Winding her way back to the main door of the Cui Manor (崔府), and seeing those vermillion doors that she had seen growing up, Cui Miao He’s heart actually skipped a beat.

This was the house she had lived in for over ten years!

Home should have been the most steadfast place, but today, was it no longer so?

“Young Mistress (大小姐), you’re finally home!” The moment the gatekeeper, Uncle De (德叔) saw the Young Mistress, he scrambled forward, unable to keep calm.

Uncle De was an old servant in the household, and because he had no home to return to, so Father specially allowed him to be the gatekeeper, and just look after the door.

All the old servants watched her grow up, and it didn’t need to be said that they loved her dearly.

“Uncle De, what’s happened to you?” asked Cui Miao He at once, concerned. It was rare to see the steady Uncle De so flustered.

“Young Mistress, nothing has happened to me, it’s you that must be careful!”

After hearing that, knowing that Uncle De intentionally waited here to report that to her, she stopped and faced Uncle De, asking, “What has happened inside?”

“This morning, the Madam came home in a rage, and has shut herself in the house for hours, even her lunch did not get in.”

“Oh.” Without much care, she let out a breath. If their places were exchanged, and her scheming was made a fool of, she would be so angry that she wouldn’t want to eat for days!

“Young Mistress, you should take this seriously.” Seeing the Young Mistress’ attitude, Uncle De couldn’t help but become worried. He had been part of the Young Mistress’ mother’s dowery as a house servant, and so of course he treated the Young Mistress better, and felt deeper concern for her.

Uncle De had always been carefree, and rarely had worry etched all over his face. Upon seeing that, Cui Miao He was about to reassure him, but who knew that he would come forward first.

“Young Mistress, you must take this seriously. Even though the Madam was so angry she didn’t eat lunch, she wasn’t being idle either!”

“What else did she do?” She wasn’t naive as to think that Stepmother would let go so easily, and so she wasn’t the least bit surprised when Uncle De said that.

“All the elders of the Cui Family has been called to the Ancestral Hall by the Madam, and all the maids and kitchen hands have been thrown out. No one knows what they’re discussing inside.”

It was because no one knew what was being discussed that they would be worried. Cui Miao He felt her heart seize for a second.

She hadn’t thought that Stepmother would show this hand.

This was bad, in an large clan like the Cui Family, the decision of the elders went above all else. If Stepmother was able to make the elders make a decision that would be harmful to her, then she may be forced to suffer in silence.

“Damn it!” Thinking of all the pros and cons, Cui Miao He couldn’t help but curse out loud.

She actually despised the strength of Stepmother’s retaliation, after all, the one who had used despicable tactics was her. She shouldn’t even have the time to to cover it up, it was unexpected that she would do this.


Cui Miao He pondered quietly. Going by Stepmother’s inclinations, it was unlikely that she would go so far as to do something foolish, but she had done it, so there must be a reason.

“Miss… Miss…”

Seeing the Young Mistress standing still and staring into space, Uncle De became worried and called her a few times, as the Second Young Mistress (二小姐) approached.

Snapping back, Cui Miao He saw her younger sister in her face, and felt disgusted.

Had the pair of mother and daughter arranged this? Not willing to give her a second of quiet?

Sliding off the amiable face that she had when facing Uncle De, her expression became cold.

Towards this younger sister with a different mother, Cui Miao He once loved her, but because of Stepmother’s interference, and her younger sister’s constant bothering, even with a high level of tolerance, it was hard for her to continue loving her like her own younger sister, and it had continued until it reached the level of today.

“Uncle De, I’ll be going inside first. I’ll just trouble you to take note of all the things that happen inside the household.” Cui Miao He didn’t want to clash with her younger sister while so tired, and after saying that to Uncle De, tried to leave.

But Cui Yun Xiu was determined, and blocked her way, not letting her leave.

After being caught in a deadlock for some time, she finally raised her head, and coldly looked at Cui Yun Xiu. “Meimei, is there something the matter?”

“Nothing much, I just came to find jiejie to talk of private matters. Why do you try to distance yourself?”

There were no private matters to be discussed between the two of them, and Cui Miao He didn’t want to waste her energy, and said indifferently, “I’m tired, and want to go inside to rest.”

“Of course jiejie is tired. After mixing with others for an entire night before returning, how could you not be tired?”

