The Geared Immortal

Chapter 971 - The Inner kingdom: Beast Clearing Hunt (2)

Chapter 971


Another week has passed and the changes in the city are already evident. Large posters of the famous idols from Fenghai Company could be seen on the main roads of the city above the buildings. Faces and figures of famous people like Shenya Maw, Delphi Yan, Isabel Nightingale, and more are being plastered everywhere with items from Mystique Shop being advertised.

The people who could see those beautiful faces would always stop and look to admire the beauty and handsomeness of those celebrities.

However, not only did the capital become busy because of this. Today is the day that the annual beast clearing hunt would begin.

So everyone in the city is feeling a bit excited, the merchants in particular as they would be the ones to buy the carcasses of those beasts. Most of them that have a cooperation relationship with the Mystique Shop are itching to get their hands on a large amount of beast carcass to be turned into canned meat and then be sold.

Since this technology and machine have been bought by them from the Mystique Shop, they have discovered that earning money through these machines is fairly easy. However, no matter how much they produce, it is still not enough to provide for the city's needs.

And so, this annual hunt would provide them with tons and tons of beast carcasses to be turned into weapons, armors, and food. Though not all of them could be converted to such, and only about 70% of the harvest could be converted, it is still enough to supply them with their demand.

As the city began to prepare, the sound of trumpets suddenly echoed throughout the whole city, making everyone feel a bit startled.

From the radios, the loudspeakers, and the television sets, a deep voice could be heard as the voice introduces the king of the kingdom. 

"People of Xinglo Kingdom… I now present unto you… the king! King Grav! Long live the king! Long live the king!"

Those watching their TV sets could see a regal-looking person slowly walking to the stage.

The people watching this scene immediately became excited.

"Long live the king!"

"Long live the king!"

"Long live the king!"

Cheers began to echo in the streets and in the houses as they look at the king who went against all odds and suddenly change the lives of the people in the capital city.

King Grav showed a gentle smile on his face while looking at the camera and the people below him.

Right now, he is inside the hall with his ministers, chancellors, generals, and other members of his staff. Right in front of him are some people from other cities waiting to record his message for his people, along with the magic cameras and audio recording crystals.

As he looks down at the crowd in front of him, a slight delight could be seen flickering in his eyes.

"My dear people, the people of our Xinglo Kingdom! I, your king am happy to be in front of you all. In these few months, I have seen the huge changes that have happened in every city, in every town, and in every village. The lives of my citizen have changed for the better…" he said as he looks at everyone.

The people under the stage nodded their heads, while those standing outside and in their homes also agreed.

"Long are the days passed when everyone spends their days in darkness and fear. As we cower ourselves and fear for the unknown future of our fair kingdom and even our lives… But now, everything has changed for the better." He added.

He then looks at the camera with a smile and then said.

"Today is another glorious day for us all. For today, we will once again exterminate the beast that is threatening our capital. Today we will liberate ourselves and clean the northern forest to once again enjoy our peaceful and blessed life… Let the annual beast cleaning hunt… begin!"


In a village outside the capital

In one particular big tavern outside the capital city, there are few people wearing hooded cloaks sneakily gathered together. Their table is located in the dark corner of the tavern and the people inside seem to have not noticed their presence.

This tavern is accommodating many mercenaries, adventurers, and merchants, one sneakier than the others. So this group of people did not gain the attention of the people inside.

"So, are your people ready?" one of the hooded men asked in a low voice.

"Yes, we have been preparing for this for a while now. We will get our revenge and let this new king be the one who has reigned the shortest term… Hahaha…" the other side said.

"Remember our deal… this is cooperation. If you and your people betray me, I will not hesitate to destroy… that thing…"

"Haha… You are too tensed, young one. We have already agreed to an equal rule. But we require that we get 50% of that Mystique Shop merchant group. We want their money and properties along with sharing of the blueprints of the technology they possessed."

"Hihi… Aren't you a bit greedy old man? Do you know that the owner of that shop is not that simple? Even the managers are far stronger than normal warriors or mages, how do you intend to defeat them?"

"Who says I will be the only one to attack them? I suggest that we use all of the Grand Magus to first capture their boss. That way we can easily defeat the rest…"

"I agree…" a beautiful soft voice suddenly said from the corner.

One of the hooded men looks at her and a tender smile appears on his face.

"So the cooperation will start after we find out where the boss of the shop is. As for the king, our people inside could take care of him."

The group began planning their next move in this loud and noisy place, a plan to uproot the current regime and change it to a new one.

The group is thinking that this would be the first time that a kingdom would fall and lose its new king which has not lasted for a century. Usually, the war would start after a century has passed. This is when the defeated force would amass once again their number and try to conquer the kingdom.

This cycle has never been broken and it seems that fate has a role in this.

But these people are now trying to break this ruling fate and defy nature itself.

A large army began marching towards the northern forest. This army is composed of soldiers of the kingdom, mercenaries, adventurers, and mages from the mage towers and the schools. Everyone is showing excitement in their eyes as they advance towards the northern forest of the capital.

Not long later, the large army stopped in a resupplying point where a large fortress is erected. This is the place that would be the last defensive line before a beast tide could enter the city. If this place falls, then the capital would be in danger.

While resting inside the fortress, three young men wearing red mage robe walks towards Shin Jiao and his group of students.

"Hehe… The Alto Magus is really full of trashes… I guess you are the first years that the school is willing to sacrifice, right? Hehe…" one of them said with a jeering tone.

Nobody replied to his provocation as the students just calmly sit in their spot while doing their things. Some are even meditating and others are discussing something.

"Hihi… They don't want to talk to you because they are scared out of their wits…" another one said with a chuckle.

Those who noticed the three showed faint smiles on their faces. 

Each school that participated in this annual event sent their promising students that have potential. They are being assisted by an elder of their school and a top senior student.

This way the losses would be minimal and it would also train their students to experience real-life fighting.

However, upon looking at the students from the Alto Magus Academy, everyone could tell that these mages are weak and would be considered canon fodders. They all heard the news that the Alto Magus academy are falling from its high horses and they all revel in their bad luck.

"Cowards… Haha…"

"Don't waste your time with them. They are just cannon fodders for tomorrow's event. Haha…" someone from another school shouted on the side.

"Yeah, they did not even have an elder with them, nor a senior student. Are they going to drown the beast with their numbers? Hahaha…"

The other students began to jeer, but the student from the Alto Magus did not say anything. They just look at those people with calmness in their hearts. These other students may not have any idea what they are going to face in this hunt, but they do.

This is because they already have experienced it and have been prepared for it.

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