Chapter 6 (Part 2)

This quick? Did they not say that there were still a few more days? Hearing what was said, Cui Miao He was a little fearful, her eyes suddenly flashed through a trace of frightened.

She thought that there would be several more days that could let her think of a way to run away, but she did not expect that her stepmother unexpectedly wanted her to be married off at an earlier date.

“Madam has said that the long night have many dreams, it will be better if the rice is cooked earlier in this matter.” Since everything was concealed from the Master, they would naturally arrange everything hurriedly before Master came back.

This way, even if Master came back, everything was already settled completely, so there was no more variables.

Hearing what was said, she should be flustered, but when Chai Zhe Xia’s firm eyes appeared before her, her heart that was originally not peaceful, was unexpectedly calm and settled.

Raising her eyes, she still looked at everything that was inside the room, she liked the landscape painting. Looking at the half pattern of the embroidery clothing, a typhoon embroidery. Then she was looking at the dresser that her father gave her, her heart inevitably flashed through a trace of melancholy.

Inside of this room was filled with everything that her father doted on her, maybe exactly because of this, it would make her stepmother see her as a thorn in her side. A thorn in her own flesh, right!

She understood, but she could not accept it.

Her line of sight suddenly arrived at Huan Huan’s expressionless face, Cui Miao He reached out her hand to take off the jade ring that she had always been wearing, then she passed it on to her.

“You can keep it for you, ok.”

Staring at that jade ring, Huan Huan did not reach out her hand to accept it, she only wrinkled her eyebrows to see Cui Miao He, and appeared to think unclearly on what kind of scheme that she was planning.

“You have served me for many years, after today, I will not be living at the manor anymore. Just consider this as your reward, if there is a day that he is in any difficulty, you will have money on you.”

Although they were master and servant, and their mutual affections could not end virtuously, but they were interdependent for so many years after all. Cui Miao He had not criticized her excessively from the beginning to the end.

“But…..” She knew that Miss treated her good in the past, but she could not believe that someone would actually have a good heart like this. She was fully aware that she was betrayed, but she (CMH) returned her (HH) betrayal with a reward, should there be some hidden plans?

Knowing exactly what Huan Huan was thinking, Cui Miao He faintly raised a laugh, then she just simply stuffed the jade ring inside her hand and held it completely into a fist.

“Just take it as a commemoration fate between us, master and servant, alright!”

“Miss…..” Looking at Miss’ face that had a light smile just like in the past, Huan Huan’s thought suddenly flashed through a trace of hesitation, especially when she heard this ‘master and servant’s fates, these four words, her thought that was originally firm, it unexpectedly was wavering slightly.

“In the future, do not call call me Miss anymore, once I leave the Cui’s manor, besides my own father, everything does not have any relations to me anymore.”

“But…..” Looking at Miss’ face that was determined to sever all of the relationships, Huan Huan was anxious unknowingly, when she wanted to say more words, but Cui Miao He already got up, and walked to sit in front of the copper mirror on her own.

Upon seeing this, Huan Huan silently stepped forward to serve her.

Cui Miao He quietly drew up long indigo eyebrows, then she put on face powder lightly on her face, she was slowly touching up and carefully drawing. In a split second, the sound of firecrackers started, and Huan Huan was holding her dazzling red wedding dress.

Looking at her magnificent self from the copper mirror, Cui Miao He quietly put her own hands inside her wide sleeves.

He would come, right!

Even though she was hoping from the bottom of her heart, but if he did not come, she would also try to find a good way on her own. Once she entered the Wu family’s door (married off), that was also the end of her life today.

She knew exactly what her own heart wanted so it was impossible to marry Wu’s landlord, she had already understood clearly what was in Chai Zhe Xia’s heart now, that even if she had to die, she would never married the other person even more.

Everyone was pointing out at the two crimson marriage sedans that were on the street, both seemed to stop together in front of the Cui family’s front door, there were still two bright and shiny fine horses that were following from behind.

One person who was wearing an official red groom gown was sitting on each of the horses, the two people turned over to dismount the horses at the same time. That one young person naturally looked handsome and bright, with those elegant and sharp movements. He immediately provoked a burst of crying out in surprise from the spectators and common people.

While the other official groom looked somewhat fat, even if the people helped him to dismount from the horse smoothly, when he just reached the ground, he seemed to be somewhat gasping for breath.