The words were threatening, but did not disturb Cui Miao He’s mood, and her expression stayed calm at her younger sister’s words, taking the chance to brush past her.

She hated being ignored the most, because it felt like she was being looked down upon, and that sort of resentment followed her everywhere.

Reaching out her hand, she suddenly grabbed Cui Miao He’s arm, the rough movement making Cui Miao He scrunch up her eyebrows.

“What do you really want?” Cui Miao He asked coldly after glaring, and brushing away the hand on her arm.

“Do you think you can be this high and mighty forever?”

Cui Yun Xiu didn’t understand, when both of them were young mistresses of the Cui Family, why the one that Father and the servant really cared about was Cui Miao He.

She really couldn’t accept it!

She had sworn to herself, that she would make Cui Miao He yield to her.

“If you’ve just come to pick a fight with me, then I really am tired, and I’m going to my room to rest.” Even seeing the fury in her younger sister’s eyes, Cui Miao He spoke cooly.

“You…” At her uncaring attitude, Cui Yun Xiu was spitting with anger, glaring at her retreating figure, she said hatefully through clenched teeth, “How long do you think your identity of Young Mistress can last you. You’ve already ruined your reputation by staying in a brothel last night, and Mother is discussing with the elders, and trying to marry you off as fast as possible.”

But this news was not able to shock Cui Miao He the slightest, because she had already thought of what to do.

She had long anticipated that Stepmother would be unyielding, and she could not naively believe that the war against the mother and daughter would ease up today.

But she would not give in so easily. If there was something that she didn’t want to do in this world, even if they burnt jade and stone, they would not be able to force her.

At being ignored again, she lashed out with anger, and once all the logic escaped Cui Yun Xiu’s head, all that was left was anger.

She knew that this was not something to make known, because once Mother had arranged everything, she could smugly watch Cui Miao He cry as she entered the marriage sedan.

But, she was unable to bear it! Really!

She couldn’t wait that long, she wanted to take apart Cui Miao He’s mask of calm.

“If you don’t think a great general, Chai Zhe Xia is worthy, then you must think that Landlord Wu is worthy.”

Landlord Wu? Who is that?

After hearing that, Cui Miao He couldn’t help but pause, trying to remember, but she had no impression of him.

Seeing that, Cui Yun Xiu quickly came forward, pleased, and said, “Do you know what Mother is discussing with the elders?”

Cui Miao He responded with silence. She didn’t want to care what the pair were were planning. If they really fought, she wouldn’t necessarily lose to them.

“You don’t know how much effort Mother had put in for you, a daughter with a ruined reputation. That Landlord Wu isn’t one of the richest men in the city, but can be considered somebody in the business world, only… he’s already over fifty years old, and isn’t short of wives and concubines at home. For someone like you with a ruined reputation, marrying there wouldn’t be considered bad. Let me think, how many concubines does he have?”

As a pleased Cui Yun Xiu spoke, she made a show of counting them on her fingers.

“It doesn’t matter how many concubines he has, it has nothing to do with me. If you want to marry, then I can speak on your behalf to Father.” Cui Miao He finally turned her head, glaring at her coldly as she spoke.

She didn’t think that Stepmother wanted to kick her out so badly. The plan this morning had just failed, and now in the afternoon, she had already thought of a replacement.

She… really was horrible! “Do you think that this won’t happen just because you don’t want it to?” Her mother had a gifted tongue, and it would not be hard to convince the elders while Father was away, but Cui Miao He acted as if she had been talking about someone else’s matter, someone else’s life.

There was only one thing that made her curious. Stepmother had always hated her, but had never showed it so openly, so there must be an ulterior motive.

“Why are the two of you so eager to kick me out of the house?” She asked while she was off-guard.

When Cui Yun Xiu was asked that, a flash of panic went through her eyes, but then she said calmly, “Mother is doing what is best for you. You have a ruined reputation now, and you may not be able to find a good person, so she put in the effort to find a good family for you, so you will never be short of food or clothes.”

In a situation like this, Cui Miao He knew that there was something wrong with the words, and seeing Cui Yun Xiu’s lack of confidence, she knew that she was right. She said calmly, “Please tell your mother that I will not marry Landlord Wu, even if the power of the clan won’t work, so tell her to give up as soon as possible. Otherwise, if I can’t escape, I think that Landlord Wu would not like to take a dead concubine home.”

