The Geared Immortal

Chapter 641 - Secrets of the Vermillion Gem Town

Chapter 641


A group of armed people are trying to break the houses with their weapons and their cultivation strength but are still unable to put even a small scratch on the walls. Meanwhile, inside a house, a group of people are huddled together in fright as they listen to the loud commotion that's happening outside.

"Mother, what is happening?" a small girl asked while in her mother's arms.

"It's okay… don't be afraid…" the woman said.

Then her eyes went to the man holding a sword while standing on the side peeking from a small hole near the window. She feels a bit comforted. The man on the other hand dare not open the window.

However, the thing that is happening outside is making the man's heart feel a bit afraid at the same time baffled. He did know how his house suddenly became like a fortress, but from the way he sees it, he is thankful that it just did.

The reason for the attacks is because of his carelessness. In his excitement to pay off all of his debts, he changes the gold ingots he found outside his house in the family. However, for some unknown reason, the Si clan found out about it and then began harassing them.

Then today someone told him that the Si clan would send someone to attack his house. However, his eldest son is already outside with the young man they had helped.

Right now, he is still brooding over his muddle headedness and impulse at that time. He now blames himself for what is happening to them right now.

"People inside, we are the Si family and we are here to capture you because you have stolen the property of the clan. We advise you to surrender and never stall for time!" shouted a man with an imposing aura.

Upon hearing his words, everyone who saw this commotion began to chatter.

"Oh, now I see… the reason why the family suddenly became rich is that they have stolen something… what a shameless family."

"I thought this Tong family is hard-working and good. How could they be so shameless?"

"I guess we can't judge people by how they act. Sometimes they are more vicious than the rest of us… Hahaha…"

The man with the imposing aura who just shouted showed a contented smile. They have planted some people within the crowd to stir up a commotion. So when those people began talking the reputation of this small Tong family would surely be ruined.

But what made the man really annoyed is the barrier which is protecting the house. Now that they discover this, they are sure that the family is keeping something inside the house and they must get it at all costs. They must do this before the other clans could take hold of this news.

Meanwhile, Jin Tong is furiously looking at those armed men attacking his house. He wanted to rush over but Shin Jiao told him to stay still and that his family is fine. Those people will not be able to hurt his family.

"Brother Ji… what… what should we do?" Jin Tong asked as he felt a little depressed and helpless.

Shin Jiao showed a faint smile on his face. Although he could just go over there and beat those weak people up, he knew that if he did that, it would cause them more trouble. Hence he decided to act in the shadows once again.

Shin Jiao took out thin needles made of ice then infused them with his poison essence. Since he is already out of the 'prison land' he is now able to use his ability and powers. He didn't want to kill anyone yet, so he decided to just punish those people.

From where the two are hiding he could already see those people outside the courtyard. Then with quick and secretive action, he began flicking those needles towards those people. He targeted first that man with the imposing aura.

"Ouch… what was that?" the man suddenly said as he held the side of his neck.

He just felt something seem to have bitten him on his neck. He then immediately scanned his sight in the crowd as he felt that something is wrong.

However, before he could do anything he saw the rest of his people began complaining about some insects biting them.

"Damn it, what is going on?" he asked the soldier beside him.

"I don't know boss…" the soldier said then shifted his gaze to Blackbeard Lao who also showed the same reaction as if something bit his back.

Suddenly, before he could do anything, he felt a strong itchy feeling began spreading from his neck to his body. He then notices the rest of the people with him began scratching.

Then the people in the crowd saw that there are some of them who also began scratching their bodies for some unknown reason. This made everyone feel a bit worried. Hence many began to get away from those people who began scratching their bodies.

Those who saw this noticed that the people that are scratching their bodies are those people who slander the Tong family.

And this made a small commotion amongst them as they didn't know what is happening. Some even think that those people are being punished by the deities for lying.

Many in the area knew that the family living in that small courtyard is a good family. They like to help people and are very honest in their dealings with them. So, not everyone believes that the simple and honest Tong family is able to take something from a large clan.