Hey, two official grooms!

Obviously, everybody heard that the eldest Cui family’s daughter wanted to get married today, she was going to marry the famous pervert, Wu’s landlord from the West city. They did not expect that there would be two official grooms, everyone made big comments one after another.

“Who are you?” Seeing a clear bright young man’s face in front of him, Wu’s landlord knotted his eyebrows, he was quite displeased that someone was actually snatched his own elegant manner.

He actually did not need to personally come and escort this small concubine, it would remain valid as long as the marriage sedan was raised and entered into the manor. But the Cui’s family was an official, the family could be regarded as a flourishing and luxurious one in the city, Wu’s landlord naturally did not dare to neglect it, in order to give a marriage courtesy.

“Chai Zhe Xia.” Pursing up his lips, Chai Zhe Xia’s sharp eyes looked up and down at the person who was in front of him. Looking at his conspicuous and old appearances, a trace of cold ray momentarily appeared in his dark eyes.

Chai Zhe Xia remembered him, and also determined the future of the Wu family’s fortune.

“Are you General Chai?” Chai Zhe Xia’s military glory was famous a long time ago, Wu’s landlord naturally had heard about it. Once he knew his identify, Wu’s landlord immediately became somewhat respectful.

But his heart was still bewildered inevitably, why would the General wear a red gown, ride a fine horse and also come here?

“Yes!” Chai Zhe Xia was very satisfied towards Wu landlord’s respectful attitude, so he slightly nodded his forehead.

“What made the General come also?”

Although he clearly understood the identity of the person who came, but he was still unclear with the purpose of him coming. He had not heard that the Cui’s family would marry off both daughters at the same time. But if he could have in laws’ relationship with Chai Zhe Xia, that would also be a beautiful thing ah!

Wu’s landlord became lecherous, his heart was actually turning very quickly, and believing that his own infallible was complete, so he promptly put a full smile on his face.

Who did not know that the General’s manor had a military glory that scattered all over and was an ancient clan, its powers were deeply rooted and intertwined, it also had its own trading company and numerous homes.

One who usually wanted to climb, but could not climb to get this type of rich and noble household, if he could actually become his relative, he would not be able to contain his own joy.

Immediately, he extended his fat palm, and wanted to take the opportunity to hold Chai Zhe Xia’s hand, with a face that contained a magnificent smile, it was so glorious that it really made people unable to open their eyes.

“Chai xiong (another way to say elder brother), so it turns out both of the Cui family’s daughters are getting married today, then it is really two joyful occasions ah.”

Wu’s landlord really believed on his own infallible to call themselves elder and younger brothers (people who call each other xiong-elder bro or di-younger bro are usually close friends), but Chai Zhe Xia’s expression changed even chillier.

Two joyful occasions? Chai Zhe Xia narrowed his eyes, coldly pursed his lips, he even showed more hatred towards this Wu’s landlord who did not know that his death was very near.

Dashing against his wishful thinking, he turned around to think an absolute and possible method to make him die.

Was it the mind of a vile character? For Cui Miao He, what was the harm to answer this vile character.

“The person whom I am going to marry as a wife is Cui Miao He.” Chai Zhe Xia looked like he was spitting out an ice pearl, and telling the name of the bride whom he wanted to marry to Wu’s landlord who was still happy and did not know anything.

Wu’s landlord naturally did not react for a period of time, he only mumbled out Cui Miao He’s name several times. Just now, his complexion changed when he discovered that the Cui’s family would not marry their two daughters at the same time, it was rather someone who was trying to snatch his bride openly and without fear.

“You, do not talk nonsense, I have paid a big amount of betrothal money to ask Miss Miao He to be my small concubine, I have a matchmaker and betrothal gift.” Thinking about a fat meet that was already near his mouth, but it flew out again, Wu landlord’s face immediately turned red (he was angry), and was ready to threaten and reprimand the other person.

“So what if you have a matchmaker and betrothal gift? I have a jade pendant that is used as a betrothal that is personally handed over by Cui Daren. You tell me if this Cui’s family will listen to Madam Cui, or listen to Cui Daren?” Chai Zhe Xia coldly asked a rhetorical question, he did not pay any attention to everyone who was standing, watching and discussing this spiritedly. If he cared about it, he would not come over with a crimson marriage sedan to carry her away.