After coldly throwing down those words, Cui Miao He turned to leave. She’d rather die than marry that Landlord Wu who had a bad reputation. If she had to marry, she’d rather marry Chai Zhe Xia. Suddenly, his silhouette floated into her mind.

Facing Stepmother’s unending tricks, she was tired of them. Maybe she should seriously consider Chai Zhe Xia’s offer, he wasn’t really that bad of a man…

Thinking of that, her heart suddenly stirred, and felt something, but there wasn’t enough time for her to grasp onto what she truly felt.

He said that Ying Liu Pavilion was his, and that if one wanted news, that sort of social place was the best.

In other words, if she wanted news, that was the best place.

Therefore, when she wanted to figure out Stepmother’s secrets, the first person she thought of was Chai Zhe Xia.

If he was be one step ahead in Stepmother’s plot, then surely he must know why she was so eager to kick her out.

Looking up at the vermillion front doors of the General’s Manor, there was hesitation in Cui Miao He’s heart, and she paced back and forth several times, but in the end, was unable to make the decision to go in.

Originally, when something like this happened, she would go find her sisters, but whether it was Yuan Yu jiejie, or Jun Yin jiejie, the sudden disasters in the family had left it in a pitiful state, so how could she bother them in a time when they are so busy?

But… apart from them, she had no other friends. In this crucial time, Chai Zhe Xia was the only person that she could think of.

Should she go in? She rejected him that day, so would an arrogant man like him forgive her?

The anxious Cui Miao He walked backwards and forwards, until a trench almost formed where she walked, but she was still unable to make a decision.

“If his proposal from last time was real, then when I go inside, wouldn’t I be jumping out of one hole and into another?”

Cui Miao He mumbled under her breath to herself, but when she was about to turn and leave, another thought came to her.

“But he’s the only person I can go to, his official position is high, and so his family is important, there aren’t many people in the city who would dare to offend him. He really is the best person to help me.”

Having thought of that, she spun on her heel, turning back to face the front door.

After having gone backwards and forwards for the length of time it took an incense stick to burn out, she still couldn’t grasp onto a plan, and didn’t know what to do.

Suddenly, someone ruthlessly struck the back of her head with such force that she saw stars, and wasn’t able to tell apart the ground from the sky.

In these muddled moments, Cui Miao He thought that she was being grabbed by someone, being pulled away while dizzy.

Because she didn’t know who had plotted against her, she immediately became frantic, and started struggling inside her head.

Don’t be mislead by her appearance of being calm and collected, in fact, being plotted against by someone for no reason, she had long become a person who frightens easily.

Not only did she no longer trust the maids in the courtyard, but no longer even dared to touch the food prepared by the cook.

She was very clear that she was lucky last time, that she had met Chai Zhe Xia who long knew of the plot.

Then how about this time? Who would dare to grab someone in the middle of the street?

Could Stepmother’s be behind it again?

The footsteps in front of her stopped, and Cui Miao He whose head was still in disarray, couldn’t deal with it, and bumped into the person.

That person’s back felt as if there was a piece of iron stuck to it, and the bump made her cry out again, it hurt so much. Cui Miao He used one hand to rub her sore forehead, and at the same time, quickly opened her mouth to curse, “Which hothead not only dares to grab someone from the street, but caused me to hurt my forehead. Don’t you know that my father is an important official, and can lock you up in prison at any time.”

She was panting with rage and threatening, she very rarely used her father’s position as an official to pressure people, but she had been unfathomably grabbed by someone, and knocked around until she was befuddled, this time, her temper would come to light.

“I actually do want to see whether or not your father can touch me.” Chai Zhe Xia saw that she was so angry that she had gone red, and with a bright smile on his face without a hint of sympathy.


The voice was so deep and pleasant… and familiar…


When Cui Miao he eventually came to this realisation, she quickly lowered the hand rubbing at her forehead, and raised her head to glare at the person who had started it all.


“It’s you?”

Never in ten thousand years would she have thought that the hothead who had grabbed her would be the supposedly impressive and stern general.

The General should have unending matters to attend to, and even if the court session had ended, he should be training the army in hopes of winning battles for the current dynasty.

How was there a general as idle as he, to have time to pick people off the road.

“What? Can’t it be me?” Chai Zhe Xia asked, dissatisfied at the surprise on her face.

Was she really that unwilling to see him?

Just then, as he was on the street, returning home, he had seen her full of worries, pacing in front of the General’s Manor. Seeing her go back and forth, he felt dizzy himself.

