In the early winter, the wind on the border has brought a very deep chill, and there is light snow in the sky. blue sky.

They hold bloodthirsty swords and spears, hold up the backbone of the nation, guard the land under their feet and the countless people in Beichen behind them.

Compared with the solemnity and silence on the city tower, the huge school field under the city wall was screaming and killing at this time.

The new soldiers in the battalion are sparring with each other. Those with high martial arts have the opportunity to be promoted directly to the corps commander. Therefore, the atmosphere on the school field is warm.

The northern border has just experienced a battle of autumn harvest, resisting the intrusion of barbarians outside the pass, the soldiers in the camp were severely damaged, seeing that the first snow had fallen, and the pass was about to be closed, the soldiers finally breathed a sigh of relief.

General Bei Chenlong wanted to take advantage of this cold winter to let the barracks recuperate, so he ordered the recruitment of new soldiers. With an order, in just ten days, tens of thousands of strong men came hurriedly from the nearby city, wanting to defect to the military camp.

As long as they enter the northern army camp, even if they are only the lowest soldiers, their monthly salary is enough to support their families. If they die in battle, General Bei Chenlong will also take care of their families.

If you have a big life, you can accumulate some military merits in a few years, and you may become a not-so-small official, benefiting the descendants of future generations.

Everyone in Beichen Kingdom knows that although the conditions of the northern border military camp are difficult, it is an excellent place for those who are ambitious, interested in military achievements, or have some strength but have nothing to do.

Therefore, every time the northern military camp recruits troops, there are always many men who come to defect. In order to prevent the barbarian spies from mixing in the army, the military camp must set up layers of checkpoints to screen these people.

Those who came to defect to the North Border Barracks first went to the Overseer to register their names, and only after the Overseer checked their net worth could they go to the school grounds.

The school field was full of people, and another recruit who stepped forward to challenge was kicked off the ring. A burly man on the stage was wearing only a short shirt in winter, and his smile was wanton and publicity. He has been on this stage continuously. defeated nine people.

"Who else is coming!"

He wiped the sweat from his face, and his eyes were bright.

If no one came to challenge him before sunset today, then he would be the corporal leader.

The recruits under the stage looked at each other in dismay, and no one dared to take the stage to challenge.

But at this moment, a low voice burst out from the noisy crowd:

"I come!"

Its clear voice attracted the attention of many recruits.

A slender figure in a short tunic jumped onto the ring. Compared to Shangwu's tall stature, this person could be described as small and thin. Even if he straightened his back, his height was barely higher than Shangwu's shoulders.

What caught the eye was not only the seemingly flimsy figure of the person who came, but also the mysterious aura on this person's face, the rough mask that covered half of the face on the right side.

The challenged person did not underestimate the enemy, he laughed, clasped his fists with both hands, and walked forward with a Jianghu salute:

"Under Shangwu, Your Excellency, please!"

There seemed to be a light smile on the half of the face of the person who came out of the mask, and he also returned to Shang Wu with a clasped fist:

"Lin Aoxue, please!"

The words fell, and a light flashed in Shang Wu's eyes. He quickly stepped forward, took the initiative to make a move, and punched Lin Aoxue in the face.

When Shang Wu moved, Lin Aoxue followed. She slipped on her feet, and her figure fluttered back. Shang Wu's fist only swept across Lin Aoxue's front.

The first move failed, Shang Wu was not discouraged, and took the second move. Lin Aoxue took advantage of the light power to repeatedly dodge Shang Wu's vigorous attacks, and counterattacked a few times from time to time. Between you and me, the two have fought for hundreds of rounds.

Shang Wu grabbed Lin Aoxue's arm with his left hand, and Lin Aoxue took another step back, seeing that he was at the edge of the ring.

Shang Wu saw the opportunity, changed from grasping to pushing, and hit Lin Aoxue's shoulder with the palm of his hand.

Lin Aoxue's face was solemn, her body was short, she avoided Shangwu's slap, and at the same time stretched out her arms and grabbed Shangwu's arm. Everyone in the audience couldn't see Lin Aoxue's movements, so she and Shangwu's positions were switched.

Shang Wu glared abruptly, the person in front of him suddenly burst out with amazing strength, Lin Aoxue punched Shang Wu's chest with his fists, only to hear a muffled bang, Shang Wu's tall figure had risen in the air, flying upside down and falling. Get off the ring.

Everyone in the audience was shocked. Some people took two steps forward and caught Shang Wu, but under the thrust of the stamina, they retreated several steps in succession.

Lin Aoxue clenched her fists again, her expression cold and solemn:


Shang Wu was knocked off the ring, and the whole person was in shock and couldn't recover. He thought that with his own strength, he was enough to resist Lin Aoxue's move without defeat, but unexpectedly, the power of the two punches exceeded his imagination. In an instant, his defense was defeated, and he was thrown out.

However, Lin Aoxue's strength was just right. Although it looked mighty, it didn't hurt him. It seemed that Lin Aoxue fought against him just now, but he didn't use all his strength at all.

This could not help but make Shang Wu admire Lin Aoxue two points. He shook off the support of the person behind him, stood up, returned a salute to Lin Aoxue, and said with a smile:

"Your Excellency is highly skilled in martial arts, please take it with your heart!"