“You…..” Having heard what was said, Wu’s landlord could not help to feel somewhat foolish, and he could not say anything for a good while.

“I come today to take the eldest Cui’s family and escort her back to be my (the General’s) wife.”

Even though he was able to dash into the Cui family’s house at night and rescue Cui Miao He who was still arrested inside the house, but he did not want to spoil her reputation sneakily like this. So he insisted on taking the person away in this earth-shattering way like this.

“You….. you….. you…..”

Facing this situation that had arisen abruptly, Wu’s landlord who was originally complacent, looked really foolish now. But when the sound of voices from the common people became louder and louder, his self-respect also recovered continuously, his face still looked really red, but he practically could not breathe one breath.

“You….. come here to kidnap the bride?” Wu’s landlord did not actually dare to believe that this absurd thing had happened, so his voice sounded trembling when he asked the question.

“I have the jade pendant for the betrothal that has been handed over personally by Cui Daren, what are you saying that I want to kidnap the bride?” But this jade pendant was actually delivered urgently into his hand early morning, it was just in time to block up Wu landlord’s mouth now.

“Who has promised that you can marry Cui Miao He, you go and find that person, the Cui family’s eldest daughter is my wife.”

“You….. you….. even though you are a General, but there are still laws in the ways of the world.”

“There are definitely laws in the ways of the world, but according to the agreement, I come to take her as my wife, there is nothing inappropriate at all.”

Hearing Chai Zhe Xia’s righteousness and self-confident words, Wu’s landlord felt even more pitiful. Liang Yu Xia’s greedy expressions suddenly appeared in his brain, he wrinkled his brows and asked. “What your meaning is that the Cui family’s first daughter is being married off to two families?”

Chai Zhe Xia did not reply, but he simply took out a block of dark green fine jade from inside his sleeve, there was one word ‘He’ that was engraved on it, the thing that was taken out belonged to Cui Miao He.

Chai Zhe Xia was staring at Wu’s landlord, and did not speak anything, it seemed that this block of jade pendant could explain everything.

“Is it possible that the first daughter of the Cui’s family is being married off to two families?” Staring at that block of green and right jade pendant, Wu’s landlord immediately got angry.

“Who the Cui family’s elder daughter wants to marry, Cui Daren should be the one who has the final say, right?” Chai Zhe Xia’s expressionless face looked towards Wu’s landlord when he said this, although his tone was soft, but there was an angry power within it.


If the person who confronted him today was an insignificant soldier, perhaps, he could still use his identity as a weapon and insisted on taking the bride. But the person who confronted him now was the famous, brilliant General. Since the ancient times, the citizen would not fight with the official, even if he relied on his power, he did not have a big power like this General ah!

“So General is determined to marry her?” Even thought Wu’s landlord knew in his heart that he would not win, but his heart was still unwilling, so he could not help to say it. “The reputation of the Cui family’s eldest daughter had already been ruined a long time ago. If you marry her as a wife, in that case, can it be that the General’s prestige will be damaged?”

Once these words came out, all of the ordinary people who were standing and watching, were also agreeing for a short period of time.

“I believe that Cui Miao He is as clear as ice and clean as jade. It was nothing more than a set up from the other people who made her to lose her reputation entirely. I (the General) am known to carry out heavy duty works, how can I care about this minor matter. Miss Cui is definitely worthy of getting a better treatment, and is definitely matched up well with the General. Only according to a heart of a vile person who thinks that Miss Cui’s reputation and integrity are ruined.”

“You…..” The praising words about Cui miao He were so high, and they made Wu landlord’s contempt words that were just said now, looked so ridiculous.

Hateful! He did not expect that he was deliberately provoked on his own words, and then he become a vile character completely.

Wu landlord was very furious, after staring at everyone in anger, he knew that he did not have any ability to face and match the General as his enemy, and could only make Wu family’s marriage sedan to turn around to leave resentfully.

Looking at the angry figure who was leaving, Chai Zhe Xia was extremely glad that he came here today. If he ignored it and let Cui Miao He to get married with this fat man, how could she have any future?

Coldly stroking his lips, Chai Zhe Xia swept off the dust of his red gown, and got ready to marry his bride.

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