate is already in dust and what he saw outside dumbfounded Shin Jiao.

There is a huge crater just outside of the gate and it seems that the entrance to the Under City has collapsed due to that explosion or… implosion.

"This power… this is like… this is like a mini bomb, but does not emit radiation. It's just pure destruction." He muttered to himself.

Queen Klo who is also standing high up in the castle walls looks askance at what had happened. She just saw a flash of light coming from somewhere inside the city and then a large fireball engulfed the majority of the human army charging outside the gate.

Those who are still alive and were close to that fireball could be seemed to lie on the ground while wailing in pain. With her sharp eyes, he could see their distorted bodies of the human soldiers which were burned by that extreme heat. Even those Li'angs near the gate are all burned and some even died at that explosion.

She felt it even at that distance, how could those near it survive that thing.

She then shifted her gaze at that seemingly familiar figure standing from afar with a look of amazement on his face. She showed a doubtful gaze.

"Was it cause by him?" she asked herself.

But her stupor was interrupted by her subordinate who began reporting the status of the battle.

"My queen, the human… the human has fallen. Their remaining army is already immobile and those who are throwing those poisonous smokes on us have died in their own hands because of that lightning from the havens."

"My queen, the gods are true with us… All praise be, the maker!"

"All praise be, the maker!"

This voice suddenly reverberated through the walls as the Li'angs began raising their hands high up in the air and then began touching the ground.

As the army swept through the remnant of the human armies, the Li'angs caught many prisoners of war.

The next day…

Shin Jiao has already begun tinkering with some materials on a stone table. He is currently crafting something on the table. Judging from the result of the explosion from yesterday, he already knew that he should adjust the power of the mixture of the black and white stones.

Plus he needed to use a more sturdy material for the bullet, as the black stone is a bit brittle. In actuality, he thought that the black stone is like the strongest material he had ever seen on this planet. However, this black stone is more of a black crystal than a stone.

As he busies himself making bullets and some practical gears on the table, a sudden knock interrupted him. With a wave of his hand, the entire objects on the table immediately vanished.

However, the woman who knocks on the door actually saw those things. This is because before Shin Jiao could hide them she has already opened the door in advance. And seeing that the young man is busy, she decided to knock on the door to try and politely interrupt him.

Queen Klo was astonished at those things she saw on the table but could not understand them at all.

"How could those things be used? They just look like fancy sword handles without a blade, how they are used in a battle?" she thought at that time.

But upon remembering that horrifying event from yesterday, she was a bit flabbergasted.

Upon entering the room she showed a beautiful smile on her face.

"We have already cleared a passed to near the city of Yun Hi. Are you sure that you will not stay for at least a day? Or maybe two?" she said while showing Shin Jiao a coquettish smile on her beautiful face.

Shin Jiao gulps at this sight and also noticed her dainty tail waiving.

"Thank you, thank you for everything that you have shown me, Queen Klo. I hope that I can return here someday."

"Haha… of course, you are welcome to my city. Under City would be forever grateful for your help... And if you could not find a human wife, you can consider a Li'ang, our people would surely welcome you."

As she said those words, Shin Jiao can feel a cold shiver running down his spine.

That day, Shin Jiao left the Under City and travel towards the closest Yun Hi city.

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