There was an uproar among the new recruits watching the battle. Lin Aoxue roamed the arena by taking advantage of her merits throughout the whole process. She fought against Shangwu mostly on the defensive. Although she had survived more than a hundred moves, in the eyes of everyone in the audience, it was not easy for her to win.

Many people thought that Shang Wu would be angry and angry, but they didn't expect him to accept the fact of defeat so calmly. Lin Aoxue also squinted, and a smile appeared on the cold half of his face:

"It's a coincidence."

After Shang Wu left, new recruits began to challenge Lin Aoxue.

When Shang Wu was on stage just now, he looked like a powerful character, and they didn't have the confidence to provoke him, but Lin Aoxue was different. This recruit with half a mask looked like he had no strength.

And as Lin Aoxue himself said, many people thought that Lin Aoxue was suspected of cheating in the battle with Shangwu just now, and some people who were lucky enough to take the stage eagerly wanted to test the depth of Lin Aoxue.

Lin Aoxue did not refuse anyone who came, and she played just right in every match. It seemed that she had no spare power, but no one had ever driven her out of the ring.

It was two hours after sunset on the west mountain.

All the recruits under the stage finally understood that this Lin Aoxue was really a more powerful character than Shangwu. From when she took the stage to challenge Shangwu until now, more than 20 recruits have gone up to challenge, but few of them can really meet the corners of her clothes.

From the time Lin Aoxue defeated Shang Wu, for two full hours, Overseer Yang Jin, who was standing in the distance to observe the training of the recruits in the arena, has been paying attention to the movements on the stage. Every match made his smile deeper.

"Come here, give me this roster of Lin Aoxue."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone immediately handed over the prepared roster with both hands. Yang Jin took it and opened it to see:

"Well... Lin Aoxue, who lives in Queyang, is the son of a farmer in Linping Village, Queyang. Many years ago, barbarians sacked the border, causing both his parents to die. His right cheek was disfigured by the fire. When I came across Master Hongming's teachings in Beijing, the Master said that he had a fate, so he took him to the famous temple of Yuan and led him to practice..."

"Because of the unresolved grievances between the family and the clan, and the resentment in his heart is unresolved, he left the temple and went down the mountain to go to the military camp in the north. He wanted to kill the enemy Fengbian, but he had a long-cherished wish."

The contents of this book are all recorded after verification and verification. Yang Jin flipped through the book and read Lin Aoxue's life several times, then nodded with satisfaction and handed the book back to the civil servant behind him:

"This Lin Aoxue is not bad, and the martial artist just now, let's mention both of them as corps commanders and go to the infantry battalion first."

The order was quickly conveyed. Lin Aoxue became the leader of the arena, and being promoted to the corps leader was something that everyone expected, and Shang Wu also got the same benefits, which was surprising.

However, Shang Wu lost nine people in a row, and he was only under Lin Aoxue, which seemed to be reasonable.

Lin Aoxue and Shang Wu didn't know each other, and because they were assigned to the same barracks, after the contest for the election, Shang Wu took the initiative to look for them. The arm that was about to rest on her shoulders dropped.

Shang Wu was a little stunned by Lin Aoxue's slap. He was stunned for a moment before he realized it, but he didn't take it seriously, but laughed at Lin Aoxue, who was a big gentleman and a poor man.

Lin Aoxue's face was cold, and because half of the mask was covering her face, her face looked very bad. Shang Wu scratched his forehead awkwardly, and wanted to say more, but Lin Aoxue turned around and took a step ahead, and said:

"Before I came here, I was meditating in a temple, and I came and went with pilgrims, so I was not used to being in contact with people."

Shang Wu was stunned, and quickly followed, but did not touch Lin Aoxue's shoulder.

At the meeting the next day, more than 5,000 recruits were recruited, all gathered on the school grounds. Lin Aoxue and Shang Wu were the corps commanders, and each had five subordinates.

During the practice interval, Lin Aoxue was regulating the movements of his recruits when suddenly a loud noise came from behind. Lin Aoxue ignored it and did not look back.

The noise got closer and closer, and finally stopped behind Lin Aoxue, a vulgar and hoarse voice dragged a long tone, and said very deliberately:

"Who are you Lin Aoxue?!"

Lin Aoxue had no choice but to turn around and look at the man, but saw that everyone was tall and tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and there was a long scar under the corner of the eye. He also followed a few recruits behind him, each with a deer head and a mouse eye, and at a glance, he knew whether he had good intentions.

"I am."

Lin Aoxue frowned, her face as cold as ever.

The visitor looked at Lin Aoxue up and down for a long time, and suddenly laughed out loud, folded his arms around his chest, looked at her condescendingly, and said provocatively:

"You are Lin Aoxue? Can you be the leader of a new recruit even if you are so weak?"

The author has something to say: the new book is open! applaud!

This book is about a general who disguised himself as a man and a brothel singer. Little abuse is good, but there is basically no big abuse~ In short, there won't be as many twists and turns as the way of heaven!

In addition, our little Aoxue is not a rough man _(:з"∠)_ I will not write her as a man, please rest assured!

The million-word long story is guaranteed, and the little cuties can enter the pit with confidence!

In a certain year, the writing was immature, and I would like to ask everyone Haihan. In the future, I will also need more attention from the little angels!

Roll around like a spoiled child and ask for a wave of collections!

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