The people from the Si family didn't have a choice but to get out of the courtyard as they suddenly became afraid that they are being punished.

And so, the large group of people runs away in a sorry manner while scratching their body.

This made all the onlookers feel a bit dumbfounded at this scene. Some even threw jeering words at those people as they despise those that use their power to bully the regular people in the town.

Meanwhile, Jin Tong is now looking at Shin Jiao like he is looking at a monster. He didn't know why but he is now confident of his idea that Shin Jiao is truly the one who gave them those gold ingots.

"Brother Ji… you…" Jin Tong did not finish his words as Shin Jiao gestured him to keep everything a secret.

After the fiasco and the people began to disperse the two walked out of their hiding place and immediately went to the small courtyard.

Then the figure of Jin Tong and Shin Jiao appears, three small figures came running towards them.

"Big brother Jin, big brother Si, you two are okay. I'm happy that you were not caught." cried one of the little girls.

The others also hugged Jin Tong's thigh as they sob.

"Jin, did someone trouble you?" Jin Tong's father asked while patting his son's shoulder.

"No father, I'm okay." Jin Tong said.

His mother looks at him with her teary eye.

"Sigh… I guess we can't stay in this place anymore." Shin Jiao said with a heavy sigh.

"If we leave here, where should we go, Brother Ji?" asked Jin Tong while patting the backs of the still crying little ones around him.

"Actually I already rented a place near the southern part of the town. It's about an hour of walking away from here." Shin Jiao said with a smile.

In truth, Shin Jiao bought that place ahead of time when he first enters the town. However, he didn't want to get the attention of everyone so he decided to live with the Tongs for a while. But it seems that he should just let this family live in that place for a while. At least that way they could be safe.

In fact, he feels a bit guilty for the predicament of the family. If he didn't leave those gold ingots then this would not have happened.

And so, the family decided to leave as soon as possible to prevent any other trouble to happen.

Not long later, they soon arrive in a medium-sized courtyard with 3 two-story buildings and a garden inside. Shin Jiao has already installed a barrier around the building and only those who carry a jade badge that he made can enter the place.

When they arrive in the place, the children's faces immediately became happy as they began to run around the area.

Their mother immediately tried to chase after the three.

"Brother Ji… this place…" Jin Tong and his father were a bit amazed upon seeing this place.

They are not new to these kinds of homes as they too once belong to a huge family. However, Jin Tong's father did not want to rely on his family for support and did not want to entangle himself with the Tong family's problem, so he decided to live outside.

"This will be your new home. I hope uncle and Brother Jin will take care of this place on my behalf." Shin Jiao immediately said.

"Why?" Jin Tong asked as he feels that there is something wrong with the atmosphere.

"As you know, I am not from here. And Brother Jin and uncle are the kindest people I have known that have helped me these days. So when I leave, this place will be yours…" Shin Jiao began to explain about the house and did not let Jin Tong's father deny his goodwill.

After his explanation, Jin Tong's father just heaves a helpless sigh and accepted the generous offer of Shin Jiao.

"Uncle, I notice back then in the desert… you seem to be a bit proficient in making talismans, am I right?" Shin Jiao suddenly asked while the three are sitting around a tea table.

"Haha… young Nephew Si, you have a good eye. Yes, I actually know how to make basic talismans. But… I have never progressed so far because of my inadequate knowledge." Jin Tong's father said with a chuckle as his eyes seem to reminisce on something.

"Well, that's not a problem… I can teach you how and from now on this would be your way of earning money. This way, you will not be scavenging outside of the desert." Shin Jiao suggested.

Upon hearing his words, the father and son duo showed a surprised look on their faces. This is because their Tong clan is connected to the Yu clan who are merchants. And one of the well-known producers of talisman in town is the Lao clan.

But that clan only sell low-level talisman. If this young master could teach them how to make one, then it would be a great contribution to the Yu clan. And this made the two feel a bit grateful.

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