So it was because of that he had impatiently just carried her inside the manor, wanting to clear up what it was that she was worried about.

“Of course not!” She just didn’t think that it’d be in a situation where she had no mental preparation at all, and had gotten quite a fright.

After seeing this girl approach and retreat, Chai Zhe Xia faintly guessed that there was a worry in her heart, but was just hesitant about whether or not she should go to him for help.

In order to prevent her from being indecisive again, he decided that he might as well get straight to the point, and asked, “What do you want to say to me?”

“I actually… actually…” Cui Miao He’s lips trembled; even though she was face to face with him now, she still could not come to a decision.

She looked blankly at him, staring at his ragged and heroic face. If the impatience on his face ebbed a little, although he could not be said to be the reincarnation of Pan An, he was still handsome and dashing.

“Did you come specially to look at my face?” Chai Zhe Xia pressed, seeing that she did not speak, and only looked blankly at him.

He was already being unprecedentedly patient with her. If it had been anyone else, he would have long kicked them out in case they displeased him.

“I’m not gazing at you… I’m just…” At being described as if she was a girl with a starry-eyed infatuation, Cui Miao He was puffing with anger.

“Seeing as you didn’t come here to gaze at me, then tell me what you’re thinking. You don’t seem like someone who hesitates before speaking.”

“I came in hopes of using the power of your Ying Liu Pavilion to look into something!” In the end, she still spoke up.

Having reached this stage, she finally realised how lonely she was. When something happened, she didn’t even have anyone to discuss it with. The only person she could think of was a general that she had met a few times.

“What do you want to look into?” At her request, Chai Zhe Xia made no comment, but continued asking.

“I want to find out why my stepmother is so insistent on kicking me out of the house.” She was still puzzling over it, and thought that understanding that enemy was the first step to fighting back, so she had no choice but to ask him.

“Oh.” After hearing her request, he just nodded his head and didn’t say anything after.

“Hey. Can you help or not?” Cui Miao He asked hurriedly, becoming frantic when he did not reply after a long while.

She had thought that as long as she had asked, he would agree to help. After all… after all… he had said that he would marry her.

“Do you have 200 gold?” Chai Zhe Xia suddenly spoke up.

“Huh?!” She was shocked into a daze, and could only stare at him with her mouth wide open for a long moment, unable to understand why he had suddenly asked that.

“You and I are neither friends nor family, so if you want to use Ying Liu Pavilion to find out information, then I should be rewarded monetarily, so I’m asking you if you have money to buy the information.”

He hadn’t thought that he’d be the sort of to benefit from the misfortunes of others, and she was lost for words for a long while.

“You don’t have money, but you want to use Ying Liu Pavilion to find out information for you, your wishful thinking is too wishful.”

Although Chai Zhe Xia spoke cooly, but a smile flashed through the depths of his eyes, so quick that Cui Miao He was unable to catch it.

“I… I… don’t want to rip you off.” Because of his teasing, Cui Miao He blushed, and thought that she really was too naive.

Right, how could have she so boldly have come to ask for help. In all seriousness, the two of them had only met a few times by chance, and he had no reason to help her.

When she thought of that, her face became even redder.

How was Cui Miao He, who felt only embarrassment at that time, able to look up at Chai Zhe Xia’s smiling face right now, with her head lowered, she backed away step by step.

“I was too bold. I’ll be going now.”

Seeing as this path was closed, she would have to find another. She couldn’t force someone who was unwilling.

With her head lowered and her pace fast, she was too nervous and flustered to get the height of the threshold right, and didn’t raise her feet high enough, and stumbled.

She was about to fall flat on her face when a strong hand came up and held her steady.

“Little girl, can’t I say a few words?” Seeing her so down, Chai Zhe Xia, with one hand around her waist, couldn’t help but say something.

“Thank you for the help, I’ll be going now.”

Not wanting to stay for a moment longer, after hurriedly thanking him, Cui Miao He was still determined on leaving, but Chai Zhe Xia wouldn’t let her, and with his arm looped around her waist, wouldn’t let the extremely embarrassed Cui Miao He leave.

“I’m teasing you, why are you taking it seriously.” He finally spit out his those abominable thoughts. The image of her pacing at the door just then was entrenched in his heart, and her hesitation made him want to retaliate, which was why he had acted so coldly.

