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Marriage in the legal sense is obtaining a certificate. The process is neither cumbersome nor complicated.

Originally, Pei Qingmian wanted to take a day off today—but the secret project with the Institute of Linhai University suddenly made new progress, and his colleagues were all involved in it, and they were very busy. When he finished his work, he was afraid the Civil Affairs Bureau is already off work.

He originally wanted to say sorry to Song Yi, because he might not be able to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with her today.

By the way, when he was halfway through his work, Di Nieyun, who was passing by, suddenly covered his nose and stared at him silently.

"Pei Pei, are you in a bad mood?"

The name "Pei Pei" was unanimously given to him by the project personnel composed of the Eastern Military Department, the Western Military Department, and the Research Institute of Linhai University. Of course, Pei Qingmian wanted to refuse, but under the friendly eyes of his colleagues, he still accepted the nickname.

Pei Qingmian calmly raised his eyebrows. He was always reliable and stable in front of his colleagues, like a stone.

In short, he's not like an Omega, but more like a rigorous Beta that isn't troubled by pheromones. He has never hoped that his gender will cause trouble to his colleagues, and he has done so from the time he was in college until now.

And it's done well.

Neither his superiors, his colleagues nor the colleagues involved in the project in the Eastern Military Region regard him as an Omega in terms of work. They are equal and have the same excellent working ability.

Suddenly being asked by Di Nieyun, he said, "Why do you say that?"

Di Nieyun touched his neck, laughed, and pulled another Alpha colleague. After having a friend, he said confidently: "Do you know what it smells like now?"

"Although I wear my suppression ring, it still smells unpleasant."

Another Alpha colleague, a female Alpha, has a more flexible mind than Di Nieyun. She smiled and asked at the same time, "Is there something wrong?"

Passing by is a Beta, a researcher at the Linhai University Research Institute, he interrupted and said: "I heard that Pei Pei is going to collect his marriage certificate in the afternoon. It's almost three o'clock now, hasn't he gone yet?"

Di Nieyun: !!

He was shocked: "Why didn't you say you're going to get your certificate earlier? Does Lieutenant General Liu know? He didn't give you leave?"

The news that Pei Qingmian wanted to obtain his certificate spread to all members of the project in these three to five minutes.

Pei Qingmian didn't know what to say, and in the end, he could only say: "It's okay, I should be able to catch up."

Liu Cheng hurried over, he immediately decided to let Pei Qingmian off the work to get his certificate.

"You should have said it earlier! For such a major event as getting the certificate, delaying it is no good." Liu Cheng looked at him reproachfully, "It is your reasonable right to ask for a leave."

However, Liu Chengcheng laughed soon. He patted his shoulder and joked: "Your Alpha is very beautiful, you guys look good together."

"Hurry up and get your certificate." 

After waiting for Pei Qingmian, Song Yi, outside the Civil Affairs Bureau, under the bright summer light, saw him walking towards her.



Before they came to receive the certificate, Song Yi took a photo of the newly bought suits in her closet and asked his opinion.

"Which one do you want me to wear?"

At that time, Pei Qingmian looked at one of her waisted shirts and couldn't move his eyes. Finally, he chose a beige-blue shirt that was delicate as a cloud.

And he wore a suit that matched her very well.

Her dark-blue color is quite similar to the color of his military uniform. The details of the suit are very delicate and can be seen as valuable. When she walked, the sun shone brightly from the top of her head, and the gold cuffs reflected a rainbow light, which was dazzling and beautiful.



When taking a photo for the marriage certificate, Song Yi and Pei Qingmian sat together, and the cameraman said, "Smile!"

The picture freeze with the handsome man smiling awkwardly, and the shorter beautiful woman bending her eyes happily.

This marriage certificate photo is very harmonious and beautiful.

After the cameraman finished the photo shots, he couldn't put it down: "This is the most beautiful couple I have ever photographed. I wish you two a happy life in the future!"

Red marriage certificates. Two books.

When Song Yi’s relatives and friends got married, there was not much difference when they were posted in the Moments when they were in a society of both sexes.

Opening the red little book, the gender registration inside is completely different from the gendered society of her previous life.

Her's is: [Female; Alpha]

And Pei Qingmian’s: [Male; Omega]

Song Yi fiddled with these two marriage certificates in silence, and then neatly snapped a photo under Pei Qingmian's surprised gaze.

After that, post to Moments. There's no accompanying text on the picture.

Pei Qing reluctantly swallowed, he dryly asked: "Are you posting to Moments?"

Song Yi nodded, and she looked at him with her usual elegant and gentle gaze, "Can't I?"

Pei Qingmian blushed, he didn't know why but he always felt that she was teasing him with her eyes. His glands started to slightly swell.

"No, of course, you can."

"It's your right."

After Pei Qingmian finished speaking, he paused, and tentatively asked, "Then, should I take a photo too?"

He could clearly feel that Song Yi seemed very satisfied. Song Yi slowly glanced at him with those clear and bright eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

"Why not?"

Then, Pei Qingmian uploaded the marriage certificate of him and Song Yi to his circle of friends.

All the information except for the photo, name, and gender is blurred.

Soon, his communication number received 99+ notifications. His younger brother, who is still in high school, hurriedly sent a video message: "Brother, have you gotten a marriage certificate?!"

Pei Qingmian connected this video communication in the car.

Song Yi had heard Pei Qingmian talk about his family before, and his family didn't object to his marriage. To put it another way, Qingmians' parents raised him as Alpha or a Beta since he was a child, and until his eighteenth birthday when he split into Omega, they didn't change their attitude towards him.

But his younger brother, Pei Qinglang has always regarded him as an Omega,


When Pei Qingmian accepted the video call, he saw his brother sweating like a stream, who said to him loudly, "I only saw it from the moments! When did you get your certificate?!"

The voice of the angry teenager, not completely grown yet, is clear and sharp.



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