The people outside the city lord's mansion knelt down on the ground, everyone shouted long live, but Lin Aoxue just waved his hand, pushed Yunyan out of the way, and said with a smile:

"You don't have to thank me, the insect plague was eliminated by Dr. Yun, and the plague was also cured by Dr. Yun. If you want to thank me, thank Dr. Yun!"

Lin Aoxue had a calm demeanor, and Yun Yan was both talented and handsome. The two of them stood together, making people feel that they were a perfect match.

The people of Biannan City bowed their heads and shouted in unison:

"Thank you, Your Majesty, and thank you Doctor Yun!"

Lin Aoxue led Yunyan to stay in Biannan City for two more days to observe the situation in the city.

The Empress went on a patrol in small clothes, visited Biannan City in person, and joined hands with Doctor Yun to rejuvenate the spring, eliminate insect pests, suppress plague, and rescue the people of Biannan City from water and fire. Under Lin Aoxue's instruction, she ran all over the Ningguo River, north and south, naturally including the capital.

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty were dumbfounded. They heard that the Empress had been unable to go to court because of her illness. They were still thinking about how few conscientious empresses would delay government affairs because of their own reasons. Nan, quietly solved the plague of insects and plagues.

Yang Yu received the news when it was still dark in the morning, and suddenly a jingling turned over from the bed and shouted in shock to the person who came to pass the news:

"What did you say? Is this true?!"

The little servant who brought the news up respectfully bowed and said:

"Yes, my lord, it is absolutely true. In addition, there is another matter, Zhou Furen's house was raided by His Majesty."


Yang Yu was even more panicked.

It was a bolt from the blue.

The insect disaster in Biannan City was a matter of his jurisdiction. Zhou Furen had a very good personal relationship with him. Whenever there was a famine, he could make a fortune by relying on the rice grains provided by the imperial court for disaster relief. Zhou Furen and the city owner would split half of it after corruption. Turn it over to Yang Yu.

This time, of course, he did the same thing, but because Wang Desheng learned the news from him out of nowhere, he secretly pulled him to plan together. He also agreed that the empress should have a husband instead of marrying an empress. The two hit it off. Just thought of this.

Originally it was a brilliant idea, and it would give the Empress a headache for a long time. Who would have known that the Empress would be so daring to go to Bian Nan, where the plague broke out, and Yang Yu was caught off guard.

He hurriedly put on his clothes and prepared to go out to do some checking. No one could find out the relationship between Zhou Furen and him.

Unexpectedly, just as he walked out of the house, a family member rushed over and shouted loudly:

"Master Yang! It's not good! There are a lot of officers and soldiers outside!"

All is well!

On the day that the news of Lin Aoxue's personal visit to Bian Nan was released, he received the result of Zhou Furen's trial. Looking at the word Yang Yu written in black and white on the confession, Lin Aoxue's lips twitched, showing a look of ridicule.

Yang Yu must not have thought that Lin Aoxue and Yunyan would sneak to Bian Nan together. With his energy in the court, no matter which minister Lin Aoxue counted and brought the imperial doctor, he could do it secretly, and he would definitely not expose his secret actions. dirty things.

If he were luckier, Lin Aoxue would directly hand over the disaster relief to Yang Yu, then he would be even more arrogant and arrogant.

However, Lin Aoxue played cards so unreasonably.

When Lin Aoxue showed the confession in his hand to Yunyan, he felt quite happy. Relying on this confession could not only get rid of a corrupt official, but also kill chickens in the courtroom and let those old people know how powerful it is.

Two birds with one stone, wouldn't it be fun?

She immediately sent an order back to Beijing, and asked them to raid Yang Yu's house without stopping. She didn't give any notice at all, and she didn't plan to give Yang Yu a chance to prepare. People could wait for her to go back and try again, but he must be arrested immediately.

She had this confession in her hand, and she was right no matter what she did.

When Lin Aoxue announced his return trip, the people of Biannan City lined the streets to say goodbye, and the scene was very lively.

The insect plague was resolved, and Yunyan's reputation was restored. It was equivalent to taking a cruise away from Beijing with Yunyan. Lin Aoxue was very happy. She kept humming a little song on the way back. She was looking forward to what would happen to the courtiers after returning home. complexion.

The carriage staggered along the official road. Lin Aoxue was lying in Yunyan's arms, without a mask on his face. Yunyan held a small bottle of ointment in his hand and carefully smeared it on Lin Aoxue's right cheek.

This ointment was specially made by Yunyan for Lin Aoxue, and it was also one of her goals when she went back to the southern border.

Although Lin Aoxue didn't care so much about the scar on her face, Yun Yan knew that she didn't care, she just didn't want to show her concern.

Every time the palace servants dressed Lin Aoxue, when Lin Aoxue looked at herself wearing a mask in the bronze mirror, there was always a dull pain in her eyes.

Back then, she had asked Lin Aoxue to get rid of the scar on her face for her. Now that her family is stable and there are few times when Lin Aoxue needs to go out in person, there is less chance of getting hurt. It is time to put the plan to remove the scar on the agenda. .

Yun Yan's fingertips were warm and soft, and it was very comfortable to touch her face. Lin Aoxue squinted her eyes and was about to fall asleep with a shake.

She tilted her head slightly, her expression dazed and hazy and naive.

Yunyan stopped the movement in her hand, leaned over and stared at Lin Aoxue's cheek, her beautiful long hair fell down, stroked Lin Aoxue's cheek, Lin Aoxue pouted.

Yunyan laughed when she saw this, and couldn't help but leaned closer to the sleeping man, and kissed the latter's slightly puffed red lips.

