The Geared Immortal

Chapter 846 - Weapons and armors

Chapter 846


Shin Jiao did not linger in the ship that long and directly went to the direction where those thieves took the crates of weapons and armors.

"Hua Xiao… Follow my direction…" he commanded in the intercom.

Hua Xiao on the other hand has already explained what happened to the Town's head and what those thieves have stolen.

Knowing that it was a new type of powerful weapon for mages, the Town head feels a bit perplexed and immediately gathered a number of high-level soldiers.

Right now around 50 of them are waiting just outside the town's main gate.

Shin Jiao has already told them that the thieves have taken the weapons outside of the town.

After ten minutes of waiting, she received a call from Shin Jiao.

"Copy that Master Shin… I will wait for your next command," she said after answering his call.

When the town head heard her, he was confused and looks around. He is wondering whom she is talking to?

"Miss Hua, what is happening? Who are you talking to?" Groom Xial asked with confusion in his eyes.

"Oh… I just a call from Master Shin, he said that he will be pointing the way for us," she said with a smile while pointing at her earpiece.

"Hmmm… what is that thing? It looks small and you said you are able to hear him calling you?" Groom Xial asked with curiosity.

The other men behind them also showed interest in their expressions.

"Ah, yes… This thing is what we call a communication device. It can cover around 500 kilometers in radius as long as we have the transmitter from our ship up and running…" She said as she slowly explained the feature of the communication device.

When the people around her heard her explanation, one of them suddenly drew closer.

"I am General Tris, Bal Tris… Would it be possible for your merchant group to sell us this type of magical object?" the tall man in silver armor asked.

Hua Xiao showed a faint smile on her face.

"Master Shin said that this is just a prototype, once it is completed for production then we will be distributing it to the public. But it would be in another form." She said with her generous smile.

Upon hearing her words, General Tris nodded his head in satisfaction. He knew how that communication device could do. It could advance their military prowess by leaps and bounds. They could gain more power and the ability to deploy troops timely and accurately.

The previous delay in relaying messages and enemy interception would be circ.u.mvented by this kind of object. The general could not help but feel excited in his heart.

Suddenly, Shin Jiao called once again, but this time, Hua Xiao put him in speaker mode.

"Hua Xiao… I have marked the location of the thieves. Please hurry and proceed to this location, they are planning to sell the weapons to the Scavengers at dawn. That would be an hour from now." Shin Jiao said.

When they heard this, everyone was amazed and also felt anxious at the same time. This is because they all knew that if the Scavengers could get hold of new weapons, then their town would have more trouble ahead of them in the future.

They must stop this at any cost.

Taking out a small circular flat green crystal display, Hua Xiao checked the location of the mark that Shin Jiao has left. The group then sets out in the direction of the red dot on the display.

"Miss Hua, this is?" the town head asked with great curiosity once again.

With a crafty smile on her dainty lips, Hua Xiao explained while the group continues traveling.

It did not take long for the group to reach the location with the speed of their steeds, but they did not approach near as the running gallops of the stead would be detected by those thieves. So the group stops at around 700 meters away from the area.

They then traveled on foot.

When they discovered that the beautiful woman guiding them is able to traverse through the forest with great ease and follow their speed, the elite soldiers were all amazed. They could clearly tell that she is neither a mage nor a warrior, but her keeping with them has thoroughly toppled their understanding of this world.

Soon, they arrive near the thieves' den and Hua Xiao takes out a simple goggle with six visors. Upon wearing it on her head, she now looks like a spider with six eyes.

"I can see patrolling guards and sentry personnel… there… there… there… and there…" she said while pointing in the direction of the enemies.

When the elite soldiers saw the direction where she is pointing at they were all shocked. This is because they discover that there are actually shadows moving in those directions.

As elite warriors and mages, their vision is not like that of a normal person. Even in this darkness, they can still see slightly better than ordinary people.

And so they easily spotted the sentry point of the Thieves den.

"Split up and clear those areas, we will meet at the mouth of the cave." General Tris commanded.

Everyone nodded and as if with a tacit understanding, everyone left by twos as they find their targets.

"Miss Hua, you should stay behind me, it would be dangerous…" the Groom Xial said as he takes out his sword.

It did not take long for the elite soldiers to take down the unsuspecting thieves. They soon arrive at the mouth of the cave.

"You guys did well!" Two figures suddenly appear in front of them as if coming out of the shadows.

Shin Jiao walks out and behind him is the hooded Yemei Yin.

"There are around 100 people inside… I will secure and cut off their escape path, you guys take care of the rest." Shin Jiao said as he suddenly disappears from their sight.

The woman behind him nodded her head to Hau Xiao and also disappears as her figure melded into the shadows.

"General… that woman…" suddenly Groom Xial looks at General Tris.

"I never would have expected her to work for them now. It is unexpected…" General Tris said with a disappointed look on his face.

The elite soldiers from the army infiltrated the thieves' den and the fighting began. It did not take long before the thieves were subdued. Those who are trying to escape were not able to due to Shin Jiao and Yemei Yin.

The group then saw the large crates in the warehouse of the thieves.

Shin Jiao, on the other hand, appears behind the group. He has already seen this place and has taken what he fancies out of the stash these thieves have.

"These are the weapons and armors they have stolen from us." Hua Xiao said as she leads Groom Xial and General Tris to the crates.

She carefully opens one of the crates and takes out a short wand that looks like an old flintlock pistol.

But it has no trigger and any other mechanisms. It is just shaped like a flintlock pistol and a small gem near the handle at the top where the trigger was supposed to be. Its body is covered with runes and inside the barrel are more runes etched on the metal plating.

When the general and the town's head saw the weapon they were a bit baffled. How is this weapon for mages? It's more like a wooden long dagger with a blunt metal rod.

"This is a multi-attributed small hand staff. We usually call it a magic gun." Hua Xiao said.

She then takes out a small battery from her pocket and inserted it in the hollow bottom of the handle where it perfectly fits.

She then pointed in a direction and then taps the gem.

The magical energy inside the battery suddenly surges and filled the small gem, then it rapidly compresses the mana energy and when it hits a certain point it ejected the energy towards the barrel in front of the small gem.

As the compressed mana energy enters the barrel, it began to twirl following the rune inscription and further strengthening the mana energy turning it into a powerful burst.

The process in total only takes around a split second to happen and suddenly a loud burst was heard inside the storeroom.

They all saw the head of a stone statue on the side blasted into smithereens.

Everyone looks at this scene with a gaping mouth. How could they not know how powerful this weapon is? With that single tap, the woman did not even use any mana fluctuation and was able to destroy the stone head of the statue. How much more if it is a person?

"This… how is this done?" Groom Xial looks at the weapon in agape.

"Well, this is the reason why we could not let this fall in the enemy's hands. If it does, then the town would be in trouble. Thanks to you and the general we were able to retrieve it." Hua Xiao said with a smile satisfied with the reaction of everyone.

Before she could say anything, General Tris has already grabbed her hand.

"I want to buy these weapons… Sell them to me!" he said with an excited and agitated expression which startled Hua Xiao a bit.

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