What Cui Miao He had asked would take him very little effort, and seeing as they had shared difficulties together, it was nothing for him to help her.

“You mean…” His softening tone made Cui Miao He stop struggling, and she looked at his smiling face, hope in her tone.

“I mean that I will help you.”

If she was willing to come find him, then he would definitely help her.

This girl had caught his eye, her genuine personality was better than those real rich young ladies by so much, at least she was straightforward in her intentions.

“Thank you!” After hearing his agreement, Cui Miao He could barely stop herself from jumping with joy, and took his hand, shaking it up and down.

But she wasn’t able to stay excited for long. When she thought of Stepmother’s watchful eyes, and how she didn’t have long, her bright smile was replaced by anxiety.

She asked very cautiously, “If I wanted to carefully investigate my stepmother, how long would it take?”

“Ten days!”

That should be fine. Finally, Cui Miao He was able to calm down.

Seeing the relief on her face, and not knowing why, his displeasure at being repeatedly rejected by her disappeared. Sometimes he wondered what the devil was going on, that he wasn’t caring about military matters, but only wanted to interfere with this girl’s matters.

“Then I’ll come find you in ten days.”

After they agreed on meeting in ten days, Chai Zhe Xia couldn’t help with become curious as to what troubles that girl was facing, for her to come ask him for help regardless.

The moment Cui Miao He returned to her manor, Liang Yu Xia had someone restrain her.

She also sent two brawny men to keep guard, and kept such tight watch that even the maids who came to deliver food and water would be interrogated multiple times.

Stepmother also fearlessly let Cui Miao He know that things were looking extremely unfavourable for her. For her to dare keep the young mistress of the Cui Family under house arrest meant that she had convinced the elders that her actions had gone against the morals of the clan, and that they wanted her to be married off soon.

It was because she had people backing her that she didn’t care what other people said.

She didn’t think that Stepmother would move so fast, not giving her a moment to take make plans.

Cui Miao he was left isolated and without help, her heart tired and confused, at the end of her wits.

At this time, the sound of the door being unlocked rang out. She raised her head towards Huan Huan who had entered. The master and servant’s eyes met, and there was not a speck of warmth in their gaze.

Although she was long aware of Huan Huan’s betrayal, she didn’t know that her betrayal went so deep.

Her lips curving up, a cold smile appeared on Cui Miao He’s lips.

“Miss, eat something!” Huan Huan was calm like nothing had happened before, and quickly took out all the dishes, one bye one.

“You think that I’ll dare to eat anything to you bring now?” Looking at all the delicious looking dishes on the table, Cui Miao He had no appetite at all, but just looked at Huan Huan coldly.

The two of them could be said to be sisters, in the Cui Manor, the person that she trusted the most was her, and the person who sold her out was also her.

Regarding this point, she couldn’t dispel it from her mind.

“What did she offer you?”

“I don’t want to be a servant my entire life. Madam promised me that if I helped her, she would marry me into an important and rich family as a second wife or a concubine.”

If there was a chance, then who wanted to be a servant for the rest of their life. Before, she had been resigned to be a servant, and hadn’t had her eyes open, but now that a chance had arisen, she would take hold of it.

“You fool!”

Looking at the face with no regret on it, Cui Miao He couldn’t help but shake her head. Towards this maid who was like a sister, how could she have had no plans?

She had already thought it out. When the time arrived, she would find a good family for her, to be the rightful first wife, but now…

“I’m not foolish, you are,” Huan Huan replied at her mistress’ blame.

Even though she had helped Madam plot against her mistress, it was still because the General was involved. Her mistress would marry there, and become the wife of the general. What wasn’t good about that?

It it wasn’t for her mistress being so picky, then she would have married into a good family, and she would have been able to leave behind the life of a servant. What wasn’t good about that?

If it weren’t for her mistress not going along with it, then she wouldn’t be locked up here, waiting to become someone’s concubine.

Seeing the stubborn and unsympathetic expression on Huan Huan’s face, Cui Miao He knew that whatever she said wouldn’t make a difference, so she decided not to waste her energy and stayed silent. 

“Mistress, please eat!” Huan Huan pressed, handing her ivory chopsticks. 

Looking at those ivory chopsticks, Cui Miao He did not take them. She didn’t want to be carried away while muddle headed again.

She knew that she didn’t have much time, and she didn’t dare to eat the food they sent, so she would only have to push through a few days. She had to think of a way to escape.

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