Lin Aoxue woke up, but didn't open her eyes. She smelled the familiar and pleasant fragrance of powder on Yunyan's body. She took advantage of the situation to raise her arms around Yunyan's neck, deepening the kiss, from simple touch to deep and lingering exploration. After disturbing the breath of both of them, they relaxed a little.

Yun Yan was lying on Lin Aoxue's body, and the two looked at each other with a thin mist of water and deep tenderness in their eyes.

Lin Aoxue's drowsiness didn't have time to fully wake up, so Yunyan leaned forward and kissed her lips again, kissing her in a trance, she snorted twice, but she heard Yunyan press her lips, and in her ear Side murmured:

"Your Majesty, don't make a sound."

The carriage staggered forward, the wheels babbled, covering up the slight noise in the carriage. The dark guard who drove the car kept his eyes on the smooth road ahead, and from time to time he swung his whip down, the horse neighed, and then again Speed ​​up two steps toward the capital.

In the evening, Lin Aoxue's car returned to the capital, and when he arrived at the palace, he drove all the way in, and the dark guard stopped the carriage and horse when he reached the Yuyan Palace.

Yunyan helped Lin Aoxue to get out of the car, Lin Aoxue was very sleepy, her head was drooping, she obviously wanted to sleep, but she forced her eyes to stare. It was so cute that Yunyan wanted to bully this man again. .

But she didn't put her thoughts into practice, she only instructed the palace servants to prepare dinner and bring them over, and then helped Lin Aoxue into the palace to remove the clothes for her.

Lin Aoxue slept for an hour after she got into the bed, and then regained some energy. She got up in a daze, rubbed her eyes, and looked up to see a familiar figure by the desk not far away.


She murmured and called out, her throat was a little dry, and her voice was softer than usual, as if it was wrapped in a layer of gauze, with two hazy drunkenness.

Yun Yan was looking at the memorials on the table with all his heart, and sorted them for Lin Aoxue, so that they could easily refer to them when Lin Aoxue woke up.

At this moment, hearing Lin Aoxue's soft calling, she turned her head and saw that Lin Aoxue had sat up. She smiled softly, put down the memorial in her hand, and picked up the tea on the table, got up and walked towards Lin Aoxue:

"Your Majesty, are you awake?"

Lin Aoxue gave a soft "um", then rinsed her mouth with the tea Yunyan handed over, and then got out of bed and put on shoes and socks.

Yunyan asked the palace servants to warm up the dinner at the right time. When Lin Aoxue and Yunyan were having dinner together, Xue Guan asked outside the Yuyan Palace, Lin Aoxue allowed him to come in, Xue Guan walked in quickly with his head down, and then With both hands, he handed the confession obtained after the interrogation of Yang Yu to Lin Aoxue.

Lin Aoxue put down her chopsticks, took the confession and glanced at it. Seeing that it was written in detail that Wang Desheng met Yang Yu in private, and discussed how to prevent Lin Aoxue from marrying Yunyan, Lin Aoxue's eyes widened, and she said to Xue Guan with a sneer:

"You send a few people to Wang Desheng's house as guests, remember that you must invite Lord Wang to the court tomorrow, don't tell him to run away."

Xue Guan led the order to retire. Lin Aoxue was in a happy mood. After dinner, she read the memorial for a while, and Yun Yan had already sorted out most of the memorial for her.

Although she had been away from Beijing for a few days, there were not many documents that were really useful. Yunyan helped her share the burden. After a while, Lin Aoxue finished processing the documents.

Yunyan glanced at the moon outside the window, and suddenly became interested, so she found a guqin from the palace, put it on the table and played the soft qin music, Lin Aoxue sat beside Yunyan with a look of enjoyment, and there was a guqin on the ground. The altar plum blossoms are brewed, and the wine fragrance is refreshing.

The melodious sound of the qin spread in the palace, and the palace people have not heard such a gentle qin sound for a long time.

After finishing the song, Lin Aoxue leaned over to wrap her waist from behind Yunyan, put her head on Yunyan's shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Yan'er, it's late at night."

Yun Yan couldn't hear what this person meant, Lin Aoxue was resting now, and wanted to get back what he lost today with profit.

She opened her mouth to hold Yun Yan's warm earlobe, and swept the tip of her tongue, causing Yun Yan's body to fall softly into her arms.

Lin Aoxue was elated. She had learned a lot of skills from Yunyan. The way of learning is endless, and she can always find new pleasures in the secrets of the boudoir.

Yunyan doted on her the most, although Lin Aoxue was a few years older than Yunyan, perhaps because of her temperament, Lin Aoxue always seemed more immature.

Yun Yan tilted her body, and Lin Aoxue picked her up horizontally, walked to the bed in three or two steps, and pushed her over.

The two rolled on the couch twice, Lin Aoxue restlessly put her hand into Yunyan's clothes, but suddenly Yunyan pursed her lips and smiled, and the smile was haunting. To act rashly.

However, Yun Yan's hand had already touched Lin Aoxue's back, and she pressed it on an unknown acupuncture point. Lin Aoxue's body trembled, and her body felt weak as if she had been drained of energy.

In front of Yunyan, her martial arts seemed to be on the shelf. Lin Aoxue panicked and threw herself on Yunyan's chest, unable to get up. Yunyan giggled, while stroking Lin Aoxue's delicate earlobe, she teased:

"Maybe His Majesty still needs to learn medical skills, so that he can beat his concubine steadily every time?"

The author has something to say: Today's second update~ Today is a suppressed Ermao Hey, there will be another chapter later

In addition, I have been writing short stories recently. There are no restrictions on the type. Basically, I write one a week. If you are interested, you can go to my Weibo.

@Young is still doing things

Continue to recommend the new book "Program Yuan Retirement Plan"!

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